
Open Thread for Non-Personal Stuff: Nov 2015 Baby Needs Jelly Edition

Baby needs jelly bad.

An open thread for non-personal stuff. No MRAs, trolls, etc.


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9 years ago

@mildly magnificent
You’re a granny! Congratulations on the beautiful new presence in your life.

9 years ago


. . . genial size and performance . . .

Ha, ha, your Spell Check is happy-go-lucky. More power to it.

You might consider contacting your London therapist and asking for a referral to someone in your new town.

I’m so glad that things are looking up for you. We’re all rooting for you, your wife, and your kids.

9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention

Gamerbois everywhere are shitting their pants because they can’t handle the fact that FemShep is the “canon” Sheppard by Word of God (Game Devs), and are demanding that a male version be released, or else, it’s a “slap in the face” of everyone who played MaleShep, and attribute this to “hatred of men” and “feminazis”, and doing their usual thing of blowing everything the fuck out of proportion because their poor widdle ears can’t handle a FemShep trailer.

The trailer is really exciting!

I’m baffled by the gamers and MRAs who demand control over games and movies and any critique of these games or movies.

Games and movies are both art and commerce. They are not a public transit system or a hospital, which hold public hearings on their plans. Or a school board or a city council, where issues are voted on. I don’t have the right to a favorable review of the games or films I love, or an unfavorable review of those I loathe. Similarly, I don’t have a right to a happy ending or a female lead character. (Of course, I do have the right to safety. The game can’t destroy my computer. The movie theater needs to have a fire exit.) I can criticize or praise games or movies, but the game developers and film makers are not there to accede to my demands. I hope that they’d listen to my comments and take them to heart. But demanding a certain plot or characters is out of line. And sending threatening emails to a game critic is waaay out of line, not to mention illegal.

Will fashion designers capitulate to my demand to feature hot pink in their Spring 2016 shows?

Will HBO develop a soap opera based on my fascinating life and the lives of those in my orbit?

What about Paul McCartney: When, oh when, will he write a love song addressed to me?

These gamers and MRAs seem like little kids who are enraged that their mom bought the wrong kind of cookies.

Apparently, they don’t understand The World and How It Works for Grownups.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Speaking of gamerboys and shat pants, today’s Google doodle thing is Hedy Lamarr. I can taste the tears of rage already.

9 years ago

Looks like the War on Christmas is starting early this year!

Enemy #1: Starbucks!

Not kidding. People are angry that the holiday cups at Starbucks are just red. Apparently, red cups without snowflakes, reindeer, or pine trees makes Starbucks anti-Christian (even though none of the images ever used on Starbucks cups have ever been religious in any way). Yes, those images are associated with Christmas, but they are not inherently Christian. They’re also associated with winter. Is Starbucks anti-winter?

No. They’re not. Starbucks is very much pro-winter because people like hot drinks when it is cold outside.

Who’s surprised that this got posted on Breitbart?

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago


Have you seen Doug Walker’s review of it? It’s hilarious and very well thought out.

AFAIK Walker isn’t even a feminist, but he still puts the boot in to the MRAs.

9 years ago

Jennifer Hale (AKA FemShep) is 100% the way to go for voiceover narration. Like, c’mon guys. I think Mark Meer got more flak than he deserved, and Paragon MaleShep has a certain dopey charm, but for narration there’s no contest.

When you say that FemShep is “canon” now, is that just because of this trailer, or something said elsewhere? Cause it actually would be kinda weird for them to specify Shepherd’s gender. KOTOR 2 didn’t specify a gender for Revan; Dragon Age doesn’t specify gender for Hawke and the Warden.

I accidentally typed “didn’t specify a gender for Riven”… anyone want to play some League of Legends? I rock support!

9 years ago

@Orion, I don’t think they specified that (but I’m not sure), but it’s interesting those guys spouting this much hyperbole about a trailer with her. The promotion from Mass Effect 1 and 2 was all male Shepard. The trailer for 2 even had the line “One very specific man might be all that stands between humanity and the greatest threat in our short existence.” The biggest outcry from feminists was pointing out of course more people are going to be playing male Shepard if all the promotion and default settings have it set to male. Nobody claimed that it was a “slap in the face” to all who played female Shepard. Just pointed out it was more of the same.

9 years ago

Katz — would anyone not see a young Professer X kissing Harry Potter? (those two would make a good pair actually!) Oh great, I just rule 34’ed that into existing.

Wouldn’t Harry be Professor X’s student? Seems problematic, not that that ever stopped Snapemione. Or would Harry be faculty?

9 years ago

Snapemione!!! Ewwwwwwwwwww

9 years ago


When you say that FemShep is “canon” now, is that just because of this trailer, or something said elsewhere?

“Commander Shepard, the player-created hero of BioWare’s Mass Effect trilogy, began life as a woman, developer Jonathan Cooper revealed on Twitter today.”

9 years ago

Oh polygon, why u got 2 clickbait so hard?

Summary for those who click through: an animator says he made the female model for Shepherd before the male model, because he had a similar female model left over from another project. There are no statements from the writers.

Personally I always figured that the reason FemShep got to be so awesome is that she was written as a man. Patriarchy!

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Idk how the student or faculty divide works really, is it just a HS where it’s mostly age? If so Daniel Radcliffe would be faculty since he’s in his 20s, anyways, Charles Xavier played by McAvoy was finishing his PhD in First Class, so he’d be late 20s. Idk how old Harry Potter was at the end of the series, but Radcliffe and McAvoy are about a decade apart in age.

I can’t believe we’re discussing the ethics of Professer X kissing Harry Potter. I love this place.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Exactly a decade apart apparently, 36 and 26.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

ej | November 8, 2015 at 9:44 am
Looks like the War on Christmas is starting early this year!

I think my favorite response was about the “pagan spice lattes”.

9 years ago

I liked the guy who said to tell them your name was “Merry Christmas” so they would have to put it on the cup. (It will probably be misspelled though.)

I don’t drink coffee and I rarely go to Starbucks, so this doesn’t really affect me at all, but I find it amusing that people are so worked up about it.

9 years ago

Oh, dear. Apparently, the “Merry Christmas” thing wasn’t a joke. I really thought that was a joke. People are actually doing it. They’ve started a Twitter hashtag and are posting photos of themselves with their “Christmas” cups to get back at Starbucks.

Because, you know, the best way to show a company that you’re unhappy with something they have done is to give them money and buy their products (and to share it online).

9 years ago

I wonder how much overlap there is between the “war on Christmas” people and the people who complain about Christmas creep. I feel like it must be significant, meaning that there are people who demand you say “Merry Christmas” to them, but only after Thanksgiving.

9 years ago

Katz, I’ll admit I complain about Christmas creep… but mostly because I get super tired of hearing “jingle bells” for 3 months straight. Seriously, the Christmas music started in October.

At least saying “after Thanksgiving” means I only have to listen to them for a month! A month is doable.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

This year was the first time I’ve complained about Christmas creep, after the local mall put up their decorations and opened their Christmas tree sales… On the first of fucking September.

I am not kidding.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

My company started planning for Christmas in August. By now it almost feels as though it’s over.

9 years ago

Hi everyone,
Could anyone recommend to me any good books on femninism? – History of feminism, overview of current debates, undergraduate textbooks etc. And also good Fem webites/forums.Thanking you.

9 years ago

It has been revealed that Sweden’s racist political party, the Sweden Democrats, have printed and distributed flyers in refugee camps on the island of Lesbos, warning Muslims not to come to Sweden. The flyers contain false information, saying that niqabs and halal products are illegal in the country. The lowest of the low, these people.

9 years ago


I’m gonna leave that to other commenters who have more knowledge than I do on these topics. I can highly recommend copulin, though.

9 years ago

Also, I’m currently loving the fact that Chris Christie and Mike Huckaburger have been bumped down to the kids table debate (aka the debate for Republicans who actually have some understanding of how politics works, and therefore are very impopular with their voters). Graham and Pataki have either dropped out or they’ve just been bumped from the debate entirely because they didn’t register in the polls anymore. This is amazing.

They’re really gonna be stuck with Carson or Trump in the end, aren’t they? At this point I’m almost thinking Carson could take it.