
Open Thread for Non-Personal Stuff: Nov 2015 Baby Needs Jelly Edition

Baby needs jelly bad.

An open thread for non-personal stuff. No MRAs, trolls, etc.


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9 years ago

SFHC, if you have an android phone showbox.apk is all I have to say to you. Fury Road = awesome++. It’s the only film if 2015 so far I reckon going to the Cinema for. I;m looking forward to the next Bond firm only because I’m an obsessive Flemming and John Barry fan

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

SFHC — I haven’t seen it either

PI — I know! And I saw Young Frankenstein live about a year ago, by a local troupe, at my old HS, on the stage I tech’ed on. That was made even more surreal when I texted an old friend at intermission cuz he was credited, got told no, he wasn’t there, but keep an eye out for “his brain”. Theatre is just so much weirder when you know how they did (I suspect he made the brain cuz the last time he lent the mold to the troupe’s props guy it got lost for a year!)

Sorry, just got home from Open Stage at the aerials studio and I’m all THAT WAS AWESOME!!! Also, James McAvoy.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

Someone mentioned the Saudi vice police forced little girls back into a burning school to their deaths because they weren’t properly niqabed up/abayaed out.

I just found this on a blog exposing Christian Fundie leader Bill Gothard;

WendyA February 17, 2014 Reply

Elizabeth, I remember that rule about not leaving your room until completely dressed! I was shocked out of my mind by it!

I attended a conference at the ITC and the fire alarms went off in the middle of the night. The room leader actually blocked the doorway until we were all dressed in our navy and white. She and I had a heated altercation, though, because I pulled my skirt and blouse on over my nightwear and slipped on my shoes with no stockings. She didn’t think that was appropriate and wanted me to doff the nightwear and get properly dressed. I didn’t think burning to death on an upper floor of a hotel was appropriate and refused to change. I pushed past her and went down the hall to the stairwell and made my way to the lobby. I am pretty sure she reported me to leadership, but what were they gonna do, call my parents and explain to them that it was more important to be properly dressed than to be alive?

Arch Radish February 17, 2014 Reply

Until recently Pensacola Christian College faced a lot of pushback for the same rule.

9 years ago

SFHC: I haven’t seen it either. Probably wait till it’s on cable. I never saw the original either.

Also, It appears Zoe Quinn is getting a book published by Simon and Schuster. She says there’s a movie being made for it too.

Hee hee. (I’ll probably have a better response than “hee hee” when more information is revealed… but seriously, Hee hee.)

9 years ago


[Frankenstein trailer]

Oooh is that Andrew Scott?

Frank Torpedo
Frank Torpedo
9 years ago


“I’m guessing after many men have pornhubed cucking, they’ll see it in a bitter, nasty, brutal their worst fear way rather than tragic or comic.”

That is so wacky! Because, like, porn isn’t reality! Can you imagine if porn was reality? Nothing would ever get done! You or I would go to the grocery story, fall face-first into an orgy, and then the person behind us trying to get some diapers for their kids would be held up for a whole hour or two.

It really says a lot about just how skewed the reality that these guys inhabit is, though. They saw some cuck porn on the internet and immediately assume that this is how Real Life works, in spite of all evidence suggesting otherwise?

I have a feeling that this is how a good deal of these people – like our pal Roosh – end up raping others, because, of course, in porn the lady says no until she says yes, and that’s exactly how real life should be, am I right?

No. No, that’s not how real life human beings work.

I am starting to think that the people who said that Internet Porn® would ruin young human beings have had a point. We have all these socially maladjusted young men who grew up on Internet Porn® thinking all kinds of wacky shit, like how they have to have sex every day (or they’re INCEL11!!), or their girlfriends have ten black dudes having sex with them as soon as their back is turned.

I’m a black male, and I mostly just spend my time wasting my life on the Internet, not, you know, ‘cucking’ people. I guess I’m a Betazed Incel or whatever the parlance among crazy people is these days.

On an unrelated note, let me revisit Wehraboos.

They’re really just Neonazis, but I digress. There’s a sudden explosion (it seems like it to me, anyway, perhaps they were just less visible, or maybe I notice them more now) of people who think Nazis were cool? Most of them seem to be these aforementioned maladjusted twenty and thirty-something white dudes.

And, it’s funny, because from what I gathered by reading people’s descriptions of Nazi Germany and its leaders, Hitler wouldn’t have thought much of these pasty Internet dudes who worship Nazis. Hell, he probably would have liquidated them as Untermenschen.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Falconer — Google says yes, as Turpin. I’m just giddy about McAvoy, I’ve watched X-Men First Class and Days of Future Past a few times more than they deserve cuz *swoons*

Frank Torpedo — the parlance among crazy people, or at least this crazy person, is dude, calling them crazy is putting down those of us with mental illnesses who aren’t asswipes, maybe don’t?

But to answer the question — you’re a black man, that makes you inherently alpha according to the racist shitheads who see your (assumed to be) massive cock as a threat to their oh so fragile masculinity (man, I feel dirty just saying that!)

Frank Torpedo
Frank Torpedo
9 years ago


Ah, my bad, I’m sorry. I got so bent out of shape that these people think Pornhub is real life that I didn’t think my clever plan out too clearly.

I feel like there should be more shock about this, or, maybe I expected too much from people, but I still can’t believe that people actually think Pornhub is real life!

I mean, I suspected it, but I didn’t know I was right. I didn’t want to be right. I never asked for this.

I was warned of this situation, too, because I was old enough during the 1990’s to remember all the experts at the time who were bitterly decrying Internet Porn®. They said that certain susceptible individuals experience overlap between real life and Internet Porn®, to the point where some may not be able to distinguish Internet Porn® and real life.

And, well, it’s really looking like that now, 20 years later. Or maybe I’m just a crotchety old man who can’t deal with how kids like that derned sex so much, which doesn’t make sense because I’m not even 30 yet.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Lol! It’s cool. I just turned thirty so yep, I remember that fear too, I guess the difference is that I’m used to dating guys who think their 6″-7″ is tiny cuz the pornstars are all hung like horses! The guys I grew up with just went from insecure boys to either men scoffing at ‘net porn (you’re of that camp it seems), or convinced that they’re doing it wrong cuz that’s not what porn shows!

9 years ago

I have a friend who wrote a Frankenstein book (This Monstrous Thing) and she’s so excited about that movie. It looks totally redonk. I’m preemptively disappointed with it because I know James McAvoy and Elijah Wood won’t kiss.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Uh, Katz. That’s not Elijah Wood (or did you know that already and are being jokey? I can’t tell).

9 years ago

Frank Torpedo: I’m totally going to #NotAllPorn you here. I’d say it’s mainstream porn with the issue. The internet is really the only place to get non-mainstream porn these days, where as I can totally buy porn on my TV that has helped give many men the completely wrong idea of how lesbians work…

Frank Torpedo
Frank Torpedo
9 years ago

I’m gonna be totally honest with you – I look at porn, but I also consume other forms of entertainment without assuming that they are a 1:1 representation of real life.

I mean, I played Mass Effect, but I’m pretty sure aliens aren’t attractive blue women with things on their head.

They might be, but I’m leaning towards the possibility that we probably may not be able to comprehend their true form. Like, their bodies may be totally…wait for it…alien to our limited human comprehension.

As I understand it, porn is an unrealistic form of entertainment meant to amuse and titillate. Which is why it irks me when I see people in the comment section of porn websites saying “THIS ISN’T REAL ENOUGH FOR ME!”

It’s not supposed to be real. Me, personally, the more unrealistic and silly it is, the better. I like being entertained. I feel like the people who insist on realism are missing the point.

I’ve heard that the porn industry prefers short people so that the penises look bigger, which is just one of the many techniques specific to creating their illusions. I’ve done enough research to conclude that porn is so far removed from reality that it is a fundamentally terrible idea to try to compare one’s real-world experiences to it.

Frank Torpedo
Frank Torpedo
9 years ago

That last comment was for Argenti Aertheri by the way. D’oh.

9 years ago

@nequam: I know.
The thing is this, though: They alienate their considerable hardcore audience that would give them money for years to come and instead try to get a quick buck from people who won’t remember the show two weeks after watching it.
It’s just not smart business to slap your valuable brand on a bad show for some short term profits, ruining said brand in the process.
See: “Battlestar Galactica: Blood and chrome”.

Another problem is corporate ownership: The new show is put out by CBS, so it will probably be based in the “prime” universe, and not the rebooted “Movieverse”. (Because that one is owned by Paramount and not CBS)

Also, that bit in the announcement about “real world issues” seems to set up a bad BSG ripoff. Let’s be clear: Trek always was an allegorical show about real world issues.
The Klingons were the soviets, the Ferengi were a criticism of capitalism, etc.
This announcement seems to indicate that they are going down the Enterprise route of Al Qaida in space, rather than the TNG one of let’s explore the human condition in front of a backdrop of space.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Katz — would anyone not see a young Professer X kissing Harry Potter? (those two would make a good pair actually!) Oh great, I just rule 34’ed that into existing.

I mean, I’m totally down with that, I’d be so jealous of Daniel Radcliffe, but that’d be one of those random “oh hi, same sex affection!” But it’s PG-13, so that ain’t happening.

Frank Torpedo — I think with a lot of guys, or at least a sizable subset, it’s not that they think it’s realistic, but that it’s the only sex they’ve seen that isn’t censored for TV (I think only HBO will show a penis, in any form). So conscious or not it forms a brain background noise of how sex occurs. I doubt many people consciously think of porn as real, but it’s like, idk, our view on what the interior of houses should look like based on what we see on TV, or the idea that women should be Very Thin, stuff that when you think about it makes no sense, but is still what your brain defaults to cuz it’s what it’s been exposed to the most.

Verily Baroque
Verily Baroque
9 years ago

I saw a video two weeks ago that I thought some of the regulars here might find interesting. This has been making the rounds since then, so you probably have already seen this, in which case sorry for spamming.

Trigger warning: Not the cute kind of animal video. This needs a trigger warning, but I honestly don’t know how to articulate it. If you have recently lost a pet dog, been in a dog/wolf attack or are the kind of person who cannot watch old-fashioned horror movies, you may want to pass this. There’s no visible gore, though.

The video contains two wolves attacking a hunting dog (spoiler: the dog survives), the material is from a camera attached to the dog’s vest. Make sure you have the sound on.

(Hoping like hell this doesn’t embed and autoplay.)

I have mixed feelings about the video and don’t really have the words to say anything about it or even to describe it properly, and I’m interested in hearing other people’s opinions on it.

Verily Baroque
Verily Baroque
9 years ago

Oh shit, it embedded, didn’t it? Why did it have to embed? I swear I was just trying to post a link. ;__;

9 years ago

Quick update on the Trollhättan attack: The 15 year old boy who was severely injured in the attack has now recovered and been released from the hospital.

In other murderous right wing extremist news, I’ve just read that Anders Breivik apparently sent a letter from prison to Peter Mangs, who was arrested in 2010 and convicted in 2012 for a series of racially motivated shootings resulting in 2 murders and 4 attempted murders, in the city of Malmö where I lived at the time of some of the shootings.

Breivik considered Mangs one of the greatest “racial warriors” and wanted to show his support, but Mangs apparently didn’t accept the letter due to.. um, creative differences? While Breivik viewed himself as the more successful murderer and natural leader due to the high death toll from his attack, Mangs considered the Utøya attack a one time “hit-and-die operation” with no lasting effect, whereas his own strategy could have been more successful in the long run had he been a better marksman (and better at not getting caught).

Seems like the MRM isn’t the only right wing extremist group whose leaders simply can’t get along.

Verily Baroque
Verily Baroque
9 years ago


Thank you for the update! Glad to hear that the boy survived his injuries.

9 years ago

just watching Lego a brickumentary a 1by5 is a hot girl at a Lego con, eow that was so necessary in the context of lego

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

This just in: The Mass Effect: Andromeda trailer was released with the female Shepard voice doing the narration.

Gamerbois everywhere are shitting their pants because they can’t handle the fact that FemShep is the “canon” Sheppard by Word of God (Game Devs), and are demanding that a male version be released, or else, it’s a “slap in the face” of everyone who played MaleShep, and attribute this to “hatred of men” and “feminazis”, and doing their usual thing of blowing everything the fuck out of proportion because their poor widdle ears can’t handle a FemShep trailer.

In the meanwhile, have the trailer itself, which is pretty awesome, coming from someone who’s never played a Mass Effect game:

9 years ago

Lol and it’s women/girls who are the ones who overreact? Katie will be pleased with all this. She would also be pleased with more colored female characters.

9 years ago

Didn’t a whole lot of players op to play as femshepard anyways?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Delayed update for reasons that have nothing at all to do with “I got stoned and fell asleep”: MAD MAX IS AWESOME IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN IT YET WATCH IT NOW WHOO. Lack of commas required.

And to think, if the MRAs hadn’t lost their collective shit over it, I would’ve shrugged it off as “Yet another crappy ’80s reboot.” Thanks, MRAs!