
Open Thread for Non-Personal Stuff: Nov 2015 Baby Needs Jelly Edition

Baby needs jelly bad.

An open thread for non-personal stuff. No MRAs, trolls, etc.


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9 years ago

maghaven I think trying to match the society of 14thC England under the Catholic Church is wildly at odds with the recent concept that’s being bandied around, modern men in the US are far more likely to watch pornhub than read Chaucer or Shakespeare or a restoration/regency play. Chaucer passed off the concept as tragic and comic, both far from the modern interpretation, I’m guessing you’ve read the Millers Tale too, I had to do it for my A-levels (again A and O levels have taken on different meanings). I’m guessing after many men have pornhubed cucking, they’ll see it in a bitter, nasty, brutal their worst fear way rather than tragic or comic.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

@mildlymagnificent Congratulations on your new grandchild! Does she live close enough that you’ll get to see her often?

@ WWTH – Alexei Nemov. That is all.

Yesterday at work I came back to my desk from a water break, and found a snake hanging out in my cubicle. It was a Northern Redbelly:

How it got in the building is a mystery. I’ve been a little jumpy this morning. It doesn’t help that there are electrical cords everywhere.

9 years ago

Orion: Oh I know all about the etymology of “weeaboo”. “Wehraboo” just struck me as especially funny.

PS I notice’s moved up to a 502 error. Maybe it’s slowly coming back online?

occasional reader
occasional reader
9 years ago


Chiomara | November 6, 2015 at 12:23 am

I don’t know about the US, but in Brazil (maybe Latin America in general?), having horns is still sinonimous to being cheated on.

Does anyone know what does horns have to do with cheating, though?

I do not know if it is the real explanation, but here is one given in my country.
The expression “avoir des cornes” (to have horns) went back to dark ages. There were two kind of horns : bull horns for peasants, deer horns for aristrocrats, but evolution of the language tended to erase the distinction to just keep the horns. But the distinction is still adressed in some “barrack” and student songs.
Anyway, so, this distinction made some linguists thinking that while male peasants brought the cattle to the meadow and while the male aristocrats were hunting, their spouses have a good time with other mens.
It is one explanation, not the best, i think, because while i think it was possible for aristocratic women to have time for “bagatelle”, i hardly believe that peasant women have time for that, cause it was not an easy life.

Well, i leave the office soon, so have a nice week-end.

9 years ago

Oh yes. I definitely had a thing for Alexei Nemov back in the day.

9 years ago

lve decided to bunk work today and do a sit and wait at the doctors to get anti-anxieties, I need something to help with the wobbles. I’ve worked it out that I have around five and a bit weeks until the next rent payment so I;vevgit a bit of wiggle room to sort out my fucked up life

Sounds like a good (short-term) plan. Take care of your mental health; chances are that if you’re wobbly, you won’t get much accomplished at work, either. Hope you can get a bit of stability so you can proceed from there!

9 years ago

Also, cute snake squee! I once found an eastern fox snake in the front hallway, under a clothes-drying rack. It was a good size, too — three feet long, an adult. I picked it up with barbecue tongs and carried it back to the basement so it could slither back out through whatever hole it had entered from.

9 years ago

Oh hey, y’all remember the cartoonist who made those ridiculous Milo-portraits as white knight of tech?

Funny, he sort of got caught in this case:

9 years ago

(You might want to correct the title.)

So what would everyone like to see happen in the new Trek series?

Captain Nog forges a band of misfits into the finest crew in the fleet.

9 years ago

cheers Bina, I’m feeling a lot more together a quiet day if reflection a long chat with the social worker, my wife coming clean about her problems to the social worker and a more sanguine outlook makes me feel a bit stronger, so onwards and upwards

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

“Cuckolding is an old engkishbterm to do with the Cucook, the UK bird. It lays its eggs in another birds nest for them to feed it and in the process the baby cucook push out the fledglings of the host bird, a quick trip to Wikipedia would have answered that.”

– The Manosphere contends that its a billion times worse for a woman to cheat on her husband than for a man to cheat on his wife for a variety of reasons but the main one being paternity risk and raising another man’s child. But what about the wife and kids who’s husband and father are diverting his time, energy, affection and yes, financial and other material resources to a lover and her kid that she may have had by him? .

“The expression “avoir des cornes” (to have horns) went back to dark ages. There were two kind of horns : bull horns for peasants, deer horns for aristrocrats, but evolution of the language tended to erase the distinction to just keep the horns. But the distinction is still adressed in some “barrack” and student songs.
Anyway, so, this distinction made some linguists thinking that while male peasants brought the cattle to the meadow and while the male aristocrats were hunting, their spouses have a good time with other mens.”

– So then how did “bull” get associated with the lover if the bullhorns go on the cuckolded one?

” It is unrealistic to expect a person to be faithful to someone they were forced to marry and never found attractive.”

This is often expected in my culture, even now, through arranged marriage. I have older and a few younger extended family members who never “grew to love” their spouses and I don’t think all of them cheated. Probably not any, but I’m guessing. Its doable but far from ideal.

9 years ago

voot and the the manosphere would also agree that monkeys fky out of my arse if I had a concept that matches their mindset.

Their paternity concept is horrendously flawed, Irrespective of whether I blew a load of jism that sloshed around inside Mrs Autosoma’s bits, I was there from the outset so I bear a responsibility if care and that I love them. And before anyone casts nasturtiums on whether they’re mind I’m a Tay-Sachs carrier and they had to be tested in the first trimester.

The fuckers only focus on paternity because they want to absolve themselves of responsibility and have a reason to cling to bitterness and be nasty shits. I thought that would be blindingly obvious. Cucokding feeds their fears and insecurities (genial size and performance brhaviour) and hence becomes the ultimate relationship crime

9 years ago

Disney to retire all ‘Slave Leia’ merchandise:

There will be whining. So much whining.

A discussion about this on Metafilter led to someone sharing this story:

“…a friend of mine was working at San Diego Comic-Con one year and was browsing through booths on her break. She realized the booth she was at had a large (presumably [hopefully] one of a kind) Slave Leia statue on a rotating pedestal, and that none other than Carrie Fischer herself was standing there eyeing it skeptically. As it rotates around, both she and my friend realize that the statue is, shall we say, unexpectedly anatomically detailed. Fischer rounds on the cringing booth owner and furiously proclaims, “I don’t recall licensing you to SCULPT MY SNATCH!”

Virtually Out of Touch | November 5, 2015 at 7:47 pm

I think the out cry against this goes to show how male fans think of princess Leia. Not as a young woman who stood up to a evil empire but a a sex object that makes their boners happy.

9 years ago

Is this the non-personal or personal stuff thread? The titles on the two recent ones indicate personal, but David’s closing sentence on this one says non-personal.

Anyway, have you guys seen this story (apologies if anyone’s posted it already somewhere and I missed it):

Woman receives violent RAPE threats after writing a Facebook post hitting out at a drunk man who told her to ‘smile’ while she was crying about the death of her husband

9 years ago


Agreed. I never thought the Manosphere was getting their inspiration from Chaucer. I was just saying that the fear of Cuckoldry, which I felt came across pretty strongly in Chaucer, is pretty damn old and not completely ridiculous as it probably came from real conditions of his time.

As for the Manosphere. ….. well, yeah, part might be from pornhub or whatever … but a lot comes from the fact that these guys deliberately seek out shallow women who are motivated by things other than love or affection … and then act surprised when they end up not getting much love or affection. Quelle Surprise.

9 years ago

Shallow Women, what a deliciously inappropriate phrase, Cuckolding feeds into the fears of the sayer, not the recipients. Just as I feel that a significantly vocal group within the manosphere uses pornhub for its definition of ideas and tropes. Pornhub searches are a good indicator of psycho-social-sexual trends within the manosphere. As many would agree they also get their weltanschauung and gender bias from porn as well, life and art who imitates whom first?

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

“I think the out cry against this goes to show how male fans think of princess Leia. Not as a young woman who stood up to a evil empire but a a sex object that makes their boners happy.”

And could these be the same guys who create bizarre gifs, memes and videos when women express who they find sexy & lady-boner inducing (tingles!) and its NOT THEM?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

This is a thing I need to see!

9 years ago

LinuxLea: The thing is, neither the reboots nor Transformers lost any money (indeed, the Transformers franchise made $3.5 BILLION worldwide!). That makes Kurtzman plenty good enough.

It’s the same reason the hot mess known as Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland is receiving a sequel.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@Argenti: I just saw the trailer for that yesterday, and me too!

Also, I loved the tiny little “Young Frankenstein” reference in there.

@Nequam: Not gonna lie, I actually kind of liked Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland. I thought it was interesting, and the visuals were nice.

9 years ago


So … in a world filled with cheating, you think that the fear of getting cheated driven more by themes from fictional videos than it does from the lived experience of people?

I can’t read minds and haven’t taken any scientific polls so maybe I’m wrong … but in my experience, the kind of people paranoid about getting cheated on are (1) Habitual cheaters and/or (2) People who have been cheated on before. Pretty much every man watches online porn … but I’ve never met anyone who was abnormally jealous & paranoid about infidelity who didn’t fall into one (or both) of those two categories. That tells me that watching porn – even Cuckold porn – probably isn’t a major driver in paranoia about being cheated on.

I didn’t give enough credit to #1 before. A good number of these guys are probably paranoid because they are totally untrustworthy themselves …. and untrustworthy people rarely trust others.

However, I have little doubt that there is a fair number who fall into #2 as well.

Because the truth is that Cheating is very very common. By women as well as men.

9 years ago

@Paradox: Oh, it’s hard to knock Tim Burton films on production values. But I felt like the script was not great (and there were some real missed opportunities. You have Christopher Lee as the Jabberwocky and then have the creature’s tongue severed after one line?!)– and the futterwacken bit gave me honest-to-god fremdschämen.

9 years ago

Now that’s a breath takingly sweeping statement. “in a world full of cheating” Yes I do think fiction does drive the mindset you describe, whether mainstream media and from porn.

I have to say that I hold an entirely different mindset, I think actual cheating accounts for a small percentage of any sample group. My personal opinion is based on the belief that many people want to believe the rather salacious figures because it lifts them from the mundanity of their own experiences. Also I think media creates a sense of envy and low self worth, because “if they have that why can’t I” and “I’m not good enough”.

9 years ago

According to Wikipedia, the horn symbolism of cuckoldry comes from the mating habits of stags. During the mating season, the bucks fight each other with their horns, with the loser relinquishing rutting rights to the winner.

There’s also the obscure term ‘cuckquean’, referring to a woman whose husband is unfaithful. For some reason*, not considered as big a deal.

*Yeah, we all know what reason.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

I think I’m the only person on WHTM who hasn’t seen Mad Max yet (thanks, financial situation!)… But I just managed to grab the DVD on sale. BE BACK IN A FEW HOURS. *squeals*