Jelly. Baby needs jelly.
— Cigaretta (@thedirtbird) October 12, 2015
Baby needs jelly bad.
An open thread for non-personal stuff. No MRAs, trolls, etc.
Jelly. Baby needs jelly.
— Cigaretta (@thedirtbird) October 12, 2015
Baby needs jelly bad.
An open thread for non-personal stuff. No MRAs, trolls, etc.
I’ve had a rotten week and it hasn’t finished playing out. The thing is is that this cycle (my wife’s alcoholic illness and the effect it has on everyone who comes into contact with her) is repeating and the time between shitstorms is getting shorter.
It’s making me very depressed, I know I need to get some help and support m but I can’t see s time and a way to do it.
I find everything so needy and no stability. I feel that were constantly kept off balance, so that there is always some reason to justify her drinking,
I’m finding myself becoming more frustrated and angry about this mess and it scares me. I don’t find that I have any control over anything that’s going on.
I worry that she or I are developing a mental illness and I’m starting to feel really confused.
Since the end of July we’ve moved city, I got and lost a job in that period, I;ve just started a new job and all the instability that goes on makes me feel I’m going to loose my current one.
in the two week gap between jobs I did bugger all and now I regret it I could at least got off my arse and got anti anxieties from the Doctor.
I keep on bring told I need to protect myself from all this but no one is giving me any idea of what that protection looks like, I feel all at sea.
I’m not the best person either, I constantly feel like I’m walking around with a mix of constant rage and constant insecurity. Also I’m watching too much porn, and I’m getting resentful about the sex aspect of my relationship, and that pirn consumption is giving me a bad worldview (that’s something I can take control of, but I find its an excellent distraction when I’m feeling down – which is often now).
Sometimes I feel that I’m in a place that would push me to the ragey, nasty MGTOW side, which is why I like to hang out with the Mammotheers, I feel it keeps me a little grounded.
I only have to get through today and its the weekend, take stock if things and try to get some rest.
I, too, am having a truly horrendous week. You are not alone in that. You are in good company. 🙂
I have no advice, but I can send you a good thought via the Internet. Sometimes, when things are almost unbearable, I tell myself that this is when I can actually perform and get things done, I can get through it because I have done it before. You will make it through, too. You have to actually go through, though, and it sucks, but you can do it.
Hope things get better for you soon.
Cuckolding is an old engkishbterm to do with the Cucook, the UK bird. It lays its eggs in another birds nest for them to feed it and in the process the baby cucook push out the fledglings of the host bird, a quick trip to Wikipedia would have answered that.
do the premises is is that the cucook gets another bird to do all the grunt work of raising young. If cane about in Human terms first to describe a man whoes oartber has been impregnated by another man, thus host man us raising someone else child. Then somehow the concept changed to that of a man who is knowing that his partner us being fucked by another man and is accepting if the situation. Porn coopted the term to lable scenes where a fmm 3some is going on but one man is a non active participant in the sex act and is being verbally humiliated by the man and woman having sex, including genial size comparison and impregnation generally around the non participants sexual ability and prowess. In the main stream it plays to many fears as its generally a black man doing the fguvking if a white woman while a white man watches, says something extraordinarily fuckup about some men insecurities.
so now it’s been re-co-oppted as a meme by taking it on to words to make cuckservative. a cuckold and conservative combined, you can have a fun game trying to prefix cuck to any over word to invent a new meaning.
may be as part of the welcome pack people are directed to flame warriors as I’ve just risen to some bait about cuckolding.
“Wehraboos”? 😀 😀 😀
“Genial size comparison” is my new favorite typo. I’d enjoy probably enjoy it more if they *did* do it that way.
Is anyone else miffed that the whole gamergate “movement” (and other internet and video game based male harassment of women) is still going strong, but because it isn’t “edgy” anymore it’s being largely ignored? Also, it’s really annoying that so many people don’t want to talk about the obvious misogyny problem in video game and “nerd” culture.
Orion my stumpy old fingers may know better than my head. It would make for an entirely different world if all blokes did *genial size comparison*. I could just imagin how it would play out.
l think I’d like that world.
Wehraboo is a pun on Weeaboo. A weeaboo, in nerdy male sectors of the internet, is a white person who is excessively fascinated with Japanese media and culture, especially if anime fandom is their main social outlet or if they appropriate Japanese dress or other habits.
Why “weeaboo”? Well, there’s a popular web forum called “Something Awful,” which is known for having an extensive and very weird profanity filter. It’s not actually against the rules to curse, they just change the curses into stuff they find funny. For instance, I believe that “fuck,” “fucking,” etc. are automatically replaced with “kitten,” “kittening,” etc. They add and remove stuff to the filter frequently. Anyway, around 10 years ago, posters on SomethingAwful used to call white people who appropriated Asian culture “Wapanese.” One day the moderator got tired of reading about “Wapanese,” so he added a filter that automatically replaced “Wapanese” with “Weeaboo.” Everybody just kinda went with it, and “weeaboo” has meant “anime fan” ever since.
But how did he come up with “weeaboo?” The word “weeaboo” was first seen in a webcomic called Perry Bible Fellowship. It didn’t have anything to do with Asia. In Perry Bible Fellowship, “Weeaboo” was the name of a fraternity-hazing-style public spanking ritual. SomethingAwful thought it was a funny word, so they lifted it from context and gave it an entirely new meaning.
I have never seen the word “Wehraboo” before today, but I assume that a “Wehraboo” is someone embarassingly into the Nazi Wehrmacht, just as a “Weeaboo” is someone embarassingly in Japan.
lve decided to bunk work today and do a sit and wait at the doctors to get anti-anxieties, I need something to help with the wobbles. I’ve worked it out that I have around five and a bit weeks until the next rent payment so I;vevgit a bit of wiggle room to sort out my fucked up life
So as a music type of guy, apparently Google got wind that it was Adolphe Sax’s 201st “birthday”. For those curious, Sax was a musician and inventor who created the saxophone instruments that have found their niche in jazz and other kinds of music.
Granted, not as cool as cats, but then you could have a cool cat playin’ a sax…
It sounds like a good call. Putting your health first is what makes it possible to keep working, and making decisions is better than acting by default.
By the way — I don’t know where you live, but you might find it comforting to look up the tenancy laws and find out what actually happens if you can’t make rent. In most cases, the law is way more forgiving than you might imagine. Falling behind is not fun, for sure, and if you do stop paying your landlords may use trickery or stealth to try to get you out, but evicting someone legally usually takes a LONG time.
I hope that things improve for you soon.
I wonder if seeing a counselor regularly would help. Possibly your rabbi could do some pastoral counseling. Maybe your rabbi could also refer you to other low-cost counseling. Or maybe the NHS provides low-cost counseling.
You’ve been through a lot lately, and it sounds as though the structure in your life has become less reliable. Seeing a counselor might provide you with a sounding board and some structure.
I’m sending positive thoughts your way. And hugs if you want them. All best wishes.
Orion & kat
thanks both, since moving out if London to the south coast I’ve not been seeing a therapist (my London one was brilliant I’d finally found someone I could work with). I need to get something again, something good like I had.
I’ve got some breathing space, in about 30 mins myself and mrs autosoma will be talking to the social worker.
one think I’m hoping this is rock bottom as I dunno what it would be like to be worse than this
sending good thoughts your way. I hope the meds help if your doctor prescribes them. You definitely could do with a counsellor though, meds are just a band aid to help you keep going. However from my own experience, the NHS moves very slowly when it comes to that kind of thing.
Be wary of the concept of rock bottom. In my experience and observations there’s no such thing. Ask anyone who’s living in a ditch near Calais right now.
On topic and non personal, Laughing Witch has put her channel back up on YouTube. She only took down in the hopes of placating Thunderf00t’s flying monkeys. However despite having won the fight, he’s still making videos and tacitly encouraging his fans to continue trying to destroy her life, so she’s got no choice but to come back online and start documenting the harassment.
check out the sad robots awesom
Snork, yep I know what you mean, hopefully we can move onwards and upwards, rather than sink further
So the Warcraft movie trailer is coming out now. While I’m still excited, my main reaction is this:

I was HUGELY into Warcraft 3 and WoW a few years back. I still like and play Blizz games, but I’m not the fan I was in my younger days. Had they brought it out back then I would have worshipped the ground they walked on, now I just hope it does not suck.
Granted, thinking about it, it’s probably better now, when they have money, time and the CGI capabilities to do it right, but damn…
those robot paintings are brilliant. My favourite was the one sitting in the tree with his kite.
Having horns as a synonym for being cheated on is indeed still common not only in all of Latin America, but practically in all countries where Spanish and other Romance languages are spoken. As for what does it signifies, no idea.
@Kreator: there’s a few old-timey phrases in German about horns=being cheated on. Lot’s of stuff about the sign of the horn (like the “metal” sign you do with your hands) which could mean two lovers, or represent the stupid ox, or the lusty goat.
Some also trace it back to Minos’ wive, who cheated on her husband and gave birth to a horned child
@snotk my fav is the one with the night sky and shooting-star
Aha! Personal thread.
Guess who’s now a granny! To a lovely, beautiful girl baby. Proud doesn’t begin to cover it.
The new Trek will unfortunately be terrible.
Worse than Enterprise.
Don’t believe me?
They hired Alex Kurtzman as executive producer. And Kurtzman is a total hack who doesn’t know anything about Star Trek, or writing and story in general.
Remember, this is the guy who wrote the two reboots (which were really bad) and Transformers (also really bad).
How does this guy still work?
This really makes me pine for the good old days of Brannon Braga and Rick Berman.
(And to make it clear: Berman and Braga really suck!)
But I’ll take them over this dude any time.
Fuck you, Paramount! Fuck you!
It’s older than those guys. Cuckoldry is a big theme in the Canterburry Tales which predates them by a few hundred years.
It actually makes sense for an age where many young attractive women were made to marry older wealthier men against their will. OF COURSE the 16 year old unhappy housewives often jumped at the chance to bone attractive people their own age when their 50 year old toothless husbands were away. It is unrealistic to expect a person to be faithful to someone they were forced to marry and never found attractive.