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“I don’t believe there is any real love within them,” and other insights on women from a Men’s Rights Redditor

Women: Smug, soulless, incapable of making tea
Women: Smug, soulless, incapable of making tea

Bad news, ladies! Some dude who hates you thinks that you’re incapable of love!

In the Men’s Rights subreddit, a dude calling himself Cerehectus lays out his totally irrefutable argument against the women of the world. He’s a wee bit verbose, so I’ll put the best (i.e. worst) bits in bold.

A relationship in a woman’s mind is almost always an assessment of pros and cons. I don’t believe there is any real love within them. Rather, there is simply validation and security. If she gets bored, she can always trade up or cut loose and be supported. There’s no investment/risk in a woman’s prerogative. Therefor, she doesn’t have to mind her actions or develop a core being/principles.

Oh, you fickle, fickle women and your lack of a core being!

I’m not quite sure what a core being is, exactly, but I’m assuming that not having one is super duper bad.

But in the year 2015 in the United States of America, a relationship is no longer between a male and a female, but between a male and a female with her gynocentric legal and social system. The very system that takes away the power of men to be men; defining how they must behave and the consequences that befall them determined not by choices of their own, but of the female with whom they are in a relationship. The only way for men to protect themselves it to not be involved at all.

If you are going to go your own way, dude, I have several suggestions as to where you might go, and one of them starts with “Snake Island.” Well, it doesn’t really start with that, per se; Snake Island is the entire name.

Why wouldn’t a male want to go play video games, watch sports, and remove himself from a society that is openly hostile towards him? A society that believes he is not a creature unto himself, but a mule for the system itself and the women it favors?

I think it’s safe to say that most guys playing video games aren’t doing it because they think women have no souls. For example, I play Grand Theft Auto V because I like driving cars off of cliffs and not dying.

What are the redeeming qualities of women today?

They are not dependable. They’re not loyal. Very few have any domestic skills (my last girlfriend didn’t even know how to dice an onion, fold a pair of blue jeans, make a tea or how to use a can opener).

Huh. I’m pretty sure that every woman I’ve been involved with has been able to “make a tea” and use a can opener. Were you accidentally dating a blow-up doll?

They’re all on anti-depressants.

Hey, me too! Anti-depressants helped to rescue me from a life of crippling depression.

They’re aloof, narcissistic, and society is built from the ground up to worship them. They are not going to change and become quality people no matter how many liberal arts degrees they have until they learn about cause and effect and that their actions have consequences.

If the consequence of their actions is that guys like you stop pestering them for dates, I’m pretty sure there are very few women out there who would see this as a bad thing.

A female at this point is nothing more than a burden that can take everything if it chooses. In their effort to gain everything they’re going to lose everything.

And one day they will pay!!!! I will perfect my own race of people! A race of atomic supermen which will conquer the wor …

Sorry, I got carried away. It’s just odd that so many MRA and MGTOW speeches on the evils of women end up reminding me of Bela Lugosi’s famous rant in Bride of the Monster.

Given how often I am assured (by MRAs) that MRAs aren’t really the least bit misogynistic, you might expect that Cerehectus’s rant would have been downvoted all to hell. Nope! Last I checked it had nearly three dozen upvotes.

H/T — I think I found this via  r/TheBluePill or r/againstmensrights, but I lost the link.


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9 years ago

Bina, your comment may be the best. Comment. EVAR!!!!


D’awww, shucks.
comment image

I’m assuming his list of things his ex didn’t know how to do are things she did just fine, but not the way his mommy used to do it for him, so he threw tantrums over the onions being diced the wrong size and the jeans being folded Gap style instead of hanger-ready style while never dreaming of lifting a finger himself. Amazing that she’s now an ex and he’s on the Internet complaining that women don’t have enough “loyalty.”

Oh gawd. I just suddenly got a mental picture of the dude from Sleeping With the Enemy. The one who would beat up Julia Roberts for not aligning the towels and arranging the cans in the cupboard just so.

Suddenly, an ephiphany has epiphed. This guy…is THAT guy. And he’s pissed because he couldn’t get away with trying to abuse — sorry, “train” — his girlfriend into submission. And that the law won’t allow him to do it to any woman he marries, either.

Ugh, I feel sick. Me go lie down now.

9 years ago

“I quite honestly feel that these people have only met and interacted with one or two women outside of their immediate family.”

If anything, you’re overestimating.

9 years ago

Seeing him comment about video games made me think of this:
Just stay out of the comments. Like most places on the internet.

9 years ago


Oooh! This sounds like a fun cult. Can we start a cult?

9 years ago

‘Make a tea”

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Those comments are hilarious. Thank you for that, you made my morning.

9 years ago

Were you accidentally dating a blow-up doll?


9 years ago

Well, you see, it started as a prank a friend setup. But the guy didn’t seem to notice it was a blowup doll. Then it became sad. His friends were going to tell him, but when the relationship ended, they all saw it as a chance to side with the doll in the break up and never have to bother with him again.

Arthur Meyer
9 years ago

Apparently, trying to actually build up a romantic relationship with someone is just too much for these guys to handle.

To be brutally honest, I don’t want a woman in my life who does nothing but just waits on me to do everything. She needs to make the moves, be able to boss me around and tell me no from time to time. She needs to be, you know, a human being.

But I guess it’s because I’m a mangina after all… Now if I only had a little pink Prius decked out with My Little Pony gear could I prove myself true.

9 years ago


Difficult to take sides when they’re both full of hot air. :p

9 years ago

Here’s an alternate version (I hope this works)

9 years ago

Oh god I can’t stop myself…must…resist…more…videos…

9 years ago

The thing that disturbs me the most is how they are ALWAYS against college degrees and antidepressants. Because anything that makes people less vulnerables is EVIL MISANDRY!

9 years ago

While I’m still hooked on Mass Effect…

9 years ago

What about effecting change by adding something psycho-pharmacological to the water that would improve redpillian moods around the world?(The previous sentence was brought to you by: the NOT SERIOUS committee.)

bananananana dakry
bananananana dakry
9 years ago

If I wasn’t taking antidepressants to, you know, keep from sinking into an anxiety and depression-ridden mire already, this little dingleberry on a syphilitic hyena’s anus would sure inspire me to.

And then he wonders why no woman wants to be around him except in a transactional mode. The ones he even notices, anyways. Given that the rest who aren’t skinny HB8+ hotties under 23 don’t exist to him.

9 years ago

Why wouldn’t a male want to go play video games, watch sports, and remove himself from a society that is openly hostile towards him? A society that believes he is not a creature unto himself, but a mule for the system itself and the women it favors?

I’m fascinated by the implication that it’s impossible to both play video games and watch sports and maintain a decent relationship. I suspect the issue might be when he plays video games – for instance, if I did this on my own in the evenings instead of socialising with my wife and kids, they would reasonably get a bit miffed.

But then again, I actively enjoy socialising with my wife and kids, which I suspect is where these men are fundamentally going wrong. Because I daresay if you regard your partner as little more than your own personal slave, the chances of developing and maintaining the kind of mutually respectful (and mutually entertaining) relationship that I’ve enjoyed for close to fifteen years must be a bit slim.

liz regan
liz regan
9 years ago

Where does all this hatred and twisted ideology come from and where is is gong? I feel sad for these men and frightened for the women they know.

9 years ago

Turn away. Play video games. Watch sports. Wash your dirty tighty whiteys in the sink. Women, feminists, red pills, felines dont need you. Turn away. No one will cry for your lonely dark soul.

9 years ago

Pro tip: acting like a whiny, assholish downer who hates women isn’t exactly going to inspire the most cooperation, love, loyalty, etc. How’s that for cause and effect? Your actions have consequences, don’tcha know!

I can’t even believe that this guy has ever dated a woman. I’m not sure he’s ever even met one. In fact, I’m convinced that he was born by emerging from some sort of pod. THAT is how far from knowing what a woman looks like I think he is.

9 years ago

Women as fickle, self-centered commitment phobes etc., that’s been been floating around the manosphere since it began. Miserable whiners love company and the truly miserable don’t want the less far gone actually talking to women or getting into relationships (and quickly exiting the scene as a result.)

Sofia van der Linde
9 years ago

This guy sounds a lot like Elliot Rodger.

Michael Lindsay
Michael Lindsay
9 years ago

Are these the same guys who want the sexbots?

Presumably because real women can’t do love like the lovinator 3000.

9 years ago

Give them the sexbots and an Island far away – those MRAs/MGTOWs give me nausea…

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
9 years ago

I love how they will simultaneously argue that women who don’t cook are somehow betraying their gender, but that only men can be good chefs.

The whine about women not cooking makes me think OP is probably around 20. When I was 20, I didn’t want to cook, either. As I’ve gotten older I’ve learned to love it, and have discovered that I’m pretty good at it. I also like to feed people. But I don’t see it as an extension of my gender. Food is one of those universal things that brings people together.

Any of these guys who complain about women not making them sandwiches could stand to learn a few things in the kitchen themselves. These guys love to talk about how strong and self-reliant men are, but they apparently are incapable of feeding themselves.