Bad news, ladies! Some dude who hates you thinks that you’re incapable of love!
In the Men’s Rights subreddit, a dude calling himself Cerehectus lays out his totally irrefutable argument against the women of the world. He’s a wee bit verbose, so I’ll put the best (i.e. worst) bits in bold.
A relationship in a woman’s mind is almost always an assessment of pros and cons. I don’t believe there is any real love within them. Rather, there is simply validation and security. If she gets bored, she can always trade up or cut loose and be supported. There’s no investment/risk in a woman’s prerogative. Therefor, she doesn’t have to mind her actions or develop a core being/principles.
Oh, you fickle, fickle women and your lack of a core being!
I’m not quite sure what a core being is, exactly, but I’m assuming that not having one is super duper bad.
But in the year 2015 in the United States of America, a relationship is no longer between a male and a female, but between a male and a female with her gynocentric legal and social system. The very system that takes away the power of men to be men; defining how they must behave and the consequences that befall them determined not by choices of their own, but of the female with whom they are in a relationship. The only way for men to protect themselves it to not be involved at all.
If you are going to go your own way, dude, I have several suggestions as to where you might go, and one of them starts with “Snake Island.” Well, it doesn’t really start with that, per se; Snake Island is the entire name.
Why wouldn’t a male want to go play video games, watch sports, and remove himself from a society that is openly hostile towards him? A society that believes he is not a creature unto himself, but a mule for the system itself and the women it favors?
I think it’s safe to say that most guys playing video games aren’t doing it because they think women have no souls. For example, I play Grand Theft Auto V because I like driving cars off of cliffs and not dying.
What are the redeeming qualities of women today?
They are not dependable. They’re not loyal. Very few have any domestic skills (my last girlfriend didn’t even know how to dice an onion, fold a pair of blue jeans, make a tea or how to use a can opener).
Huh. I’m pretty sure that every woman I’ve been involved with has been able to “make a tea” and use a can opener. Were you accidentally dating a blow-up doll?
They’re all on anti-depressants.
Hey, me too! Anti-depressants helped to rescue me from a life of crippling depression.
They’re aloof, narcissistic, and society is built from the ground up to worship them. They are not going to change and become quality people no matter how many liberal arts degrees they have until they learn about cause and effect and that their actions have consequences.
If the consequence of their actions is that guys like you stop pestering them for dates, I’m pretty sure there are very few women out there who would see this as a bad thing.
A female at this point is nothing more than a burden that can take everything if it chooses. In their effort to gain everything they’re going to lose everything.
And one day they will pay!!!! I will perfect my own race of people! A race of atomic supermen which will conquer the wor …
Sorry, I got carried away. It’s just odd that so many MRA and MGTOW speeches on the evils of women end up reminding me of Bela Lugosi’s famous rant in Bride of the Monster.
Given how often I am assured (by MRAs) that MRAs aren’t really the least bit misogynistic, you might expect that Cerehectus’s rant would have been downvoted all to hell. Nope! Last I checked it had nearly three dozen upvotes.
H/T — I think I found this via  r/TheBluePill or r/againstmensrights, but I lost the link.
If women were anything less than fair and if the cultural conventions that result from their expectations of the opposite sex were anything less than moral, fair, and reasonable, or if they contributed to wide spread social dysfunction, animosity, anxieties, injustices, and so on, how would you ever know?
We can *never* have an honest discussion about what women’s expectations of the opposite sex means. Ever. It’ll be shut off with mocking, blaming, hysterics, accusations of misogyny and evil or involuntary celibacy and bitterness. Whatever contribution women make to the given arrangement, we’ll never know what it is because people like yourself apparently regard it as a thought crime to even consider the question.
I could refute your evo psych arglebargle. I could be offended at the implication of having a conversation about women’s expectations for men which sounds more like a demand that women have sex with men they aren’t attracted to.
But I’m too busy trying not to laugh out loud on public transportation at the notion that Justin Bieber is an “above average male.”
Unironically using the term “thought crime” is an offense punishable by severe eyerolling.
Eyerolling in progress.
Why is it that the dumbest trolls always think they should write the longest posts? Dudes, know your limitations. If you can barely express a coherent thought, at least try to keep it brief. Nobody’s going to read a 4-part word salad.
Omfg they’re back.
I just love how more than one troll actually came here to defend this. I mean, this post was about a guy who thinks women can’t fold jeans or make tea. Is that really the kind of person who inspires one to nod sagely and exclaim “good point!”
Jesus Christ, this fuckfart again? He’s been banned at least three times already, how did his mangry methane even get through?
Well I don’t think women are incapable of love or are evil. But I can understand some pangs of frustration they have toward the world because truth be told they kind of have a point that men have to jump through hoops or fight 99 dragons in order to be masculine or attractive. Instead of just being inherently masculine or defining their own version of masculinity it’s a bit strict. Plus a women landing a job, being independent, having a car, etc isn’t considered a requirement and is instead seen as empowering. Very rarely do women get judged for being a shut in neckbeard who lives with his parents and is a Virgin. However women have to put up with looking like super models and wearing makeup to the point of being perfect and if a dude wears makeup it’s considered empowering. My point isn’t that men have it worse but rather that there isn’t a safety movement for them to help them address toxic masculinity and other shit because men still need to be held by gender rolls while women are kinda allowed to break from them.
And I think having selective empathy for them like “fuck them because they are evil misogynists” is kinda problematic because not only are they still human but do the same standards apply to say a white women saying racist things about men of color? Or how about some women of color saying ableist things to disabled people? Where does the line get drawn at empathy? Am I allowed to have selective empathy toward Isis because they murder, rape, and kill other people despite having legitimate issues? Or am I allowed to say “fuck them no empathy for them?”
Well, don’t leave us in suspense. Did he create a race of atomic supermen or not? If so, where can I get one? My gutters need cleaning.
Welcome, Steve. I assume you’re new since you have been posting on a bunch of old threads, which is common for newcomers to do when browsing through the random post feature. 🙂
That’s true, it is very rare for women to get judged for being a shut-in neckbeard who lives with his parents and is a virgin.
P.S. Why is “Virgin” capitalized? Are we talking about the record studio? The airline?