antifeminist women evil fat fatties gender policing harassment misogyny MRA red pill

Cassie Jaye launches devastating attack on things I didn’t say

In reality, I am not made of straw.
In reality, I am not made of straw.

“Red Pill” director Cassie Jaye has responded to what she calls my “slanderous claims” about her. You can find her video on the subject, and a transcript of it, on her Kickstarter page. (The posts that offended her can be found here, here and here.) It would be quite an effective takedown of me, if what she wrote were actually true.

I was going to write out a detailed response but instead let me give you the tl;dr version as it played out on Twitter last night:





After her video went up, a small squad of her supporters headed here to share their lovely opinions with me. Their comments went straight into the trash, but, what the heck, I thought I’d fish out a couple of them to share with you all now.

jjrockmale Submitted on 2015/11/03 at 11:16 pm Hey you boobsie. I know you will delete this. But I know your pathetic bitch ass has watched Cassie J’s answer to you. Please, don’t try to choke on your chicken leg too much. Or do, don’t care. YOurs in ZFG, and go f yourself you pwoor oppweseed wittle feminist. Al Phamal Submitted on 2015/11/03 at 10:50 pm What a stunning intellect you must have to try so hard to silence dissent. You are the furthest thing from a man I have seen in quite some time.

I guess these are the heroes of truth and objectivity who are funding her documentary.


But wait! There’s more! Jaye’s fans on Twitter also have some things to say.(Mildly NSFW.)

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Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Fnoicby | November 4, 2015 at 6:05 pm
I’d say she’s no type of feminist at all. Maybe she thought feminism meant men had no problems and women had all the problems? That would account for her surprise at being “enlightened” by Paul Elam et. al.

It’s a bit cool to be feminist at the moment, which means all sorts of people want to claim the title without having any understanding of what it means or without trying to actually challenge any patriarchal ideas (wouldn’t want to make the mens uncomfortable!). I’d think she is that type of person.

Well, she did say she got into feminism after coming from a very conservative, patriarchal background in her interview with Vocativ.

Jaye, who hopped around the country as an army brat, says she first began to call herself a feminist when she moved to Los Angeles at the age of 18 to become an actress. “I got pigeonholed in horror films as the girl who always dies,” she said. “That kind of fueled my feminist fire.” She said was also propositioned by married producers in situations where she felt “like I didn’t have a way out if I wanted to keep the job.” As she began to speak out about her views on such things, others started calling her a feminist. “Then I looked it up,” she said, “and realized that being for women’s rights, I was totally on board with, so it was like sign me up, I’m a feminist.”

So, this smacks of White Feminism. That is, feminism only for cisgendered, straight, society-standards good looking or average looking, skinny, white, middle-class women, completely ignoring everyone else who feminism can and does help. She wanted to get into feminism because it was helping her problems specifically, and just left off with that, without going further into what feminism does for other people, or looking at other causes it champions.

White Feminism is not good feminism, and it needs to be done away with IMO, but it is a brand of feminism that a lot of us start out with, myself included. However, I find the difference between Jaye’s beliefs and my own to be that I’ve listened to other feminists, instead of only listening to people who openly harass and abuse feminists by their own admission.

9 years ago

I wonder if she has read the rv forum thread on her and her documentary and the dozens of remarks that red pill turds have made in their blogs and tweets completely disrespecting her work, her appearance, and reducing her down to a sexual play thing. I hope none of this is okay with her.

9 years ago

Why do they keep talking about you, your lack of clothing and chicken?

Your stalkers have a very specific fetish.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention: “White Feminism is not good feminism…”

It’s not feminism at all, as far as I’m concerned. In fact it’s antithetical to the feminist tradition that I come from.

9 years ago

Sorry Twitter logician, that excerpt from David’s post isn’t an example of the Post hoc, ergo propter hoc “phallacy”.

9 years ago

I find this whole thing quite amusing.

I don’t agree with Cassie Jaye’s claim that David’s criticism is rooted in misogyny. Similarly, neither do I think that defending her is white knighting. It’s bizarre that some of you would levy these claims given that they are so oft incorrectly aimed at you.

David Futrelle seems to have found a legitimate criticism of Cassie Jaye as a film maker, her awards do seem to be from a now defunct organisation that I am unable to find any real information on.

This does not however make her award phoney, just not as prestigious or meaningful as one from the ‘real’ Cannes.

I disagree with David Futrelle’s suggestion that because she has received funding from MRAs that her documentary is therefore no longer impartial. She makes the point in her rebuttal video that in order to receive funding from studios she had to surrender creative control. In crowdfunding the film she retains full creative control. I notice that in the above article there is not even acknowledgement of this.

From the available evidence (her word), it seems she is aiming to remain impartial, with no evidence suggesting otherwise.

9 years ago

Thanks for the definition of white feminism. Saved me having to do the Google after seeing it mentioned. 🙂

Also, I am kind of sick of the “David is a fat fatty that walks around fat-like, while eating chicken.”

Who cares? I would much rather interact with a decent fat guy than a thin asshole. And, have any of these guys ever seen a mirror? It’s always the ugliest people that make the harshest assessment of other people’s appearances.

And, chicken is just damn delicious. That is all.

9 years ago

@_MarkingBad_ I'm not going to spend the evening answering your obviously bad faith questions.— David Futrelle (@DavidFutrelle) November 5, 2015


@DavidFutrelle this may surprise you, but asking questions is a good way to inform oneself. God forbid I want to know the truth.— PoePoePoeTheBoat (@_MarkingBad_) November 5, 2015


@DavidFutrelle because benign ignorance is "bad faith"? I thought feminists wanted people to "educate themselves"?— PoePoePoeTheBoat (@_MarkingBad_) November 5, 2015


This has to be a parody of sealioning/JAQ.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

Did anyone else here read the youtube comments beneath her “Daddy I Do” trailer?


9 years ago

Why must their memes always hurt my brain?

P.S. Sexy photo there, David. 😀

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
9 years ago

This was Paul Elam’s intro to Cassie’s video posted on AVFM:

Someone got a drumstick slapped right out of their lying mouth. PE

Violent, as usual.

9 years ago

OK, I guess embedding Tweets is beyond my meager capabilities.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

Judas Peckerwood,

“It’s not feminism at all, as far as I’m concerned. In fact it’s antithetical to the feminist tradition that I come from.”

What feminist tradition do you come from?

For myself, I learned some theory from white feminist writers and speakers but found they often misinterpret various aspects of my culture, and not just in negative ways either. There’s a tendency to give a positive mystical spin on things that are neither. Still,without their foundation I don’t know if I would have learned to deconstruct and analyse cultures and religions like I do.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

Ashley | November 4, 2015 at 6:44 pm

I wonder if she has read the rv forum thread on her and her documentary and the dozens of remarks that red pill turds have made in their blogs and tweets completely disrespecting her work, her appearance, and reducing her down to a sexual play thing. I hope none of this is okay with her.

– I just ventured over to that forum to check that out and got introduced to a new word: “polyfidelity”

9 years ago

Hey, Cassie, if you’re reading this: Criticizing you for being overly trusting, naïve, and in possession of a bogus award from a scam filmfest not connected to the real Cannes festival is NOT misogyny. Men are just as capable of doing or being all of that and more (and no, it is NOT misandry to say that, either). You’re not being slammed here for being a woman; you’re being criticized for being lousy at doing your advance research, homework and due diligence. Try to keep up, eh?

As for the super-manly bro-ey alpha males: Troll harder, cupcakes. And please, if you’re going to base all your arguments on the tired old “You’re fat, therefore you’re wrong” fallacy (note correct, non-penis-obsessed spelling), post some actual, recent pix of yourselves, so we can see what prize specimens of manly manhood we’re dealing with here.

And don’t make them dickpix, either.

9 years ago

I dont know how you can handle it, David. When I got harassed, Even knowing their attacks on me were based on bullshit I dont believe like transphobia it still upset me. If it does get to you fo what you need to do to practice self care. I admire your strength. It makes me sad to see the cruelty and intentional stupidity of these people.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

When I got harassed, Even knowing their attacks on me were based on bullshit I dont believe like transphobia it still upset me.

Wait, you don’t believe in transphobia or attacks you know aren’t true that are transphobic? I’m confused.

9 years ago

Tim G | November 4, 2015 at 5:29 pm

Cries of censorship are misplaced. David Futrelle doesn’t have the power to prevent anyone’s documentary from being made or seen. He is not a censor anywhere but this blog.

However, Cassie Jaye is most probably correct that her credibility is being attacked because her film allows MRAs to speak for themselves, and because she has indicated that she is sympathetic to at least some of their views.

If she had announced that she was planning to release a vicious takedown of MRAs, exposing their ugliness and hate, it is very hard to imagine that David Futrelle would have researched and published the Cannes Independent Film Festival article. He went after Cassie Jaye’s credibility specifically because she put herself on the wrong side of the issue.

Tim, of course, ignores the numerous times that David, while clearly taking a particular individual’s side in a dispute, has explicitly critiqued what he viewed as bad behavior on the part of the person he’s siding with. But that’s because Tim’s a ‘see both sides’ troll who should feel free to go Lego tromping in a dark room someplace.

9 years ago


I read it as Kale does not believe in transphobia as a concept.

9 years ago

I have to say “Thanks” capital t to Dave for wading through the bs and weathering obnoxious trolling. I appreciate knowing what’s going on in the manosphere but don’t have high enoughboots to wade through it myself.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I read it as Kale does not believe in transphobia as a concept.

That’s how I read it too, but I wanna give them the benefit of the doubt TBH.

9 years ago

Is Jaye running the @redpillmovie twitter page or is it just a new fan? The tweets are a stream of MRA pablum. There are crappy memes, mostly inspirational quote with photos of MRAs, and some craptacular words of the day: glass cellar (?), lace curtain (?), hamstering, male disposability and raptard (!). Warren Farrell is called an “author and philosopher”.

I typed out my favorite word of the day definition in order to share it with the rest of the class.

Men’s human rights movement (MHRM)


1. considered part of the “second wave” of the MRM, this movement is concerned with categorizing men’s issues as human right issues so as to decrease the negative misogynist women-hating stereotype that the MRM has earned.

Word Origin

The term “Men’s Human Rights Movement” was created as a part of A Voice for Men, one of the largest and most influential online sites for Men’s Rights. The MHRM and A Voice for Men was created in 2009 by Paul Elam.

They earned it all right.