antifeminist women evil fat fatties gender policing harassment misogyny MRA red pill

Cassie Jaye launches devastating attack on things I didn’t say

In reality, I am not made of straw.
In reality, I am not made of straw.

“Red Pill” director Cassie Jaye has responded to what she calls my “slanderous claims” about her. You can find her video on the subject, and a transcript of it, on her Kickstarter page. (The posts that offended her can be found here, here and here.) It would be quite an effective takedown of me, if what she wrote were actually true.

I was going to write out a detailed response but instead let me give you the tl;dr version as it played out on Twitter last night:





After her video went up, a small squad of her supporters headed here to share their lovely opinions with me. Their comments went straight into the trash, but, what the heck, I thought I’d fish out a couple of them to share with you all now.

jjrockmale Submitted on 2015/11/03 at 11:16 pm Hey you boobsie. I know you will delete this. But I know your pathetic bitch ass has watched Cassie J’s answer to you. Please, don’t try to choke on your chicken leg too much. Or do, don’t care. YOurs in ZFG, and go f yourself you pwoor oppweseed wittle feminist. Al Phamal Submitted on 2015/11/03 at 10:50 pm What a stunning intellect you must have to try so hard to silence dissent. You are the furthest thing from a man I have seen in quite some time.

I guess these are the heroes of truth and objectivity who are funding her documentary.


But wait! There’s more! Jaye’s fans on Twitter also have some things to say.(Mildly NSFW.)

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9 years ago

she’s more offended by you casting a critical eye on her documentary than guys literally stalking her…really?

9 years ago

Can she not read? Or can she not comprehend what she has read?

Interesting, that Jaye will create a problem where there is not a problem, while simultaneously ignoring a very real problem that she pretends does not exist.

9 years ago

They are also very busy on AVfM about this – of cause they “forgot” to check what David actually said…

9 years ago

there’s got to be a word for this, not reading/comprehending the souce, and then reading second hand biased opinion and going off in a high dudgeon. It’s quite amazing really. I think she’s get more credibility if shed got an award from the portlandia film festival (I binge watched it in Netflix).

9 years ago

I feel like…I dunno, I feel like this should be dropped. She’s clearly angling for free press, and clearly willing to “paraphrase” (is that what we’re calling lying now?) in order to get d-bag dander up. It’s gonna be a trash film. Not “The Sarkeesian Project” level trash, but trash regardless.

9 years ago

Welp, it’s settled then isn’t it. After watching her preview I still thought she might possibly produce a balanced documentary and the “crisis of conscience” shown could be just for dramatic effect.

She made an interesting claim in the Brietbart piece, something along he lines of “why are feminists trying to silence meeee! There are documentaries about KKK and Westboro Baptist Church!”

How does she fail to realize nobody is “telling both sides” when it comes to the opinions of the KKK?

Social Justice Shota
Social Justice Shota
9 years ago

I suppose she is a feminist the same way Christina Hoff Summers is a feminist.

9 years ago

Seconding Alex, how is she more upset over David saying her film was awarded by a scam festival than creeps stalking her?

It’s ironic for these d-bags to hate white knights and yet they’re doing the same for Cassie, calling you an poor oppressed little feminist when they’re the ones who think they’re oppressed and wanting to eliminate misandry but say you are not a man.

9 years ago

“The majority of our support has been from middle of the road supporters of free speech and combating censorship.”

That’s pretty revealing, since no one has made any attempt to censor her, or MRAs. Only far right idiots who think not listening/not agreeing with them is the same as censoring them could even make a connection. When the right says, “free speech,” they almost always mean ideological hegemony.

Not sure why I listened past the part where she referred to Milo as a journalist.

9 years ago

Apparently, she’s the “cool girl.”

You know the type. The one doesn’t get along with girls because they’re too much drama. The one is not a feminist because she loves men. The one who thinks that the best way to escape misogyny is to turn a blind eye to it.

Lewis Muirhead - WCWFromTheBeginning

“You know the type. The one doesn’t get along with girls because they’re too much drama. The one is not a feminist because she loves men. The one who thinks that the best way to escape misogyny is to turn a blind eye to it.”

Yep. It’s all fun and games until Elam declares her film insufficiently positive and she’s just another gendered slur…

9 years ago

I really hope that Cassie Jaye reads this post of yours and sees what her supporters are truly like. Does she approve of her defenders using gendered insults, fat shaming and declarations that you are ‘not a man’?

9 years ago

Goddamn. You can tell someone is going right wing when they start bawwing, “everyone is against me! It’s a smear campaign because they want to silence the truth!” Like, that’s the moment in her response where she makes the most unambiguous display of ideologically committed to the right. By whining.

We really need to start showing the right for the thin-skinned crybabies they are.

9 years ago

The first time you posted her picture, I thought she looked like Amy from “Gone Girl”. Now I am seeing she acts like her, too.

9 years ago

Also, this is ridiculous:

So apparently if I am distrustful of someone for ANY reason and that person happens to be a woman, then I’m a misogynist. The more you know! /s

Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

@moocow… wait, she said David’s a misogynist because… he pointed out her fake film award was fake?

9 years ago

“Journalist Milo Yiannopoulos from reported on my difficulties finding funding and the resistance I was experiencing while making this film. His article inspired a flood of free speech and anti-censorship crusaders to go to the Kickstarter campaign page and make a pledge”

Look, you’re making a documentary about MRAs. If you see a correlation between a Milo article and an influx of donor and you don’t make the connection that they are MRA (adjacent), then you’re either

1)Incredibly naive and not much of an investigator, or
2)Willfully ignoring the obvious

Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

Well, not FAKE. But scammy.

9 years ago

Cassie said that her documentary is (kind of) funded by MRAs in her interview for Vocativ, unless the people at Vocativ are lying (quite unlikely).

Cassie claimed that she won at Cannes, but she forgot to tell the world that she didn’t won at the real Cannes, but at a copy-cat scam festival also called Cannes, that the original (real) Cannes considers as a scam. – David just pointed that out.

A. Cassie wants drama (or attention) for publicity! B. Cassie deliberately lies around, that she hasn’t said things she has said C. She has a low level of comprehension.

Either way, nothing works in Cassie’s favour, she seems dishonest and is not ashamed of it.

9 years ago

Er, when did anyone say (or imply or hint or use dog whistles or ANYTHING) that she shouldn’t be trusted because she’s a woman? It’s because she said several questionable things in the Brietbart piece that suggested the film had become a thinly-veiled advertisement for the manosphere.

Isn’t this the logic JB uses? “Criticizing me, a woman? Seems you are the true misogynist!” Much clever. /s

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

With “feminists” like Cassie Jaye on the job, who needs MRAs?

9 years ago

MRAs love the straw man that feminists believe criticizing a woman makes you a misogynist. And the moment a woman they happen to like is criticized, they’ll cry misogyny. Do they honestly believe this is how misogyny works, or are they just trolling?

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
9 years ago

The majority of our support has been from middle of the road supporters of free speech and combating censorship.

I’ll bet I’m not the only one who thought, “GamerGate!” when reading that. Her spiel sounded like GG or AVFM wrote it.

1. Claiming false accusations.
2. Screaming defamation over mere criticism.
3. Accusations of misogyny; i.e. checkmate feminist!
4. Misuses the word ‘attack’.

Shorter Cassie: WAAAAAAHHHHHH! Congrats, toots. You are officially a professional victim.

9 years ago

I would love to hear an MRA explain what free speech has to do with any of this. Apparently, not having your documentary funded by feminists counts as censorship now.

9 years ago

Anytime I hear anyone say women and girls cause too much drama I want to reply “go read a history book”

Mistrust (along with fear) of women and girls falls under gynophobia. Misogyny is hatred and contempt of women and girls, it’s not disagreeing with them and/or calling their garbage out. Isn’t using the sexist card what feminists do according to them?

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