
Women love creepy stalkers, and other insights from “The Females’ Harem of 6 Types of Men”


I found this insightful manosphere graphic on the Blue Pill Subreddit; it seems to have originally come from a blog called “Females exposed.” 

I hope all the women reading this will see this as the challenge that it is: Gotta Catch ’em All!

Click the pic for a much larger and far more readable version.

Oh, and if you’re wondering how many types of women — er, “females” — there are, apparently there is only one, at least according to Females exposed.



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Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

Breid, much of the Manuresphere is quite vocal on how they respect how Islam has managed to “stay alpha” and “non-feminized” unlike other religions like Judaism and Christianity which they say has been “taken over by feminists”. Some of them even think Islam is the answer to our “degraded” “pc” “feminized” “LGBTQ-phile” western civilization.

On the other hand you get those who see Islam as a threat to some “golden era of Western Civilization”.

And of course you get those who cry “false rape allegations!!!” unless the alleged rapist is a Muslim from a non-European country doing the alleged raping (or just having consensual sex) in Europe.

The Manuresphere wants their cake and eat it too.

9 years ago

@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Walked into what? What are you even talking about?
Also, Bibi said it wasn’t the Germans, but Palestinians heh
Anyhow, I don’t see any other ebul raycists other than me at the present time, so no, there’s no Stormfront raid, you can rest easy.

Reminding you of what? What is it I’m supposed to be seeing? I guess I am brainless, ecks deee.
I’m going to assume you are serious about your worldview, and not just another college student who is a liberal because it’s what the cool kids do. Anyhow, I would say that it is quite counter-productive to your worldview to go apeshit with your “raycis” claims. So, in your definition, I am a racist, and I’m cool with that since I am one (though not really against Mid-Easterners, but people of romani descent, where I come from you have to be, for survival – an example of my racism right here, if you need pointing out). Yet, I think you should redefine what racism means, or go easy on people you consider to be racist. This is a difficult time, being an authoritarian prick about your left wing agenda will only collect votes for SD, UKIP, and it’s why everyday working people go to PEGIDA rallies.

Is he your ATM or your Beta Bucks?

>tfw being too beta to even be anyone’s beta bux
kill me now

9 years ago

I’m ok with banning Breid now.

9 years ago

I hereby dub him White Breid.

9 years ago

Would Breidvik be too harsh?

9 years ago

@Virtually Out of Touch:

Some of them even think Islam is the answer to our “degraded” “pc” “feminized” “LGBTQ-phile” western civilization.

Right up to the point of “no booze” and “mandatory circumcision”, one assumes.

9 years ago


I hereby dub him White Breid.

Not very original.



I chuckled. Ban me, if you want, if I trigger you so.

9 years ago


You don’t trigger me. You’re just another racist asshole clogging up a comment section with bullshit. You’re an annoying waste of time.

9 years ago

Not very original.

Dude, if everyone who meets you gives you the same nickname, that says something.

9 years ago

While I understand that anecdotal evidence is not data, I would like to say that I have never been sexually assaulted by a Muslim immigrant. Both the guy who sexually assaulted me (who, after he was convicted served time for having a replica gun and was put on the sex offenders register) and the guy who raped me (who I didn’t even bother pressing charges against because I was drunk and passed out at the time so I knew wouldn’t be found guilty thanks to the misogynistic nature of rape cases) were white British.

I know several women who have been raped or experienced other sexual assaults. All by white British guys. And nobody has suggested to me that there is a terrible epidemic of white rapists. They have just said that the guys in question were shitbags. But one Muslim rapist means all Muslims are rapists right?

Just like any time a black person commits a crime it means all black people are criminals. But a white guy goes on a killing spree and he’s a lone wolf, a troubled kid or his mental health is questioned.

Or, in MRA land, if a man is an asshole it’s because that particular guy is an asshole. If a woman is an asshole it’s because aaalllll women are evil.

People are prone to stereotyping because it helps us to fit things into neat little boxes so we can understand the world. But anyone with some self awareness works to undo this bullshit and not fall into racist, sexist, bigoted trap.

Black people outnumbering white people in a community is not a fucking problem unless you are a racist fuckhead.

9 years ago

He is my financial cuck.
Since our leftist feminazi Muslim dictatorship is turning on the troll guillotine, can we ban Virtually too? He is not an entertaining troll.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

“I know several women who have been raped or experienced other sexual assaults. All by white British guys.”

Ditto, except it’s white American guys over here.

Also, I’m glad you’re asshole free.

Shorter Breid — if everyone is racist no one is racist so I can’t be racist! Like unconscious bias and outright violence are the same sort of racism. Not that either is okay, but I think we’re mostly in agreement here that the former is pretty much everyone, and the latter is unacceptable even in light of that.

9 years ago

Since our leftist feminazi Muslim dictatorship is turning on the troll guillotine, can we ban Virtually too? He is not an entertaining troll.

What the hell did Virtually do that you’re so mad about?

9 years ago

If being liberal is so popular that people here are only doing it to be cool, how can liberalism be so unpopular that it’s driving working folk to join racist political policies?

I guess it hasn’t occured to Breid that working class whites and/or Christians join racist parties because they’re low information voters who are manipulated into by the wealthy. Turn poor people against each other and they don’t notice who’s really making their lives shitty. Well, I’m not buying into that scam and neither should anyone else.

When I typed Breid into my phone, it suggested Breivik to me. As in racist right wing murderer Anders. How fitting.

9 years ago

I… Am not “so mad” about anyone. I thought trolls were banned when they were neither entertaining nor are contributing to any conversation from other threads I read here. Sorry. I think I will return to my passive reader status now. Thanks for the help, everyone.

9 years ago

As for manosphere shit, first of all, assure him that you’re not using him for beta bux.

This is terrible, terrible advice. Chiomara, I’m so glad that your boyfriend is not going down the Red Pill rabbit hole, but if there is someone else reading along and your partner is starting to sound like an angry misogynist, please don’t follow this advice. Don’t accept the premise that most women are bad women, but say that luckily you’re One Of The Good Ones. For one thing, if he’s willing to buy that your just after his money for absolutely no reason, you deserve better anyway. For another, he will turn on you the moment you fail to meet his understanding of what One Of The Good Ones looks like. Also, what happens if your relationship becomes serious and you end up in financial trouble for some reason? Are you unable to rely on him because you don’t want to be one of those evil women? Would he consider you an evil woman if you did? Bad, terrible, awful advice.

9 years ago

I… Am not “so mad” about anyone. I thought trolls were banned when they were neither entertaining nor are contributing to any conversation from other threads I read here. Sorry. I think I will return to my passive reader status now. Thanks for the help, everyone.

What. Did. They. Do? Why have you decided they’re a troll?

9 years ago

I don’t know if I’d call virtually a troll, but they’ve said a lot of side eye worthy things in the past few weeks and Chiomara is not the first person to express reservations.

9 years ago

I am pretty much done with Virtually as well.

9 years ago

Can someone, anyone, please point me to literally any example of anything they did that you had a problem with? Was it in a thread I didn’t read or what?

Look, I have no vested interest here; I’m not out to defend them. But all I see is someone who, in this thread anyway, has been constructive and funny and done nothing remotely sketchy, and people insisting they’re a troll but having no examples of actual trolling.

I’m just kind of mystified, honestly.

9 years ago

“Women would rather give a blowjob on the first date than make a sandwich.”
I just read this shit on facebook.

my comment;

In other words; the eviiilll womenz, how dare they have sex on the first date? How dare they refuse to make their master a sandwich?

Of course the fact that men would rather have sex with their date than repairing her bike isnt relevant…. of course….

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago


“A guy from our racist party here in Sweden recently suggested that young homeless women should simply start having sex with random men until one of them decides to marry her and get her off the street.”

I’m sorry, did you say your racist party or your rapist party? Or are they the same?

9 years ago


It’s been pointed out here and there in other threads. I’m in bed and on my phone right now so I can’t quote or link or give you screenshots at the moment. I could do it in the morning if it’s necessary. Basically, it’s not one huge thing, it’s many little WTF moments spread out over many threads.

9 years ago

@Rabid Rabbit

Funny how those things seem to go hand in hand, huh?

9 years ago

@katz, this was the recent comment by VoOT that prompted me to actually say something, but I had already been largely skipping over their posts because of a series of small things that had made me nebulously uncomfortable but that didn’t seem so glaring as to signify much each on their own. I’m not sure if they’re a troll or not. They are definitely someone who I personally disagree with on a lot of things.