
Women love creepy stalkers, and other insights from “The Females’ Harem of 6 Types of Men”


I found this insightful manosphere graphic on the Blue Pill Subreddit; it seems to have originally come from a blog called “Females exposed.” 

I hope all the women reading this will see this as the challenge that it is: Gotta Catch ’em All!

Click the pic for a much larger and far more readable version.

Oh, and if you’re wondering how many types of women — er, “females” — there are, apparently there is only one, at least according to Females exposed.



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Board of Ordnance
Board of Ordnance
9 years ago

Not only do they only see relationships as transactional as some of y’all said. … they just cannot believe that a woman would actually like or love a man. They think women have no passion. If they could see female people as *people* who are female their lives would change.

9 years ago

BTW, this is the link for the video in question.
I have no idea how to embed videos. I’m serious when I ask for help. I see him turning into the guy this blog writes about and I am so depressed.

Nick Gotts
Nick Gotts
9 years ago

What an unintentionally revealing graphic. Clearly, the “artist” has no qualities whatsoever that could possibly be attractive to women.

9 years ago

I sincerely didn’t realize that having artsy or intellectual conversations with people was ‘using them’.

9 years ago

Chiomara, that’s Pat Condell, an utterly vile atheist ex-comedian who’s decided to push his career into hate and bigotry. I’m so sorry your boyfriend has started listening to this guy :C I wish I had advice for you on how to convince him otherwise.

9 years ago

Dang, I’m doing being female all wrong!

@Dhag85 and Chiomara

“A guy from our racist party here in Sweden recently suggested that young homeless women should simply start having sex with random men until one of them decides to marry her and get her off the street.”
I don’t know how homeless people look in Sweden, but the last thing anyone thinks about a homeless person here is “wow, sexy lady”.

In my native city, London, it’s said to take an average of about 30 minutes between a young homeless person or runaway arriving in Kings Cross or Paddington Station and being approached for sex / pimping. Irrespective of gender – and some of them end up dead as well. Married? Not so often.

9 years ago

At risk of oversharing, I have a few male “fuck buddies” but unlike the oh so helpful graphic provided, none of them are the “bad boy” although I guess that’s subjective. What they are is sexually compatible, fun to be with, nice (the proper usage of the word), but like me are not looking for long term monogamous relationships. Which is kind of ironic considering that I’ve been friends with these guys for a long time.

I’ve also had a “mentor” type. Yeah, he was the professor who mentored me from undergraduate school through graduate school. He passed away from cancer a few years ago and I still miss him. Not because I was using him to “enhance my intellect or ideals” but because he believed in me and genuinely gave a damn about his students.

Are these guys incapable of understanding that not every heterosexual, cisgender relationship is exploitative? Christ.

9 years ago


I’m struck by the irony of calling someone “Tampon Guy” when he’s obviously spending zero time in her vagina.

When I still lurked /r9k/, people used to call the guys who were friends with a girl whilst having an obvious crush on her an “emotional tampon”, because, as you said, his only purpose was to “absorb the worry” and listen to her complain about how much of an asshole Chad Thundercock is. It’s quite sad that I know their language this in-depth, I’m aware of that, but I can’t unlearn it, unfortunately.

I wouldn’t worry if I were you about the bs with the muslims. It’s natural that he’s worried, everybody is, no matter how they try to portray themselves as the great Christian ready to help their fellows. And anyhow, people can agree with certain beliefs of the “opposing side” while still not becoming a raging far righter. Then again a lot of the raging far righters started out as liberals. Do as you feel, but don’t approach him forcefully or in a judgemental way, that’s the best way to reinforce his beliefs and ruin your relationship with him in addition.
As for manosphere shit, first of all, assure him that you’re not using him for beta bux. I’m saying this because sooner or later, he’s gonna start posting on one some PUA forum or RedPill bs, and the first thing they’ll tell him is to dump you because “ebul wester womyn who wants to use you for beta bux and incapable of love.” Or maybe they’ll give him lovely advice about how you actually want to be used and abused. Better nip that in the bud.

9 years ago

If your problem with women is that you think women depend on men for income, you should support feminism, where we fight for women to have a right to work and to make equal pay for equal work.

9 years ago


I’m not watching that video right now. I just ate (too much) and am already feeling a little bit sick. Pat Condell is a fucking moron anyway. However, my first advice to you would be to dump this guy immediately. Whether you want to do that or not, I’ll give you at least a little bit of actual facts about Sweden and rape statistics.

I’ve already debunked the myth of heavily increased rates of violent crime in Sweden over the last few years. Here’s a link specifically about rape statistics (in Swedish):

In case you can’t read Swedish, I’ll summarize the most important facts below.

– The number of reported rapes is higher in the last 10 years as compared to earlier figures. This is due to a change in the law from 2005 and on, changing the legal definition of rape to entail things that were previously treated as sexual assault or sexual coercion. This is reflected in the fact that cases of sexual coercion went down after 2005, while reported rapes increased.

– In 2013 the law was rewritten again, so that cases where the victim stays passive are also treated as rape. This also led to an increase in the number of reported rapes from 2013 to 2014.

– Even taking the new laws into account, the number or reported rapes has increased most years since 2005. I personally believe this is due to raised awareness, especially considering the next bullet point below.

– According to the 2014 NTU study, the number of people who claim to have been victims or sexual assault or rape has been fluctuating but mostly unchanged since 2005. There was an exception in 2013 with a major spike in the statistics, but as of 2014 it has come back down only slightly above the average figure for the last decade.

– In 2013, women were 12 times as likely to be victims of sexual assault or rape as compared to men.

– The majority of rapes that were reported to the police were committed by complete strangers, usually in public places. This is widely thought to be due to extreme under-reporting of the other types of crimes.

– 50% of victims had been assaulted or raped more than once. (Note: This is out of the 2014 NTU study, not out of crimes that were actually reported to the police.)

– The victim’s ethnicity made no difference as to their likelihood to have been victims of rape or sexual assault.

– In reported rapes, the identity of the perpetrator (stranger/acquaintance/close acquaintance or relative) is unchanged in the last decade, i.e. we have not seen a massive increase in “stranger rape” as would be expected if bands of Muslims were roaming the streets raping people left and right.

This link explains (in English) why looking at only the number of crimes reported to the police is a bad idea if you’re trying to find out how many crimes were actually committed:

Hope that helped.

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
9 years ago


It’s natural that he’s worried, everybody is

Um, no, it’s not natural. It’s racist and anti-Muslim.

Malice W Underland
9 years ago

I’m angry because this graphic gave me the impression that I could attract a harem of men by wearing a non-kilt with no underwear and bending over to expose my genitals as if to say “I am fertile and ready for copulation.” I tried doing that recently, and not only did men not flock to me, but now I’m banned from Singles Bowling Night.

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
9 years ago

@Chiomara, I don’t have advice, just want to say that sounds tough. I hope you’re able to end the relationship safely if you need to; anyone with an interest in digging deep into the manosphere is likely to absorb the misogynist mindset. And dating a racist is not fun.

9 years ago

I’m angry because this graphic gave me the impression that I could attract a harem of men by wearing a non-kilt with no underwear and bending over to expose my genitals as if to say “I am fertile and ready for copulation.” I tried doing that recently, and not only did men not flock to me, but now I’m banned from Singles Bowling Night.

comment image

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

It’s natural that he’s worried, everybody is, no matter how they try to portray themselves as the great Christian ready to help their fellows.

I’m neither worried nor a Christian. Now what?

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

You know what’s interesting, dhag85? All over the Manuresphere you can see men crying and whelping about “false rape allegations” and how “feminists are changing rape laws to mean what they didn’t before”. But when they start to talk about Sweden’s supposed “rise in rape” they don’t do the same crying and whelping.

9 years ago

@Emmy Rae

Um, no, it’s not natural.

Ummm, yes it totally is. It’s a human reaction, especially when you have villages whose native populations are actually going to be outnumbered by the migrants they receive. Don’t tell me that that won’t cause any problems.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

Chiomara, “Dear mammoths, I know this is not the subject of the post, but I saw you talking about the myth of Sweden becoming the rape capital of the world and just today my European boyfriend sent me a video about that(that he agreed with!), saying Europe made a horrible mistake, that Muslims are not civilized enough to live along Europeans… Jesus, he sent me videos of TF00t and TheAmazingPedophile before, but an old white guy saying Muslims are not civilized, this is too much even by his standards. I see him digging deeper and deeper inside manosphere and I don’t know what to do. Do you all have some good articles on that?”

– Well if he’s digging deeper and deeper inside the Manosphere ask him why its “false rape allegations” and “evil feminists changing rape laws like they change underwear” one minute, but “real rapes committed by Muslims over there in Europe” the next.

Crip Dyke
9 years ago

@Nick Gotts:

What an unintentionally revealing graphic. Clearly, the “artist” has no qualities whatsoever that could possibly be attractive to women.

I find it revealing that the “fuckbuddy” isn’t identified by particular skill in bed or changeable in type so that each individual heterosexual woman buddies up with someone into whatever is compatible with that woman’s desires. Nope.

When you talk about “sexually desirable” you don’t find 7 billion people have 7 billion distinct desire-profiles, possibly filterable into “types” depending on how much of the distinctions you wish to gloss over, but nonetheless showing huge variation. Nope.

Sexually desirable = The stereotypical bad boy, a good-looking stud-hunk.

Yeah, I get it, Artist. You want to talk about what’s attractive, and you could have stopped at “the only one who turns her on & fulfills her sexual needs and fantasy”. But no: there’s that picture in your brain again. No matter how hard you close your eyes, no matter how you attempt to distract yourself with other images, you think “Sexually desirable” and your mind forms the picture of a topless, oiled “stereotypical bad boy, good-looking stud-hunk” looking back at you over his motorcycle.

Have you thought much, Artist, about why things aren’t going so well with the ladies?

9 years ago

Ummm, yes it totally is. It’s a human reaction, especially when you have villages whose native populations are actually going to be outnumbered by the migrants they receive. Don’t tell me that that won’t cause any problems.

Oh my god, what is with the sudden influx of “scary immigrants” people? THIS IS RACISM. YOU GUYS ARE RACIST. That is all.

9 years ago

@Emmy and a few others
No, no, no, I don’t see him becoming a redpiller nor dangerous to me. He is not violent and he really doesn’t agree with traditional gender roles, nor manipulating people into sleeping with him, etc. He is not a misogynist. In fact, among the non feminist men I’ve known, he is probably the least misogynist. But there is an anti-muslim thing growing from somewhere, and an anti-feminism I don’t understand either. This all is very surprising and very confusing to me, so much unlike the good, kind person he is to me when the subject is not Muslim people or feminism in developed world.

9 years ago

hmmm! I wonder what category I’d come under I have plenty of low self esteem I listen too much and I like to help and keep the place tidy, oh and lots of low self esteem.

I’d like to be ATM just cos if the six figure salary but I’d fritter it away. I was fuckbuddy until I realised what a shallow empty life it was, settled down and then became what isn’t on the list deeply confused by how complicated relationships, children and trying to get by is

9 years ago

Make an YouTube video asking that. Maybe he answers you and I have a definitive reason to dump him.

9 years ago

I agree with Katz. Especially since it won’t cause problems not linked to racism.

I can sort of see why people are afraid, because people are hardwired to fear change. But that don’t mean it’s rational.

9 years ago

You “he is right to be worried, soon there will be more brown than white people” guys, fuck off. Stop treating brown people and immigrants as savages. As a savage white third world woman, whose country has way more blacks than whites, in my life, I have only had reasons to fear educated white males.

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