
Women love creepy stalkers, and other insights from “The Females’ Harem of 6 Types of Men”


I found this insightful manosphere graphic on the Blue Pill Subreddit; it seems to have originally come from a blog called “Females exposed.” 

I hope all the women reading this will see this as the challenge that it is: Gotta Catch ’em All!

Click the pic for a much larger and far more readable version.

Oh, and if you’re wondering how many types of women — er, “females” — there are, apparently there is only one, at least according to Females exposed.



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9 years ago

A guy from our racist party here in Sweden recently suggested that young homeless women should simply start having sex with random men until one of them decides to marry her and get her off the street. Some guys actually think this is how reality works, apparently.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Only 5% of people that call themselves “female” actually count as women though. Anyone who isn’t young and skinny doesn’t count as a “woman” for the purposes of this sort of analysis.

9 years ago

Hardly the most egregious error here but…a six-figure income would put ‘ATM Guy’ in the top 5% of earners in the US. Even if we assume, wrongly, that everyone in the top 5% is male, that’s not many ATM Guys to go around. If every woman has an ATM Guy, then each ATM guy must be shelling out for, what, nearly nine or ten women at a time?

Not to mention the fact that this figure shows a ratio of 6 men to 1 woman. So does this mean that a man can be in multiple harems at the same time? And would he have to fill the same role in each harem? Could he be ATM guy to one woman and fuck buddy to another?

I’m so confused.

Lisa C (@hppykittystudio)

If my apartment allowed it and if I didn’t travel as much as I do, I’d have a harem consisting of a feline fighter, rogue, and wizard. A feline superhero team is a little more likely as many cats are The Flash, Nightcrawler, or Wonder Woman 😉

Amanda Lane
Amanda Lane
9 years ago

@ej @franticcaps, I think I cracked the enigma.
Since there are few top earners of a 6-figure income, the stereotypical “hot” women like the one in the picture, share “sugar daddies” like the 80:20 rule suggests. Also it is believed that rich guys prefer younger,hotter women.

9 years ago


9 years ago

“A guy from our racist party here in Sweden recently suggested that young homeless women should simply start having sex with random men until one of them decides to marry her and get her off the street.”
I don’t know how homeless people look in Sweden, but the last thing anyone thinks about a homeless person here is “wow, sexy lady”.

9 years ago


Oh, that’s right. I keep forgetting that most of us don’t exist because we’re not HB10’s.

occasional reader
occasional reader
9 years ago


All this men for a woman ? Does this mean she is alpha ?
Tampon guy ? Did not they use the term “friend zoned guy” before ? Vocabulary evolves so quickly in this world, i am lost.

Have a nice day.

9 years ago

Geez, and I don’t have any of those guys in my life. Tampon guy sounds like a good friend.

Oh wait, I’m over forty and therefore do not exist.

9 years ago

So creepy guy buys her “giffes”? Is that like making a gaffe by buying an inappropriate gift? Or is this just a technical term for commissioning a new lolcat .gif?

Also, these dudes seem to think men are incapable of being all or at least more than one of these categories. I have awesome intellectual conversations with my wife, we go on dates for dinner and entertainment, I help buy things (she works too), we workout together, I listen to her and offer support when she needs it, and we have–not going to lie here–pretty hot sex on a regular basis. Been married 7 going on 8 years.

I guess according to MRAs/MGTOWs I either don’t exist or am “obviously an outlier”, though they would doubtless word that phrase as “stupid brainwashed cuck douchebag” or something equally inflammatory. I think in the final analysis, the MRM movement is comprised mostly of people who aren’t socially adjusted and therefore don’t go on dates often. They can’t see beyond their own navel-gazing so they blame women and society for their lack of romantic success, all while the problem Ida in their basic presipposition that they aren’t good enough to be loved which they transform–via projection–into women hating them and seeking to manipulate them. I hope they get some counseling and get back to being productive members of society.

9 years ago

Reading that mess over in the light of day, I’m struck by the irony of calling someone “Tampon Guy” when he’s obviously spending zero time in her vagina. How’s that work, again?

9 years ago

(Unless Tampon Guy is a Rely tampon, which “even absorbs the worry”. But that brand went out of production after an outbreak of TSS many years ago.)

9 years ago

I don’t like this MRA remake of “Inside Out”

9 years ago

Setting aside the mischaracterization, it put a smile on my face that the feminist shirt guy is deemed “a very common guy.”

9 years ago

“A guy from our racist party here in Sweden recently suggested that young homeless women should simply start having sex with random men until one of them decides to marry her and get her off the street.”
I don’t know how homeless people look in Sweden, but the last thing anyone thinks about a homeless person here is “wow, sexy lady”.

Unfortunately, I think the kind of guy that would have sex with a homeless woman is not one that would think “Wow sexy lady” but “I can do anything I want to her and nobody will retaliate.” And note to those reality deprived politicians – the list of “things I could do to her” may well include murdering her.

9 years ago

And note to those reality deprived politicians – the list of “things I could do to her” may well include murdering her.

Unfortunately I think this might be the outcome he’s secretly hoping for.

9 years ago

So, I started reading this insane, whiny graphic and saw everything I expected. The artist is mad at JERK ALPHAS, BETA CUCKS, and GOLDDIGGER TARGETS (Gammas? Deltas?) for deviously securing themselves sex with women who won’t have sex with him.

Then, a curveball:

“Mentor guy, platonic buddy, someone who she has artsy and intellectual conversation with him. She uses him to enhance her intellect or ideals.”

Did he just acknowledge that women have complex inner lives and non-sexual interests they satisfy through artistic and intellectual pursuits? This admission is so unique, within the mano-art-sphere, that it’s kind of blowing my mind.

9 years ago

This makes the worst reverse harem anime ever. There isn’t even a single guy with glasses!

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
9 years ago

With the title “Females Exposed” I was expecting either much worse or much better than this.

Have we already discussed that Creepy Guy morphed into Mentor Guy by giving himself salt and pepper hair and standing up straight?

9 years ago

Really, if I were to have a harem of 6 men vying for my affections it would consist of:

– An emotionless-looking guy who’s secretly sensitive and loves sweets and cute animals.
– A gentle giant who is the best cook and a big teddy bear to kids.
– A biker who comically tries to put up a bad-boy image but obeys all the traffic laws perfectly.
– A playboy who is very popular with women because he puts the utmost importance on safety, mutual pleasure and respecting boundaries.
– A guy with graceful features who cosplays an elfen character perfectly but is actually really clumsy.
– An artistic guy who loves writing songs and makes all 7 of us form a band.

And where’s the glasses guy? They’d ALL be wearing glasses!

9 years ago

Ooh ooh my turn!
1: A sporty, adventurous guy who I can do cool things with and is an ideal gym buddy.
2: A deep, reflective, academic type great for serious discussions into the night. And arguing about grammar. 😛
3: A caring lover, heavily into mutual pleasure and not averse to trying new things.
4: Smart, witty comedian, slight child at heart but not immature. Good for goofy fun.
5: Big hearted, world
-wise social justice warrior just like me. We’ll fight the good fight together.
6: Travel partner. Preferably with money lol but if not, knows how to get the most out of a dollar.

9 years ago

promisedlandpastor wrote:

Or is this just a technical term for commissioning a new lolcat .gif?

I can haz sleazeburger?

As for the “harem” graphic – and really the entire manosphere – it seems telling to me that they aren’t capable of seeing nuance, depth, and individuality in people. To them, everyone is just one thing; and alpha, a beta, a golddigger, a whatevever.

The only real question is whether this is due to intellectual/experiential limitations or just plain ol’ laziness….

9 years ago

Hi David, you’ve probably heard this one but just in case, here’s a very interesting podcast about the psychology of violent young men:

Very interesting.

9 years ago

Dear mammoths, I know this is not the subject of the post, but I saw you talking about the myth of Sweden becoming the rape capital of the world and just today my European boyfriend sent me a video about that(that he agreed with!), saying Europe made a horrible mistake, that Muslims are not civilized enough to live along Europeans… Jesus, he sent me videos of TF00t and TheAmazingPedophile before, but an old white guy saying Muslims are not civilized, this is too much even by his standards. I see him digging deeper and deeper inside manosphere and I don’t know what to do. Do you all have some good articles on that?