
Women love creepy stalkers, and other insights from “The Females’ Harem of 6 Types of Men”


I found this insightful manosphere graphic on the Blue Pill Subreddit; it seems to have originally come from a blog called “Females exposed.” 

I hope all the women reading this will see this as the challenge that it is: Gotta Catch ’em All!

Click the pic for a much larger and far more readable version.

Oh, and if you’re wondering how many types of women — er, “females” — there are, apparently there is only one, at least according to Females exposed.



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Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

@takshak I hear ya. I remember a time about, oh…four years ago, driving fast through the streets of my city, looking for drugs and a place to leave a couple of bodies.

Then I arrived at the hospital and had twins.

@machine gun sally – IKR? These horrible, horrible women, forcing men to be decent human beings, like some kind of performing seal. Women make them do kindness tricks in hopes of getting sex fish. The evil harpies!

Evidently, basic manners and morality are a terrible burden to them.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

So that skinny blonde in the short skirt – is that what they think all “females” look like? Why was she chosen to rep all the rest 3.6 billion of us?

9 years ago

WWTH: I think I was going to make that point too. These are not the kind of people who have any form of “friend”, and the reasons you cited, are why.

Catherine Reed (@Radiojane1)

It’s been ages since I saw The Matrix. What are Blue-pillers again? They take the blue pill they go back into the Matrix, yes?

My dentist uncle retired a few years ago, he had severe hypertension. It’s a stressful occupation, because your patients are usually unhappy to be there. He’s much healthier now.

9 years ago

I’m definitely feeeemaling wrong. I haven’t used my sexuality to amass a harem in a dog’s age, quite literally.

(And by “harem”, I mean guys who wouldn’t have sex with me, either.)

9 years ago

Also, I love how they use a pornified picture to represent how all women have the upper hand*. Could anything possibly be less true?

*unless all men are just all dick and nothing else, of course

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

So they think every woman has these 6 archetypes in her life? Beta Bucks leaves his own home (and presumably his own gf or wife (or bf/husband/partner as the case may be, and comes over to her house just to cook and clean?! Yeah I could use one of those! Do I have to look like the blonde here to get one?

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago

I’ll be honest. “I will become a whore!” is the funniest thing I have seen in many days.

9 years ago

…I kinda dont get the “mentor guy” one. Like seriously the great crime of that one is “SHE ENHANCES HER INTELLECT BY HAVING A PLATONIC FRIENDSHIP WITH A MAN”. Thats pretty much saying “SHE IS GAINING INTELLIGENCE HOW TERRIBLE”.

9 years ago

Wait, all the interesting conversations I’ve had with my female friends is because they wanted to increase their intellect or ideals? I’m, uh, I’m kind of flattered. I just kind of assumed we were talking to each other to puzzle ideas out and try to convince each other of their own beliefs, but apparently I’m a fucking super mentor. What does it mean that I’ve learned from the people I have conversations with? Do I somehow harvest subpar lady-brains for the ideas that they don’t actually have? Or maybe this is complete nonsense? I don’t know, maybe I should explain at my wife until I come up with the real reason. /s

9 years ago

I just glanced over at FemalesExposed and the “logic” is pretty much the same over everywhere in the manosphere.

“Men are doing better in these areas than women are and look at this guy save someone clearly men are superior but women are doing better in these areas than men and look at this woman save someone this is clearly misandry/feminist conspiracy”

“Women being abused by their partners it’s their fault for not choosing nice guys, women beating up guys it proves women are evil and the men who are being abused are total wusses (what? What do you mean I don’t care about men? Women are the ones who are incapable of love!)”

“Men are stronger and smarter they are just superior but women are the ones who rule the world and control everything.”

“Men can do no wrong except if he is a mangina (mangina= Doesn’t mind girly things, sees women/girls as people and not punching bags, objects, etc) everything a woman does is wrong. Women=Misandry”

“Men do all the work and Feeemales don’t work at all they just use their sexuality to get guys to do stuff for them including giving them money”

“relationships are men giving money to females and females returning them with sex. I know this is how relationships work becuase I watched a lot of porn and sitcoms. Porn and sitcoms are realistic right?”

“If you are not a skinny, young virgin then you are clearly not a woman/person wait you like guys who are taller than you? You shallow, misandristic harpy!”

Don’t know why guys like him can’t have long lasting healthy relationships. /s

9 years ago

Don’t you all know? females are gathering info about males to report back to the Great Fempire about the males’ weaknesses so we can take over the world. I mean it’s right in the Great Fempire guide.

9 years ago

But what about us ladies who don’t want any guys at all? What kind of “females” are we?

9 years ago

Six types of men? That’s it? These dudes think life is the most boring rpg ever.

9 years ago

Some men are not part of this harem partially because women have no use for them and/or those men refuse to be part of it, but women couldn’t care less about them.

This sentence is a challenging journey. Do all women share one collective harem? Are all men who don’t fit one of those six jumbled stereotypes dwell forever in the land of women no curr?

Female, she skillfully uses her sexuality to build this harem in order to get different kind of men to fulfill different aspects of her life. She has all the power and upperhand, a man must meet her standards and expectations so that she can allow him to date her.

All the power and upperhand. All the tortured phrasing.

I’m not sure how women choosing the people they date destroys men’s agency in modern dating, but then again I never built my own females’ harem.

9 years ago

These dudes think life is the most boring rpg ever.

Make sure to have a fighter, a cleric, a wizard, and a rogue in your harem.

StoicSophist (@StoicalSophist)

Creepachu, I choose you!

(p.s. I love how “has standards” is one of the awful crimes a female perpetrates. What a monster.)

9 years ago

Is it just me, or are the black and white woman’s arms disproportionately long? Is it just a weird angle? Is it the 1950’s equivalent of Photoshop? Someone help me, I can’t stop staring.

9 years ago


Weird. I always figured fire was scarier than EMS because we talk about line of duty deaths and cancer all the time, and I actually know people who spent time in the burn ward…

I guess the more warm and fuzzy part of my volunteer stuff is actually the more dangerous?

Also, I totally buy that it’s way more dangerous to be a vet or a dentist. Vets risk lots of bites, and dentists have the problem of all their patients hating being in their office.

9 years ago

Let’s say this was true (it’s not):
1) Wouldn’t each of those guys be using her as well? Only with different levels of success? And all seem to just be after sex. Even when attacking women they all make men look bad.
2) At the bottom there is the disclaimer that there are other types of men, but women have no use for them and some refuse be part of the system (I guess). Interestingly, this guy only sees one kind of woman (the hot sexy lady who will apparently create a harem) and has no use for the rest (or more likely they want even less to do with him).

So in conclusion, it’s OK for men to only see the use in one type of woman (the women they want for sex) and ignoring all the rest, but it’s wrong for women to see 6 whole types of men and ignoring all the rest. Even their idea of horrible women have more respect for men than they do for women.

(I shutter to see where they put lesbians in this whole premise (ha ha I’m kidding I’m pretty sure I know and it’s horrible).)

9 years ago

Wait, I thought it was the minority of alpha’s males with the actual harems, so which upperhand is the upperhand with all the powerz…

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

With six men, at least one of them has to be Kevin Bacon.

9 years ago


Yes. It is saying exactly that. To these guys, there is no greater enemy than a smart woman, because no one who is even mildly intelligent would give them the time of day.

With six men, at least one of them has to be Kevin Bacon.

Or at most five other men removed from him.

Also, all this talk of bacon is making me peckish.

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
9 years ago

I don’t think clicking on the image will make it any more readable.

And how DARE a woman require that a man she gets involved with meet her standards and expectations! The only demands that a manly manosphere man makes of the women he dates is that they be virgins weighing no more than 120 pounds and remain 23-years-old or younger forever.

9 years ago

I kind of want to make that “I’m tired of this, I will become a whore” image my facebook profile picture.Please talk me out of it.