anti-Semitism cuckolding evil SJWs literal nazis matt forney racism reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings

Far-right weirdos boycotting Seth Rogen’s Xmas flick because he’s a “cuck,” allegedly

Er, what?

Not that long ago, the internet’s far-right weirdos had a victory of sorts: they managed to inject the made-up word “cuckservative” into mainstream Republican political debate.  A combination of “cuck” — short for cuckold — and “conservative,” the insult was used against, well, pretty much all Republicans who weren’t Donald Trump.

Fresh off this tiny triumph, far-right manospherians are now launching another cuck-based humiliation campaign, this time against the charmingly schlubby comedy star Seth Rogen and his upcoming Christmas comedy. Using the hashtags #CuckRogen and #BoycottTheNightBefore, supporters of this new crusade are filling up Twitter with lovely sentiments like these:

Donald Trump even made a few cameo appearances:

I’ve left out a few more graphic Tweets.

Now, you may find yourself wondering: how in the everloving fuck did this shit even get started?

Our tale begins a month and a half ago, when the evil Rogen had the temerity to Tweet this radical call for white genocide:

Ok, sure, that wasn’t literally a call for white genocide. But the Tweet did manage to deeply offend a vast number of, well, let’s just call them really, really big fans of the white race.

One of those, er, arguing with Rogen on Twitter was a man we’ve met before: Mike Cernovich, lawyer, juice salesman and (apparently) an Associate Producer for Cassie Jaye’s The Red Pill documentary. Rogen even sparred a little with Cernovich before heading off to do whatever it is actors do.

And this is where things get really weird. A couple of weeks later, Rogen’s wife apparently discovered Cernovich’s Tweets denigrating her fella, and this happened:


Most people, if they were Tweeted-at thusly by the wife of a celebrity they’ve never met, would assume that this was a sarcastic attempt at a joke, or that she had typed “would” instead of “wouldn’t” by accident, or had some sort of autocorrect trouble.

Cernovich took it as proof that she really did want to have sex with him — and wrote about the whole incident in not one but two posts (so far) declaring that he’d basically “cucked” Rogen, on Twitter. And that the whole world would soon know of Rogen’s imaginary humiliation!

Except that Cernovich doesn’t think there’s anything imaginary about it, writing in his second post on the subject that

Seth Rogen is now known as Cuck Rogen. Whenever he attempts to release a new film, the cucking will follow him. The story went viral and the meme is forever.

And now Roosh Valizadeh’s increasingly Nazified garbage site Return of Kings has jumped on the #CuckRogen bandwagon, with a post by babyfaced skinhead Matt Forney headlined “Will #BoycottTheNightBefore And #CuckRogen Lead To The End Of Seth Rogen’s Career And Marriage?”

The only reasonable article to follow a headline like this would be a one-word article, that one word being “no.”

Instead, Forney offers what is essentially a report from an alternate reality, in which

[t]he popularity of #BoycottTheNightBefore and #CuckRogen displays how much power the alternative right and neomasculinity has in shaping the public discourse.

He concludes that

With one film of his already bombing due to his anti-white, anti-Christian comments and his public reputation in tatters after being cucked by Mike Cernovich, Seth Rogen’s career is in serious danger. Having alienated the bulk of his fans and publicly emasculated, it’s going to be difficult—if not impossible—for Rogen to recover from these humiliations. If he can’t rebuild his image, Rogen will find himself shut out of an industry that’s recognized him as box office poison.

Goodbye Seth, and don’t let the door hit you in the vagina on the way out.

I’m not even sure how that last bit would even work. Matt, you do know where vaginas are located, right?

Meanwhile, the Return of Kings commenters have their own thoughts on Rogen, his wife, and, you know, it’s a word that starts with J.




This already plenty strange boycott of a film that isn’t even out yet will likely get a lot stranger before it fizzles out.



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9 years ago

@scallylama – maybe? Every time I hear someone say it out loud (not often, fortunately), they rhyme it with “cluck,” so I’ve been assuming that’s the correct way to say it. Likewise, I hear people say “cuckold” as if it rhymes with, uh, “cluckold.”

9 years ago

Oops, I meant to type scalyllama, sorry.

9 years ago

And I say “these types” because I don’t even know what to call them anymore. There’s so much overlap between MRA types and white supremacist types that they’re basically just a big amorphous blob of ugliness and hate at this point, like a shoggoth, except they probably smell worse. They don’t deserve to qualify as specific unique groups or even individuals anymore, since they all believe the same hateful ignorance and say the same buzzwords and would never dare to go against the hivemind, they’re just a big slimy poisonous shoggoth.

You could just call them manospherians or something like that.

9 years ago

(Oh, and is it just me, or does anyone else find the whole “cuck” thing to be reminiscent of someone pretending to be a chicken? “cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck… brawk!”

“Oh look, he’s laid an egg.”

“Funny, I didn’t know roosters could do that.”

“Oh, it’s even better – this one’s a capon.”)

I am also among the people who hears “cuck” and thinks of chicken sounds.

Oh good, so it’s not just me, then!

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
9 years ago

(Also: “gassed to death in microwaves”??? I don’t think this guy understands how microwave ovens work. Or how anything works, really.)

It always amazes me how little neo-Nazi white supremacists know about how Jews were actually murdered and disposed of during WW2. You’d think that with how much they admire Hitler and his ‘Final Solution to the Jewish Problem,’ they’d be eager to learn all the details of that history, and yet they tend to be Holocaust deniers, using their same ignorance to make arguments that just expose their lack of knowledge.

Bananananana dakry
Bananananana dakry
9 years ago

Good God.

These people’s perceptions of reality are so ingrown that not all the tweezers in the world could get them out.

I’m also imagining a mysterious spike of popcorn orders being sent to the Rogen household, because that’s the only way I can see them dealing with this.

9 years ago

I could imagine getting hit in the vagina by a door, I guess. If they are drunk, walking funny and walked into an open door- not likely but possible. Or maybe they pass out in an open sliding-glass door and some other drunk tries to shut it?

Also, ouch. I winced typing out that last one because it just sounds painful. So painful.

Also, also. I want to see Krampus and now I need to make a list of Christmas horror movies. Because awesomeness!

9 years ago

Hey, extreme right-wingers, thanks for those tweets telling me who to hate.

Nathan Braun (nice flag, guy!), you mentioned someone named Chirst. Is that Jesus Chirst? I think that’s spelled Christ. Anyway, did you know that Jesus Christ was a Jew? Did you know that his mother and his father and his siblings and all the Apostles were Jews? Did you know that most of his disciples were Jews? Weird, huh?

Also, did you know that Jesus says to love your enemies (Matthew 5:44)? It’s just getting weirder and weirder, isn’t it?

So I have to wonder, if Jesus came back today and made a movie, would you call for its boycott?

9 years ago

Maybe it’s the doorknob?

9 years ago

Hey, extreme right-wingers, me again. I wanted to elaborate on my last question.

So I have to wonder, if Jesus came back today and made a movie about his own birth, would you call for its boycott?

9 years ago

I don’t go to the cinema. A weird true fact about me is that I don’t really like film all that much. So I won’t be going to see this movie. Or the new Star Wars. Or the Mad Max film…or any of the others that they’re boycotting for silly reasons. But every time I see one of these ‘boycotts’ it makes me vaguely tempted to break my cinema-fast. But then I think…meh.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

I am also among the people who hears “cuck” and thinks of chicken sounds.

I’m thinking the sound of European cuckoo.

Imagine a quiet early summer’s night in the countryside. Young leaves on trees, soft lingering daylight. From the forest you hear a bright distant call, repeating again and again:

Cuck you!
Cuck you!
Cuck you!
Cuck you!
Cuck you!
Cuck you!
Cuck you!
Cuck you!
Cuck you!

People here used to say you can count the calls and know how many years you have left. Or maybe it’s how heated the debate is on Twitter.

9 years ago

I imagine so.
Jesus: “Welcome foreigners among you.”
Jesus: “Treat others as you want to be treated.”
Them: “SOCIALISM!!!”
Jesus: *hangs out with women like equals*
Them: “FEMINAZI WHITE KNIGHT!!!” *rage spittle*

occasional reader
occasional reader
9 years ago


Maybe it was not even “wouldn’t” of Mme Miller Rogen, but a dot or a coma missing just before the “fuck you” ?
It remembers me of a story our latin teacher taught us about the importance of punctuation, where someone was dictating (translation included) “Execution cancel. Liberation” (it was a military formalized message, thus no conjugation). And the scribe wrote and sent “Execution. Cancel liberation”.

Have a nice day.

9 years ago

Weirdly enough, I saw a use of the word “cuck” that had nothing to do with this crap.

The Changeling: The Dreaming RPG book about the Nocker fae– tinkers and inventors with a tendency (if not a flat-out compulsion) to swear a blue streak– had an illustration of a rather dignified Nocker lady saying “Cuck” in a fancily-scripted speech balloon. This book came out in 1997 and I don’t think White Wolf games knew about the manosphere– I suspect they were just using it as a euphemism (as it looks like a portmanteau of cock/cunt/fuck).

occasional reader
occasional reader
9 years ago

And speaking about cukcoo, maybe some have been cukcooed by this kind of cukcoo.

9 years ago

Something I’ve always found odd about the alt right set is that for all they rant about “anti-Christian” whatever, they never actually seem all that invested in the religion. You never see them talking about going to church, or teaching their kids’ Sunday school classes, or quoting Bible verses, or really any of the other things associated with displaying Christian faith. It’s like they’re just invested in the *idea* of what Christianity *might* represent (namely, Us, as opposed to Them), not the actual practice.

Yeah, I agree. I’ve been a Christian all my life, and only a feminist for part of it, but it always blows my mind to see these dudes invoking Christianity in their arguments. I’ve attended church in several different denominations, and had friends in a whole lot more denominations, friends who were Protestant and Catholic, conservatives and liberals. There’s been an ample assortment of good, bad, and bizarre people all along the way. But the sort of bile that these dudes are spewing looks nothing like anyone I have ever met.

Some of my friends have even been the paranoid “ZOMG WAR ON CHRISTMAS” type people. Some of them might have gone on righteously indignant blogging sprees, “Ugh, Seth Rogen is doing something blasphemous in a movie. How dare he! Boycott!” But none of them would have connected that to whiteness, and they certainly wouldn’t have chalked it up to a massive Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. If anything, the more conservative my friends are, the more pro-Jewish they tend to be.

I don’t know how you can go on a profanity-filled angry rant about how much you hate everybody who isn’t exactly like you, how much you lust after (and hate) women, give a call for violent actions, and then claim that you value Christianity. On paper, those are completely incompatible ideas. To me, combined with tessarion’s points above, Occam’s razor suggests that most of these guys probably don’t actually value Christianity, except inasmuch as it is a stand-in to them for “1950’s good-old-days whitewashed Americana”. They cling to it as a cultural marker, but don’t actually understand or practice it. This is why they also get confuse “Jewish” and “Muslim” with racial identities, totally for reals separated from True Whiteness. They don’t give a rip about the religions, except as a red flag for identifying someone who isn’t like them, someone to persecute and then scream about being persecuted by.

To be perfectly clear, I’m positive that there are, in fact, people who stay up late putting anti-Semitic garbage on the internet Saturday night, and then show up smiling to church on Sunday morning. Especially considering the amount of anti-Semitism (and violence) that shows up in church history, I’m not going to pretend that no practicing Christian could possibly hold such noxious beliefs. There’s something like 200 million of us just in the USA, so there’s no way we don’t have toxic people in our ranks.

But even accounting for the most unreasonable, paranoid fundamentalists I’ve known IRL, this sort of Jewish-illuminati-tinfoil-hat swill sounds completely alien to me. It’s the same kind of mental disconnect I feel when I see some blogger claiming to be a woman and ranting about how much better life would be if we were the literal legal property of our fathers and husbands. Like, I’m sure that there ARE women who believe that, because the world is too big and too weird to think otherwise, but it is so far outside of my own beliefs, and the beliefs of anyone I’ve ever known, that I can’t wrap my brain around how it could be A Thing.

9 years ago

@Karalora & Brian

You win 😀
comment image

Gah, I miss my rats. One had learned to pop open his cage door using his teeth, they are awesomely intelligent creatures!

9 years ago

See, to me it seems obvious that she’s responding to the accusation that she wouldn’t fuck her husband by saying that she WOULD indeed fuck him. I mean, Cernovich isn’t the only one tagged…

9 years ago

I live in a now gentrified neighbourhood in Toronto, and the other day I saw a ‘cuckservative’ sticker on a parking meter in my hood. Really hoping it was placed there ironically by one of the resident hipsters.

Not the same, but I’m going to venture related – I saw this bumper sticker yesterday on an SUV going a good 15 mph over the speed limit amd a good 10 mph faster than the flow of traffic:$_57.JPG?set_id=880000500F

And when I Googled to find the image, I found that there’re seemingly endless variations.
Oh, goody.

9 years ago

Jew isn’t a race either, it’s a religion FFS.

Also, i still don’t really get what they mean with cuckservative. Can some kind soul plz explain????

9 years ago

Sorry David. I’m sure you spent some time collating those tweets, but after reading a handful of ‘jew cuck ‘jew hate white hate Christ cuck jew’ effluent, I couldn’t go on. Anyone who made it through them all has my admiration.

9 years ago


There’s so much overlap between MRA types and white supremacist types that they’re basically just a big amorphous blob of ugliness and hate at this point, like a shoggoth, except they probably smell worse.

Did anyone else notice that when Forney said this (emphasis mine):

[t]he popularity of #BoycottTheNightBefore and #CuckRogen displays how much power the alternative right and neomasculinity has in shaping the public discourse.

he was directly associating white supremacist garbage with his idea of what a man should be? You’re not the only one who has trouble keeping the white supremacists and the MRAs apart. The bigots themselves seem to believe you can’t have one without the other.

The other implication of Forney’s statement is that he believes maleness and whiteness are linked, so you can’t truly be a man if you’re a man of colour. Which… yup, totally jives with what I know about Matt Forney.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Wait, “Neomasculinity”? So Forney’s working for Roosh now? What, is he on the rebound after his breakup with Elam?