Not that long ago, the internet’s far-right weirdos had a victory of sorts: they managed to inject the made-up word “cuckservative” into mainstream Republican political debate. A combination of “cuck” — short for cuckold — and “conservative,” the insult was used against, well, pretty much all Republicans who weren’t Donald Trump.
Fresh off this tiny triumph, far-right manospherians are now launching another cuck-based humiliation campaign, this time against the charmingly schlubby comedy star Seth Rogen and his upcoming Christmas comedy. Using the hashtags #CuckRogen and #BoycottTheNightBefore, supporters of this new crusade are filling up Twitter with lovely sentiments like these:
Donald Trump even made a few cameo appearances:
I’ve left out a few more graphic Tweets.
Now, you may find yourself wondering: how in the everloving fuck did this shit even get started?
Our tale begins a month and a half ago, when the evil Rogen had the temerity to Tweet this radical call for white genocide:
If you think there's some conspiracy against white people, you are, I guarantee, a stupid white person.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) September 17, 2015
Ok, sure, that wasn’t literally a call for white genocide. But the Tweet did manage to deeply offend a vast number of, well, let’s just call them really, really big fans of the white race.
— Truth Serum II (@marcus1488) September 18, 2015
One of those, er, arguing with Rogen on Twitter was a man we’ve met before: Mike Cernovich, lawyer, juice salesman and (apparently) an Associate Producer for Cassie Jaye’s The Red Pill documentary. Rogen even sparred a little with Cernovich before heading off to do whatever it is actors do.
And this is where things get really weird. A couple of weeks later, Rogen’s wife apparently discovered Cernovich’s Tweets denigrating her fella, and this happened:
Most people, if they were Tweeted-at thusly by the wife of a celebrity they’ve never met, would assume that this was a sarcastic attempt at a joke, or that she had typed “would” instead of “wouldn’t” by accident, or had some sort of autocorrect trouble.
Cernovich took it as proof that she really did want to have sex with him — and wrote about the whole incident in not one but two posts (so far) declaring that he’d basically “cucked” Rogen, on Twitter. And that the whole world would soon know of Rogen’s imaginary humiliation!
Except that Cernovich doesn’t think there’s anything imaginary about it, writing in his second post on the subject that
Seth Rogen is now known as Cuck Rogen. Whenever he attempts to release a new film, the cucking will follow him. The story went viral and the meme is forever.
And now Roosh Valizadeh’s increasingly Nazified garbage site Return of Kings has jumped on the #CuckRogen bandwagon, with a post by babyfaced skinhead Matt Forney headlined “Will #BoycottTheNightBefore And #CuckRogen Lead To The End Of Seth Rogen’s Career And Marriage?”
The only reasonable article to follow a headline like this would be a one-word article, that one word being “no.”
Instead, Forney offers what is essentially a report from an alternate reality, in which
[t]he popularity of #BoycottTheNightBefore and #CuckRogen displays how much power the alternative right and neomasculinity has in shaping the public discourse.
He concludes that
With one film of his already bombing due to his anti-white, anti-Christian comments and his public reputation in tatters after being cucked by Mike Cernovich, Seth Rogen’s career is in serious danger. Having alienated the bulk of his fans and publicly emasculated, it’s going to be difficult—if not impossible—for Rogen to recover from these humiliations. If he can’t rebuild his image, Rogen will find himself shut out of an industry that’s recognized him as box office poison.
Goodbye Seth, and don’t let the door hit you in the vagina on the way out.
I’m not even sure how that last bit would even work. Matt, you do know where vaginas are located, right?
Meanwhile, the Return of Kings commenters have their own thoughts on Rogen, his wife, and, you know, it’s a word that starts with J.
This already plenty strange boycott of a film that isn’t even out yet will likely get a lot stranger before it fizzles out.
Eh, blog ate my twitter link. Anyways, if you look at her tweets, you can see she was very obviously being sarcastic, tweeting things like “I heard his wife is pretty awesome” etc. later.
“This already plenty strange boycott of a film that isn’t even out yet will likely get a lot stranger before it fizzles out.”
Roosh’s stats have been declining over the past 2 years, drastically. Not too long ago he wrote a blog about the “end of the Manosphere” but somehow envisioned his blogs and book sales would go on. Then he did the “tour” in an attempt to rope in more men but hardly anyone showed up at his talks. Since he’s openly admitting he’s getting old and no longer has the energy or desire to “game chicks” anymore he’s looking for the next gig to keep the paypal rolling. Remember he does not want to get a real job and his dad and step-mom will allow him to hang at their house for only so long.
Wow, Forney should get a job writing propaganda in North Korea.
Maybe the reason white racists think the white population is shrinking is because they keep narrowing the criteria of how people qualify as white?
How delusional.
“Maybe the reason white racists think the white population is shrinking…”
Yet they are not eager to mate with one another, have you noticed? I’ve seen same online photos of these WN’s and I don’t blame them. But if they’re not willing to “take one for the team” they should shut up about “shrinkage”.
Did you have Hamnpork, Sardines, and Big Savings?
Can I get the really soft kind with chocolate chips?
Yeah…NONE. Ha, ha.
Also, everytime I see that silly “cuck”, my mind turns it to “cluck”. As in the sound a hen makes while laying an egg.
Oh my god, how many white supremacists’ Twitter avatars are either anime characters or wolves? Is it most of them or all of them?
Trolls seem to have anime while pure white supremacists tend to have pictures of themselves, memes, Hitler or some other famous white supremacist from what I’ve seen.
from what might be my favorite of Pratchett’s YA books, I’m pretty sure.
I think it’s real cute for such vitrolic hatred to come from someone who’s internet handle is “oceanlover998”.
I’m a Cis woman, I never had a door hit my vagina on my way out however I had my hair caught in doors, etc on several occasions (my hair is really long it’s past my knees. I recently cut it to my shoulders. Totally misandry. I had to because I was going to Haiti it was hot there.)
I like some Christmas movies espesically cartoons. The only hannokah (apologies if I spelled that wrong) movie I watched was Adam sandlers 8 crazy nights.
I really don’t get people who complain about anti white and anti Christianity and then turns around and does the same things towards POC and other religions. As a white Christian anyone who are like these people above just shut up.
Never heard of a horror Christmas film. And wow! That woman is amazing!
Am I the only one who keeps mentally pronouncing “cuck” as “cook,” even though that’s incorrect?
Anyway, Seth Rogen is definitely not someone I’d ever associate with social justice, and his movies tend to use some very tired, misogynist tropes, which makes this whole thing feel even more bizarre…
There are lots of Christmas horror movies. My personal favorite is Santa’s Slay in which Santa is actually the son of Satan. Jack Frost is another good one. It’s about a serial killer who died in an auto accident with some sort of bio hazardous materials and turned into a killer snow man.
There’s also Black Christmas, Silent Night, Deadly Night and more.
Will be watching Krampus!
I live in a now gentrified neighbourhood in Toronto, and the other day I saw a ‘cuckservative’ sticker on a parking meter in my hood. Really hoping it was placed there ironically by one of the resident hipsters.
A trap door could hit you in the vagina, if you happened to be doing squat thrusts in the attic.
Well, how else can they feel rare and special and superior? Certainly not because of their personality or achievements.
They do know the guy who founded Christianity was Jewish, right?
(Oh, and is it just me, or does anyone else find the whole “cuck” thing to be reminiscent of someone pretending to be a chicken? “cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck… brawk!”
“Oh look, he’s laid an egg.”
“Funny, I didn’t know roosters could do that.”
“Oh, it’s even better – this one’s a capon.”)
@ Paradoxical Intention…. there actually is a racist element in neo (not pseudo) paganism, most notably in the Nordic aisle (although not all Nordic neopagans are racists). I’ve run into a couple, and I’m not even neopagan (most of my friends are, tho) Bigots know no bounds
“I saw a ‘cuckservative’ sticker on a parking meter in my hood. ”
Seriously? I thought it was just some obscure Manosphere meme. Either the person who placed it there was a Nanospherian OR they are claiming to have invented the term when someone else did.
I am also among the people who hears “cuck” and thinks of chicken sounds.
God, Tracy, that it so depressing — I too live in Toronto, but I’ve never seen any explicitly MRA stuff up here. I really hope this is an isolated and impersonal incident.
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants
I am duly warned 😀
Are you wrong though? I thought it was a shortening of the word ‘cuckold’, which in turns derives from ‘cuckoo’. So I’ve always thought it should takes its pronunciation from that source. But I guess it’s hoping too much for TRPs and MRAs to know that much about etymology.
The Nanosphere boycotted Mad Max and then back-peddled? Links?
These types throw around the word “cuck” like foil hate conspiracy nuts throw around “illuminati”, or the tea party throws around “socialist”. They never fully grasped what it meant in the first place, and they abused it to the point that it has no meaning anymore. The fact that they are still trying to use it as an insult shows how mindless and impotent they are.
And I say “these types” because I don’t even know what to call them anymore. There’s so much overlap between MRA types and white supremacist types that they’re basically just a big amorphous blob of ugliness and hate at this point, like a shoggoth, except they probably smell worse. They don’t deserve to qualify as specific unique groups or even individuals anymore, since they all believe the same hateful ignorance and say the same buzzwords and would never dare to go against the hivemind, they’re just a big slimy poisonous shoggoth.
Slowly but surely, the red pill will and the far right soon expire and become irrelevant because of shit like this.
*grabs popcorn and takes center front row seat.