Not that long ago, the internet’s far-right weirdos had a victory of sorts: they managed to inject the made-up word “cuckservative” into mainstream Republican political debate. A combination of “cuck” — short for cuckold — and “conservative,” the insult was used against, well, pretty much all Republicans who weren’t Donald Trump.
Fresh off this tiny triumph, far-right manospherians are now launching another cuck-based humiliation campaign, this time against the charmingly schlubby comedy star Seth Rogen and his upcoming Christmas comedy. Using the hashtags #CuckRogen and #BoycottTheNightBefore, supporters of this new crusade are filling up Twitter with lovely sentiments like these:
Donald Trump even made a few cameo appearances:
I’ve left out a few more graphic Tweets.
Now, you may find yourself wondering: how in the everloving fuck did this shit even get started?
Our tale begins a month and a half ago, when the evil Rogen had the temerity to Tweet this radical call for white genocide:
If you think there's some conspiracy against white people, you are, I guarantee, a stupid white person.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) September 17, 2015
Ok, sure, that wasn’t literally a call for white genocide. But the Tweet did manage to deeply offend a vast number of, well, let’s just call them really, really big fans of the white race.
— Truth Serum II (@marcus1488) September 18, 2015
One of those, er, arguing with Rogen on Twitter was a man we’ve met before: Mike Cernovich, lawyer, juice salesman and (apparently) an Associate Producer for Cassie Jaye’s The Red Pill documentary. Rogen even sparred a little with Cernovich before heading off to do whatever it is actors do.
And this is where things get really weird. A couple of weeks later, Rogen’s wife apparently discovered Cernovich’s Tweets denigrating her fella, and this happened:
Most people, if they were Tweeted-at thusly by the wife of a celebrity they’ve never met, would assume that this was a sarcastic attempt at a joke, or that she had typed “would” instead of “wouldn’t” by accident, or had some sort of autocorrect trouble.
Cernovich took it as proof that she really did want to have sex with him — and wrote about the whole incident in not one but two posts (so far) declaring that he’d basically “cucked” Rogen, on Twitter. And that the whole world would soon know of Rogen’s imaginary humiliation!
Except that Cernovich doesn’t think there’s anything imaginary about it, writing in his second post on the subject that
Seth Rogen is now known as Cuck Rogen. Whenever he attempts to release a new film, the cucking will follow him. The story went viral and the meme is forever.
And now Roosh Valizadeh’s increasingly Nazified garbage site Return of Kings has jumped on the #CuckRogen bandwagon, with a post by babyfaced skinhead Matt Forney headlined “Will #BoycottTheNightBefore And #CuckRogen Lead To The End Of Seth Rogen’s Career And Marriage?”
The only reasonable article to follow a headline like this would be a one-word article, that one word being “no.”
Instead, Forney offers what is essentially a report from an alternate reality, in which
[t]he popularity of #BoycottTheNightBefore and #CuckRogen displays how much power the alternative right and neomasculinity has in shaping the public discourse.
He concludes that
With one film of his already bombing due to his anti-white, anti-Christian comments and his public reputation in tatters after being cucked by Mike Cernovich, Seth Rogen’s career is in serious danger. Having alienated the bulk of his fans and publicly emasculated, it’s going to be difficult—if not impossible—for Rogen to recover from these humiliations. If he can’t rebuild his image, Rogen will find himself shut out of an industry that’s recognized him as box office poison.
Goodbye Seth, and don’t let the door hit you in the vagina on the way out.
I’m not even sure how that last bit would even work. Matt, you do know where vaginas are located, right?
Meanwhile, the Return of Kings commenters have their own thoughts on Rogen, his wife, and, you know, it’s a word that starts with J.
This already plenty strange boycott of a film that isn’t even out yet will likely get a lot stranger before it fizzles out.
Forney certainly has a boundless enthusiasm for making shit up.
Phew, back from my mini hiatus of “yay my family is visiting” and “fuck I need to scramble and make more money to afford rent”. Hope everyone had a great Halloween!
Anyhow, Please let this be another mad max fiasco where the bigots suddenly do a 180 on their ‘boycott’ once they realize the whole world is laughing at them. Sadly Neo-nazis seem to be a lot more shameless and care a lot less about being taken seriously than the Manosphere.
I honestly can’t even find any words to describe the sheer stupidity of this. I mean, my perspective is completely skewed as I am poly so technically I’ve been the “cuck-er” and “cuck-ee” half a dozen times this month alone with each of my partners. To think that such an act is ‘humiliating’ just does not compute in my book.
Also, even among this imaginary “power dynamic”, someone (Bill the butcher) STILL manages to find a way to blame women. Incredible. Apparently, it’s Lauren Rogen’s fault that Mike Chernobyl is an idiot who reads far too much into tweets. Wow.
I really hope Seth and Lauren Rogen get to laugh their asses off at this debacle. Based on that tweet that @Social Justice Shota posted, it seems that is very much what is happening. Haha.
So women being rude and sarcastic to a Red Piller = sleeping with them. Now I understand why these guys think they are successful with women.
Christmas comedies practically make me break out in hives – just not my thing at all. Nevertheless, I might have to make an exception for this one and buy a ticket just to boost sales and further enrage the manosphere.
I… I really don’t want to go see this movie. It’s pretty much the summation of everything I hate about bro-comedies, rolled into one package.
And yet, the two scenes in the trailer that touched on Rogan’s Jewish ancestry/faith were the funniest ones in it. Flashing the Star of David like gang colors on Xmas Eve to a bunch of Hassidic Jews in a Chinese restaurant? Running out of the Catholic mass, under the influence of the drugs his wife gave him earlier, pointing at the crucifix and shouting, “We did not do that! We did not kill Jesus!”? Genuinely amusing, in a way that, frankly, most of the rest of the movie probably won’t be.
‘Scuse me a moment.
EEEEEEEE what a sweet little baby you have for your icon! It’s so cute!
*ahem* Carry on.
Pseudo-pagan, as is “the Nazi were really into all that cool Norse shit and fuck that Thor guy is cool!”
Hmmm… maybe if you were halfway through one of those dilating circular doors they have on spaceships, and you got caught halfway through (one leg each side), then the door might hit you in the vagina. That’s the only scenario I can think of.
And now I’m wincing just thinking about that.
My point still stands.
Pseudo-pagan or not, it’s still shitty for me as a pagan, because they’re still making me look bad.
Aww, a ratty baby! I didn’t notice until I biggified it.
But those circular doors would have adequate safety mechanisms.
If you’re flexible enough to lift your leg straight up over your head and make the mistake of doing that in a door frame while trying to crack your knee, it’s possible.
I’ve led a weird, weird life.
Nvm. :>
I don’t get this cuck thing. What is cuckservative? What is that even supposed to mean?!?! My brain is starting to ache.
This movie looks like it might be funny. I’m not always opposed to the bro comedy concept, and the characters are hardly alpha. My understanding is one character’s parents had died on Christmas a few years past and the others decide he’s not going to be allowed to mope around as he usually does this year. Might be worth a couple laughs.
Seth Rogen really isn’t that funny but he more these guys hate him the more I like him.
Oh, damnit.
*says they don’t like Christmas movies*
*sees trailer for Krampus*
Nvm. :>
(I’ve been talking on Skype too much lately lol)
That’s my now sadly-departed li’l buddy Charger. He was one of the sweetest ratfolk I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing. I still don’t know how that much love fitted into such a teeny body. He’s been “replaced” (not-replaced) by silly sausage Dizzy and cuddly spud Jake. Rats is the best people.
It means Republicans who’ve been metaphorically “Cucked” by “Thugs” – that is, Republicans who might be racist but aren’t racist enough, damnit. Yes, really.
I had to read that like 3 times before my brain grasped. Say what now? Ugh, who has the time to hink up this twisted BS?
My phone for some reason hates real, commonly used words.
Yaaaaaaay!! I <3 ratties. They're amazing but tough to have as pets since they don't live long :(. I had a rat just like yours, except she was named Darktan. We also had Dangerous Beans, Peaches (free internet cookies to anyone who gets reference) and a couple of others.
Unless a door is shaped like a balance beam for some reason, I don’t really get the door hitting you in the vagina thing either.
It sucks having assholes within what you thought was your cool club for cool people. On behalf of literally every religious and pseudo-religious group out there, let me extend my commiserations. (Take a look at the shit *my* co-religionists say sometime; it’s much worse than yours, sadly.) I think it just means that the group has grown up enough and gotten mature and established enough for assholes to enter; one can see it almost as a rite of passage for the group. It doesn’t speak badly of you or any other pagans.
That’s right, I totally just #notallpagans’d.
To the alt-right, the word “cuck” refers to a man (usually white) who is not living up to their standards of what they believe a man should do. This normally implies that the man isn’t mistreating women and ethnic minorities to get ahead, is insufficiently violent, is motivated by matters other than money and status – in a word, a non-asshole. This is considered an insult among the alt-right, which tells you a lot about them.
A cuckservative, then, is a nominally right-wing person whom they suspect of being a big ol’ cuck. Cuckservatives are blamed for all the failings of movement conservatism. If only the people in charge were more hardline and less willing to see reason then
more voters would appear out of thin airKenyan Muslim Socialists wouldn’t get their way all the time.Paradoxical Intention, yeah a misbehaving spam filter ate your comments. It sometimes does that in really active threads. I let one of the comments through, as they were all the same, so hopefully that will convince the spam filter of the error of its ways.
The word “cuck” cracks me up. It sounds so old school. Like my great grandpa would use it. Not even my gramps, but my great gramps.
I mean if you go into any random circle of people and throw out that word, will they know what it means? Nope. They won’t even know what cuckold means most likely.
I interpreted Lauren’s riposte as “Well, she would definitely fuck you (up)!”
Why is she referring to herself in third person, though? Maybe someone’s ghost-writing her tweets on her behalf…