anti-Semitism cuckolding evil SJWs literal nazis matt forney racism reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings

Far-right weirdos boycotting Seth Rogen’s Xmas flick because he’s a “cuck,” allegedly

Er, what?

Not that long ago, the internet’s far-right weirdos had a victory of sorts: they managed to inject the made-up word “cuckservative” into mainstream Republican political debate.  A combination of “cuck” — short for cuckold — and “conservative,” the insult was used against, well, pretty much all Republicans who weren’t Donald Trump.

Fresh off this tiny triumph, far-right manospherians are now launching another cuck-based humiliation campaign, this time against the charmingly schlubby comedy star Seth Rogen and his upcoming Christmas comedy. Using the hashtags #CuckRogen and #BoycottTheNightBefore, supporters of this new crusade are filling up Twitter with lovely sentiments like these:

Donald Trump even made a few cameo appearances:

I’ve left out a few more graphic Tweets.

Now, you may find yourself wondering: how in the everloving fuck did this shit even get started?

Our tale begins a month and a half ago, when the evil Rogen had the temerity to Tweet this radical call for white genocide:

Ok, sure, that wasn’t literally a call for white genocide. But the Tweet did manage to deeply offend a vast number of, well, let’s just call them really, really big fans of the white race.

One of those, er, arguing with Rogen on Twitter was a man we’ve met before: Mike Cernovich, lawyer, juice salesman and (apparently) an Associate Producer for Cassie Jaye’s The Red Pill documentary. Rogen even sparred a little with Cernovich before heading off to do whatever it is actors do.

And this is where things get really weird. A couple of weeks later, Rogen’s wife apparently discovered Cernovich’s Tweets denigrating her fella, and this happened:


Most people, if they were Tweeted-at thusly by the wife of a celebrity they’ve never met, would assume that this was a sarcastic attempt at a joke, or that she had typed “would” instead of “wouldn’t” by accident, or had some sort of autocorrect trouble.

Cernovich took it as proof that she really did want to have sex with him — and wrote about the whole incident in not one but two posts (so far) declaring that he’d basically “cucked” Rogen, on Twitter. And that the whole world would soon know of Rogen’s imaginary humiliation!

Except that Cernovich doesn’t think there’s anything imaginary about it, writing in his second post on the subject that

Seth Rogen is now known as Cuck Rogen. Whenever he attempts to release a new film, the cucking will follow him. The story went viral and the meme is forever.

And now Roosh Valizadeh’s increasingly Nazified garbage site Return of Kings has jumped on the #CuckRogen bandwagon, with a post by babyfaced skinhead Matt Forney headlined “Will #BoycottTheNightBefore And #CuckRogen Lead To The End Of Seth Rogen’s Career And Marriage?”

The only reasonable article to follow a headline like this would be a one-word article, that one word being “no.”

Instead, Forney offers what is essentially a report from an alternate reality, in which

[t]he popularity of #BoycottTheNightBefore and #CuckRogen displays how much power the alternative right and neomasculinity has in shaping the public discourse.

He concludes that

With one film of his already bombing due to his anti-white, anti-Christian comments and his public reputation in tatters after being cucked by Mike Cernovich, Seth Rogen’s career is in serious danger. Having alienated the bulk of his fans and publicly emasculated, it’s going to be difficult—if not impossible—for Rogen to recover from these humiliations. If he can’t rebuild his image, Rogen will find himself shut out of an industry that’s recognized him as box office poison.

Goodbye Seth, and don’t let the door hit you in the vagina on the way out.

I’m not even sure how that last bit would even work. Matt, you do know where vaginas are located, right?

Meanwhile, the Return of Kings commenters have their own thoughts on Rogen, his wife, and, you know, it’s a word that starts with J.




This already plenty strange boycott of a film that isn’t even out yet will likely get a lot stranger before it fizzles out.



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9 years ago

The only reasonable article to follow a headline like this would be a one-word article, that one word being “no.”

Indeed, as in Betteridge’s Law of Headlines.

9 years ago

As a lifelong woman, I can testify that never once has a door hit me in the vagina. Never. I guess that’s just anecdote though, so what we need is a properly conducted double-blind scientific study to truly prove him wrong.

Although, if he’s in an alternate reality, perhaps women there have external vaginas. Hmm. This needs some thought.

9 years ago

(Also: “gassed to death in microwaves”??? I don’t think this guy understands how microwave ovens work. Or how anything works, really.)

Social Justice Shota
Social Justice Shota
9 years ago
Vanir (@Vanir85)
9 years ago

Emasculated? Really? These people will soon have to make a list over what ISN’T emasculating to manly men’s manliness.

9 years ago

Yesterday I learned that “Muslim” is a race. Today I learned that “Jew” apparently is as well as, like “Muslims,” “Jews” cannot be “White.”
interesting, informative, stuff.

9 years ago

I’m so very confused by the whole cuckolding obsession. Or even by how cuck is an insult.

It probably doesn’t help that monogamy isn’t my thing and I prefer poly relationships. Does that mean I’m super duper misandering and cucking loads of guys?

9 years ago

As a lifelong woman, I can testify that never once has a door hit me in the vagina. Never. I guess that’s just anecdote though, so what we need is a properly conducted double-blind scientific study to truly prove him wrong.

I’m trying to picture how it would happen, and the only scenario that I can come up with involves a swing and the ability to do extreme splits.

Maybe he’s more accustomed to seeing vaginas belonging to quardrapeds than those belonging to bipeds :-/

9 years ago

It’s like getting sucked into a vortex of delusional slime.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

So, that’s four movies loudly and whinily boycotted by MRAs this year. Are they going to claim that this one is all just trolls and/or No True MRAs too? And if so, will the media believe them for a fourth time?

(Yes and yes.)

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Well, I hate Christmas films and won’t be seeing this, but I hope it does well because these fuckers are assholes.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

With one film of his already bombing due to his anti-white, anti-Christian comments and his public reputation in tatters after being cucked by Mike Cernovich, Seth Rogen’s career is in serious danger. Having alienated the bulk of his fans and publicly emasculated, it’s going to be difficult—if not impossible—for Rogen to recover from these humiliations. If he can’t rebuild his image, Rogen will find himself shut out of an industry that’s recognized him as box office poison.

I don’t think that these people understand that they don’t have author privileges for the world outside their heads.

9 years ago

@Nicola – It’s because someone’s taken and defiled THEIR woman.


And man’s worth is, in part, measured by his mastery over and ownership of his domain.
Including his woman.
And women can get used and ruined – you know, like other belongings.

Now, if he sleeps around…weeeeelllll, that’s just what men do, right?

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

Trying to figure out what goes on in the minds of MRAs is like sticking your hand in an unflushed toilet.

9 years ago

Something I’ve always found odd about the alt right set is that for all they rant about “anti-Christian” whatever, they never actually seem all that invested in the religion. You never see them talking about going to church, or teaching their kids’ Sunday school classes, or quoting Bible verses, or really any of the other things associated with displaying Christian faith. It’s like they’re just invested in the *idea* of what Christianity *might* represent (namely, Us, as opposed to Them), not the actual practice.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Pandapool — The Species that Endangers YOU | November 3, 2015 at 5:12 pm
Well, I hate Christmas films and won’t be seeing this, but I hope it does well because these fuckers are assholes.

I’m not a fan of Christmas movies either, nor am I a fan of the “bro comedy” genre that Rogan’s going for here, but hey, here’s hoping it does well.

Especially since it’s all about a guy going out and having lots of fun with his bros before he gets married and settles down like a “true beta”, like the fifty or so movies that are pretty much about the same thing. This one’s just holiday themed.

lacerta viridis
lacerta viridis
9 years ago

Seth Rogen is a SJW, Donald Trump has fantastic hair and saying you’d fuck someone, even sarcastically or via a typo, means you have actually fucked them.

Did I wake up in opposite world?

9 years ago

What is it with white supremacists believing Christianity is fundamentally European? Sure, it’s associated with people with European descent these days, but do they not know that the religion started in the Middle East?

plays the same guy in every movie: fat, unfunny, weed-smoking goon pretending to be White (he’s a Jew).

Since when did Rogen pretend not to be Jewish? In Knocked Up, Katherine Heigl’s character asks his character what product he uses to get his hair so curly and his answer is “Jew.” Just as an example.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

WordPress Mammoth is hungry tonight, it seems.

9 years ago

I also thought that there was a significant strain of white supremacy that was pseudo-pagan.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Judas Peckerwood | November 3, 2015 at 5:16 pm
Trying to figure out what goes on in the minds of MRAs is like sticking your hand in an unflushed toilet.

Is that what I was doing in Silent Hill 2? I thought I was just getting a wallet with a safe code in it, so I can open a safe and get some ammo for a handgun I found in a shopping cart!

Tulse | November 3, 2015 at 5:27 pm
I also thought that there was a significant strain of white supremacy that was pseudo-pagan.

As a pagan, I really hope not. As a feminist, I know that’s most likely the case.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Judas Peckerwood | November 3, 2015 at 5:16 pm
Trying to figure out what goes on in the minds of MRAs is like sticking your hand in an unflushed toilet.

Is that what I was doing in Silent Hill 2? I thought I was just getting a wallet with a safe code in it, so I can open a safe and get some ammo for a handgun I found in a shopping cart!

Tulse | November 3, 2015 at 5:27 pm
I also thought that there was a significant strain of white supremacy that was pseudo-pagan.

As a pagan, I really hope not. As a feminist, I know that’s most likely the case.

9 years ago

I’m sure this boycott will go just as well as the Star Wars boycott. We all know how that movie is going to flop*

*is already sold out

9 years ago

I’m not a fan of Christmas movies, usually. I didn’t even know that Rogen was doing one until now. So maybe he should think these doofuses for the free publicity.

I do, however want to see Krampus. It looks amazing.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Ah, so it turns out WordPress Mammoth is fond of eating posts with embedded images in them tonight.

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