Not that long ago, the internet’s far-right weirdos had a victory of sorts: they managed to inject the made-up word “cuckservative” into mainstream Republican political debate. A combination of “cuck” — short for cuckold — and “conservative,” the insult was used against, well, pretty much all Republicans who weren’t Donald Trump.
Fresh off this tiny triumph, far-right manospherians are now launching another cuck-based humiliation campaign, this time against the charmingly schlubby comedy star Seth Rogen and his upcoming Christmas comedy. Using the hashtags #CuckRogen and #BoycottTheNightBefore, supporters of this new crusade are filling up Twitter with lovely sentiments like these:
Donald Trump even made a few cameo appearances:
I’ve left out a few more graphic Tweets.
Now, you may find yourself wondering: how in the everloving fuck did this shit even get started?
Our tale begins a month and a half ago, when the evil Rogen had the temerity to Tweet this radical call for white genocide:
If you think there's some conspiracy against white people, you are, I guarantee, a stupid white person.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) September 17, 2015
Ok, sure, that wasn’t literally a call for white genocide. But the Tweet did manage to deeply offend a vast number of, well, let’s just call them really, really big fans of the white race.
— Truth Serum II (@marcus1488) September 18, 2015
One of those, er, arguing with Rogen on Twitter was a man we’ve met before: Mike Cernovich, lawyer, juice salesman and (apparently) an Associate Producer for Cassie Jaye’s The Red Pill documentary. Rogen even sparred a little with Cernovich before heading off to do whatever it is actors do.
And this is where things get really weird. A couple of weeks later, Rogen’s wife apparently discovered Cernovich’s Tweets denigrating her fella, and this happened:
Most people, if they were Tweeted-at thusly by the wife of a celebrity they’ve never met, would assume that this was a sarcastic attempt at a joke, or that she had typed “would” instead of “wouldn’t” by accident, or had some sort of autocorrect trouble.
Cernovich took it as proof that she really did want to have sex with him — and wrote about the whole incident in not one but two posts (so far) declaring that he’d basically “cucked” Rogen, on Twitter. And that the whole world would soon know of Rogen’s imaginary humiliation!
Except that Cernovich doesn’t think there’s anything imaginary about it, writing in his second post on the subject that
Seth Rogen is now known as Cuck Rogen. Whenever he attempts to release a new film, the cucking will follow him. The story went viral and the meme is forever.
And now Roosh Valizadeh’s increasingly Nazified garbage site Return of Kings has jumped on the #CuckRogen bandwagon, with a post by babyfaced skinhead Matt Forney headlined “Will #BoycottTheNightBefore And #CuckRogen Lead To The End Of Seth Rogen’s Career And Marriage?”
The only reasonable article to follow a headline like this would be a one-word article, that one word being “no.”
Instead, Forney offers what is essentially a report from an alternate reality, in which
[t]he popularity of #BoycottTheNightBefore and #CuckRogen displays how much power the alternative right and neomasculinity has in shaping the public discourse.
He concludes that
With one film of his already bombing due to his anti-white, anti-Christian comments and his public reputation in tatters after being cucked by Mike Cernovich, Seth Rogen’s career is in serious danger. Having alienated the bulk of his fans and publicly emasculated, it’s going to be difficult—if not impossible—for Rogen to recover from these humiliations. If he can’t rebuild his image, Rogen will find himself shut out of an industry that’s recognized him as box office poison.
Goodbye Seth, and don’t let the door hit you in the vagina on the way out.
I’m not even sure how that last bit would even work. Matt, you do know where vaginas are located, right?
Meanwhile, the Return of Kings commenters have their own thoughts on Rogen, his wife, and, you know, it’s a word that starts with J.
This already plenty strange boycott of a film that isn’t even out yet will likely get a lot stranger before it fizzles out.
Indeed – wouldn’t Joseph have literally been a cuckold? And what in their eyes would that make the mother of Jesus?
Wait, nevermind, that was Esmay, not Forney. I literally cannot tell those two apart.
Esmay is the one with meatball stains on his t-shirt. Forney is the one wearing a jacket over his meatball stained t-shirt.
“Don’t let the door hit you in the vagina on the way out” is a quote from the movie “Knocked Up,” arguably Rogen’s first big leading role film, and one of my favorite movies of all time. 🙂 Also, I am a Christian and fairly conservative doctrinally, and Seth Rogen throwing up and yelling “We did not kill Jesus!” in the middle of Christmas mass made me SCREAM laughing. I <3 Seth Rogen.
Forney is definitely shilling Roosh’s rebranding term here. I don’t know if other Roosh hanger-ons such as Aurini are banging on the same drum.
I was Roman Catholic until I was 24 and used to know my theology, but could anyone explain what the ROK commentator on “in the middle of the Catholic Church’s most sacred ritual” thinks he’s referring to?
Because I’m pretty sure Rogan wasn’t photoed doing standup in a woolly sweater on the altar during the Mass.
I may be wrong, but I think we’d have heard if he did.
This is so ridiculous. I would bet what really happened was either Rogen’s wife did this as a joke while he was sitting next to her, or Rogen did it on his wife’s account as a joke. Surely Cernovich isn’t this dumb? Or…….
Cernovich most likely thinks he’s going to be on a celebrity talk show or something after this “expose.” I think he should stick to his “testosterone”/”how to be an alpha” articles. I just checked his youtube channel and literally burst out laughing at the 4:20 mark lol. Cernovich needs to get some on meds or something!
Nequam — white wolf high five! I don’t remember the details right off, but somebody bought the rights to the long mothballed MMO. It might actually happen!
bluecatbabe — he pukes all over the damned place during Christmas Eve mass, it’s staged for the film of course, but apparently that’s the worst thing ever. Where in reality the vast majority of Christians I know would be all “I think we have saltines in the kitchen, someone help him into the bathroom”. I guess they thing he can barf on command, did it on purpose and thus doesn’t deserve any sympathy for being sick?
If only his movies could be as funny as this. *crunch crunch*
“would assume that this was a sarcastic attempt at a joke,”
Can´t possibly be because their marriage is going through a wild ride right now, right? This is Hollywood after all, home of the deeply suffering millionaires.
Someone should ask the FBI if North Korea is responsible for this too.
BTW, what you think of this?
@Argenti: thanks for the high-five, though truth be told I was a very iffy fan of White Wolf. I often liked many ideas behind oWoD games and then would run into that one thing that made my eyes roll around like marbles. (nWoD would often ditch one set of eyerollers and come up with news ones…)
Then again, I think Unknown Armies would be better for Mage gaming than Mage, so that tells you where my head’s at.
I think the reason why the epithet “cuck” became so popular so fast is that, for a lot of these guys, “mangina” is too hard to spell.
If I remember rightly, in Italy St. Joseph is in fact known as the patron saint of cuckolds.
Please do not do this. Asshole is not a mental illness, and saying that a sexist/racist asshole is “crazy” or some implication thereof throws a lot of people with actual mental illnesses under the bus so you can safely “other” the assholes.
I understand that it’s tempting to say, because you don’t want to believe that he’s sound of mind, but it’s not okay to do, and it goes against our comments policy.
Is Cernovich stupid enough to think Rogan’s wife wants to fuck him? You can never rule out any level of extreme stupidity with these guys. He’s stupid enough to think that childish attacks on Rogan’s masculinity are a way to score ideological points, and that’s plenty stupid.
Nequam — I feel you on that, but strangely, I’m a big Malk fan — crazy person playing crazy vampire? I’ve read so much of the oWoD canon though that the world building alone sucks me in, and how much of it pulls from real world myths.
PI — I’m choosing to read that as “he needs to get some WHILE on meds”, cuz sex on MDMA is amazing. /avoids rant on ravers wasting the wonder that is MDMA
As a Jew, I’m going to point out that… uhm. That’s not a new sentiment. It’s never been. Judaism is an ethnoreligion, and the idea that Jewish people who are light-skinned are an insidious fifth column trying to invade the ~white Christian race~ has been around longer than the idea of whiteness has.
Like, there’s a reason for the specific features of Jewish caricatures– it’s because Jews are middle eastern, and our racial make up is dependent on the opinion of gentiles around us.
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) – Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 97% – 303 votes
These boycotts sure have the opposite effect from the one intended.
So I read up on the whole thing, clicked the links, saw the I’m a juice guy. Interesting he called his book, Gorilla mindset.
I wonder if anyone told him, Gorilla’s have a penis like 4 cm long? Just, things to think about.
Hmm, i re-read the post, and…
Wait. Does this mean that if your(s) significant(s) other(s) say(s), while watching a movie, that s-he/they definitively do(es) this actress/actor, you are also a cuck ? Movie cucked ? Because it seems that the statement (even if sarcastic) equals fact, in the mind of somes… Brad Pitt, how dare you !?
Have a nice day.
It’s not that relevant whether or not Cernovich truly believes Rogen’s wife wants to have sex with him. His articles and the cuck meme are pure information warfare designed to attack his ideological opponents in a way that truly hurts, as is evident in the gloating you quoted (“Seth Rogen is now known as Cuck Rogen. Whenever he attempts to release a new film, the cucking will follow him. The story went viral and the meme is forever”). If Seth Rogen had his way, Cuck Rogen-meme and all web content that documented it, including this very article, would disappear forever.
So lemme get this straight. Women are evil, bloodsucking whores because they’re all secretly cheating on their beta husbands/boyfriends and ruining their lives by cheating on them, but the so-called alpha men who are convinced that they could get the so-called beta men’s wives and girlfriends are intent on both seducing these women and publicizing the fact in hopes that it will humiliate the “cuckolded” beta men. So, really, instead of standing up for men as they say they are, the manosphere is actually trying very hard to make the lives of so-called beta men worse, shame them for allegedly being beta, and turn the public against them for supposedly having their wives cheat on them over Twitter. The fact is that men whose wives cheat on them generally get sympathy and support from the public, and these manospherians actually seem to want to change things so that so-called beta men will actually suffer more and feel more shame. Once again, when misandry is actually real, it’s nearly always coming from the manosphere.
reader, do you really think that Seth Rogen cares?