Pickup artist and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh continues his attempts to woo the white supremacist crowd.
This past weekend, he attended the annual conference of the white supremacist National Policy Institute with his longtime pal Matt Forney, the odious fat-shaming blogger who is himself a little big-boned, if one’s belly counts as a bone.
Roosh tried to butter up the white power crowd with a bit of flattery:
But his attendance at the conference didn’t go over well with everyone on the racist right. When Forney Tweeted the pic above of him and Roosh at the conference, some suggested that Roosh wasn’t white enough to be a white supremacist.
Others were a bit, er, less polite in their rejection of Roosh.
Oh, but there’s more.
Torsten seems to have a bit of a hate-boner for Roosh.
Of course, Torsten is’t the only one suspicious of Roosh. Searching a bit further back on Twitter, we find this fellow, upset that Roosh’s cartoon avatar depicts his skin color as yellow.
Others think he’s a Muslim.
And that he’s infecting white men with his non-white ideas:
While “defiling” white women in the process:
I almost feel sorry for Roosh. Who on earth would have thought that members of a hate movement could be so hateful!
As a Londoner I would never claim that this city is free of racism. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that the professionals in my office are 70% male and 98% white, and the cleaning staff are 80% female and 100% black.
Meanwhile in Portland there’s a HUGE teen and child sex slave trafficking problem…..
WWTH Yeah, I moved a few hours away, still in MN but more rural. And I still hear it; about how the Somalians are coming! With the attitudes expressed around here, I am literally surprised that we have POC living here at all. It both baffles me and gives me hope that *maybe* some people aren’t racist assholes and (like me) just don’t feel safe in letting others know that.
Also, good job on the election work? I hope that’s the right thing! I got to do some activist work with regards to MN’s gay marriage policy and election stuff. It sucked me absolutely dry and became a very dark time in my life. Hearing bigots whine over and over on the phone about those Ebil Gayz and insulting me for ‘championing the evil’: not a time I want to repeat in life. Hope your time was better!
The language is called Somali, but Arabic is also widely spoken.
Most Indian languages are Indo-European as well. That’s where the “indo” comes from.
Thanks dhag85! I like to learn stuff, one reason I like to come here! Never know what you are going to learn.
witchcat, “Her draft report findings were later independently corroborated by the formal inquiry headed by Professor Alexis Jay that was published in August 2014.”
brooked, ” In US and, I presume, in Britain people in authority are always making excuses for adult men having sex with under-aged teen girls.”
What stands out in that report Witchcat is how many investigations and “operations” went on but so few arrests and convictions. The video I posted above about Portland grooming and human trafficking details why this is so. And brooked, the vice squad investigator in that video makes the same assessment as you do.
@mockingbird I wouldn’t have thought that Gaelic is related to Basque as one is classified as Indo-European and the other an Isolate.
Arson, animal-abusing, and peeing the bed…much alpha, so wow. BRB, fapping to pix of Ted Bundy in shackles.
[/sarcasm, in case needed]
The dark triad traits he (and other stooges like him) are talking about are Machiavellianism*, narcissism and sub-clinical psychopathy. Patrick Bateman without all that messy murdering, basically. Fapping to Bundy pics still applies, obvs. Bunch of stuff on Google scholar if you’re interested.
*poor, misunderstood Machiavelli.
Tim G regarding Roosh, “As he continued his study of internet marketing, he noted that other PUAs were having success by expanding from PUA territory into ideologically driven communities on the right. ”
– Which PUAs did that? The only *real* PUA who tried to branch out (and failed) was Owen Cook aka “Tyler Durden” of Real Social Dynamics who said a few years ago he’s quitting pick up to become a “mainstream motivational speaker”. I’m unaware of any PUAs expanding into the right wing but there are plenty of right wing Manospherians trying their hand at “game” (and failing). Even the so called “Christosanglosphere” (yes its a thing) seems to idolize PUAs and game. They say they have a thing called “married game” where they instill “dread” in their wives which causes said wives to worry about losing said husbands. LOL. They also have “soft dread”. That’s not the name of a reggae artist either. 😉
“When Jay wrote the 2014 Rotherham report, the chapter that gave her the most sleepless nights was about the ethnicity of the perpetrators. Almost all of them were from Rotherham’s Pakistani-heritage community which she described as coming from possibly three villages in Kashmir where previous generations had a different view about women’s place in their culture and their society that “certainly wouldn’t accord with any sense that we have”.”
From toddlerhood onward everyone needs a feminist education. Who doesn’t get it then, well, they need it when they grow up then. But everyone needs it at some point.
@Paleo – I had no idea…honestly, I was on my phone while waiting for my dog to go and didn’t want to navigate away from the page.
Thanks for the answer 😀
Things can get so non-respondy that I half wonder if my posts are visible only to me ○_○
It’s easier on the noggin’ than thinking that no one likes me.
White Nationalists strategically courting LGBTQ crowd.
@numerobis – ugh, yes. And then with the federal election Stephen Harper went in for the whole anti-niqab thing to try to win votes in Quebec from the “identity politics” crowd – i.e., the thinly-veiled (so to speak!) racists. I mean, there are good discussions to be had about not allowing religious rights to push aside more universal rights such as gender equality, but this wasn’t what the niqab kerfluffle was about (as far as I can tell).
Anyway, goodbye and good riddance, Harper. 🙂
/Canadian politics
And “White Nationalist” is such a ridiculous phrase. If they think they’re white nationalists, then where’s their white nation? Antarctica? That’s pretty white. Maybe they should all move there.
@epitome of incomprehensibility, you’d wish that upon the poor penguins? You monster!
Thanks Tracy! That makes an iota more sense!
@Tessa – well, if I remember right, penguins live around the edges, where there’s access to the sea. The middle is pretty much a vast ice desert. Pretty white, though 🙂
The white nationalist homeland already exists on paper. It looks like regular blank office paper. You can’t see all the white nationalists living there, on white paper, because they’re so white.
Ah, thank you for the precision. I am at lost with english conjugation, I am sorry.
@Arctic Ape and @katz
The picture of katz is interesting. And I think that the Byzantine and some Orthodox Icons are not depicting people too “white” (but maybe it’s due to the support of the picture ?).
But i get the point of Arctic Ape. As “whiteness” of the skin, at the Courts, was some kind of aristocratic/royal trait, they may have wanted to depict religious stories with a whitey layer. Well, it is just supposition, i fear we may never know.
@Arctic Ape
I do not say that the impact of the sun and all is genetic. I speak about percieved color of the skin. As an example, my grandfather, when prisoner in a stalag during WWII, was called the “Schwartzen mann” (the black man). He had not a black complexion, but a mediterranean one (probably a bit darker than the usual one, though), and i suppose that he was standing out among the english and other french soldiers.
But you are right about the natural selection and the evolution. Just that i think the white supremacists are more on the percieved color of the skin than the real complexion (neither is a good point, anyway).
Have a nice day.
Arctic Ape, you made me laugh so hard I spilled my drink and had to change my waistcoat.
Torsten, varför?
Also, daily reminder that musilm isn’t a race, it’s a religion.
“Roosh may be going by the fact that the U.S. Census currently counts Iranians as Whites.
What did they count as before?”
I think it’s more of “what will they count as in the future?” There have
Like Hispanics, many Middle-Eastern people do identify as white, and many do not. There’s a large range of skin tones, ethnicities, and experiences. And many who see themselves as white have an unpleasant realization when they go to a European-majority country and find out they’re counted among the scary brown people. The US Census may consider them “Non-Hispanic White,” but apparently no one else got the memo. No one looks at my dad and thinks he’s just “a regular white guy,” despite his very American liking of American football. Instead, they joke that he’s related to Osama bin Laden. And of course, race and ethnicity are actually different things, so……
“…The question is inexact. If you are asking somebody simply what their skin color is — that’s how some people understand the question. Some people say they are asking me about my ancestry. Others think they are asking me about how I’m treated when I go outside.” (http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/02/us/census-bureau-arabs-hispanics-diversity.html)
re:Roosh: Ugh, he’s one of those. There are in fact Persian supremacists (think My Big Fat Greek Wedding, but less funny); there’s a weird racist concern with being “pure Persian” (my sister, who is half and said so, once got the…”compliment”… “It’s okay, you look full Persian.”) and some of the more obvious bigots make a point of how they’re “Aryan” (Iran comes from the word Arya-nam).
“Also, daily reminder that musilm isn’t a race, it’s a religion.”
Muslim, terrorist, Middle-Eastern: synonyms, apparently. Color me unsurprised that white supremacists conflate religion and race.
I think it’s amazing that Islamophobes can say things like “being anti-Islam can’t be racist because Muslim is not a race!” while their buddies just a bit to the right are saying “Roosh is not White, he is a Muslim, our enemy!”
Best thing I’ve read all day.