Pickup artist and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh continues his attempts to woo the white supremacist crowd.
This past weekend, he attended the annual conference of the white supremacist National Policy Institute with his longtime pal Matt Forney, the odious fat-shaming blogger who is himself a little big-boned, if one’s belly counts as a bone.
Roosh tried to butter up the white power crowd with a bit of flattery:
But his attendance at the conference didn’t go over well with everyone on the racist right. When Forney Tweeted the pic above of him and Roosh at the conference, some suggested that Roosh wasn’t white enough to be a white supremacist.
Others were a bit, er, less polite in their rejection of Roosh.
Oh, but there’s more.
Torsten seems to have a bit of a hate-boner for Roosh.
Of course, Torsten is’t the only one suspicious of Roosh. Searching a bit further back on Twitter, we find this fellow, upset that Roosh’s cartoon avatar depicts his skin color as yellow.
Others think he’s a Muslim.
And that he’s infecting white men with his non-white ideas:
While “defiling” white women in the process:
I almost feel sorry for Roosh. Who on earth would have thought that members of a hate movement could be so hateful!
Heh…no, but feel free anytime!
Well, MENTALLY he may be downright juvenile. But in my own sad experience, I find that immaturity has no age ceiling. These guys be trollin’ even if they live to be 100. (Although, luckily, Darwin usually claims them long before that.)
@Alan – I’m baffled as to how you come to the conclusion that this monumental failure was due mostly to the perpetrators being Muslims; the article you cited, as well as my own cursory Googling, talk time and again about the “contempt” that local officers showed toward the victims; while a few people discuss “fears” of being considered racist and there are claims that superiors said not to focus on the race, what evidence do you have that people were actually accused and fired?
It’d be as accurate to say that these perpetrators weren’t prosecuted because they were men, irrespective of their skin color. Besides, I’m at a loss to understand how describing someone as “Asian” makes them automatically a Muslim (and yes, I know that in the UK “Asian” includes the Middle Eastern and Indian nationalities). Nor do I understand how the criminal actions of five men prove any broader point about a religion that has about a billion adherents.
… Seriously, Alan, you of all people are going to fall for the racist conspiracy theory? I am disappoint. Very disappoint.
I knew a brown boy in elementary school who seemed to be ethnically Finnish. This was Espoo in the 1990s. Maybe it was you 🙂
(In retrospect, I’m almost certain he was Roma. But then again, maybe that’s what you meant, too.)
Not sure if you’re joking, but it’s generally accepted that our linguistic ancestry has little connection to our genetic ancestry. Finns even thought this was an important point 100 years ago when Western anthropologists often assumed that all Uralic-speakers were like, half Asian. We too were totally entitled to the white people’s club!
IIRC, there’s some recent evidence that white (or rather, pale-white) colouring evolved in north-central Europe after agricultural revolution. Less fish in diet, less vitamin D from diet.
occasional reader:
Lapons, you mean Sami people? They mostly look “passably white” due to mixing with agricultural populations in Baltic Sea area. They’re still indigenous, though.
That’s not how evolution works. Human skin colour in a given population may change over time due to genetic selection (for example, vitamin D deficiency may favor the reproduction of pale-skinned people who generate said vitamin more efficiently) or random genetic drift.
“Proof: All the Islamophobes who wanted Malala to be murdered”
Weren’t they Manospherians though?
Roosh V’s dominant personality trait has always been cynicism. More than a decade ago, he began cynically exploiting Third World countries to get easy “bangs” as a relatively rich American. Then he discovered that he could cynically exploit the sexual aspirations of lonely men by selling handbooks on Third World exploitation.
As he continued his study of internet marketing, he noted that other PUAs were having success by expanding from PUA territory into ideologically driven communities on the right. So he studied the audience and figured out what they wanted. He pivoted from being a leftish liberal who had praised universal health care and other forms of socialism to being a right-wing critic of the left. He suddenly discovered that he had a problem with LGBT people, because his new audience had a problem with them. Finally, he threw people of color under the bus, even though he had previously supported many POC PUAs and had banned racists from posting their crap on his sites. There were now just too many white racists who wanted to belong, and not enough POC by comparison.
There is little to no conviction behind any of it. It’s just cynicism. And even many of the racists see right through it.
The only saving grace is that Roosh is kinda dumb. He has a short-term view in his calculations and a shallow understanding of his new ideological environment. Despite honing his skills by writing hundreds of words a day for years, his writing is never good and often embarrassingly bad. He’ll never write Mein Kampf. He has neither the sincere conviction nor the talent to succeed as an ideological leader.
AltoFronto, while I agree with what you said, there’s been a worrying trend in the South Asian, specifically Bangladeshi and Pakistani community that has affected many of my friends and a few family members in the UK. That is they are copying extremist Saudi Wahhabi culture instead of sticking with their own Desi culture versions of Islam. I’ve lost some friends over this. They rejected me outright once they started hearing from Saudi imams, dawning niqab, etc.
“He was brown, actually. Middle Eastern Jewish.”
Arab. The distinction between “Hebrew” and “Arab” came much later.
I mark whatever box/space denoting that I am white/Caucasian non-Hispanic because I don’t see the purpose in trying conceal that I am, I don’t think anyone should feel that they need to but I can believe that others have had experiences lead them to conclude differently. I’m not going to dictate what others must do/mark on whatever forms still ask about race (Here in the U.S. the last time I came across such a form it was part of the U.S. Census, which is expected, the DMV only requires height, weight, eye/hair color I think but nothing on specific race). There are complex factors in play whenever we’re talking about race, or religion for that matter. I just don’t think that the white male alt right has a leg to stand on when trying to claim they’re being oppressed, they just don’t like that another group has others listening to their complaints instead of the bunch of angry white men.
“…because it’s become so dangerous for women to express strong opinions in public. As a woman I’d be very hesitant to express any negative opinion in a public forum, let alone a negative opinion about a specific man. It seems these women have no qualms about doing so–they’re not worried about consequences, or if they are it doesn’t stop them from putting it out there. Do they think they’re immune because they’re on the ‘right’ side? Do they think men–either their own partners or their colleagues in hate–have their back?”…
This feels like a vague insinuation that women are all about the starting of fights between those big strong men defending their honor, mixed with a dash of ‘women shouldn’t be seen in public or heard anywhere’. I don’t like it. Nothing is going to make me like it. But I’ve seen a few instances (for which I don’t have specific sources to provide so it’s all anecdotal) where the bunch of angry white men protect their white women as long as they act in the way that proper white women act according to said angry white men. Be it online or in person. If there’s even a hint that a particular woman is acting in a way that breaks the group rules, not only does the protection end but if the infraction is significant enough the group itself turns on the individual like piranhas when blood (and the bleeding party) is in their particular stretch of water (and they’re hungry). In-group turmoil can bring horrific criminal acts, which sometimes spill out and affect non-group persons, here in California some examples would be prison gangs like the Aryan Brotherhood and PEN1.
“@Ellie – literally every WOC friend I know has multiple horror stories about racist white dudes who want to date/have sex with them. It’s truly bizarre.”
These guys often despise the men from said ethnic groups and flip their shit if the genders were reversed :p
If I had a nickel for every creepywhiteguy who’s tried to pick up a woc by trashing the men from her ethnicity I’d be able to bail out Greece
It’s not a conspiracy theory. There’s a lot of blame shifting now going on obviously but a key factor in not investigating was the community cohesion thing.
Social workers who tried to do something were threatened and in some cases disciplined.
The fact that as soon as people talk about these cases accusations if racism start flying is a huge problem and is the reason people find it safer just to not make a fuss.
No one is suggesting all Muslims are doing this or all Asian people are but there is an endemic problem with gangs of some Pakistani Muslim men perpetrating these acts and until a few brave social workers ignored the abuse and accusations hurled at them and forced the issue the men were getting away with it.
The fact that people here are making the same accusations and the same excuses as highlighted in the report shows why the men will continue to get away with it.
Why should any social worker risk the sack by investigaing or anyone face accusations of racism for trying to raise the issue?
Anyone even vaguely concerned with child protection issues knows what’s going on bit it’s just not worth sticking their neck out.
I know we have to avoid fanning the flames but the girls safety surely has to come first.
That was in reference to Jesus. ^^^
Alan Robertshaw, I did some reading, a lot actually, last year about that whole scandal. One of the first, if not the first, person to bring this to the attention of the government officials was a UK government official himself, who was also a Muslim of South Asian descent. Even he said the other British government officials did not want to touch it because of the politically incorrect implications. That being said, when I looked at the numbers, the majority of older men grooming young kids in the UK for sex slavery were not Asian Muslims but Anglos. The Asian Muslims were disproportionately represented for their overall population in the UK, yes, but the majority of men doing this were “white” and non-Muslim.
Also, I read reports that once Muslim moms and dads got wind of this, they became very concerned and cooperated with investigations and there were even awareness campaigns going on at masjids. Of course the family members of these perpetrators would most likely deny and cover up, but the other Muslim families were pissed and concerned and helped raise awareness.
Also, reading the words of some of the moms and dads of the victims, many cases were of naively allowing their daughters to have much older boyfriends and to go out with them unchaperoned. This generally would not happen in an Asian Muslim household even in the UK. British parents can make multi-culturalism work for them by emulating some of the positive aspects of Asian Muslim culture, such as tighter parental controls and a more realistic attitude toward the older boyfriend/younger girlfriend dynamic. Protection of girls is of paramount importance.
Many of the victims were also in “care” and there are many problems within the UK’s care system.
But I keep returning to the fact that it was an Asian Muslim man who first raised the alarm on all this. And his bewilderment at how it was being ignored due to pc concerns.
@ leupagus
There’s a lot more to it than you can just get from the article, that was just a pointer.
It’s not just 5 guys either, this was just the initial prosecution. Whether there’ll be any more depends on whether it’s deemed to be in the public interest.
The report goes into more detail about the threats to staff and the disciplinary action.
Perhaps this is something that is difficult to grasp if you’re outside the UK? It does seem almost incomprehensible what happened, almost unbelievable, but it’s something we need to face up to here.
For me the worst thing was that the girls were indicted as Co conspirators for being complicit in their own rapes.
I have friends in the law and social services who’ve been banging their heads against a brick wall trying to get something done about these cases and all they get is abuse for it and threats so it’s something I feel strongly about.
I doubt it will carry much weight – but I’m absolutely with Alan on this one. This is my perception of what happened as well. It is also the perception of many, many people in the UK, including Left wing people and members of the Pakistani community. This perception is based firmly in reality. That it’s uncomfortable doesn’t make it less true. And many well-meaning people I’m sure made the exact same attacks on people who brought up these issues making it much harder for this issue to be resolved and for GIRLS (not even women) to be rescued from ONGOING rape and abuse, never mind receive justice. This went on for years and years before it was addressed. It shouldn’t have mattered what the race of the perpetrators was, the only thing that should have mattered was that people were being systematically abused. But race became an issue because they were allowed to continue with their multiple daily rapes because people were more concerned about ‘community cohesion’ than about girls and sometimes very young girls being raped.
Here’s another article about police covering up that fact: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/11699179/Report-about-Asian-grooming-gangs-was-supressed-to-avoid-inflaming-racial-tension.html
Here’s the public prosecutor, a Pakistani Muslim, talking about the issues; http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/oct/31/muslim-community-street-grooming-nazir-afzal
As for terminology, Pakistani and Muslim is probably a bit redundant since the vast, overwhelming majority of people of Pakistani origin in this country (UK) self-identify as Muslim. But Asian is too broad, since these grooming rapes were, by and large, perpetrated by Pakistani men. Not – by and large – Indian Muslim men or Indian Hindu men or Bangladeshi Muslim men.
You’re the one who brought up this case in response to us side eyeing a blatantly bigoted comment. That’s why you’re getting pushback. It’s implying that one case should justify Islamophobia all over Europe and North America.
Alan, I’m sure this case is as true as you say, but it’s still super gross to respond to the white-supremacist argument that the brown men are going to rape our white women (and therefore we need to lynch/deport/mass incarcerate them) by bringing up a case where brown men actually did rape white women. I mean, what the hell is your point supposed to be? That we should bring back lynching to keep them in their place?
I like you, but your devil’s advocating gets really old.
To Virtually out of touch – are you SERIOUSLY VICTIM BLAMING those girls’ parents and the parents themselves?? Look I’m not saying that people in the Muslim community weren’t concerned, but there were also many concerned parents of these girls who were desperate to save their daughters and couldn’t. Some who went to the police and were arrested themselves. Saying that these rapes could have been prevented if only white families in Britain had the ‘family values’ of Muslims is classic victim blaming and racist to boot and classic fundie (not Muslim necessarily, but fundamentalist) thinking of locking up women as property to ‘protect them’.
And yes, many of these girls were particularly vulnerable because they didn’t have the best of familiy support, but that was not true of all the victims. And surely, surely, if they were so vulnerable the state should have bent over backward to protect them rather than blame them for their own rapes (which is what did happen and what is happening here again!).
Virtually is a troll, just ignore them.
@ Virtually
It wasn’t so much that Lord Ahmed first raised the alarm, other people had done that but suffered the consequences. It was the fact that as a Muslim it was harder to accuse him of acting out of Islamophbia.
I must disagree with you though about blaming the girls or their parents or suggesting there’s something admirable about keeping girls locked away like it’s the 1950s. If someone rapes you at gunpoint or pours petrol over you and threatens to light it if you don’t submit then the blame is all theres.
“Perhaps this is something that is difficult to grasp if you’re outside the UK?”
– I’ve lived in the UK, have family there, so I get it.
“For me the worst thing was that the girls were indicted as Co conspirators for being complicit in their own rapes.”
– Some of what I’ve read were girls insisting these guys were their “boyfriends”. Running out of care homes to be with them, sneaking out of their parents’ homes to be with them, defying all authority to be with them. How are adult authority figures supposed to handle that when the girls don’t see them as authorities at all?
“I must disagree with you though about blaming the girls or their parents”
Not blaming. Trying to find solutions.
” or suggesting there’s something admirable about keeping girls locked away like it’s the 1950s”
Girls were not locked away in the stereotype of the ’50s you envision. But there was a lot more parental control, respect for that, and chaperoned dating.
” If someone rapes you at gunpoint or pours petrol over you and threatens to light it if you don’t submit then the blame is all theres”
Who’s “submitting” that?!
@ WWTH &Katz
I’m certainly not arguing this justifies Islamophbia. My point is that fear of seeming Islamophbic or racist had caused a big problem here.
And it’s not just a single case. There is an endemic problem. Not with all Pakistani Muslim men or even a large number but a problem nevertheless.
I think the reaction here had demonstrated the problem in a way. This is a pretty friendly place and generally people don’t make excuses for rapists but I honestly think there’s been a tendency to fall into the same traps that let these men get away with their crimes for so long.
This isn’t devil’s advocating, this wad trying, and clearly failing, but highlight a serious problem here. We’re talking about tens of thousands of victims.
“Perhaps this is something that is difficult to grasp if you’re outside the UK?”
No doubt some of these men felt they could act with impunity precisely because of the careful walking-on-glass they knew UK officials would engage in.
The Vatican covered up their priests’ rapes because “Community cohesion.” Penn State covered up Sandusky’s rapes because “Community cohesion (and football).” This is the same old song and dance with a light sprinkling of “POLITICAL CORRECTNESS GONE MAD!” to whip the racists into a frenzy and shift the blame onto “SJWs” and off the cops who couldn’t be arsed to do their jobs. And it’s working. Why is it working?
Yep. Because blaming rapists for their rapes, not unrelated third parties who just happen to share a skin colour or religion with them, is totally making excuses for the rapists. What the hell?
I’m not making the “PC gone mad” argument, I don’t subscribe to it for one thing.
I’ve just made reference to one very specific issue. That is that fear of being branded racist and/or Islamophbic has allowed some men to rape with impunity. I’ve not blamed anyone else for the rapes except the men who carried them out.
The fact is they’ll continue to get away with it until one day in the future we’ll look back on this like the Jimmy Savile thing and ask “but why were people so unwilling to speak out?”