anti-Semitism antifeminism literal nazis matt forney men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men post contains sarcasm PUA racism rhymes with roosh

Roosh V denounced as degenerate “muzzie” by white supremacists he’s trying to woo

Genetically superior Matt Forney and Roosh V at the NPI conference
Matt Forney and Roosh V: Looking for love in all the white places

Pickup artist and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh continues his attempts to woo the white supremacist crowd.

This past weekend, he attended the annual conference of the white supremacist National Policy Institute with his longtime pal Matt Forney, the odious fat-shaming blogger who is himself a little big-boned, if one’s belly counts as a bone.

Roosh tried to butter up the white power crowd with a bit of flattery:

But his attendance at the conference didn’t go over well with everyone on the racist right. When Forney Tweeted the pic above of him and Roosh at the conference, some suggested that Roosh wasn’t white enough to be a white supremacist.

Torsten Sjöberg ‏@tor_sjoberg 23h23 hours ago @realmattforney @whitereddit >White Rights >Hanging out with Roosh Pick one 1 retweet 6 favorites Reply Retweet 1 Favorite 6 More Wolfgeist ‏@whitewolfgeist 23h23 hours ago @tor_sjoberg @realmattforney @whitereddit Interesting, I could have sworn NPI was for whites. Oh well.

Others were a bit, er, less polite in their rejection of Roosh.

Sallie Parker ‏@ComeRetribution 3h3 hours ago @ScarlettOStone @LadyAodh @FrankJ1232 @rooshv Time to call Roosh out. A non-European, non-Westerner. Has foreign, toxic, wog ideas. View conversation 1 retweet 6 favorites Reply Retweet 1 Favorite 6 More Fashy Frau ‏@3Dw4ifu 3h3 hours ago @ScarlettOStone It's interesting @rooshv thinks he can criticise the alt right after promoting degeneracy for years... and being a shitskin

Oh, but there’s more.

Gatorfella32 ‏@gatorfella @rooshv @ShaoDowMusic this dude is just another self hating Arab who is sexually and racially insecure and jealous of black men w/ hot ww

Torsten seems to have a bit of a hate-boner for Roosh.

Of course, Torsten is’t the only one suspicious of Roosh. Searching a bit further back on Twitter, we find this fellow, upset that Roosh’s cartoon avatar depicts his skin color as yellow.

Plato Rising @Rusted_Ovum @tor_sjoberg @rooshv @YonaOlson his avatar is even yellow. wtf white people, stop sending traffic his way.

Plato Rising ‏@Rusted_Ovum @LadyAodh @2wo2wenty8ight @BiteLeg @rooshv @Angry_White_Goy He is a Semite in behavior; uses yellow-faced avi, identifies as non-white

Others think he’s a Muslim.

KSWhiteChick @KSWhiteChick @BiteLeg @AngeloJohnGage @Angry_White_Goy @Gigglemittens @LadyAodh @mkapp_ Roosh is not White, he is a Muslim, our enemy!


And that he’s infecting white men with his non-white ideas:

Ann Kelly @LadyAodh @BiteLeg @KSWhiteChick @AngeloJohnGage @Angry_White_Goy @Gigglemittens @mkapp_ Yes! He's teaching White men how to think like Mid-Easterners

While “defiling” white women in the process:

I almost feel sorry for Roosh. Who on earth would have thought that members of a hate movement could be so hateful!

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9 years ago


That is so much bs but I don’t have time to explain why since I’m on the subway. Should I tell you to fuck off now or wait until tonight when I can be more specific as to why you should fuck off?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

What is with neo-Nazis and Sweden, anyway? I can’t even watch Swedish gamers on YouTube without every comment being “KILL THE MUSLIMS HEIL HITLER.” … Okay, YouTube’s a Nazi hotbed anyway, but I mean… Why Sweden? There’s no rape epidemic. It doesn’t have more Muslim citizens or more immigrants than its neighbours. It wasn’t part of the Axis during WWII. Did they just pull Sweden out of a hat?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

*What is it with, even.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Re; Islam and rape

Obviously Islam isn’t a monolithic institution and in any event, something that consists of individual people can’t be generalised about but, with that caveat, there is at least one problematic area that we’ve experienced over here in the UK.

It was well known within social services and police circles that groups of Pakistani Muslim men were specifically targeting white girls for rape on an organised basis.

However when anyone tried to do anything about this they were threatened with disciplinary action on the basis that taking action would be bad for “social cohesion”.

Social workers who ignored the threats and cooperated with the police were subsequently disciplined. Some were fired for ‘racism’. Some people who raised the issue publicly were prosecuted for incitement to racial hatred (they were acquitted)

Eventually the public pressure became such that some of the men were prosecuted (firstly in Rotherham, but there may be further prosecutions).

The thing is, the Director of Public Prosecutions only allowed the prosecutions to go ahead if the girls were named on the indictment as co-conspritators for encouraging their own rapes by their behaviour in order to allay complaints by ‘community leaders’ (The defence being that white girls are promiscuous and led devout religious men astray).

A review is underway and the preliminary report indicates that on a conservative estimate in Rotherham alone at least 1400 girls were raped.

It’s well known though that this issue isn’t just confined to the one town.

It doesn’t seem lessons have been learned though. The only concern the local authority condemned in the report has some out with is criticism of the term “Pakistani Muslims” and asking that “Asian’ be used instead (much to the annoyance to many non Pakistani Muslim Asian people.)

So whilst it’s right we don’t generalise about Muslim people I think we need to be very wary of sacrificing rape victims so as not to offend sensibilities; and we certainly shouldn’t buy into religious crap about women being evil temptresses and rapists being their innocent victims.

9 years ago

In Quebec we’ve had the joy of the last two or three elections having as one major issue that of women wearing the niqab. The anti-niqab groups are all talking about how this is an assault on women’s rights to dress as they please, therefore we must ban the niqab (say what?). Also it’s a barbaric religious practice of Islam which must be feared, and it’s not about religious freedom because the niqab isn’t in the Koran.

The supposed logic totally escapes me, so I conclude that it’s pure islamophobia wrapped up in paternalism with a thin veneer of fake feminism.

9 years ago

@ Alan – please don’t add any ammunition to Breids apologism.

In that case, there were failings on the part of whoever thought abetting child rapists would ever be good for “cohesion”. But it’s still not to do with Islam “promoting rape” – it’s to do with rapists hiding behind their supposed “morality” or “victim status” in the face of prosecution. All pious shitbags do this, from Catholic priests, to The Duggars, to Kim Davis, to various Hindu government officials called upon to comment on India’s high-profile rape cases. And indeed any secular child abuser who claims to have been singled out by their vulnerable victim to be “made” to commit abuse.

The Devil doesn’t need any advocates.

Chicken Burger
9 years ago


Right on the money.

9 years ago

The vast majority of rape is intraracial, and I don’t know if there have been specific studies, but I would have to guess it’s intrafaith most of the time as well. Because most rapists know their victim and people tend to spend the most time around people who share their demographic.

The fear that there are roving bands of Muslim rapists is based on nothing more than a bigoted fear of the other.

9 years ago

That said, fundamentalist movements of any religion seem to be the most rife with rape culture. Whether it’s ISIS or Quiverfull.

occasional reader
occasional reader
9 years ago


@Kootiepatra and @Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Ah, yes, sorry, i have badly written my sentence and it was not clear enough i think.
Indeed, i had read the same good arguments you wrote in scientific papers, and i agree with you that there sure have been distorsion there (but since when ? As there is a huge focus on the so called “advanced civilizations” around Mediterannee, where we are more tan than pale pink, since when has it turned to a quite all-white characters religion pictures ? I may biased here, as a miscreant, but that still perplexes me).
My sentence should has (had ?) been : “I wonder sometimes how it would have turned if Christ had been described and picturally painted as black or brown in the Bible and arts”.

@EJ (The Other One)
I have read your essay, and it is interesting (i have no historical and/or social knowledge background so i can not judge if it is wrong or right, sorry). Correct me if i am wrong, but, to sum up, your advice is that there is white supremacy (and all what it implies as behavior) as a way of deception (and even self-deception) to mask and hide former abusive behaviors, and to avoid and refuse to recognize them.
The “hand the keys back” part reminds me a bit of the “Beds are burning” from Midnight Oil.
Problem is that as History is written by the winners, it is sometimes difficult to track properly the bad things done.

Have a nice day.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Altofronto & WWTH

Yeah, it is tricky to draw a balance between protecting victims but not providing ammunition to bigots who’ll fan the flames for their own nefarious purposes (whilst not giving a shit about the actual victims)

The Rotherham case is far from an isolated example though. I take on board the point about rape generally being intra racial. That’s an obvious consequence of how most rapes occur.

The problem we’ve been having though is the refusal to prosecute in these cases because of the risk to community cohesion.

It’s not that one group is more likely to rape than another, it’s that one group has been getting a pass on rape, for reasons that I personally don’t think should be a consideration.

Of course we should do all we can to undermine the bigots but not at the expense of the girls who actually face the brunt of this. It’s a nettle we owe it to them to grasp.

9 years ago

Nobody is arguing a rapist shouldn’t be prosecuted because they are Muslim. We’re arguing against the notion that white, Christian women are at a hugely increased risk of being raped when Muslim immigrants move into the area. Which is bigoted.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


I totally take on board what you say but I just think the priority has to be protecting the girls (and I know you’ll agree on that).

Trigger Warning

According to friends involved in this area, this is a pretty sanitised account

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


The problem here was that people *were* arguing Muslim men shouldn’t be prosecuted.

And when those people include the local authorities and the crown prosecution service that is a huge problem

And it hasn’t gone away. There’s still a debate as to whether prosecutions are in the public interest. I find that staggering.

9 years ago

WWTH – unfortunately the evidence showed us that these ‘grooming gangs’ WERE almost entirely of Pakistani origin (so it isn’t about them being Muslims as such) – usually from a particular region of Pakistan, and their victims were exclusively white English girls (again religion was not a deciding factor). So in this respect yes, rape did increase as a result of an influx of a very specific type of man.

There is evidence that the men were ‘protected’ again and again. Many different reasons, much about judgements on the girls and their families (by police and social workers, primarily), and much about police being reluctant to be seen targeting the Pakistani community. There is also some evidence that Pakistani origin police officers were colluding.

There is no getting away from it it WAS men from the Pakistani community, and I expect it isn’t over yet.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago


Roosh forgot to wear pink on Wednesday.

Pink? Not getting the reference. I thought off-white supremacists wear a paper bag in lieu of white hood.

9 years ago

I’m surprised how many of the tweets David quotes are from women–not because I don’t believe women are racists, but because it’s become so dangerous for women to express strong opinions in public. As a woman I’d be very hesitant to express any negative opinion in a public forum, let alone a negative opinion about a specific man. It seems these women have no qualms about doing so–they’re not worried about consequences, or if they are it doesn’t stop them from putting it out there. Do they think they’re immune because they’re on the ‘right’ side? Do they think men–either their own partners or their colleagues in hate–have their back? Are left-leaning women more constrained in expressing our opinions in social media than right-leaning women? Is that because we really do get more threats, because we don’t feel like anyone will protect or support us if we’re threatened (irrespective of whether we, or the right-wing women, actually will or do get support), or something else?

Well, as a left-wing feminist woman, yes, I do get threats. Often from the most inconsequential Internet tough guys, too. But not a single one of them has ever managed to tell me exactly where I live, even though they all claim to know. I’ve never been bothered by them at home, either. I guess this holds true of them:

As for right-wing women, I think something similar applies. Sure, they say they want patriarchy, and all that shit. But in real life, these Serena Joys of the Hitlerjugend would probably cringe if any of their racist/sexist fantasies ever came true. And I bet dollars to doughnuts they’d cry if they couldn’t watch any more pornos with Big Black Men boinking tiny white blondes, either.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

occasional reader:

since when has it turned to a quite all-white characters religion pictures ?

In ancient times, people didn’t much know or care what famous people really looked like. There was no photography, portraits were expensive and there was no way to copy images efficiently. Jesus wasn’t even that famous while he lived.

Allegedly, the Western popular image of Jesus is based on medieval Frankish kings, affected by medieval and renaissance art styles, or something like that. Other cultures have different images of Jesus.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

As for right-wing women, I think something similar applies. Sure, they say they want patriarchy, and all that shit. But in real life, these Serena Joys of the Hitlerjugend would probably cringe if any of their racist/sexist fantasies ever came true. And I bet dollars to doughnuts they’d cry if they couldn’t watch any more pornos with Big Black Men boinking tiny white blondes, either.

Bina, have I told you recently how much you enrich my life?

9 years ago

I’ve noticed the Swedish 4chan/reddit troll person Torsten Sjöberg has been following this thread and even tweeted a screenshot of a SFHC comment. I doubt that’s his real name though. Can’t find anyone under 40 with that name in the country. I would assume from his behavior that this guy is younger, although I suppose some older dudes do still hang out on 4chan.

9 years ago

@arctic ape pink on Wednesdays is from the movie “Mean Girls”. The titular mean girls have rules, one of them being wearing pink on Wednesdays.

See, it’s funny, because Roosh forgot to be white. It’s heritage, not hate. Okay, it’s heritage and it’s hate. it’s both.

9 years ago

Allegedly, the Western popular image of Jesus is based on medieval Frankish kings, affected by medieval and renaissance art styles, or something like that. Other cultures have different images of Jesus.

Case in point: The nativity as portrayed by the Ethiopian church, one of the oldest Christian denominations.

9 years ago

Ha! It looks like they’re saying to themselves: ”Can you believe this shit?”

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

“What star sign is he?”

“Er, well Capricorn”

“So what are they then?”


“Ah, so that’s Capricorns is it?”

[Copyright © Monty Python]

9 years ago

In that photo they look like rejected extras from a Tarantino movie.