Pickup artist and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh continues his attempts to woo the white supremacist crowd.
This past weekend, he attended the annual conference of the white supremacist National Policy Institute with his longtime pal Matt Forney, the odious fat-shaming blogger who is himself a little big-boned, if one’s belly counts as a bone.
Roosh tried to butter up the white power crowd with a bit of flattery:
But his attendance at the conference didn’t go over well with everyone on the racist right. When Forney Tweeted the pic above of him and Roosh at the conference, some suggested that Roosh wasn’t white enough to be a white supremacist.
Others were a bit, er, less polite in their rejection of Roosh.
Oh, but there’s more.
Torsten seems to have a bit of a hate-boner for Roosh.
Of course, Torsten is’t the only one suspicious of Roosh. Searching a bit further back on Twitter, we find this fellow, upset that Roosh’s cartoon avatar depicts his skin color as yellow.
Others think he’s a Muslim.
And that he’s infecting white men with his non-white ideas:
While “defiling” white women in the process:
I almost feel sorry for Roosh. Who on earth would have thought that members of a hate movement could be so hateful!
@Ellie – literally every WOC friend I know has multiple horror stories about racist white dudes who want to date/have sex with them. It’s truly bizarre.
Slightly off topic, but have any of you heard of this guy? Evidently Dark Triad is an actual personality theory, I just hadn’t heard of it before. Is this new?
If Roosh became convinced that the best way to get the right kind of attention was to put on a clown nose and stand on his head at the top of the Statue of Liberty, I believe he’d do it.
Thankfully, he doesn’t seem to think that “whipping it out” would give him the right kind of attention. Hmm. I wonder why?
Does this demonstrate a certain self-awareness?
RooshV: “Here are my new best friends. Aren’t they cool?”
White supremracists: “Fuck off [insert racial slur]!”
RooshV: “Hahaha! I love you too, buddies!”
Dickson suggested that white people “could give” black people Massachusetts and New York — “blacks could be given Manhattan” — while whites would take states like Iowa. He said the white ethno-state of his imagination would be open to all whites, liberals and conservatives alike.
I should communicate in nothing but Mr. Show sketches.
“You can’t call us Islamophobic! See, one of our friends is an Ay-rab. He’s one of the Good Ones.”
I’m surprised how many of the tweets David quotes are from women–not because I don’t believe women are racists, but because it’s become so dangerous for women to express strong opinions in public. As a woman I’d be very hesitant to express any negative opinion in a public forum, let alone a negative opinion about a specific man. It seems these women have no qualms about doing so–they’re not worried about consequences, or if they are it doesn’t stop them from putting it out there. Do they think they’re immune because they’re on the ‘right’ side? Do they think men–either their own partners or their colleagues in hate–have their back? Are left-leaning women more constrained in expressing our opinions in social media than right-leaning women? Is that because we really do get more threats, because we don’t feel like anyone will protect or support us if we’re threatened (irrespective of whether we, or the right-wing women, actually will or do get support), or something else?
Calling him a degenerate and a POS is far too generous, I just love how his own words comes back to bite him and kind of ruined his chances of success among them.
LOL, anyone else noticed that Matt Forney is trying to look like Aurini?
Yep, a fat shamer with brotits, take note of the hovering hand.
What you wrote about yourself is the kind of things that the “manosphere” uses to promote their prejudices against women.
This is so in spite of +99% of that same “manosphere” thinking the same and keeping their “activism” to the internets (because they are hypocrites).
It is also a sure way to attract trolling and online harassement by no-lifes, in case you wish to avoid that.
Guest- you ask why women continue making their voices heard in public, despite threats.
I cycle. Most cyclists in Britain feel that provision for cycling is dreadful, that many people drive badly around them, that the law doesn’t take cyclist deaths and injuries seriously and the whole enterprise of cycling is far more dangerous than it should be. In fact, the perceived danger is the main reason given for not cycling. Yet many people still cycle, because it meets a need for transport and the joys outweigh the risks for some of it. Doesn’t mean we should stop campaigning for safer roads or try and make cycling more inclusive of people who are currently too scared too.
You suggested that maybe right wing women feel more supported or protected in voicing their opinions? I haven’t seen any evidence or even anecdotes too suggest right wing women are more vocally opiniated. I have seen plenty of sociological research that suggests right wing people are more fearful of other people in general.
Sorry, about this specifically. I’m pretty sure Roosh and his followers won’t go after women attacking them from the far right and yes, those women probably know that. Roosh is trying to suck up to the big bullies by picking on the perceived weaker kids, he’s unlikely to defend himself against the bigger bullies. And I think those women probably desire self-expression, like anyone, and no that the far right won’t pick on them if they toe the party line and everyone else thinks they are too extreme, nasty and irrational to bother arguing with. Ie. There’s no point wrestling a pig, you both end up covered in mud and the pig likes it.
“And this is why I don’t identify as white for (I always pick “other” when asked about race). I don’t want to be associated with a race that’s full of ignorance, hatred, and stupidity.”
That’s a strange commentary. Except if you don’t want to be associated with the *human* race.
People from everywhere on the world have proven me that white aren’t any less or more hateful, ignorant, or stupid, than anything else. The most blatantly stupid racism I have seen come from actually black-skinned people : they came from island like Martinique and spat upon african, because “thoses niggers aren’t able to rein their instincts”.
Of course, hearing extreme right wing japanese people talk about corean and chinese is *also* a good way to lose faith in humanity and remember that stupidity is the best shared trait among humans.
That little Swedish 4chan troll was tweeting at Juicebro as well.
Yeah. And by a look at Lapons and Inuits, it is hard to say they are “white”. Living in a cold country with snow and ice do not turn your skin to white : the sun reflecting so much and the harsh weather tan it.
And this goes the same in the south of Europe, and in many other places where the weather tends to tan your skin.
Plus, those so-called white are mainly pink. The seldom case you really have a “white” skin is when you have albinism.
And if there are so many Christians, what the problem with Mid-East ? Do they suppose Bethlehem is in a conurb of New York or Chicago ? I wonder sometimes how it would have turned if Christ had been black or brown.
Alas, i am not smart, thus i still do not understand why they suppose “white” people should be considered as superior. I do not see any concrete argument pointing to that (mind you, i actually do not see any argument making a skin color superior to another).
Have a nice day.
I love it when right wing extremists bitch at other right wing extremists for not being hateful enough. Pound per pound it’s one of your best entertainment values.
Seriously, an Iranian who hates women and is even an alleged rapist tries to make friends with white nationalists? Ffs he is lucky they were the intellectual, subtle racists and not skinheads who would have lynched him. The number one driving force behind the hatred of muslims and people of Middle-Eastern descent in general, is their violent misogyny, and this guy fits the bill perfectly.
A bunch of Little Hipster Hitlers.
He most likely was brown, visibly so. But medieval artwork of Anglo-Jesus persists in pop culture enough that white supremacists don’t generally think about that too much.
This is an artist rendering of what Jesus might have looked like, based on what demographic and genetic information we have about the Jewish people in Palestine in the first century:
He was brown, actually. Middle Eastern Jewish. Racist Christians just pretend he wasn’t and yell at anyone who points it out to them. =P
No. The real driving forces are that Islamophobes still blame the entire religion for 9/11 and simple racism. None of them could give less of a shit about misogyny. Proof: All the Islamophobes who wanted Malala to be murdered.
Ninja’d on non-white Jesus!
I get that the less sophisticated people hate Islam because “those damn terr’rist kill em all” but the ideological basis of the movements against Islam – well, the European ones anyway – are based on the fact that Islam basically promotes rape. If you visit an anti-muslim site they will always be happy to provide statistics that in countries where there’s a large muslim minority, a good percentage of rapes are committed by muslims. Eg.: the usual stuff about Sweden being the rape capital of Europe, even though it’s the most feminist country ever.
@occasional reader:
I have a theory about why they consider white people to be superior. I wrote an essay about it here:
“Roosh is a piece of shit…”
Yes! Finally! Glad to hear you agr-
“…because he’s BROWN!!!”
Wait, what..? Dammit, wrong conversation. WRONG CONVERSATION.
Except: 1. While you could say that fundamentalist Islam is misogynistic, so’s fundamentalist Christianity. The operative word there is “Fundamentalist,” not “Islam.” Don’t blame the vast majority for the actions of a tiny minority; 2. Their “Statistics” are asspulls and entirely untrue anyway; 3. They still don’t care about misogyny, they care about “Them brown folks takin’ our white women.” Proof: Read the tweets David posted right here.
… And why the hell are you reading Islamophobic hate sites? o_O
@Reid – I’m European. I’ve seen a lot of groups like Britain First and the EDL come up with “statistics” and “quotes” and other such “proof” that all Muslims are rapists, child molesters and criminals… and it’s still the same fucking racist shit.
Islam is not the fucking issue. Scratch the surface of anyone who tries to paint themselves as liberal, progressive concern trolls, and it’s obvious how disingenuous they really are – Islamophobes just can’t hide their hatred for brown people.
Nobody cares about rape until they can scapegoat Muslims and use it to sharpen their pitchforks. The idea of defending white women against rapacious brown savages is not only fucking RACIST AS FUCK, it’s chauvinistic and anti-feminist.
If Islam promotes rape, then so does Christianity and every other Abrahamic religion, but nobody talks about Biblical rape apologia the way they talk about “Islam” as a monolith (what specific creeds, verses, teachings promote rape?).
Rape culture is pretty much everywhere, but nobody kicks the shit out of white Frat Boys in the street for belonging to a culture that “promotes rape”. Yet there have been several attacks on Muslims, in my city alone.
Islamophobia needs to end. There’s a huge difference between condemning the existence of extremists who are defiling Allah’s name to justify their shitty actions, and the indiscriminate hatred of a vast swathe of people of varied regions, cultures, practises etc.
When you treat an entire group of people as a de facto source of various social ills, you need to check yourself.