anti-Semitism antifeminism literal nazis matt forney men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men post contains sarcasm PUA racism rhymes with roosh

Roosh V denounced as degenerate “muzzie” by white supremacists he’s trying to woo

Genetically superior Matt Forney and Roosh V at the NPI conference
Matt Forney and Roosh V: Looking for love in all the white places

Pickup artist and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh continues his attempts to woo the white supremacist crowd.

This past weekend, he attended the annual conference of the white supremacist National Policy Institute with his longtime pal Matt Forney, the odious fat-shaming blogger who is himself a little big-boned, if one’s belly counts as a bone.

Roosh tried to butter up the white power crowd with a bit of flattery:

But his attendance at the conference didn’t go over well with everyone on the racist right. When Forney Tweeted the pic above of him and Roosh at the conference, some suggested that Roosh wasn’t white enough to be a white supremacist.

Torsten Sjöberg ‏@tor_sjoberg 23h23 hours ago @realmattforney @whitereddit >White Rights >Hanging out with Roosh Pick one 1 retweet 6 favorites Reply Retweet 1 Favorite 6 More Wolfgeist ‏@whitewolfgeist 23h23 hours ago @tor_sjoberg @realmattforney @whitereddit Interesting, I could have sworn NPI was for whites. Oh well.

Others were a bit, er, less polite in their rejection of Roosh.

Sallie Parker ‏@ComeRetribution 3h3 hours ago @ScarlettOStone @LadyAodh @FrankJ1232 @rooshv Time to call Roosh out. A non-European, non-Westerner. Has foreign, toxic, wog ideas. View conversation 1 retweet 6 favorites Reply Retweet 1 Favorite 6 More Fashy Frau ‏@3Dw4ifu 3h3 hours ago @ScarlettOStone It's interesting @rooshv thinks he can criticise the alt right after promoting degeneracy for years... and being a shitskin

Oh, but there’s more.

Gatorfella32 ‏@gatorfella @rooshv @ShaoDowMusic this dude is just another self hating Arab who is sexually and racially insecure and jealous of black men w/ hot ww

Torsten seems to have a bit of a hate-boner for Roosh.

Of course, Torsten is’t the only one suspicious of Roosh. Searching a bit further back on Twitter, we find this fellow, upset that Roosh’s cartoon avatar depicts his skin color as yellow.

Plato Rising @Rusted_Ovum @tor_sjoberg @rooshv @YonaOlson his avatar is even yellow. wtf white people, stop sending traffic his way.

Plato Rising ‏@Rusted_Ovum @LadyAodh @2wo2wenty8ight @BiteLeg @rooshv @Angry_White_Goy He is a Semite in behavior; uses yellow-faced avi, identifies as non-white

Others think he’s a Muslim.

KSWhiteChick @KSWhiteChick @BiteLeg @AngeloJohnGage @Angry_White_Goy @Gigglemittens @LadyAodh @mkapp_ Roosh is not White, he is a Muslim, our enemy!


And that he’s infecting white men with his non-white ideas:

Ann Kelly @LadyAodh @BiteLeg @KSWhiteChick @AngeloJohnGage @Angry_White_Goy @Gigglemittens @mkapp_ Yes! He's teaching White men how to think like Mid-Easterners

While “defiling” white women in the process:

I almost feel sorry for Roosh. Who on earth would have thought that members of a hate movement could be so hateful!

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9 years ago

The famous five words: See! I told you so!

9 years ago

Roosh is a POS. Getting hate from a group he’s trying to woo is icing on the cake.

Michael Lindsay
9 years ago

I can’t derive any joy out of seeing so much racial abuse hurled at someone whatever the content of their character. It’s racist assholery, it sucks.

Yes, of course Roosh is an asshole too. That’s by the by.

9 years ago

The GOP may accept POC who are full of internalized racism. In fact, they love them because they think having black, Asian or Latino friends constitutes proof that they aren’t fundamentally racist. But that’s not going to work with white supremacists because they aren’t actually trying to disguise their racism. Did Roosh ever really think he could be one of them?

9 years ago

secondhand embarrassment has never been so cringey…

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I almost feel sorry for Valizadeh. I mean, I don’t feel sorry for him because he’s a rapist asshole, but I come close. The PUA community is turning its mutual back on him, the gamergaters were a damp squib, and now the neo-Nazis are rejecting him. He has no friends.

Poor Valizadeh. All he wants is a hug. And to rape people, but mainly a hug.

9 years ago

This is awesome. It literally made me laugh out loud. Forney looks so professional lol. I find it weird how racist Cernovich is yet has a non-white girlfriend.

9 years ago

I can’t imagine what ever possessed him to try and woo the white supremacist crowd in the first place. He didn’t realize they were all about the racism?

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

I can’t imagine what ever possessed him to try and woo the white supremacist crowd in the first place. He didn’t realize they were all about the racism?

Discernment is not among his strong points.

(…I’m not sure what his strong points ARE, exactly, but clearly discernment, like personal hygiene, is not among them.)

9 years ago

What blows my mind, beyond Roosh’s cluelessness re: how acceptable he is to white nationalists, is the conflation of Islam and Middle-Eastern descent. It’s like they’re completely unaware that many whites are Muslims, and Middle-Easterners come from all faiths, including some prominent atheists. But these shitlords move back and forth between the two as if they were synonymous.

9 years ago

The GOP may accept POC who are full of internalized racism. In fact, they love them because they think having black, Asian or Latino friends constitutes proof that they aren’t fundamentally racist. But that’s not going to work with white supremacists because they aren’t actually trying to disguise their racism. Did Roosh ever really think he could be one of them?

He might have foolishly assumed white = European descent. Roosh has Armenian ancestry and that’s Indo-European. If he skimmed any Aryan group literature it’s easy to get confused by the mix of ignorance and misinformation.

I could have told him, as someone who is of European decent/ethicity, but who is not “white”, he was walking into a mine field. I had years of practice storting out this wankery–Roosh is a babe in the woods.

But, hey, he brought this on himself.

Vanir (@Vanir85)
9 years ago

On one side; horrible racism mixed with sexism, on the other; horrible sexism mixed with racism. It’s rats eating rats; even though they would actually deserve each other.

That said, this means Roosh has tried to play up being “muslim” (note; quotation marks, I very much doubt he was sincere), and without skipping a beat gone on to try and woo the white supremacist crowd. He really must be as stupid as he is evil.

On a final note: I DO wonder what Paul Elam thinks of this, considering his earlier attempts at sucking up to Roosh. Is he going to give up on the “deep thinker”? Or will he just make some excuse (possibly while still trying not to chase off any non-white AVFM members).

9 years ago

TIL, “Muslim” is a race.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@brian: Well, it’s not like Neo Nazis are the best informed of people.

9 years ago

What blows my mind, beyond Roosh’s cluelessness re: how acceptable he is to white nationalists, is the conflation of Islam and Middle-Eastern descent. It’s like they’re completely unaware that many whites are Muslims, and Middle-Easterners come from all faiths, including some prominent atheists. But these shitlords move back and forth between the two as if they were synonymous.

How ironic, too, that Roosh is Iranian, not an Arab. And that Iran, in Farsi, means “land of the Aryans”. I don’t suppose these dirt-clods would actually accept the premise that Iran is one of the few actual Aryan Nations there are…

9 years ago

Also, “alt right”? LMAO. A bunch of Little Hipster Hitlers. Alt-nothing.

Julie Crone, Queen of Frump
Julie Crone, Queen of Frump
9 years ago

so, Roosh, would you say they are negging you? How’s that working on you?

9 years ago

Also too: LMAO at the “alt right” being “smart men”. Only to a Roosh could those dim bulbs look bright.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

Tried feeling sorry for Roosh just now. Didn’t even come close.

9 years ago

Tries to join group defined by excluding people; gets excluded.

9 years ago


Noticed that too. It’s a if they pride themselves on ignorance. Together, Europeans, Iranians (and Armenians) comprise the Indo-European language family, having descended from a relatively recent common ancestral group.

Paleo Cream Puff
9 years ago

@Bina “And that Iran, in Farsi, means “land of the Aryans”.


Not only that, but the definition of ‘white’ seems to have gradually shifted over the years and some people ARE including people of non-European descent (like Iranians) as white. Not everyone of course.

For this reason I’m not surprised Roosh identifies as such. He would most likely fall under the label by the way he personally defines it.

9 years ago

Tries to join group defined by excluding people; gets excluded.

It’s like when Cady started hanging with The Plastics and lo and behold, they eventually turned on her. The difference is, none of these people will be learning any valuable life lessons.

9 years ago

“This is awesome. It literally made me laugh out loud. Forney looks so professional lol. I find it weird how racist Cernovich is yet has a non-white girlfriend.”

HAHA! If I had a penny everytime I saw a racist/xenophobic guy with a girlfriend or even wife of exactly the group he hates! It’s kind of like redpillers hate women but still desperately seek to sleep with them. To a scarily huge group of men, hate and sexual attraction are very tightly related. Maybe it’s yet another aspect of rape culture.

9 years ago

Sorry, I don’t know how to make a citation yet.

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