antifeminism cassie jaye men who should not ever be with women ever MRA oppressed men red pill sexual harassment

Cassie Jaye tells Vocativ she was stalked by an MRA she interviewed for her Red Pill doc

The story of Cassie Jaye and her Red Pill documentary gets curiouser and curiouser. In an interview with Tracy Clark-Flory of Vocativ she admits that she’s actually a bit scared of the MRAs whose cause she now seems to be championing.

As Clark-Flory puts it:

It turns out Jaye understands fear of MRAs. “I luckily moved recently,” she said toward the end of our nearly three-hour-long conversation, explaining that some of the men she interviewed had her home address. “I was really glad to move.”

Indeed, Jaye told Clark-Flory that during the course of her interviews one of her subjects evidently became smitten with her, and, in classic MRA style, treated her to numerous late-night phone calls of an apparently amorous nature.

On nearly a dozen occasions, she received calls in the middle of the night from one of her MRA subjects. (There were multiple emails, too.) Jaye implied that her repeat caller had on the mind what one might charitably call romance … .

She acknowledges to Clark-Flory that with her film “kind of being funded by men’s rights advocates,” she worries a little bit about what they might do if her final product is not to their liking.

“I think any bad seeds would probably want to see the film first before taking me down,” she said with a laugh. What if they do see the film and view it as unfavorable, though? “I guess I could go into hiding,” Jaye said.

But she apparently isn’t too worried that her new MRA fans and financial backers won’t like her film.

“Do I want to have any kind of allegiance to them to make sure I’m not harmed in the end?” She paused, the question lingering, and then explained that her video diaries show her reacting negatively to the MRAs, but that those clips were part of her early “evolution” on the subject. “I think that protects me from people wanting to attack what I said then,” she said.

The implication seemingly being that the position she ultimately came to would not make MRAs angry with her. “I think it’ll be OK,” she said.

You can read the full piece here, and I really suggest that you do. Because WTF.

In related news, the Red Pill lawyer and juice salesman who apparently bought himself an Associate Producer credit for The Red Pill with a $10,000 donation is bragging that he “cuckolded” Seth Rogan … on Twitter. By which I mean not that he’s boasting about this on Twitter, but that he thinks he actually did the cuckolding on Twitter.

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9 years ago

I can almost guarntee Seth’s wife said “wouldn’t fuck you”, but got auto corrected, or mistyped. Just cause she’s Laura Miller Rogan. just saying….

9 years ago

She’s about to learn their true nature the hard way and it won’t be good. I just hope she gets out of this unscathed because I can’t wish bad on her, no matter her misguided intentions.

9 years ago

Cernovich is a meatheaded fool. He takes innocuous Twitter replies as proof that Rogen is “mine” and is “having marital problems.” And then uses what is almost 100% guaranteed a typo (If Lauren Miller Rogen didn’t mean to say “Well she definitely WOULDN”T fuck you!” I will eat my hat and Cernovich’s and anyone else’s who wants to watch me eat hats) to prove that Rogen is a “cuck.”

What a child.

9 years ago

“I think it’ll be OK,” she said.

No. Nothing will be OK. This world has MRAs, therefore it is not OK. Good effin’ gods I’m actually worried sick now.

9 years ago

I propose “cuck” become a real-world “smurf.” I.E.
“This cuck tastes cuck-y; could you cuck the cuck please?”
— “OK, but after you cuck the cuck you have to cuck it back before it cucks.”
“Sure thing! Thanks, cuck!”
— “Oh don’t cuck, it’s cuck.”

Tyra Lith
Tyra Lith
9 years ago

Jaye went into the project intending to challenge MRA’s “misogynist” arguments and ended up impressed by their rebuttals.

Now that’s just sad. Because we all know their “rebuttals”.

I really, really hope she has a plan B for the case that her “documentary” doesn’t satisfy the MRA-mob.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
9 years ago

The Vocativ article makes it sound like Cassie jumped into this without doing much research. MRA talking points shouldn’t have come as a surprise. Sigh. I can’t see this ending well.

9 years ago

invest in popcorn futures

9 years ago

he thinks he actually did the cuckolding on Twitter

And that is priceless.

Twisted Inspiration
9 years ago

Wow, that’s a really sad and pathetic person.

9 years ago

I can’t imagine what MRA rebuttal could possibly impress. But if she doesn’t give a glowing account of them, it’s going to anger them. I don’t know whether to hope she satisfies them for the sake of her well being, or hope it’s a critical enough piece to not suckered anyone else into joining the MRM.

9 years ago

Huh. Been awhile since we’ve heard from Juice Bro.
i wish it was longer.

9 years ago

Okay, I just read the whole piece and I have to wonder if her early indoctrination into a very patriarchal mindset plays a role in this. It doesn’t sound like she’s at the JB level where she’ll deem feminists whores and bitches, so it’ll be interesting to see this play out.

9 years ago

Jaye went into the project intending to challenge MRA’s “misogynist” arguments and ended up impressed by their rebuttals. For example, one told her, “How can you say that a woman misses twenty percent of her income versus a man missing seven years of his life because they die earlier on average?” She hadn’t thought about shorter life expectancies in this way

This is her go-to example? Women live longer on average so it’s okay that they earn less money on average? That’s some deep thinking there. Does it get better?

or known about the higher rates of homelessness, suicide and workplace deaths among men. Jaye was swayed by arguments about the tendency to not take male victims of sexual assault as seriously

Apparently not. MRAs don’t actually care about these things, at least not enough to do more than use them as a cudgel against women!

and the ways that men are discouraged from being caretakers.

Don’t you worry your pretty little head none. The big, strong men will take care of you.

Malice W Underland
Malice W Underland
9 years ago

Every time I read the word “cuck” or “cucked” on this blog, I’m literally nauseated. There’s so much that’s gross about it. The sexist and sometimes racist implications, the bizarre sexualization of things that aren’t sexual in nature, even just the sound of the word. Also, if you’re looking for a cheap way to shame a man, can you at least come up with something more creative and less idiotic sounding? Like, I dunno, “you wear ill-fitting pants and you have terrible taste in movies and you like to sniff your own farts.” That would be less idiotic.

(Exception: if you’re a fetishist and by “cuckholding” you mean a scene arranged with enthusiastic participants, in which case…you do you).

9 years ago


For the sake of charity, I’ll assume that by “caretakers” she means babysitters, teachers, SAHDs, and custodial parents.

Malice W Underland
Malice W Underland
9 years ago

Cuckolding, not cuckholding. Weird, I always thought it had an H.

9 years ago

So let’s do some off the cuff critical thinking about the whole women live longer.

Those extra years of life are not the same as extra years of income. In fact, given that those extra years represent later life, they are more frequently years in which the person has no significant income and must rely on past income (retirement, savings, etc.) to cover the cost of living.

It turns out that those extra years don’t “even out” the wage gap in the slightest.

9 years ago

LOL at that redpill dude.That should be cited in the dictionary definition for lacking self-awareness.

9 years ago

She’s about to learn their true nature the hard way and it won’t be good. I just hope she gets out of this unscathed because I can’t wish bad on her, no matter her misguided intentions.

It would not surprise me in the least if she’s being manipulated. It’s cult recruitment/PR 101:

-Love bomb/put your best face forward.
-Lie/pretend to not know about violent/radical actions elements.
-If the person isn’t charmed, use those same elements to punish them.
-Move on to the next warm body.

Legal remedies for groups using predatory, exploitative practices are sadly inadequate. They have learned the loopholes and no one seems interested in closing them.

9 years ago

YOU CAN HAVE SEX ON TWITTER?!? I’m still getting used to Facebook money exchanging. What will they think of next?

9 years ago

Cheyanov, I’ve seen examples like those “impress” “feminists” on the internet before. I don’t know what’s going on with Cassie Jaye, I would hope that as a documentary film maker she would have the wits to not stop there, but to scratch the surface a little…I mean it’s not as if nobody in society cares about homelessness or suicide, it’s just that they aren’t treated as gender-specific issues because male is the default and men’s issues are human issues. Contrast to “women’s issues” which are treated as special interest despite us making up the other half of the population – we need special funds, associations, organizations etc. for many things to even get addressed.

9 years ago

Ah, Orion you’re probably right.

9 years ago

And on the “cucking” (ick) thing…does Mike Cernovich *seriously* (seriously?!) believe that Lauren Miller saw some random dude trolling her husband on twitter and said to herself “now thats a guy I’d like to fuck!”? Seriously?

9 years ago

So… do any of you still think she’ll be making a documentary that is truly critical of MRAs?

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