So right-wing garbage site Breitbart has apparently decided to pander to the angry gamer demo even more explicitly with the launch of Breitbart Tech, “a brand new vertical dedicated to coverage of tech, gaming, and web culture.” Naturally, they’ve tapped the unlovely and ungracious Milo Yiannopoulos, Gamergate panderer par excellence, for editor.
Yesterday Milo went to the KotakuInAction subreddit, one of Gamergate’s main hubs, to announce the good news.
One Puckish Redditor gave Milo a little pop quiz to test his knowledge of technology and gaming. Milo, well, failed it.
One might presume that such an obvious fake gamer would quickly be hounded from the business by an angry Gamergate mob.
But, nah, someone explained all the answers to Milo and the regulars went on celebrating Milo’s new gig.
Because it’s all about ethics in knowing absolutely nothing about video games.
H/T — r/ShitRedditSays
alaisvex, thanks for the link. I’ll check it out later. I’ve known a few intersex people as well as a few transgendered people but I’ve not given much thought to either til recently when on a radfem blog I was lined to several videos which I watched a few of. It appears the Liberal Feminists and Radical Feminists part ways on this topic, as well as the topic of the sex industry. Its been years since I’ve read any Feminist literature (other than articles here and there on the web, which is more “pop feminism” than anything else. I don’t know if I will formulate any opinion on the trans issue simply because I just don’t know that many transpeople and I’m not immediately effected either way. But its interesting reading. Science is in the baby stages of neurobiology and all these things so the future holds a lot to learn.
What I also find interesting is transgenderism in relation to transhumanism.
I think I do stand with the radfems regarding porn though. I mean reading your comment above was just horrific. I wonder how common it is for women to have such types of experiences with their significant others?
Reread it. Thoroughly this time. Yeah, f8ck that guy. If they don’t have kids, she should divorce him. Because those types are not going to get better in the future. She can give him a trial period and see. But usually they just get more and more demanding, possibly even physically violent, and he might even cheat on her with someone who will do those things. Really I think our society has taken this porn bullshit too far.
alaisvex, went to that site you linked and found this;
Interesting. HBD is talked about a lot in the Manosphere. So “human biodiversity” was coined by Steve Sailer? I found his site through the Manosphere too. Between that and “evo psych” – whats going on?
If I give you a dollar, will you shut up?
(points and laughs at Christopher King)
(points and laughs at The Dude, too)
Troll harder, Gomers.
How do you even delete a comment with gale force?
It’s so cute when drive by trolls think they’re wanking out a totally original truth bomb that will blow our fragile lady minds if we only had the courage to read their manpinions.
That’s an awful story. Thank you for sharing it and thanks to her, indirectly, for sharing it with us. I wish her the strength to leave him.
Our society fetishises power, I think. I’ve certainly felt it as a man, that we’re taught to feel good about pushing people into doing things they don’t want because it demonstrates our power over them rather than because we actually want those things. That’s most obviously the case sexually, I think, because of the traditional power roles there and greater sense of intimacy.
I once dated a girl who disliked the very thought of anal sex or of group sex, and I remember experiencing her saying those things as an affront to me, which caused me to resent her because how dare she tell me what to do with MY woman. (I was an asshole in those days; that said, I never pushed her into doing either of those things because even then I wasn’t a rapist.) Cut to years later and I dated a woman who really enjoyed anal sex and would suggest it to me now and again of an evening, and the old asshole part of my brain panicked because now she had ownership over it and it wasn’t a demonstration of power over her. A couple of years after that I dated a woman who really enjoyed group sex, and that really made the asshole hindbrain panic because oh god, she might like the other person better than me, I’m under threat here. Fortunately by then I was less of an asshole and managed to enjoy it as an experience rather than a symbol.*
I’ve had similar experiences with a lot of other extreme sex acts: the asshole part of one’s brain only wants to do them because they’re symbols of pushing people into violating their personal boundaries, not because they’re actually fun per se. The sensible intelligent moderate part of one’s brain actually learns to enjoy the other person’s enthusiastic consent and get off on their pleasure, which means that if they don’t enjoy something then neither will I. But that requires one to acknowledge that one’s masculinity is not threatened by a lack of power over the women in one’s life, which is sadly a thing that our society does not teach its sons.
– – – – –
*In general, I am disenchanted with group sex. Been there, done that. I’ve done the vaunted, semi-mythical “two conventionally attractive girls in bed with me doing all sorts of things at my explicit direction” thing, and… yawn. It lacks intimacy. Once you’ve gotten over the taboo and the “oh my god this is really happening”, there’s nothing much there.
Will I need to turn in my Actual Scientist card if I do that? Baby Carl Popper will be angry at me, that’s for sure.
“I’ve had similar experiences with a lot of other extreme sex acts: the asshole part of one’s brain only wants to do them because they’re symbols of pushing people into violating their personal boundaries, not because they’re actually fun per se. ”
– I knew there was something more than meets the eye with all this kink obsession hitting the mainstream lately.
“A couple of years after that I dated a woman who really enjoyed group sex, and that really made the asshole hindbrain panic because oh god, she might like the other person better than me, I’m under threat here.”
– Forget group sex, men get threatened if we merely suggest dating other people. Even if the suggest it, they don’t want us to agree, from our end.
what does ‘good journalism’ in the context of video games even mean? I’ve been a ‘gamer’ and reading gaming rags and online stuff since…1993? (right around when Doom came out, at least) And I gotta tell you: I haven’t seen a whole lot of ‘good journalism’. Mostly just industry sycophantry, occasionally helpful computer user/techie stuff, and a whole lof of gaming tips/hints, all on a very wide scale of writing quality
Heh…that’s how I felt about having perfectly plain ol’ ordinary sex with a boyfriend the first time. (In my twenties, I might add.)
But yeah. What you said about the asshole part of a guy wanting to push through someone else’s boundaries? I got that from him later. He wanted to put it in my bum, while I (who have irritable bowel syndrome and thus a good reason to avoid anything with a potentially laxative effect) wanted no part of it. Fortunately, he was close to my height and relatively skinny, so I had no problem shoving him off me if he tried to sneak-oops it. But I recognized the skeevy power dynamic, and resented that a lot more than the mere possibility of being forced to run to the bathroom afterwards (if I didn’t have an accident during).
And this guy was four years younger than me, and still thought he could pull that. On the first woman he ever had sex with, and whom he was lucky to be having sex with at all. I could ask where guys learn all that stuff, but I already have a fair idea. Long before internet porn and all its ugly tropes went mainstream, this stuff was already kicking around in the ether, so to speak. The culture is rife with it.
Shouldn’t a video game journalist actually know what they’re writing about anyway? How are you gonna write about something you don’t know unless he’s just gonna be a coauthor?
Fortunately, she did shortly after his rant. According to her update, she’s got all of her important stuff out of his house, a new place to live, a decent amount of money saved up and separate from his bank account, and family support.
Yeah, the point that you’ve gotten to is a hard point to get to when you’ve been conditioned to, as you so aptly put it, fetishize power.
Jesus Christ! What a piece of shit. I’m glad that you were strong enough to keep him from succeeding in the “sneak-oops.” I can’t believe that some men think that that’ll work as an excuse. No woman will believe that you couldn’t tell the difference in feel between the anus and the vagina!
Oh, but he’s not a video game journalist. He’s a gamergate journalist. He already has all the qualifications that he needs for that job, namely a hatred of feminism, women, and “manginas.”
porn is driving this anal sex craze. even if i were a gay dude my erotic repetoire would not include it. just too many risks. adult diaper sales have sky rocketed amongst the NON-elderly for a reason.
And that reason is adult babies, not whatever the hell you’re thinking. Anal isn’t particularly dangerous, unless you’re talking about sticking knives in there or something.
Also, I’m not even going to read that link, because everything that I’ve read about BDSM being inherently misogynistic was written by someone who doesn’t understand BDSM at all, and I’m not in the mood for the resulting headache.
I know this gif is so overused it’s becoming trite, but it really applies to voot these past couple of weeks.
I disagree basically all of your article’s premises and conclusions, but I’m not gonna talk about that. I’m just going to point out one bizarre and perhaps willfully deceptive rhetorical move. It pulls from a documentary about pornography the claim that only 3% of spankings in a small survery of films were delivered to men as though that were somehow relevant to a paper about BDSM. BDSM is not (merely) a genre of pornography; it’s an activity real people engage in. The relevant numbers would be data about BDSM players, not data about BDSM films. Also, the documentary cited is about pornography in general, not BDSM in specific. Most of the porn in that data set is not BDSM porn. I’m not sure whether ANY of it is BDSM porn.
Thank you for the insight to the way society can affect a man’s view of himself (and women), Falconer.
I think Re: Blue hair has been chewed up quite thoroughly but I’ll chip in. I have a feeling it’s *both* about sexual attraction and feeling entitled to control a woman’s appearance.
On a Finnish language forum there’s this regular troll who complains about short hair and *any* dyed hair, but especially when it’s dyed red or black (very common choices in finland). He also starts about ten threads a day asking why women knowingly make themselves ruined meat by getting a tattoo. I have gotten the sense he is an ‘older’ man, judging by the language he uses. Tattoos and short hair have been linked to rebellion. It’s a sign that this is a woman who doesn’t like to be told what to do, which is a massive threat to an insecure man who is conditioned to believe his ‘masculinity’ is the most important thing in the world (and that masculinity = power over others and other toxic notions). This same troll finds it “very unattractive” – of course, how can you be attracted to what you fear? Also he feels calling it unattractive should be reacted to by immediately growing out long, natural locks and lasering that tattoo ASAP. Because he has been taught that it’s a woman’s job to serve his preferences, especially in attractiveness. He genuinely believes it’s the proper tactic to get results.
Also, back to the rebellion thing: When girls cutting the pageboy hair became a mark of a modern, free woman you would not believe the pearl clutching that went on. Irony, thy name is anti-feminism.
Wow. That’s, um, something of a human case of irritable bowel syndrome you were dating there. Merely the act of *having* boundaries, to some people, seems to be an invitation to violate them.
I hope he was nonetheless a lovely guy who made you happy whilst you were dating and who made you laugh despite that behaviour in bed.
The irony is that I date within the BDSM scene nowadays, so I could still be accused of fetishising power, but it’s light years more consensual than anything I would have understood back then.
@Virtually Out Of Touch:
Unlike Snowberry, I did read that link. Xe’s right in that it was written by people who know nothing about BDSM. The point made inside it is subtle and well-argued, but as with a lot of sex-negative feminism it can be summarised as the belief that because we live in a violence- and abuse-saturated cultural landscape, and because of the interpersonal context this landscape creates, consent for male-dominant heterosexual BDSM cannot meaningfully exist. Although I disagree, I have a certain amount of respect for his position, and am entirely willing to discuss that further if you would like to do so.
Your second point, however, echoes the common homophobic slur that consensual anal sex causes incontinence, which is both untrue and offensive. So fuck you for that.
That’s a good point (that it’s about porn and not about real life relationships.)
In my experience, the bulk of people on the scene are straight male submissives; I’d expect any stuff made for their consumption to be female-dominant, and therefore would assume that the male-dominant stuff is made for the consumption of a non-kinky audience. You’re a kinkster IIRC; do they use the word “Chudwah” where you are? Those are the people I’d think it would probably be aimed at.
Is anybody else ready to ask the Dark Lord to banhammer Virtually? Their posts are like Bigot Bingo. They’re either the white feminist-iest… Yeah, that’s a word now… White feminist ever or some sort of gotcha troll.
Leda Atomica:
I think there’s another aspect. I notice it a lot, especially when discussing feminism. The idea that women only actually care about their own attractiveness. “Feminists are ugly women who only say they hate objectification because they’re jealous of the attractive women and don’t want them to have all the men.” They only see value in a woman’s attractiveness, so of course that’s all the women must care about. By invoking “attractiveness” the woman should listen because of course she wouldn’t want to do something unattractive! What would be the use of her then?
“Anal isn’t particularly dangerous, unless you’re talking about sticking knives in there or something.”
– A few times perhaps not, but consistently over years, it is. Ask the doctors who are dealing with young and younger people coming in with stretched out this, prolapsed that. Or better yet, ask the people dealing with these health issues directly, like I did.
EJ “The point made inside it is subtle and well-argued, but as with a lot of sex-negative feminism ”
– Sex “negative” feminism? What does that mean?
– Meaning?
“because we live in a violence- and abuse-saturated cultural landscape, and because of the interpersonal context this landscape creates, consent for male-dominant heterosexual BDSM cannot meaningfully exist. Although I disagree, I have a certain amount of respect for his position, and am entirely willing to discuss that further if you would like to do so.”
– I agree with the premise.
“In my experience, the bulk of people on the scene are straight male submissives; I’d expect any stuff made for their consumption to be female-dominant, and therefore would assume that the male-dominant stuff is made for the consumption of a non-kinky audience. ”
– Genuine kinksters may gravitate toward more male submissives but the vast majority of people are mainstream and the mainstream push is for women to be the subs, hello 50 Shades of B.S. and online porn where the default is women being subbed and degraded and this is what kids are exposed to today.
Is the BDSM scene really about women being subs though? Mainstream media might have nothing to do with it, in fact it most likely panders to people’s mental images of sadism. Mainstream media is absolutely guilty of portraying women as submissive punchbags (even outside straight up erotica), but I doubt this can be used as an argument against an entire genre that involves actual, living people.
Anyone more knowing about the BDSM scene care to enlighten? My ideas of it come from (sex positive) documentaries and sub culture reviews. It doesn’t seem as problematic as suggested here, even if its on-screen portrayal is.