So right-wing garbage site Breitbart has apparently decided to pander to the angry gamer demo even more explicitly with the launch of Breitbart Tech, “a brand new vertical dedicated to coverage of tech, gaming, and web culture.” Naturally, they’ve tapped the unlovely and ungracious Milo Yiannopoulos, Gamergate panderer par excellence, for editor.
Yesterday Milo went to the KotakuInAction subreddit, one of Gamergate’s main hubs, to announce the good news.
One Puckish Redditor gave Milo a little pop quiz to test his knowledge of technology and gaming. Milo, well, failed it.
One might presume that such an obvious fake gamer would quickly be hounded from the business by an angry Gamergate mob.
But, nah, someone explained all the answers to Milo and the regulars went on celebrating Milo’s new gig.
Because it’s all about ethics in knowing absolutely nothing about video games.
H/T — r/ShitRedditSays
To be fair, it’s his ass they’re putting on the line.
I always hit a wall about level 8 or so, after the first big boss fight.
(Did you know GOG.com is selling all three Descent games?)
@Viscaria: I watched (most of) Star Trek the Next Generation on Netflix about a year ago, because I was quite often sitting down nursing a baby, and I was struck by how much the Enterprise hallways looked like a cheap hotel, or maybe a hospital, in the carpets and wherever they tried to have wallpaper.
Huh…you’d think people would avoid using the slaying the multi headed hydra sort of imagery the site has on its front page since it has become such a staple of extreme far right propaganda.
Speaking of babies,
Fashion It So, ST:TNG fashion blog, is all I need to be happy.
I wear a suit every day to work and am not a hat person. Some people suit them and I just don’t. I am glad, therefore, that they have been consigned to history.
That said, Flynn and Bogart were badasses and could pull off a hat, but then they could probably pull off anything. Humphrey Bogart could dress by clicking “randomise Sim” and he’d still look swoonsome.
What cuties they are! Looks like they’re washing their hands after an outdoor adventure of some sort.
Thanks, Viscaria! They just got done panning for fossils outside the gift shop at Cumberland Falls.
So many shark teeth.
*crashes through the ceiling* DID SOMEBODY SAY FOSSILS.
Nothing really big or innovative. They have that sluice in the picture, and several wooden boxes with screens on the bottom, and for $10 you can buy a big bag of dirt with shark teeth, crinoids, bivalves, snail shells and corals in it, and wash the dirt off in the sluice. I was surprised with how many fossils we found in a single bag.
They did sell similar bags with semi-precious stones in them, but they were out of stock when we were there.
Hey, it doesn’t have to be big or innovative – something like that, only smaller (a travelling thing that visited my primary school), is exactly how my interest got sparked.
Re blue hair:
In my experience, what bright hair usually means is that the women owns her own appearance and is doing it the way she wants, rather than making her appearance conform to social pressures. That sort of confidence is very attractive to me, but I can see why MRAs might dislike it. Women owning their own bodies is like kryptonite to them.
I hypothesise that it’s because back on the savannah where humans evolved, men with fedoras found that when they dated confident women they got their nuts ripped off, harming their reproductive chances. As a result only those fedora’d men who went after women with low self confidence (using markers like hair colour for signalling) would reproduce.
I always assumed manospherians rage over blue hair because it means a woman changed her appearance in such a way as to make herself happy. Women being in control of their own bodies is the #1 cause of MRA rage.
Ninja’d 🙂
I am sorry to say that I saw Milo on Channel 4 recently. He is even more smarmy when he talks.
Well, my kids were more excited for the chance to splash than the fossils, but who knows?
Yep, I know. I picked up all three games a few years ago for about ten bucks total during a sale. Worth every cent.
When I was a kid, I only had the shareware version of Descent 1, which ends with the first boss at level 7 – took me a while to even get that far and beat it, since I was, you know, a kid and considerably worse at games.
After I got the games on GoG, I slogged through the whole game for the first time – and don’t take the phrasing in a bad way, it is an enjoyable challenge, but sometimes it can be grueling even at lower difficulty settings. Mostly due to the class 1 drillers and heavy hulks becoming very prolific. The latter spams really hard-to-evade homing missiles like there’s no tomorrow, and the former… well, it’s the only enemy with a hitscan weapon. All you hear is a SKREEEE and gunfire, and suddenly half your shields are gone.
I think the drillers first show up on Mercury, so you’ve probably had the misfortune of meeting them, but I’m not sure if you’ve run into the hulks. They look like the brown medium hulks that fire concussion missiles, except they’re red.
Ah, I see you study the art of redpill evopsych.
I’m thinking about authoring “How to Make Up Superficially Plausible Evolutionary Just-So Stories for Dummies” and marketing it on the redpill forums. Should make a killing. Wanna be a co-author?
Yeah, I remember the red hulks with the missiles, and the machine gun drones.
My first copy came with my family’s first Windows computer, in about 1996, and we got to know the first few levels well. When I got it from GOG, it was like riding a bicycle.
On the savannah, blue is used by peacocks to signal dominance. It’s therefore unnatural for women to appropriate this color. It makes Baby Evolution cry.
Falconer, “Autogynephilia is bunk, and ignores all the trans people who aren’t trans women attracted to men.”
I don’t know too much about it. Are you saying autogynophiliacs cannot be attracted to men too? AGPs, Transpeople and Intersex are all different categories that sometimes overlap, but not always. I was thinking about that old movie with that British actor who stalked and stabbed a woman when I wrote that about the Manosphere.
I mean “cannot be attracted to women too”.
@Virtually Out of Touch,
Short version: autogynephilia is a transphobic, fake diagnosis.
@EJ (The Other One) and dhag85,
I think that y’all have summed up their objection to blue hair. I’m not entirely sure that it has anything at all to do with sexual attraction either.
This is a one-off example, but I saw a post on r/relationships a couple weeks ago where this woman was asking for advice after a fight with her husband. Before she met him and started dating, she had gone to cosmetology school, enjoyed it, and experimented with different styles and dye jobs because it was fun for her at the time. She dyed her blue, stretched her lobes, adopted a generally punk dress style, etc. After a while, she changed the direction in which she wanted to go in life and adopted a much less edgy style, partly because she wanted to and partly because she got a job at an office with a fairly conservative dress code. Anyway, at some point after letting her lobes close up and letting her hair go back to its natural color, she met her future husband, dated him for three years, got married, and had been married for one year at the time of the post. As it turned out, he liked her previous style and wanted her to go back to it. She decided to get blue hair clip ons, some clip on studs, and clothes like she’d use to wear so that she could surprise him before sex. He really liked that session and then told her that since the trial run went well, she should go back to her old style. She explained that she didn’t really want to because it wasn’t for her anymore and that it wouldn’t work for her job. He decided that they could compromise, and he would be content if she just got a clitoral hood piercing. She thought about it, said that she didn’t want to get her clit pierced, and suggested getting her nipples pierced. Then he got furious and started yelling at her for not being edgy enough, for not going back to her old style like he’d secretly assumed that she would, for not letting him face-fuck her during oral and make her cry during sex, and for “only” letting him have PIV 5-6 times a week and anal 1-2 times a week and regular blow jobs a couple times a week. Then for the next few days, he was passive-aggressively leaving his laptop open with porn videos of women with a punk style being violently orally and anally penetrated.
So, I think that it’s really about them having control over women’s appearance, like you said. These guys don’t like women choosing an edgier style that makes them happy. This particular guy didn’t like that she’d changed styles before he even met her and settled on a more conservative one because she’d changed her mind about how she wanted to dress, and he was mad that she wouldn’t change her whole appearance to suit his desires. So, basically, either a woman is too edgy or not edgy enough.