#gamergate hypocrisy irony alert reddit

#Gamergaters applaud hiring of fake gamer as Breitbart Tech editor

Milo Yiannopoulos, not playing video games, possibly auditioning for The Cure
Milo Yiannopoulos, not playing video games, possibly auditioning for The Cure

So right-wing garbage site Breitbart has apparently decided to pander to the angry gamer demo even more explicitly with the launch of Breitbart Tech,  “a brand new vertical dedicated to coverage of tech, gaming, and web culture.” Naturally, they’ve tapped the unlovely and ungracious Milo Yiannopoulos, Gamergate panderer par excellence, for editor.

Yesterday Milo went to the KotakuInAction subreddit, one of Gamergate’s main hubs, to announce the good news.

One Puckish Redditor gave Milo a little pop quiz to test his knowledge of technology and gaming. Milo, well, failed it.

HBlight 314 points 19 hours ago  Can you, offhand, name your specs for your pc? What model phone do you use? What do you think makes it good? Same question for a tablet if you have one? Complete the following phrase: "It's not a big truck, " Who is Linus Torvalds? Why is 60fps better for gaming even if 24 is perfectly fine for movies? If you can't answer these questions, do you plan to hire those who can? Plenty of "tech" writers out there who just use technology a lot. I'm just wondering if you are willing to get more into the culture of tech beyond this culture war in tech. :P permalinkembedsavereportgive goldreply [–]yiannopoulos_mActual Yiannopoulos, and a pretty big deal ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[S] 181 points 18 hours ago  I can see I still have much to learn.

One might presume that such an obvious fake gamer would quickly be hounded from the business by an angry Gamergate mob.

But, nah, someone explained all the answers to Milo and the regulars went on celebrating Milo’s new gig.

Because it’s all about ethics in knowing absolutely nothing about video games.

H/T — r/ShitRedditSays

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9 years ago

OmG that piece about blue hair…

“oh, but you don’t need to trust ME… Go into the internet! Especially twitter! There’s exactly more than one woman with blue hair disagreeing with angry misogynists! That means the facts I just pulled off my ass have been proven beyond reasonable doubt!”

I couldn’t make it past that part, I was laughing too hard.

This guy really, really, reaaaallllllyyyy takes himself seriously.

9 years ago

Just before leaving for work this morning, my wife mentioned the word ‘yodel’, and for the last four hours I’ve had the yodelling music from the Alpine stage of Tekken 6 stuck in my head, an obvious result of having heard it literally hundreds of times. This is the terrible, beautiful curse of being a fan of video games, and I pray for Milo’s sake he never has to experience it, especially as he already seems to have a lot on his plate with the whole ‘being a laughable fucking asshole’ thing.

9 years ago

I think it’s more worrying that Milo apparently couldn’t find the answers to any of these questions on Google before responding. Seriously, that would take, what, 30 seconds?

Indeed; I love that one comment in the ‘Let’s hold Milo’s hand’ post was ‘When in doubt, just Google it’. Because apparently that’s a hot pro tip for Tech Editor Milo.

Ghost Robot
Ghost Robot
9 years ago

Eccch. I’m sure Big Hollywood’s editor – deeply embittered failed moviemaker John Nolte – at least feels like less of a fraud compared to Milo. Nolte made one movie, whereas by comparison, Milo ain’t done squat in the field he is pretending to be an expert in. Then again, Breitbart also has mad-dog racist Pamela Geller as their expert on Middle East affairs, so there’s that.

Ghost Robot
Ghost Robot
9 years ago

Also, given he supposedly has his fingers in a bunch of business concerns, I keep having visions of Milo facing some kind of massive fraud trial a few years from now. He just has this incredibly slimy vibe.

9 years ago

“Pak Protector”?

Gipsz Jakab
Gipsz Jakab
9 years ago


Oh, I know that feeling. I have the briefing music from the first Descent permanently burned into my brain.

Jay Elmore
9 years ago

Orion: My eyes bugged out when I saw that.

The Pak are an alien race from Larry Niven’s Ringworld series that humans are supposedly descended from. It was an attempt to explain how the adverse effects of aging in humans are evolutionary castoffs from the Paks: essentially, we lost the ability to metamorphose into Protectors late in life, after menopause and andropause.

Hence his comments about “rising above their biology”; Pak Protectors can no longer produce children and are supposedly more detached and enlightened as a result. You could imagine that he said “Vulcan” and have it mean essentially the same thing—he’s using fictional intellectually-superior alien races as rationalization for being incel/MGTOW.

(Disclaimer: it’s been a long time since I read Ringworld so I had to turn to Wikipedia to fill in the blanks. Milo should try that, sometime.)

9 years ago

“OMG, Stupid Toon Milo looks like Geert Wilders. AND The Donald. Yiiiiiiii.”

Seen one white supremacist with dreams of fascist dictatorship, seen ’em all.

epitome of incomprehensibility

The whole 60fps being best is a myth perpetuated by the GPU industry, The fact of the matter is that 60fps is actually damaging to your eyes and brain because your brain wasn’t mean to process fps’es at that speed. It’s a well known fact that real life only moves at at max 47fps (sometimes dropping as low as 28fps depending on the amount of people and nature that must be rendered.

My Evo psych major buddy says this is most likely due to the fact that living on the plains of Africa in small tribes, there weren’t many trees, and we lived in smaller tribes, so our brains were made to settle at the max 47fps of reality. If we had evolved in cities or big forests, or big forested cities, our minds woulda probably only worked best with 30 fps…

“Big forested cities…” I lol’d. You are awesome.

When I took a class in old-school animation (like, taking your piece of paper with something drawn on it, clicking the camera twice, then taking the next piece of hand-drawn paper, clicking the camera twice…), I think I remember frame rates were either 16 or 32 fps. I could be mixing that up with camera size, though.

As for the above quiz, all I knew was that Linus Torvalds made Linux,

But quizzes like that are kind of bullshit anyway, given how people’s experiences with a field of study or of entertainment can be vastly different. E.g., I’ve never read Hamlet. I’ve never even seen a production of Hamlet. Someone should take my M.A. in English literature away 🙂

epitome of incomprehensibility

Gah, didn’t finish a sentence. Meant to say “…all I knew was that Linus Torvalds made Linux, though I vaguely remember the Internet-being-tubes comment after being given the context, AND I learned a lot about frame rates right here.”

Christopher King (@Banjoteeth)

Maybe Milo isn’t a good gamer, but he’s a good journalist. He knows when to laugh at things, and he knows when to take things seriously, and that’s all we’ve asked for for the entirety of this exchange.

We don’t hate women, we just want good journalism in our field, and to protect your narrative I expect you’ll delete this comment with gale force, proving my point further.

9 years ago

@Gipsz Jakab:


Oh, I know that feeling. I have the briefing music from the first Descent permanently burned into my brain.

Team Sarcastic Mercenary Pilot represent!

9 years ago

But but but don’t those exemplars of ethics hate shameless pandering and people who disparage gamers!?


On a side note, did anyone else look at the KIA question about Milos pc and see it as a take on “Does your pc even lift bro?”

9 years ago

I don’t know if his political correctness even lift, bro.

Or maybe it’s another PC ? Oh, yes, Party Communist !

9 years ago

Personal computer.

9 years ago

Why don’t those cartoons have The Donald and Milos sacred legendary weapons?

The throwing weapon: Bag of shit.

9 years ago

Man, those guys really hate dyed hair. What the heck is up with that?

Umm … the same thing that is going one with people in “our” circle hating Fedoras? A fedora is just a stupid hat and probably shouldn’t cause a person to think positively or negatively about someone … but would you be willing to bet $$$ that any denizen of WHTM is going to give the time of day to anyone who tries to chat her up while wearing one?

Didn’t think so.

It’s called signaling. Blue hair is just blue hair … and Fedoras are just Fedoras …. but both have also become signals for membership in certain cultural subgroups. Not surprisingly, people who don’t like the members of those subgroup have a learned aversion to those signals as well.

9 years ago

Holy crap, man only space colonies to escape the female plague and Atlas Shrugged fanfiction?

Have they finally slipped past the impossible to parody line?

9 years ago

I guess, but let me know when someone from “”our” circle” writes a screed about how asshole men are biologically programmed to wear fedoras.

9 years ago

On a side note, I really hate how they put pearl clutching on the hydra. It’s messed up to me… To these people, when people object to the common usage of women’s bodies and imagery of women’s body as objects of others desire, it’s pearl clutching! But a woman expresses her own sexuality, or uses her body for the pursuit of her own sexual pleasure independent of them, she’s Dirty Slut!!!

9 years ago

Which is a shame because Fedoras are lovely hats and, as a bald man, I’m very much in favour of hats coming back into fashion. And it’s hard to wear a cowboy hat without looking a bit of an arse on this side of the atlantic.

At least there’s still the flat cap. Please tell me that doesn’t signal anything awful?

9 years ago

You should totally rock a top hat, or a bowler hat. Bowler hats are awesome.

9 years ago

Also, David, please don’t compare Milo to The Cure, who I’m sure wouldn’t piss down Milo’s throat if his heart was on fire.

Milo’s look is more Made In Chelsea Neo-Nazi Patrick Bateman Fan Club.

9 years ago

Re: the 60 vs 30 FPS thing, Extra Credits has a really good episode on this:

Basically, higher frame rates in games help because you’re actually controlling the game, unlike a movie.

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