So right-wing garbage site Breitbart has apparently decided to pander to the angry gamer demo even more explicitly with the launch of Breitbart Tech, “a brand new vertical dedicated to coverage of tech, gaming, and web culture.” Naturally, they’ve tapped the unlovely and ungracious Milo Yiannopoulos, Gamergate panderer par excellence, for editor.
Yesterday Milo went to the KotakuInAction subreddit, one of Gamergate’s main hubs, to announce the good news.
One Puckish Redditor gave Milo a little pop quiz to test his knowledge of technology and gaming. Milo, well, failed it.
One might presume that such an obvious fake gamer would quickly be hounded from the business by an angry Gamergate mob.
But, nah, someone explained all the answers to Milo and the regulars went on celebrating Milo’s new gig.
Because it’s all about ethics in knowing absolutely nothing about video games.
H/T — r/ShitRedditSays
Oh, he was…and did, for a while. But yeah. He didn’t understand that boundaries are not about a “lack of trust”, as he often kvetched. And when I countered that he was being extremely inconsiderate, he didn’t seem to pony that at all. Which, again, is something I blame the culture for. Guys are constantly being told to “get” whatever they can from girls, whether the girls want to “give” it to them or not. It doesn’t matter what act it is; what matters is that there’s pressure involved, and the pressure is of a sexist nature. It does not work both ways. Whenever I wanted to have sex with a guy, and said so, and he freaked and dumped me, I did not chase after him. I let him go. And therein, I think, lies a huge difference. Girls are not taught to persist, and pester, and make a guy’s life miserable over a sexual demand. We are taught, rather, to either resist or give in, but make no demands of our own.
This is the truest thing I’ve heard all day.
Ugh, what is it about these older guys thinking that younger women must be eager to serve their whims? Most women (of whatever age) are pointing and laughing at guys like this, and for good reason: There are younger, cuter, more open-minded guys out there, who are a lot more fun to be with, and who don’t necessarily expect such subservience from a woman!
And the fact that this old guy is so obsessed with it that he harps on it constantly (ten threads A DAY? OY!) just makes him all the more sadly ridiculous. How do you say “Nobody cares about your stupid boner” in Finnish?
(I’m also chuckling because short hair tends to be more of an older-lady thing, at least in my neck of the woods…and because until fairly recently, so was blue hair. There was a blue rinse for grey hair that had a dull yellow tinge, designed to neutralize the yellow and make it more silvery. Maybe the old troll is worried about the “granny chic” trend in hairdressing?)
I’m straight and even I’ve gotten an unwelcome offer for a threesome with a hetero couple. I can’t even imagine how often queer women are subjected to that.
Not to mention creepers who think a dick pic will turn lesbians straight. Although I expect that’s less about hoping to turn lesbians and more about entitled anger that there are women with agency turning down the d altogether.
One of the very first people I came out to, my friend for years who knew that I was a virgin*, said “oh great, that’s fantastic! I’ve been trying to get my girlfriend to agree to a threesome and she probably will if it’s with you!” A++ would share intensely confusing and personal information again.
*in terms of how virginity was understood by my peers and me at the time
One of the things that took me an embarrassingly long while to learn, but which I’m now surprised that I couldn’t see immediately, was that if someone eventually agrees to do something following prolonged badgering then that’s not the same thing as them consenting to it.
Unfortunately, this is a lesson which doesn’t seem to have wider traction, and which people simply don’t seem to understand at all outside of the bedroom.
As an analogy for EJ’s point about most kink porn being deliberately made with a vanilla audience in mind, consider rap music–the most commercial stuff out there is deliberately made to appeal to the prejudices of the white young adult male who lives in the suburbs–because that’s where the money is. So lots of misogyny, stereotypical portrayals of ‘the Hood’, and so on. Meanwhile, you have to have some knowledge of rap and hip-hop to find the good stuff–the social and political battle-cries, the more realistic life-stories.
And I can guarantee you that the middle-class white college demographic has had an impact on anime, as much as any aspect of Japanese culture.
Since the subject of homophobia was brought up…
I found this gem (NSFW) via tumblr yesterday. Apparently there’s a group of male individuals involved in the Orthodox Church who have decided to battle homophobia by posing for tasteful nude calendars that come in both “artfully censored” and “X-Rated” versions.
Not gonna lie, while I was busy fanning myself because I could feel the heat of hell itself creeping up on me, I actually found these to be rather beautifully done. They’re very tasteful, well-lit, and just all around works of art.
Especially December of this year’s calendar. (Oh, and you can order prints of individual months too.)
Admittedly my insults can be sideways sometimes, but I promise you I was being sincere. 😉
“And the fact that this old guy is so obsessed with it that he harps on it constantly (ten threads A DAY? OY!) just makes him all the more sadly ridiculous.”
Tip. Of. The. Iceberg. Before diving into the scary world of Roosh, Paul and other friends I swear I thought I’d heard it all.
Other favourite topics (also deserving of multiple posts per day): “Finnish women are uglier than estonian/swedish/russian (etc.)”, “Finnish women are fat”, “Finnish women are ugly feminist lesbians” and then of course an assorted selection of quotes from the ‘Market Theory’.
I’ve had a few weeks breather from that forum, because it’s supposed to be open topic but instead every day it’s misogynist troll day.
And I have to say I love the blue rinse on grey hair! I don’t know why it gives such a badass feel, even moreso than the purple hue. Maybe anti-feminists know that the older people we got it from are tough biscuits and immediately worry when young women follow their example? Is there a name for blue dye phobia? We’ll have to name the discovery.
Also, if you ever meet that guy in real life, just tell him:
“Ketään ei kiinnosta sun seisokkis!”
Ugh, I don’t blame you. That all sounds downright wearisome. After a while, at the very least, I’d be chiding the troll to come up with something new and less boring, if he could…and if not, to shut up already.
There should be a name for that, preferably from the Greek…and I think you’re onto something with the tough-cookie theory, too. Old ladies tend to take no shit, and that’s why old men fear them and chase after young things so much.
I wonder if that would fit on a t-shirt? (There is one that actually says that in English; you can google it sometime.)
And I’d say the Helsinki Complaints Choir could use that as a new verse for their famous song, too:
Adding to list of complaints: all my money will be spent on a t-shirt. And they had to have a bag as well!
Here is an excellent list of ancient greek words for the search term ‘blue’. I think it’s just a matter of pick-and-choose:
If you don’t read greek alphabets, I recommend going to the drop box on the right and choosing ‘beta code’ (tee hee!) where it says Greek display.
“Like I said, if your position is that vanilla appropriation of authentic kinky stuff is a problem, I agree. On the other hand, if your position is that all kinky stuff is problematic because of the culture in which it takes place, I agree with the sentiment but disagree with the conclusion. If your position is that kink is inherently wrong full stop, then fuck you.”
EJ, I’m not kinky myself and don’t know enough about people who are to say either way. What I m saying is basically the first two. Its all well and good if sincere people in the authentic kink scene exercise self-awareness around patriarchy and sexism. But from what I’m hearing, reading, seeing, even experienced first hand, “regular guys” i.e. sexists, see this as a way of gaining access to what they call either “naturally submissive” or “broken” women in order to dominate them and do them further psychological harm, and basically take out all this pent up anger and frustration on them that what they call our “feminized” society supposedly doesn’t allow them to “anymore” . . Also any depiction of this lifestyle shown in mainstream media is the woman being the sub one. 50 Shades, documentaries, you name it. Its always female subs.
Not so much, no. The primary market for anime is people in Japan. The American market is generally an afterthought, if the anime was originally intended for export at all; quite possibly the most popular anime of all time, Doraemon, a kids show about a time-traveling robot cat, got its first English release last year. The middle-class white college demographic isn’t really even the biggest market in America; the consistent top-selling franchises are targeted at younger audiences.
If the primary target market was the middle-class white college demographic, the shows would be created in English and not Japanese.
Again, I feel that you’re conflating BDSM as it is practised between kinksters, and BDSM as it is represented in mainstream media. Each has its issues but they are not the same issues; and in either case, it is not fair to condemn a subculture because of the way that it is depicted by people outside of that subculture.
As you’ve pointed out, the world sadly does include men of an abusive, resentful, patriarchal mindset who will refer to what they do as kink. In my experience, however, such people fare very poorly in the scene and will tend to get blacklisted very quickly. Where they are much more common is on the internet, especially on the tumblr BDSM porn community; and again that’s less “BDSM” than it is “people talking about BDSM”; that is, the depiction of the activity rather than the activity itself.
I’m choosing to try to respond as evenly and fairly as I can to what you’ve said because I’m aware that many people are reading this and I’d like them to come away feeling that this is a nice friendly website full of friendly people (which it is.) That said, I feel that you are condemning something which you do not understand, and basing those condemnations on second-hand, partial and incomplete information; and that this is untoward behaviour. Do you feel that this is a fair thing for me to say?
“Do you feel that this is a fair thing for me to say?”
No, because I already stated, “EJ, I’m not kinky myself and don’t know enough about people who are to say either way.”
Hmmm. Looks like for “liking blue”, the word would be benetophilia, while blue-haters would be benetophobes. Trichos is Greek for hair, so blue-hair-haters would be benetotrichophobes.
Voilà, we have some new vocabulary to drive menzers up the wall with!
“As an analogy for EJ’s point about most kink porn being deliberately made with a vanilla audience in mind, consider rap music–the most commercial stuff out there is deliberately made to appeal to the prejudices of the white young adult male who lives in the suburbs–because that’s where the money is. So lots of misogyny, stereotypical portrayals of ‘the Hood’, and so on. ”
Exactly. And that such overt displays of misogyny and other hateful, dysfunctional portrayals are made mainstream and exported all over the world, the entire world thinks “this is how it is, or should be, because famous, rich Americans are doing it”. Meanwhile the US presents itself as the spreader of democracy, equal rights, womens’ rights everywhere and its all a very confusing message.
Trichobenetophilia sounds more pronounceable than benetotrichophobia; can we use that instead please?
Trichobenetophobia sounds more pronounceable than benetotrichophobia; can we use that instead please?
Dodom | October 30, 2015 at 8:56 am
“My experience with BDSM was that anal is an obligation. ”
– WOW.
” I entirely quit kink, finding a dominant guy that doesn’t think domming means vanilla sex plus fingers in butt was too hard.”
– Hmmmm.
Luzbelitx | October 30, 2015 at 8:58 am
“Hey, I’m really enjoying all this BDSM stuff!”
– I’m glad I brought it up.
“I agree the is no “one way” of feeling/experiencing BDSM and it’s mostly influenced by whatever worldview we have before we practice it.”
– The predominating world view is patriarchy.
“As for communities being egalitarian -or not- my experience is, yes they are somewhat more egalitarian (at least the ones I’ve participated in) but not in an obvious way.”
– “somewhat” and “non-obvious” is not enough in a dom/sub culture. Being vague in such a scenario is problematic.
“I actually became a self-defined feminist because of the exchanges going on in that community, because I’ve never met such vocal feminists… AND anti-feminists.”
– Anti-feminists in such a sub-culture where bondage, domination, submission, sadism and masochism are experimented with are extremely worrying.
“I realized with time, that old straigh dom dudes feelt extremely threatened by the slightly more diverse community than they are used to, so they -being MRA leaning from the begnning- take more and more radical positions, which are ignored or shrugged off by most people, even when being overtly aggressive or bigoted.”
– I can just imagine.
“So it is a hostiler environment for women and feminists”
– I can’t imagine it being anything but.
Feminists being compared to vampire bats, most Breitbart commenters thinks it is cruel toward the bats.
Well… Yes? Isn’t it like, the base for any feminist analysis?
Are you implying we should abstain from any activity that can be potentially colonized by patriarchy, which is, every activity ever under the sun?
Otherwise, I’d like you to expand on this because I don’t really get your point (or somehow you’re implying I missed it? Not sure either).
That’s why I developed this idea in the following paragraph.
Antifeminists are everywhere. Deal with it. We are not required to build a culture which successfully excludes them before we enjoy our lives.
Is your point again that we should avoid all and any activity in which vulnerability of any kind is involved and anti-feminists are around?
I agree it is worrying, and often discouraging, but bottom line remains: so what.
I will take care of myself and those around me, and push for a healthier community overall. Do you think I should quit the community entirely and leave behind anyone who might benefit from my presence there?
…and that’s why you’re ignoring the second half of the sentence, and the following paragraph in which I expand the idea even further with an example.
Would you mind clarifying a little what kind of bdsm experience you’re talking about? Clubs, parties, social media, private relationships? I ask because at the clubs and parties I’m personally familiar with, anal sex was actually quite rare. Hell, PIV intercourse was a bit uncommon. Not all spaces even allow sex; at the one I’m most familiar with, sex is permitted but considered a bit gauche. It’s half “no one wants to see it” and half kink elitists who would rather make BDSM its own thing that’s completely distinct from civilian sex. I know that the biggest space in my city is somewhat friendlier to sex, but I still got the impression that the more difficult kinds of sex happened mostly in private.
Saying that “It’s always female subs”, and that women are never portrayed as dominants, is quite an exaggeration. A quick Google search gave me this: List of dominatrices in popular culture.
I will be the first to say that 50 Shades is an extremely problematic relationship, and that some of the characters in that pop culture list are sexist. But characters like Lady Heather in CSI, for example, hardly fit with the narrative that women are “always subs” in media portrayals of BDSM.