UPDATE 10/25/16: If you’ve come here after reading about a petition to cancel screenings of The Red Pill, I ask you to NOT sign any such petitions. It’s just free publicity for them. Read more of my thoughts on the matter here.
Dear Cassie Jaye,
Congratulations. You surpassed your Kickstarter fundraising goal yesterday, more than two weeks before the Kickstarter campaign was scheduled to come to a close. You’ve funded the postproduction work on your long-delayed documentary on Men’s Rights activists, and then some.
But I’m not sure that the person I should be congratulating is you. Last night Paul Elam of A Voice for Men – the central subject of your film – was doing his own victory lap online. And no wonder, because he seems to be the real victor here.
In a post on his site that managed to be giddy and vindictive at once, he offered his congratulations to you, then, well, to himself. “Even though the victory goes to Ms. Jaye,” he wrote, in an awkward attempt at modesty, “I have the need to offer up some thanks.”
And then he spelled out why he thinks your “victory” is really a victory for him.
For the past six years AVFM has had mud kicked in its face by a corrupt, left-wing media. Bottom feeders like Adam Serwer, Jeff Sharlet and Mariah Blake have performed endless unscrupulous acts, directly lying to their readers in order to attack AVFM, this movement and me personally.
Their work was not just to harm me, or to damage a website but to make sure if they could that the message we carry never found its way to the larger public. Their intent was and is to paint an indelible stain on all of us so hideous that we would never be taken seriously by enough people to matter.
They have failed, and I can now predict that they have failed miserably.
In other words, Paul Elam thinks he and his friends in what he ludicrously calls the “Men’s Human Rights Movement” have bought and paid for a feature-length advertisement for them.
And it’s not hard to see why Elam – and the other manospherians who’ve rallied around your film in recent days — think this. After all, they are the ones who have rescued your film from oblivion by pouring tens of thousands of dollars into your Kickstarter.
And all it took for you to unleash this torrent of money was an interview with one of the sleaziest figures in right-wing journalism, Milo Yiannopoulos of Breitbart.
In the interview, posted on Monday, you complained that “I won’t be getting support from feminists. They want a hit piece and I won’t do that.”
There was more than a little bit of irony in the fact that you were saying this to a man infamous for his many hit pieces on so-called “Social Justice Warriors.”
You also complained about an intern on your film who, you said, “had a lot of crying attacks and emotional experiences. She claimed everything I was showing her was triggering her.”
A young feminist “triggered” and crying. This is red meat to the Breitbart crowd, and I have to assume you knew this when you told Milo this story.
To an outside observer like me, this shameful pandering looks a lot like a Hail Mary play on your part. Having failed to convince most potential funders of the film that you would present anything close to an accurate picture of the Men’s Rights movement, you told Breitbart what its readers – and the broader manosphere – wanted to hear.
And it worked. Men’s Rights activists, self-professed “Red Pillers” and other assorted antifeminists rallied around your film, and the money started flowing.
On Reddit, the moderators of the Men’s Rights subreddit “stickied” an appeal to donate to your Kickstarter to the top of their front page, urging MRAs to open their wallets in order to show skeptics that “we can take part in some actual activism and not just post stuff in here.”
Even the regulars in the violently misogynistic Red Pill subreddit agreed to help bankroll your film.
And it wasn’t just Men’s Rights and “Red Pill” Redditors who organized support for your film. One right-wing Red Pill blogger, notorious for his harassment of ideological enemies, pledged to match donations up to $10,000, describing your documentary as “the Movie SJWs Do Not Want You to See.”
Meanwhile, on her blog, AVFM’s “social media director” Andrea Hardie (an internet bully better known under her pseudonyms Janet Bloomfield and “Judgy Bitch”) not only rallied her readers around your Kickstarter but also set up a gofundme of her own, raising money in hopes that it would buy Breitbart’s Yiannopoulos a producer credit in your film. (I hope that is out of the question, even if she raises more than the paltry amount she’s raised for this purpose so far.)
And then there was Elam himself, on Twitter, calling on his followers to, in his words, “Help fund #RedPillMovie because fuck feminists!”
Accepting money from these people would seem to be a pretty clear violation of the principles you set forth in your own Kickstarter video, in which you declared that
in order to keep this film non-partisan, and respectfully show all sides to this debate, we won’t accept funding from organizations that inevitably have biased agendas.
Instead, you have chosen to take money from people who see your film as a chance to say “fuck you” to feminists. You have chosen to take money from the actual subjects of your film.
You are making a film about Men’s Rights Activists, funded to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars by Men’s Rights Activists. You are making a film about A Voice for Men funded in part by A Voice for Men.
Does that not trouble you at all? It should. In your interview with Breitbart, you noted that “films that support one side and act as propaganda do better than those that try to have an honest look.”
You said this, presumably, to set yourself apart from such propagandists. Now you seem to have cast your lot in with them.
Which I suppose makes sense, since the clips of your film that you’ve posted online so far look a lot more like propaganda than they do like any sort of honest look at the Men’s Rights movement,
I felt uneasy about your project from the start, concerned that you had been pulled in by the soothing but misleading rhetoric that MRAs spout when they are trying to sound more respectable than they really are, rather than on what MRAs actually say and do when the cameras are off of them.
But I knew you had a good reputation as a filmmaker, and heard good things from several feminists who knew you better than I did. So I held my tongue and tried my best to give you the benefit of the doubt, even when you posted clips from your film that portrayed AVFMers as heroic underdogs rather than the misogynists and malicious harassers that they really are.
When I wrote you a little over a week ago with some of my concerns, you assured me in the phone call that followed that the clips you had posted were only part of the story, that you were well aware that the MRAs you had interviewed were on their best behavior when talking to you, and that the real story of the Men’s Rights movement is far less rosy-hued. Against my better judgement, I continued to hold on to some kind of hope that you would live up to your reputation in the end.
And now, frankly, I feel like I’ve been played.
Unfortunately, it looks like you have been played too, much more spectacularly than I have. I suspect you are doing far more damage to your reputation than you even know.
One thing I have learned in five years of watching, and writing about, and dealing with, the Men’s Rights movement, is that if Paul Elam is happy about something, that thing is almost certainly terrible.
I suspect, sadly, that you will ultimately learn this lesson yourself, the hard way.
PS: In our phone conversation, you suggested that if you were able to fund your film, you might be able to finally film the interview with me that we originally had planned to do, but which fell through due to financial and other practical obstacles during the original filming of The Red Pill. At this point, I am sorry to say, that is completely out of the question.
I tell myself I need to get some sleep, and when I get back up there’s two more pages and Jerry just told us THE REAL REASONS for WW2.
Dude, ever heard of Resistants ? A few of them were my family.
You might wanna be real careful about what you say regarding that time from here on out. Just saying.
@Jerry Donohue
Oh, you’re going to go there huh asshole? Hm maybe it was because of my Asian Intellect, or maybe it’s because people have become less racist towards asian americans. In case you haven’t noticed, railroad worker, yellow menace and model minority bullshit.
Also fuck you for putting up that racist conservative bullshit in lumping every single Asian ethnic group into one race.
Some agent of positive change you are.
Ten cookies says Jerry will now whitesplain Asian people in the US to Oogly.
(By the way Jerry, feminists losing their jobs for having different opinions than yours ? That happens. Know what else happens ? Nasty-ass harassment campaigns. Did you march against those ?)
First show me a comparable case to Google were a feminist got fired for her opinions
Second My partner (Chinese) suffered racial abuse in the early 90’s which I still get angry to think about, but if her extended family and the kids of the Korean neighbours are anything to go by they are high IQ and study very hard and become professionals at a higher rate this seems to match the US stats.
Is that enough whitesplaining?
As to sinkables WW2 post. It seems totally unconnected to mine. I was pointing out you stand for everybody’s rights or nobody’s.
Hey look everybody Im an elipse rebel……………………………………………..That could be enough to get me sacked if I worked at Google.
@ Jerry
The issue is not that that Google employee had an opinion. The problem is that he was racist.
If you don’t get it, think about the difference between “No, I think you’re wrong in saying that The Phantom Menace was bad” and “No, I think you’re subhuman and unworthy of basic human respect like getting protection from racist biases”.
@Jerry Donohue
“I totally have a Chinese partner who also has Korean Relatives.” Yeah sure, and you get the best blows alongside being bathed in cash. Oh and your black friend and Native American buddy of indiscernible origin also appreciates your contributions to their empowerment.
Once again you are lumping together different asian ethnic groups while also ignoring the hell out of other groups who are silently suffering in poverty. Way to go, leaving other groups in the fucking dark like they don’t even matter.
EEr The Google guy was accused of being sexist, not racist, he didn’t abuse or sack anyone from their job, he had an opinion, that the differences in the way men and women focus caused the differences in their career decisions. That’s not a sacking offence. That’s a debating point.
The Koreans and Japanese are very close ethnically, Chinese are several different groups beside Han…But by Asian I mean east Asian not Pakistanis who seem to be categorised as Asian in the UK. It gets confusing.
“Some of my best friends are Trans”
(That is, in high school I vaguely knew two girls, one of whom was named Tran and the other was likely AMAB.)
@Jerry Donohue
Says he isn’t racist
Says Koreans and Japanese are ethnicially close.
Yeah try to tell that to the next nonfictional Korean/Japanese person, I’m pretty sure they’ll appreciate that you pretty much state that their cultures, beliefs and histories are just not that different. I wonder if I could waltz into two neighboring European countries and receive nothing but understanding if I said they’re similar to the point of superficiality.
@Arctic Ape
You’d think that with his wondrously diverse selection of friends, coworkers and bosses he’d make an effort to not insult their very being at a drop of a hat.
Yeah, Jerry, you either stand for everybody’s rights or nobody’s. That we can agree on. What I’m saying is that you’re in the latter category.
Also somebody owes me 10 cookies.
@Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
No fair that was a fixed bet.
“Thought police”? Hyperbole much?
So Jerry how about you give me a solution to preventing social damage from misogyny and sexism other than consequences for speech that is useful in terms of actual behavioral change. Difficulty factor, you are in Germany before the pogroms. Dehumanizing speech is common but the “hive mind”* has not yet switched to expulsion mode.
What do you do?
You seem to ge saying there should be no consequences for speech. That people like this that choose to add their bigoted thoughts about other people should just be allowed to with no cost.
When giving your answer keep in mind that a 40 year old white male raised in a military family with Tourette’s Syndrome is very very good at standing in front of society and telling them exactly what is wrong with them and getting attention. There is simply nothing you can do to stop me short of physically stopping me. I know the words of sensitivity and power and I’ll use them no matter how you feel. If people like you choose to put pressure on the victims of bigotry instead of the bigots** I will push for a society that shuns people like that.
Social change like this is not pretty or easy. It’s messy. I’ve accepted it and if you want anyone to do differently you will have to do better than this.
*Not a bad term but one has to remember that regular social decision making also happens by group consensus despite the irrational implications of this term.
**So are you trying to assign “thought crimes” by your own definition?
You’d be marching all right, Jerry – in celebration.
Sooner or later you’re going to have to get over your fear of admitting that you are wrong. And the fear of admitting there are things you don’t know. So far, you’ve firmly refused to admit to any of the instances of you putting your foot in your mouth.
Another reason I know that Jerry is much younger than he is representing himself to be? He doesn’t understand that you don’t have free speech at work. Servers also get fired for complaining about rude customers on Facebook. Yet the freeze peach dudebros never stick up for them do they?
By making a statement as a Google employee he was effectively representing Google. Without their permission. They decided he was representing them poorly. So they fired him.
Seriously. This is adulting 101. If you publicly talk shit about your employer or your employer’s customers/clients, your ass is going to get fired. No matter what you say.
Oh, an nice false equivalency asking if anyone ever got fired for expressing a feminist opinion. Despite the claims that we hate men, we tend not to go around ranting about how men have no place in the worse. If a female and feminist Google employee published a rant about how men were too distracted by thinking about boobs and video games to be competent employees and publicly complained about having to work with men, she would almost certainly be fired. The problem is, we tend not to do that. The feminist opinion is that we should have the same rights as men and should be valued just as much as men. Not that men should lose rights or that their work should not be valued. So no, a feminist opinion is not comparable to this little anti-diversity manifesto.
Jerry didn’t read the Google manifesto.
Otherwise he would understand that it’s a conservative’s (“Stop alienating conservatives”) rant against RACIAL/gender diversity.
Not to mention that at will employment where your employer can fire you for just about any reason is a conservative policy. Not a “Marxist” one. It’s awfully hypocritical for the right to support at will employment and be so anti-union and then get mad when their employer exercises these rights to fire someone for expressing opinions.
See I had an epic angry rant ready about how much I, as a Bernie supporter, hate false equivilancy Bernie-Bros but my net went down and now I wake up to Jerry.
Hi Jerry.
So here is thing one about “Free Speech” like anything else free it can be waived. So the contract he signed when he worked there where he agreed to follow the Employee Code Book which prohibited creating a hostile work environment with his speech? That was him willingly giving up that right so he could work at Google. He could reclaim it at ANY time, all he would have to do was stop working at Google. His choice his freedom.
As for you joining us in marching in the street? Glad to hear it. Strap on your boots Jerry. Did you know that in most states people could be fired for the simple statements of “I am not Cis-Gendered,” or “I am not a Hetero-sexual.” Hell you don’t even need to say it, you just have to have someone discover it about you. So since I imagine you are equally outraged about that violation of freedom right?
Then there was the time a woman got fired for being attractive to her boss
The courts upheld it. Where were the freeze peach bros for that one?
Women can be punished at work for not being attractive enough and we can be punished for being too attractive. But yeah, the menz can get fired for going on misogynistic and racist rants. Poor menz.
Here, you see Jerry confusing a workplace with a debating society.
Why is it so hard for some people to accept that offending people for the sake of offending them is a bad thing? You really need a better reason than “I was trying to score points in this imaginary debate I was having with them.”
@ Jerry
Here you go:
This was an interesting one. The original tribunal found that this was an unlawful dismissal on sex discrimination grounds. However on appeal the EAT said that it wasn’t because she’d not been fired for her views but the fact that she kept talking about them in the workplace. Which seems on a par with the Google case (as requested) because no one said either employee couldn’t express those views on their own time.
Summarizing my Bernie bro speech in case Troll John comes back. I had a lot of problems with Hilary. I disagreed with her a lot. But Bernie or Bust bros are idiots.
To use a food metaphor, I may not like sardines on my pizza. If given the choice between a mushroom pizza or a sardine pizza I would chose the mushroom every time. But if mushroom is out of the picture and the choices are sardines or rotting manatee carcass pizza, only an idiot would choose the manatee carcass because sardines might be gross.
Stop doing this false equivalency thing. It hurts us more then it ever helps. -I- have trouble taking Bernie supporters seriously with this sort of thing. Seriously give me a thousand enemies over one shitty ally.
First they came for the broflakes…
I know that Godwin’s Law was banished to the Shadow Realm the moment an actual fascist got elected as president of a nuclear superpower, but seriously, Jerry, that hyperbole is laughable.
Do please keep telling us you’re not racist. By the way, Pakistan has many ethnic groups in it, it’s a nationality, not an ethnic group.