awesome creep-shaming creepy YouTube

This amazing Bollywood dance number about Internet Creepers will totally Qawwali your world! Yes I know that makes no sense, and that Qawwali is not a verb. I’m trying to write a clickbait headline here!

As some of you long-time readers know, I’m a giant fan of Bollywood music (mostly old-school 60s and 70s stuff). And I’m also fascinated by internet creepers.

Who knew that one great taste and one terrible taste … taste great together? In the video above, two women (with help and backup singing from their respective posses) compete to see whose Internet creeper is the creepiest.

Though the song is in Hindi, with occasional detours into English, I think most of you English-speaking non-Hindi-knowers will have no trouble grasping, at least in a general way, what’s going on.

The video isn’t perfect; it’s an ad for a dating site, and gets a little victim-blamey at the very end. But otherwise it’s pretty much awesome. (I mean, unless there’s something horrible going on in the Hindi lyrics that I don’t know about.)

The person who put me on to this video also alerted me to another awesome video in a rather different genre. So here it is as well.

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9 years ago

It’s basically Choli Ke Peeche from Khalnayak, if it were performed sitting down.

9 years ago

Here’s my rough translation/transcript for your pleasure.

Context: Qawwali showdown between two women arrayed in traditional attire, one in a white-skirted outfit and one in a Mint-skirted one, each with her respective posse

White Skirt: *vocalization in traditional qawwali style*
Master [term of respect for expert teachers] Zuckerberg
when he invented Facebook

White Skirt’s Drummer: Goodbye, Orkut

White Skirt: there was one thing
he forgot to mention
that in every inbox has
not one, but two folders
In one, there will be messages from friends
and in the other folder
there will be creeps

Team Mint Skirt: What’s the word?

White Skirt: I looked at the other folder
couldn’t believe my eyes
50 whole messages
from all the pervert guys
I opened the first message
It was a revelation
*reading creep’s message* “hey thr u lukn gr8”

Team White Skirt: 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 exclamation!

White Skirt: Hey, naive child

Team White Skirt: Hey, naive child

White Skirt: Who the hell are you?

Team White Skirt: Who are you?
Who are you?
Who are you?

Another Team White Skirt Member: Come on, hang on, he’s typing.

Creep: “oh beb ur relly kewt..
come on over here to handsum..8) 8)”


White Skirt: Oh, after reading my other folder
it occurred to me.

Team White Skirt: After reading my other folder
it occurred to me
On the Internet
oh, on the Internet
there are no shortage of [wannabe] lovers
There is no creep creepier than my creep
There is no creep creepier than my creep
There is no creep creepier than my creep

Mint Skirt: *vocalization in traditional qawwali style bleeds into first word*
Actually your creep
isn’t even a legit creep
For my wedding he is someone
my mom would like to meet [i.e. he is prospective suiter vetted by parents]

Team White Skirt: Oooh, what a burn! [i.e. we’ve been pwned]
They’ve burnt us, by God

Mint Skirt: I came home in the evening
after a long day at work

Team White Skirt: Oh really? [i.e. please continue]

Mint Skirt: Below my building
that jerk was standing

Team White Skirt: Hm? [i.e. is that right?]

Mint Skirt: The next day, he was there
He was there, pretending to be a watchman [security guard]

Team White Skirt: What?

Mint Skirt: He was there, pretending to be a liftman [elevator operator]

Team White Skirt: No!

Mint Skirt: Morning, evening, night
he was there

Team White Skirt: Haww! [no way]

Mint Skirt: The other day, he brought a pizza
Said something really shady [sketchy]

Team Mint Skirt: Really shady, really shady
What he said was *continue chanting “really shady” in the background*

Mint Skirt: I deliver your pizza

Team Mint Skirt: Will you deliver my baby?
Will you deliver my baby?

Mint Skirt: Oh, your creep is on Facebook
and nowhere else
I can bet you my creep is hidden
somewhere right here
In my neighborhood
In my neighborhood
there is no shortage of [wannabe] lovers

Team Mint Skirt: There is no creep creepier than my creep
There is no creep creepier than my creep
There is no creep creepier than my creep

White Skirt: Oh, there is no creep creepier than my creep

Mint Skirt: There is no creep creepier than my creep

White Skirt: My creep has cut off the nerves in his hand.

Mint Skirt: My creep has destroyed his hand.

White Skirt: He made our wedding cards.

Mint Skirt: He has named our children.

White Skirt: My creep sent me his pic on Whatsapp.

Mint Skirt: My creep sent me his dick on Whatsapp.

White Skirt: He tags me in his photos.

Mint Skirt: He also tags me in his photos.

White Skirt: His profile pic is an expensive car.

Mint Skirt: His profile pic is also an expensive car.

White Skirt: My creep lovingly calls me “bulbul” [i.e. “sexy” or “honey”, literally “nightingale”]

Mint Skirt: My creep also lovingly calls me “bulbul” [i.e. “sexy” or “honey”, literally “nightingale”]

White Skirt: Does your creep’s name start with an “S”?

Mint Skirt: Does your creep’s surname start with a “K”?

White Skirt: Suresh?

Mint Skirt: Kumar?

Everyone: In this world
In this world
In this world there is no shortage of [wannabe] lovers
There is no creep creepier than our creep [x5]

9 years ago


OMFG that’s epic, I love it! Thanks so much for the translation 🙂

mewfington catmouth iii
mewfington catmouth iii
9 years ago

the never-ending internet creepshow always astonishes me every single time it rolls into my orbit. let’s run with this facebook thing for a second:

i remember female friends of mine, as well as ladies whose pages i follow, almost always attracting at least one random guy to their photos who hits on them with absolutely dreadful grammar. sometimes, the shitty english is due to the person being from another country. other times, i think they’re either drunk or they’re addicted to snorting gold bond.

it’s truly amazing how you can damn near set your watch to it every single time. it happens on my friends’ vines and youtube channels, as well, and god help them if they ever accidentally fart or show their feet at some point, because it immediately becomes about ten times worse.

9 years ago


Thanks! That’s hilarious. 🙂

Also, you’re awesome in general.

9 years ago

White Skirt is terrific! Shweta Prasad? She sings “ROFL LMAO” with such conviction!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Thank you for the translation Heina!

9 years ago

That was superb. Thank you so much for this – and Heina for the translation: awesome.

9 years ago

I need a looping gif of the ROFL ROFL ROFL LMAO part so bad.

9 years ago

Heina: Many thanks for that translation! And yes, David, this was funny as hell.

Reminds me of a song I’ve been wanting to hear from the other side, as it were–Shut Up and Dance With Me. It isn’t overtly offensive, but every time I hear it, I picture a woman in a club who just wants to have a dance or two and go home, while this guy in the club keeps trying to turn it into the two of them being destined to be together, mapping out their future, and so on (and right from the start assuming this is going to lead to them sleeping together).

Link to the lyrics in case a better parodist than I among us wants a crack at it:

9 years ago

A joy I watched it before spotting Heina’s translation, which just made it even better. Brilliant!

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Thanks for the translation, Heina! I could somewhat figure out what was going on, but knowing what was being said helps. 😀

Nothing like ladies bonding over creepers.

9 years ago

@Funkula I need that gif too, I need it SO MUCH

9 years ago

Echoing the thanks to Heina for the translation.

9 years ago

I don’t get a chance to watch much Bollywood. Is it common for occasional English words to be used in Hindi songs like that?

A.A. Wils
9 years ago

I love Bollywood!! And this–this was awesome!

Except for the victim blaming at the end. Not quite understanding how the woman in the green skirt could have prevented the offline stalking by a creeptastic creep by being “careful” online. But, whatever. The video and song itself rocks!

9 years ago

Somebody posted about this series in one of the open threads a month or two ago and I thought since we’re talking about something awesome from India I’d bring it back up. It’s a really great series and all four episodes are out now.

It’s about a casually misogynistic guy who does all the standard MRA whines about how good women have it and how hard men have it. After getting stood up for a date he wishes he could be treated like women are or something along those lines. The wish comes true and he wakes up in a world where gender roles are completely reversed.

9 years ago

David, that was hilarious.

Heina, thanks for that translation.

MRAs are going to take this verrry personally. ROFL, ROLF, ROFL, LMAO!

chronically lurki
chronically lurki
9 years ago

Shut Up and Dance is actually about the WOMAN asking the man to shut up and dance.

Which is not any better per se, but even then the lyrics are mostly the guy saying “damn, this woman really wants me to dance and I’m lovin’ it”.

9 years ago

I just blogged that role-reversal video.

Also, what is that fantastic shade of hot pink lipstick they’re wearing in the Facebook creeper one?

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

Thank you so much for this! I’m also a Bollywood fan and this was excellent.

@WWTH – I know what I’ll be doing for the rest of the night.

@Heina – you’re a legend.

9 years ago

I know everyone’s excited about the Bollywood video, but I for one can’t stop watching that dog train video.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Thank you for the translation! 😀


And thank you for the series rec.

Today is a good day for vids.

AnAndrejaPejicBlog (@A_Pejic_Blog)

I has giffed.
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