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The Red Pill/A Voice for Men feud gets weirder with this recipe for Chicken a la Elam from Red Piller GayLubeOil

Preparing the tomato sauce, MRA-style

I love it when woman-hating weirdos fight amongst themselves; I root for both sides to lose, and lose big.

Last week I took a look at one Red Pill Redditor’s unsubtle attack on Men’s Rights Activists in general, and former AVFMer Dean Esmay in particular, as sloppy losers “eating cheese puffs out of their fedoras.”

AVFM’s Paul Elam responded with an equally unsubtle tweet (archived here).

The Red Pill Redditor — a famously over-the-top character who calls himself GayLubeOil — has returned with a rather more creative, er, rebuttal — in the form of a recipe for Chicken a la Elam.

Mr. LubeOil, in a post titled The Secret of a Tender Elam, starts off by mocking Elam as an “obese sixty year old” who doesn’t “like being told to eat his vegetables.”

After a few more jibes aimed at “Dad bod MRAs,” Mr. LubeOil gets to the meat of his argument, so to speak, which turns out to be “a healthy delicious recipe inspired by Paul Elam.”

GayLubeOil asks his readers to procure a number of chicken breasts, some plain yogurt, and a fairly standard assortment of spices.

But if his ingredients list is a little underwhelming, GayLubeOil impresses with his spirited, if slightly NSFW, account of the preparation.

Directions: In classic Elam fashion, get out your white meat and start beating it. The key to a good Elam, is that it’s tender, beaten down and just a little bit sad. Now cover your Elam in white guilt. You can use yogurt, kefir or buttermilk for this step. The enzymes in the dairy help break down the Elam making it even more tender. Paul Elam is far from healthy and we certainly don’t want to share his fate. Go ahead and add some healthy tasty ingredients: a bit of lemon zest, ginger and roughly chopped garlic. Sprinkle in some salt because Paul is quite salty. Finally if you prefer your Elam to be heated throw in some chili powder and cumin. Put the mixture in a ziplock bag and let it marinade angrily in the refrigerator overnight. When you’re ready, take that bitch out of its safe space, throw over medium heat and cook for about 25 minutes.

Your move, Paul.

H/T — r/TheBluePill






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9 years ago

And now I’ve got two popup ads (duplicates), for Morton’s sea salt and black peppercorns. In grinders!

No thanks, I’ll stick to what I can purchase at my local natural foods coop. Himalayan pink salt is delicious and chock-full of minerals.

9 years ago

Meh, it’s a pretty standard recipe, except for all the stuff like “amounts” and other vital data.

Also, ugh, don’t pound *and* tenderize chicken unless it’s a goddamned like three year old roasters’ meat or something.

Usually, you only pound chicken for like a breaded fried cutlet or something.

9 years ago


I thought that they look for guys who actually *have money* to catfish! Or is that the Nigerian princes thing?

I like to stab chicken breasts a few times on each side with a fork, then put into the bag or in some sort of pyrex baking dish with marinade for a minimum of a few hours, but not more than 12, before I proceed to bake or broil the ever lovin’ cluck out of it.

If I’m going to beat or pound any sort of meat, it’s beef. I think everyone will agree that steak deserves that sort of treatment. Amirite? 😉

9 years ago

It sounds better than McLovin’s rubber chicken recipe, at any rate. But still, it’s toxic as hell…because chicken raised on Red Pills generally is worse than any hormone- and antibiotic-laden cluck around.

9 years ago


Don’t worry, my chicken is 100% red pill free. Unless those free range chicken farming people lied to me.

9 years ago

Don’t worry, my chicken is 100% red pill free. Unless those free range chicken farming people lied to me.

LOL! And free range chicken is mighty tasty, too…as long as it hasn’t been eating june bugs recently.

(In case it wasn’t clear before, I actually meant Mr. GreasyLubeOil’s chicken “recipe”.)

9 years ago

Southern folks like to marinate chicken in buttermilk for an hour or so before frying it. It’s really yummy.

Dunno about this guy’s cooking, though.

Miss Andry
9 years ago

If our Elam is a processed meat can we have it classified as a carcinogen?

9 years ago

This must be the only red pill or mra recipe whose last step isn’t “Throw that abomination against good taste into a superfund site then get some fast food.”

9 years ago

@Bina Nothing wrong with June bugs… give you a little taste of summer!

Slightly off-topic. How many people make their own taco seasoning? I can’t stand premixed stuff. I keep all the seasonings in my cupboard and I season the meat as I cook it, to my exacting standards. Nothing is quite as good as tacos you’ve seasoned to your taste!

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Good thing they’re feuding, because if they combined forces with such palatable recipes, their army would be unstoppable.

9 years ago

Overnight’s too long, 30-60 minutes and then throw it over some sort of hardwood fire. mm-mm

I sometimes wonder if there’s a market for a cooking show aimed at guys in the manosphere? I just hate the thought of anyone having to eat that original recipe for desiccated chicken.

9 years ago


I considered that you may have been talking about the GLO-chicken, but only *after* I’d already clicked “post comment” and there are no takesies-backsies at that point. I’m not sure what my free range chicken was eating before unceremoniously losing their heads (and feet, and guts, etc…) but at least they ranged free, however briefly. I think that raising chickens for people to eat would go about as well as when I befriended a lamb one summer at a family friend’s farm and after Sunday dinner was inconsolable over that poor creature’s fate. Good thing there are others to do the farming. 😛


I do my own taco seasoning, and am especially impressed with myself for the spaghetti/red/marinara sauce recipe I came up with. My best recipes are the ones I improvised and remembered to write down at the time – never seem to be able to duplicate them otherwise.

occasional reader
occasional reader
9 years ago


Well, that is strange. Are the Redpill persons not supposed to ask (order ?) their (real ? Imaginary ?) woman going to the kitchen in order to cook the chicken ? (Or a chicken à la Elam sandwich ?)

By the way, i guess chicken, as white meat, is safer than beef or ham, as read meat, as one recent study seems to say (sorry, the article is in french, but an equivalent may exist in english as it is an international study). Of course, there are many various factors involved, but that is a bit sad for red meat eaters.

Have a nice day.

9 years ago

I laughed out loud at the part with the salt.

9 years ago

How many people make their own taco seasoning?

I make burritos much more often than tacos, but either way, it’s rare for me to make them with meat. Beans, mostly, but also occasional “odd” things (egg-based filling or refried lentils, for example). Anyway, for seasonings I use a mix of cayenne, paprika, and garlic powder, which suits my tastes fine. …When I’m in the mood for something milder, that is. When I’m in the mood for masochism, I just put in a little paprika and then include homemade ghost pepper salsa.

9 years ago

Worcestershire, what red meat demands.

I’d worry more over the latest proclamation on red and processed meats potentially causing my demise if we weren’t constantly being bombarded with reports on X and Y being bad/agents of death one month and the next report is that X and Y aren’t so bad after all, in fact they might have some positive benefits.

9 years ago

though I’m not sure if you should be marinating chicken in dairy, even refrigerated overnight

Oh, yes you should. For the best bone-in chicken (such as fried chicken or baked chicken wings) marinate overnight in buttermilk, then just follow the normal recipe. It will be tender and juicy. For boneless chicken a marinade for about 4 hours in yogurt and spices/flavorings is really good (someone mentioned tandoori chicken earlier). You mentioned that it seemed unsafe, so I will clarify that once it comes out of the marinade you throw the rest away. Do not re-baste with the marinade left in the bag/dish that the raw meat has been sitting in.

occasional reader
occasional reader
9 years ago


Well, that is all the problem with lobbying and conflict of interests (i’m not sure this is the good term in english, it is a word to word translation from my language).
But we could at least expect that the World Health Organization is less affected by those problems than more local institutions ?

Have a nice day.

9 years ago

I’m not going to endorse jokes which make fun of a guy who was abused as a child… that said the recipe is actually quite funny.

9 years ago

No serial killer jokes for you, then.

9 years ago

He is appealing to cannibal fetishists…

9 years ago

I root for both sides to lose, and lose big.

Isn’t that pretty much a foregone conclusion? It’s like a modified version of the Aliens vs Predator tagline: “Whoever wins, they’re both fucking losers.”

9 years ago

On the WHO report on red meat:

The media bias towards sensationalism really came out on this one. WHO put processed meats in the “Class 1” carcinogen category, which is the highest one they use–but that’s only about how strong the evidence of a cancer link is. Still, all the news reports have been painting it as if they are saying red meat is as dangerous as smoking, which is not the case. Rather, they’re as certain of the relatively small bump in risk from processed meat as they are of the absurdly huge bump from smoking. Different things altogether.

And red meat is a class 2A–meaning it’s probably carcinogenic, but they can’t be one-hundred percent certain, and even if they were, it still wouldn’t make it as dangerous as smoking.

9 years ago

“Marinade” is the noun, “marinate” is the verb. I can let most of the nonsense from these booger-eating idiots slide, but not misuse of cooking terms!