I love it when woman-hating weirdos fight amongst themselves; I root for both sides to lose, and lose big.
Last week I took a look at one Red Pill Redditor’s unsubtle attack on Men’s Rights Activists in general, and former AVFMer Dean Esmay in particular, as sloppy losers “eating cheese puffs out of their fedoras.”
AVFM’s Paul Elam responded with an equally unsubtle tweet (archived here).
The Red Pill Redditor — a famously over-the-top character who calls himself GayLubeOil — has returned with a rather more creative, er, rebuttal — in the form of a recipe for Chicken a la Elam.
Mr. LubeOil, in a post titled The Secret of a Tender Elam, starts off by mocking Elam as an “obese sixty year old” who doesn’t “like being told to eat his vegetables.”
After a few more jibes aimed at “Dad bod MRAs,” Mr. LubeOil gets to the meat of his argument, so to speak, which turns out to be “a healthy delicious recipe inspired by Paul Elam.”
GayLubeOil asks his readers to procure a number of chicken breasts, some plain yogurt, and a fairly standard assortment of spices.
But if his ingredients list is a little underwhelming, GayLubeOil impresses with his spirited, if slightly NSFW, account of the preparation.
Directions: In classic Elam fashion, get out your white meat and start beating it. The key to a good Elam, is that it’s tender, beaten down and just a little bit sad. Now cover your Elam in white guilt. You can use yogurt, kefir or buttermilk for this step. The enzymes in the dairy help break down the Elam making it even more tender. Paul Elam is far from healthy and we certainly don’t want to share his fate. Go ahead and add some healthy tasty ingredients: a bit of lemon zest, ginger and roughly chopped garlic. Sprinkle in some salt because Paul is quite salty. Finally if you prefer your Elam to be heated throw in some chili powder and cumin. Put the mixture in a ziplock bag and let it marinade angrily in the refrigerator overnight. When you’re ready, take that bitch out of its safe space, throw over medium heat and cook for about 25 minutes.
Your move, Paul.
H/T — r/TheBluePill
Enh. At least they don’t think men shouldn’t know how to cook.
freemage — any idea if it’s the end result or the chemicals used in the processing? I’m not sure if you can do the former without the latter, or if my cured meats even count, but damnit pepperoni is why I’m not a stringent vegetarian!
“I’m not going to endorse jokes which make fun of a guy who was abused as a child… ”
Uh, what? Being abused as a kid doesn’t give him a pass to be an asshole 4+ decades on. It’s not like he’s being mocked for having been abused, that’d be bullshit, he’s being mocked for being a grown ass man who acts like a cranky toddler, and generally behaving in a manner unsuitable for adults, regardless their childhood.
There are plenty of people who were abused as children that *aren’t* adult assholes walking around looking for things to explode into anger about. I’d imagine it takes some serious dedication to live one’s life that angry for decades, without considering that maybe it would be better to get some counseling, but it’s their blood pressure and heart health they’re screwing with.
Yeah, I don’t think so…I mean, I suppose you could go on with that recipe…
Just don’t be surprised when someone tries to fashion your chicken into a shoe sole.
As fun as I found this, I’m still not okay with fat shaming. You don’t need to shame a complete and utter tool for being fat; being a complete and utter tool is bad enough.
Maybe I’m hypersensitive to taste, but I’ve eaten eggs from chickens who ate those bugs, and…ugh. It was NOT pleasant. You don’t taste egg, you only taste bug. They’ve got something about them that’s downright pungent, for lack of a better word. The only thing worse would be if the chicken ate ladybugs or stinkbugs, but even the dimmest-witted chicken has better sense than to eat those atrocious stinkers…
…which brings us right back around to Paul Elam, ha ha.
Also, my mind being what it is, there’s this song. Key line: “When chickens get a taste of your meat”.
This is a real sort of “grab the popcorn” story, but I always get sad when I see MAD’s Lenny Brenner used as the graphic!
Even Paul Elam isn´t safe from Red Pill creepy creepers with weird fetishes, think about it…
They’re still working that out; I do know that bacon was included as a ‘processed’ meat, though, so I’m assuming curing is one of the forms of processing that counts.
It’s also possible that cooking style matters–note that a lot of processed meats are then grilled or fried, both of which tend to carbonize the meat/casings a lot more than broiling or slow-cooking would.
So, yeah, go ahead and eat your pepperoni in moderation, you should be fine. Probably better on a wrap/sandwich or in a big salad than as part of a pizza, though.
A bit more on the meat thing:
What…what the fuck is this? I know that they’re just trying to make fun of Paulie for not meeting their standards of health, fitness, and racism, but it comes across as a cannibalistic fantasy. What the fuck, redpill?
Holy cocsine data batman. Lol!