Sorry, folks. I’ve been out of commission with a migraine most of this weekend. I should be back to regular posting tomorrow, knock on wood (but not on my head).
Sorry, folks. I’ve been out of commission with a migraine most of this weekend. I should be back to regular posting tomorrow, knock on wood (but not on my head).
Get well soon!
Love the cat
Feel better David.
Feel your pain. Called out last two days of work due to feeling like an intriguing mix of crap and death. I think I picked it up at the airport Wednesday. Wanted a better souvenir than that, dammit.
Rest up, man. Your health is important.
Hope you feel better soon. 🙂
Crap, I had feared as much. Take care of you and feel better soon!
Don’t feel bad, I got some of the same stuff, along with tummy troubles and excessive sneezing. : P
I hope you feel better soon.
The kitty is absolutely adorable.
Much owww. I know this pain well. G’luck!
Hope you get well soon! Eat well, drink well, sleep well
Mundane Matt made a video review about Anita Sarkeesians review of Assassins Creed Unity.
Naturally he complains about her focusing on the story and not singing the praises of the graphics.
He sticks to his principles and spends part of the review whining about her voice.
The video and most of the videos comments are hilarodepressing.
As a fellow migraine sufferer, hope you feel better soon. Also, hope you don’t read this before then, because if your migraines include photosensitivity…
…. ow.
That’s no fun. I hope you feel better soon.
I prescribe medicinal kittens.
Take two whenever necessary and call in the morning.
I hope you feel better! Maybe you need a catnap…
*shows self the door, cannot stop punning today*
You poor thing! 🙁 Take as much time off as you need. Get well soon!
Considering the poison you wade through regularly for this website, I’m surprised your head didn’t actually explode a long time ago. Rest up, look after yourself, and I hope you feel much better soon.
I hope you feel better soon. Take your time, get lots of rest.
That didn’t make me feel Not Sick, but I did asplode from the cute and want to cuddle them all in in bed with me. <3
Feel better soon. If I swam in internet pools as filthy as you do I’d develope a megamigraine, giganausea and a fear of keyboards.
Hope you feel better!
I hope you feel better soon. Migraine is an asshat.
David, take it easy, rest up, and do whatever it is you need to do to feel better. I hope your kitties are waiting on you–uh–paw and paw?
Feel better!
Rest up thoroughly and feel good, David. The intertrons will still be here when you get back.
Get well soon, David. Migraines are an absolute pain in the ass.