Sorry, folks. I’ve been out of commission with a migraine most of this weekend. I should be back to regular posting tomorrow, knock on wood (but not on my head).
Sorry, folks. I’ve been out of commission with a migraine most of this weekend. I should be back to regular posting tomorrow, knock on wood (but not on my head).
Will someone review Mundane Matt’s review of Sarkeesian’s review? Review-ception!
First off, glad you’re starting to feel better.
Second, this is rather off-topic, but I just couldn’t find a better place to ask. Specifically, I’m looking for some insight from reliable people in the Steven Universe fandom (as in, people who don’t throw around “social justice warrior” as a blanket insult for anyone they don’t like, and don’t fly into a fit of rage at the mere mention of Tumblr), and I know there are some people here who qualify.
So the gist of it is that I ran into this accusation just recently:
While I’m not going to automatically dismiss accusations of bullying, there are so many red flags in the phrasing of this accusation that I’m inclined to believe that, while not necessarily an all-out lie, this could be severely twisting the truth.
Is there anyone more in the know than me who could clarify this?
All I know is, Ian JQ and Alex Hirsch from Gravity Falls have said they’re not going to police the art that fans make of their shows, so some Tumblrites have decried them as child porn apologists.
I hadn’t heard about the attempted suicide. Basically, I have no information about all this, and I didn’t even know there was one individual artist behind it. I thought it was a reaction to Rule 34 in general.
@Gipsz Jakab
I recently came across that same story on Rational Wiki. They linked to this news article:
And this picture of one of the tumblr posts in question:
Sorry, I was trying to post a link, not embed the post!