This just in! According to some random dude on the Red Pill subreddit, our culture is going to hell in a little pink handbasket and it’s all the fault of you women.
Television is all crappy reality shows and Kardashian type gossip magazine rubbish.
Every single movie has a romantic subplot forced into it, even movies “Made for men”.
ESPN spends more time on human interest pieces, Breast Cancer Awareness, and if Lamar Odom is staying with Khloe than actual sports.
Music gets more shallow, filthy(seriously, eat the booty like groceries?), and repetitive every day.
The problem? The entertainment biz is
simply giving women exactly what they want. This is the invasion of women into male spaces these liberal minded progressives clamored for.
Don’t try to deny it, ladies! You know it’s true. Because women want our entertainment to be crap. Also, entertainment consists entirely of TV, movies, sports, and music. Books do not count! They are only for women and manginas! And don’t even think about, you know, paintings and all that shit.
Women don’t care about the actual athletics behind sports. They could care less about the hardwork and dedication that goes into progress, they like the excitement and the player’s lives.
Women don’t need a “good movie”, they need a movie that makes them feel good. They need some romantic subplot that makes them feel special and hopeful and not alone.
And it gets worse:
Women don’t need good chord progression, lyrics that exalt a virtue or dig deep into the cultural zeitgiest, they just want a fun beat that makes them feel good.
Screw you ladies, and your terrible chord progressions! I mean, I’ve seen it a million times. Some dude comes up and he’s all
E – B – C#m – A
And the lady is all, nuh-uh!
C – B – F
And you’re like, what the hell is this bullshit!
Guess what? I know an Asian that’s tall and has a big dick, are we gonna just assume that’s the average? Grow up.
YEAH! You tell ’em wait what?
I don’t remember learning about that argument in debate club.
This is the inevitability of women in male spaces, and more importantly the economy catering to women: Women waste more disposable income on entertainment and luxury than men. Women work to buy things that make them feel good.
Of course these industries are going to cater to women because there’s just so much fucking money in it.
But what can we men do?
we’re not going to stop listening to music or watching movies. We’re not going to turn sports off. These industries know this and thus can pocket from both sides.
The truth is things will never change until men are more united, until we are unified in one voice that says “We’re not paying for this shit anymore.”
YOU TELL ‘EM! No more movies with romantic subplots! We only want to see people blowing shit up! NO KISSING.
And no more music with fun beats! WE DEMAND HIGH QUALITY CHORD PROGRESSIONS ONLY! And would it kill you to throw in a Dsus4 chord every once in a while? NO. No it wouldn’t.
Unfortunately, the betas would rather shoot up schools because they’re not getting pussy.
Yeah, fuck those fucking betas, with their inability to score pussy and their tolerance of weak-ass chord progressions.
And that shooting up schools thing, that sucks too.
H/T — r/TheBluePill
Really? You’re puzzled when you condescendingly insult strangers, and they get angry?
Do you not see how your argument puts women into a double bind? Either we agree with what you say, and squash our own feelings and humanity and self-respect way down deep and agree that women must always retreat to the back burner if there’s any danger that a man might be feeling bad; or we stand up for ourselves, and get accused of being angry, defective harpies who are misusing our “natural” feminine powers as caretakers of other people’s emotions. There’s no winning with you. Oh, you’d be satisfied if women would just shut up and smile sweetly and use soothing words, but being an emotional Atlas to men takes a huge toll on women, which is largely invisible to people like you. You think women are just naturally happier being ciphers, because it’s convenient for you to believe that. It absolves you of guilt and makes your life easier if women’s inner lives remain invisible to you.
As other people have pointed out, your entire argument is based on putting YOUR feelings on a pedestal front and center. You’re demanding that women kowtow and pamper your fee-fees, and acting baffled when we point out how entitled that is. If you had a little more self-awareness, you’d appreciate the supreme irony of your position.
Wildman, you didn’t do my normative homework! I understand how babbling about feelings gives you happy tingles and learning things doesn’t, and don’t worry: I find it charming! I wish more men would accept their intellectual limitations and focus on entertaining women with their cute masculine quirks, as you’re doing here. Good for you!
Pee-pee. In my experience, it gives normative men happy feelings to point out people’s genitals in a strangely condescending way, and you seem to be one of those men. I’m not sure why this is, but here you go. Dingle. Weenis.
Wild Man, I get the sense that you are filtering your response through your penis, for some “feels” before looping back to your brain, for final output. Since you have been unable to engage any of the criticisms of your posts – not least the fact that your basic premise of your argument is a false assumption – this is to be expected, and so I won’t take your comments too personally. I understand that you are incapable of understanding that your argument is taking the form of begging the question, and thus any rational discussion with you is impossible.
Wild Man, plenty of the commenters here are men. I know it might seem odd to you, but we also get quite offended when someone assumes that women can’t reason, continues to make post after post that show a complete lack of self-reflection, and then assumes that the reason why women would find his completely bogus and illogical assumptions to be both absurd and disgusting is because they aren’t being self-reflective.
Your point that women are more emotional, and can’t do the logic like you can, has been countered time and time again, in this thread. Both by the people critically ripping your argument to shreds, and by your stubborn insistence on posting the same refuted garbage over and over again, as if the “primacy of importance of your own personal feelings” outweighs logical discourse.
It’s my understanding/personal experience that the vaginal walls have relatively little feeling, so looping our response in the manner described would have little effect. Also, some women are trans and don’t have a vagina.
Just throwing out some fun facts.
Make it a C B F# at least! They hunted the mammoth for us, the least we can do is sharp that F.
Every time Wild Man appears, we should all yell “Norrrrrmative!” like they used to do on Cheers.
David – could you create a “reply feature” for individual comments? If this was available it would be more conducive to the more direct exchange that some of the commenters are suggesting.
For those that have responded to my earlier posts:
– yes, I am using personal experience to make my case. But it is just so obvious. Like how can you miss it? You do talk to a variety of people right? Discourse from women is generally different than that of men. You seriously cannot disagree with this? If you don’t think there are any differences then I guess there is no point in discussing it any further. To further the discussion I am expecting you to draw from your own personal experience as well.
– for those of you that do agree that there are differences in the qualities/tone/style/mindset (call it what you will) of discourse for men vs women (and of course between men and women within mixed groups vs. non-mixed groups), then do you not have to ask yourself why?
– if you are willing to ask yourself why, then could you not consider my premise? If you don’t think the way I have put it is an accurate description of the source of the discourse differences, then please further the conversation by providing your alternate viewpoint. I note that some of you have gone part way to doing this. There has been suggestions that many men will start focusing on their feelings, like their feelings are of the primary importance, in the circumstance of an ongoing exchange. This is true. This happens alot. Yet their are still differences, median of one gender vs the median of the other – no? Or if “feelings” is a misguided term for the difference, what would be the quality of the gradient I (or hopefully it is now we) are pointing to? Is egoism a better term (now perhaps pointing to what is emphasized in the masculine)? Or would it be more accurate to say it is a gradient along egoism/narcissism co-factors? Or maybe it is yet another human quality for which there is gendered differences gradient-wise that I haven’t thought of yet, that causes the differences in gender discourse we can all sense, median vs. median-wise (look I’m just going to continue using the word “normatively”, it is shorter) and I am wide off the mark with it having anything to do with valuation of emotions, narcissism, or ego-formation differences.
– I find this stuff fascinating. I’m not sure if posting here constitutes trolling or not (I guess it depends on your definition of “troll”). This site is rather new for me so I might be a bit dense about what you ladies and gentlemen want to discuss here. Look I have been trying out my thoughts on the fascinating subject of the man/woman dynamic all over the place the last 2 – 3 months, because I want to understand this. I thought I might obtain some insights by posting here. If you don’t want me here, or don’t want to engage, I will go away and continue searching for my answers elsewhere.
Thank-you for your attention.
Woooooow such a nooooooormative teal deer!!
When dudes talk about “Normative” apparently they mean “Whatever a guy like my pal Norm would prefer.”
More on the actual topic, I play violin so count me as part of the list of “what are these chord thingies?”
@Emmy Rae
Wow, thanks!
OMG ‘weenis’ is one of my favorites. That word just makes me giggle uncontrollably for reasons I don’t quite understand.
Buttercup Q. Skullpants:
I like this idea! But who would play Woody?
Any time I heard some mansplainer say he finds something “fascinating”, it usually means “I can make shit up endlessly about this subject without bothering to ever get informed”.
Also, the new idotic questions the troll is making have already been answered!!
Aaaaaan finally, talk about the entitlement of expecting comment features on demand. Of course he will address Da Man because it’s not like anyone ever came up with a “reply” idea, nor has David asked for our opinion and of course he didn’t make a decision based on everyone’s thoughts! That would be like, totally centering in our own feelings, you guys!
So obviously the lojikal conclusion is that David simply doesn’t know what “Reply” is in a comment section of a blog.
I think he should provide definitions!! He could begin with the already requested and then we can add words, since he misuses them all.
I think one or two definitions per post would be an acceptable rate.
And of course expecting him to just learn to fucking blockquote like everyone else is expecting too much from him.
Well, manual blockquoting is hardly normative, is it?
I know that 99.999% of what he’s said has been really, REALLY fucking stupid and delusional, but this just leaves me slack jawed. Is he taking himself seriously when he says this? There is no hotline between the brain and the vagina, it does not think or feel, it does not produce or process emotions. No wonder he talks to women the way he does – he seems to think we’re bloody aliens.
Why, Woody, of course. Then we can all yell “Shut up, Woody!”
Speaking of which, he hasn’t been around in awhile to beatify Paul Elam…I wonder if he’s jumped off the sinking AVfM ship as well?
Wild Man, you’re out of your element. You’re like a child who walks into the middle of a conversation, and– OVER THE LINE!
Oh, I’m sorry–NORMATIVE!
I know he’s probably just trying to say that we’re being hormonal, in the Trumpiest way possible, even Trumpier than Trump himself. But for fucks’ sake, even though obnoxious sexists usually know nothing about the female body, this crosses a line I didn’t know existed.
Puh-lease, even italics can do the job. Or little ol’ quotation marks.
Or you know, addressing people by their name!
But that takes more than one button, and you need to actually read and consider responses that are not generic…
And that’s were the house of cards would fall like there’s an earthquake
So, is “Wild Man” the latest installment of the wonderful troll-spotting game of TRPer, Teen, or Poe?
This one’s actually pretty tough. His stupidity is almost too stereotypical to be believable – especially the way he writes so damn far beyond his vocabulary – and the scope of the irony inherent in his statements about “see[ing] the many perspectives” and “self-awareness” is almost too great to be credibly unintentional.
But WHTM has demonstrated rather clearly that no matter how low we set the bar, TRPers will always find a way under it, so it’s possible that he really is just that dumb and clueless.
That or 12. He could be 12.
“Normative” means “whatever benefits the 30-40% of the population which is white, male, heterosexual, and cisgender, at the cost of everyone else. Because some these people are so weak-minded and fragile that they’d never survive in the real world otherwise.” [/snark]
I will not be giving in to peer pressure and doing that ‘blockquote’ mess! I say NAY. Not to be confused with “neigh”, or normatively. 😛
Because every time someone asks why, inevitably the discussion trips (or rather rolls precipitously) down the primrose path from “men and women, on average, have some physical differences” to “all men are superior to all women and we should perpetuate that inequality in every social institution we can think of because NATURE!!!!” Every. Single. Time.
We’re deeply suspicious of new posters who bring up this question under the guise of neutrality, because no one has ever actually turned out to be neutral on the topic. This type of JAQ’ing is always done by men, and there’s always an agenda behind it. Even if you’re just trying to “explain the world”, you’re already approaching the question with a preconceived answer and a huge confirmation bias.
Instead of asking “why” and looking for just-so stories, try asking “why not” instead and take a good, hard look at cultural influences. Why are men discouraged from expressing emotions? Why aren’t women rewarded for being intelligent, assertive, funny, athletic? Why is calling a man “girly” such a grave insult? What would happen if we allowed individual people to express individual strengths, without trying to cram them all into some Box of Normative Behavior?
I say college freshman.
And you have never considered the possibility that most of the differences between man and women exist because of gender roles, which differ from society to society? I somehow doubt that.
It still does not follow though, that you notice differences in the behavior of men and women and decide that one group is more logical and the other is more emotional. It does noto even follow that they’re mutually exclusive. Logic is a tool, and emotion is why you get out of bed.
And, if you’re really not a troll, then you’re “normatively” condescending.