a woman is always to blame antifeminism entitled babies girl germs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men red pill reddit

“Women don’t need good chord progressions,” and other ways the ladies are destroying culture by being ladies

Chord choices have consequences!
Chord choices have consequences!

This just in! According to some random dude on the Red Pill subreddit, our culture is going to hell in a little pink handbasket and it’s all the fault of you women.


Television is all crappy reality shows and Kardashian type gossip magazine rubbish.

Every single movie has a romantic subplot forced into it, even movies “Made for men”.

ESPN spends more time on human interest pieces, Breast Cancer Awareness, and if Lamar Odom is staying with Khloe than actual sports.

Music gets more shallow, filthy(seriously, eat the booty like groceries?), and repetitive every day.

The problem? The entertainment biz is

simply giving women exactly what they want. This is the invasion of women into male spaces these liberal minded progressives clamored for.

Don’t try to deny it, ladies! You know it’s true. Because women want our entertainment to be crap. Also, entertainment consists entirely of TV, movies, sports, and music. Books do not count! They are only for women and manginas! And don’t even think about, you know, paintings and all that shit.

Women don’t care about the actual athletics behind sports. They could care less about the hardwork and dedication that goes into progress, they like the excitement and the player’s lives.

Women don’t need a “good movie”, they need a movie that makes them feel good. They need some romantic subplot that makes them feel special and hopeful and not alone.

And it gets worse:

Women don’t need good chord progression, lyrics that exalt a virtue or dig deep into the cultural zeitgiest, they just want a fun beat that makes them feel good.

Screw you ladies, and your terrible chord progressions! I mean, I’ve seen it a million times. Some dude comes up and he’s all

E – B – C#m – A

And the lady is all, nuh-uh!

C – B – F

And you’re like, what the hell is this bullshit!


Guess what? I know an Asian that’s tall and has a big dick, are we gonna just assume that’s the average? Grow up.

YEAH! You tell ’em wait what?

I don’t remember learning about that argument in debate club.

This is the inevitability of women in male spaces, and more importantly the economy catering to women: Women waste more disposable income on entertainment and luxury than men. Women work to buy things that make them feel good.

Of course these industries are going to cater to women because there’s just so much fucking money in it.

But what can we men do?

we’re not going to stop listening to music or watching movies. We’re not going to turn sports off. These industries know this and thus can pocket from both sides.


The truth is things will never change until men are more united, until we are unified in one voice that says “We’re not paying for this shit anymore.”

YOU TELL ‘EM! No more movies with romantic subplots! We only want to see people blowing shit up! NO KISSING.

And no more music with fun beats! WE DEMAND HIGH QUALITY CHORD PROGRESSIONS ONLY! And would it kill you to throw in a Dsus4 chord every once in a while? NO. No it wouldn’t.

Unfortunately, the betas would rather shoot up schools because they’re not getting pussy.

Yeah, fuck those fucking betas, with their inability to score pussy and their tolerance of weak-ass chord progressions.

And that shooting up schools thing, that sucks too.

H/T — r/TheBluePill



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9 years ago

LOL – the idea that men do not ‘waste’ their disposable income as much as us ladeeez. My sons both game a lot, and new games cost £25 – £40 each.

I know there are a lot of gamers here, but surely it is no more valid a use of disposable income as watching films or listening to music? I mean inadequately chord progressed music (?!) of course!

And I believe that men spend more on gambling? Alcohol? And prostitution? Are these ways of spending a disposable income the correct and therefore manly ways to waste disposable income?

9 years ago

also why do they assume men don’t appreciate romantic subplots? those can be kind of important to character-driven narratives. we’re dealing with some serious stupid here.

9 years ago

Chie: Their level of righteous indignation paired with their nearly total ignorance of the world around them gives me vertigo. How do you go about fixing this kind of stupid? Is it possible to educate a cultist? I honestly don’t think brainwashing can be undone unless the person wants it to be undone.

Are these manchildren just fucked for life or will they grow out of it?

9 years ago

This seems extra funny to me because the past few weeks, I’ve been watching a male co-worker destroy his own reputation with his naked, irrational antagonism toward women. Yep, he’s seeing the big picture! He’s got his emotions totally under control!

I’m seeing something similar with a former colleague – he’s not ranting against women, but he displays a very public and aggressive antagonism towards anyone even vaguely connected with a company that (understandably) decided that his services were no longer required. This includes posting unflattering pictures of the boss with abusive captions attached, and a sustained Twitter harassment campaign against a fairly junior employee who committed the appalling crime of voting for the “wrong” political party at the last election.

He’s so sublimely oblivious to the image that he’s creating that he even admitted during one of his many online rants that his girlfriend had suggested that perhaps he’s not doing himself (and, more specifically, his future employability) any favours, but that he was ignoring her. Presumably because she was all emotional and irrational and probably listens to music with simple chord progressions.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

@msexceptiontotherule – Exactly. Women and poor people get subjected to intense scrutiny and judgment over how they spend their money, because they’re perceived as inherently childish and irresponsible. It’s presumed that without adult supervision, they’ll go off the rails and throw all their income away on selfish pleasures. After all, they don’t do Real Work, so how can they understand the value of money? The thinking goes something like this:

Man buys a bottle of Scotch = he works hard all day and needs to relax and unwind, so quit nagging
Woman goes to spa = bubbleheaded, self-centered, frivolous waste of money

Rich person buys steak = job creator, deserves to eat well and be surrounded by comforts
Poor person buys steak = welfare cheat, poor people are not allowed to have treats or be comfortable, now get back to work

Those are the sort of rationales you hear from abusers and Republicans, who want full control over other people’s finances so they can keep them perpetually dependent. It’s really sickening.

9 years ago

Now, I’m not an expert on LogicksTM, but isn’t the troll also confusing “premises” with “conclusions”?

As in, you determine whether something is “normative” based on reasoning (essentially, does it check all boxes for the definition of “normative”), but you can only use it as a premise when it has been demonstrated.

Since the conclusion is as true as its premises, pulling pseudofacts out of your ass and calling them “premises” doesn’t make the conclusion any favors.

Just like using big words you can’t even define is not going to make a stupid point sound smarter.

Unless of course, you surround yourself with equally ignorant big-word spouters who pretend to be very impressed by each other.

In fact, this troll sounds so obnoxiously familiar I’d be surprised if he wasn’t a specific person I know.

Except for the fact that they all sound the same when trying to surf the arguments with sheer vocabulary and condescending tone.

9 years ago

Oh looky, a new trollicus! How cute!

Though the basic premise of the above quoted Red Pill subreddit post was poorly stated, I think there is something to his basic idea. The basic idea is that normatively, women are more prone to behaving like their personal feelings are of primary importance in any circumstance. If main stream media is now increasingly pandering to that mindset, it is completely natural that some men will take issue and call MSM out on this.

>pats trolly patronizingly on the head<

Of course you do, dear. And of course, you're still full of shit, altogether. Because if you were even TRYING to keep up, you'd notice that the original post, which we're all pointing and laughing at, is a guy full of subjective personal feelings, ranting and raving how the horrible “MSM”, as you call it, isn’t pandering to him and only him, and other masculist idiots like him. Instead it’s seemingly pandering to a different group of idiots, the superficial feelings-steered “ladies”, of whom I know surprisingly few, in reality. Because there only exist surprisingly few, in reality, who care that much about the Kardashians and all their brain-dead krap. And the sexist major media, who are just like you, think we’re cute and girly and need to be patronized and have our heads patted and stuffed with flummery, while they go on catering to sexist men as usual, instead of being offered some substantial material, preferably without all the fucking sexism.

But hey! At least you weren’t just a drive-by pooper…

Hi ladies

Ooooo, the trilby is strong with this one. And is that a whiff of Axe I smell?

I like it when the ladies give credence to the importance of their feelings. For me it brightens my mood.

Aren’t you just so adorable and in touch with your feelings and all. Here, have a cookie.

I think the man’s role is to try to see beyond any one perspective though, to see the many perspectives, so as to form a idea about the bigger picture.

Really? That’s cute. Because we were laughing at a guy who couldn’t see the bigger picture if it dropped its drawers and sat on his face.

I am a mature man

Oh, I doubt that very much. If you were, you’d at least have the good sense not to come on here oozing so much fucking smarm. You may be old, or older, but you ain’t matured yet.

I will rephrase my premise in less volatile terms.

Please don’t. Your premise is sexist bullshit no matter how you phrase it, and you really don’t understand the meaning of “normative”. Just because you throw it in there doesn’t make you suddenly sound smart. You’re not.

Also, you “experiences” are merely subjective, and do not count as facts or data, as has been observed above. Just because you have gone through your whole banal existence THINKING women are thus and so, does not mean we ARE thus and so.

The fact of the matter is, however, that the media basically piss on women all the time. It’s rare and unusual for them to provide us with anything which is NOT sexist, patronizing, or full of shit (much like your elaborately elaborated but still full-of-shit premise!) Take a look at what I posted about music, for example. It’s just one small but still representative sampling of major media collaborating AGAINST women. A song with sexist lyrics about a guy taking a girl’s love way too much for granted, and urinating all over it because he knows she’s out of his league, and therefore must be punished for caring about him just the same. And an album cover for that and other songs (which I’m guessing someone from the band must have signed off on), using a 14-year-old model dressed like a junior streetwalker (the kind of outfit I’ve never seen on any of the girls I ever knew!) to illustrate a shitty premise: that girls who look (and presumably act) like sluts have no business sneaking into the boys’ room to try to clear their reputations or wipe their numbers off the wall, because that’s “head games”. Yeah, it’s head games all right, but not the way you’ve been led to believe. The whole business fucked with my mind for years, and it’s taken me this long to write out what I really think of it all: namely, that it panders to wanky little middle-school boys who feel entitled to sex and don’t care whom they hurt in the process. And that any girl who takes any action against it, however small, is dirty and deserving of punishment.

And you think that the media don’t pander to men ENOUGH? GTFO. And don’t bother showing me your wang, I’ve already seen enough of your ass. Read more, babble less. Take a shower and don’t use Axe. And leave your trilby at home, ‘kay?

9 years ago

I found this report of ‘typical’ US spending. I am not seeing the innate superiority of male spending here! Remember making investments doesn’t mean you have made good investments!

“Men don’t spend, they invest. Men don’t want something, they need it. Theirs is a future-money orientation. Men are trained to fix and provide, so they view money as a means to capture and accumulate things to add more value.

1. Investments

2. Entertainment

3. On Women/Love/Online Dating

4. Hobbies and Sports

5. Betting and Gambling

Women are trained to nurture and seek acceptance and so view money as a means to create a lifestyle. Women spend on things that enhance day-to-day living. Theirs is a now-money orientation. “Women are the collectors of stuff and are taught that what they need to get through life is approval. They have to look good, act good and be good, as their Top 5 choices expose:

1. Shopping

2. Beauty

3. Health and Fitness

4. Love/Online Dating

5. Home Furnishings

This article was written be Alban who is a personal finance writer at Home Loan Finder”

9 years ago

How do I handle this arsehole and his racism and his general creepy arsehole-ness? I spoke to another (more pleasant) colleague about him being on my case all the time and he says to tell my boss and “be in his ear”. He brought up another woman who had a similar problem (with a manager who doesn’t work there anymore) and how she stood up for herself by not being afraid to talk to the boss about her issues. I decided I will talk to him, but I don’t know what to do about his racism/ homophobia. Any advice would be appreciated.

Your colleague’s advice is a good place to start. Go to whoever is above the asshole’s head, and make sure they know about it. If you can gather any hard evidence to support your claims, even better. At the very least, he deserves to be called up on the carpet for poisoning the work environment. Because it’s making it harder for you to do your job, right? And I’m guessing it’s probably not helping the other people at whom he’s directing his derogatory jabs, either.

9 years ago

And look! Here comes Hobbesy, right on schedule, to prattle more conspiracy nonsense:

Wildman, I heretofore command you to rid thyself of this pathetic argument. No doubt that pop culture is a pit of degeneracy, but men and women are both about equally blameworthy. Please investigate the conspiracy of Planned Parenthood, banking cartels and other opponents of traditional Catholicism. Is it not a coincidence that Marilyn Monroe, Sylvia Plath and JFK all died during Vatican II and the process of Griswold V Connecticut?
And thanks to someone for posting DC Talk; which, despite its ridiculously ineffective compositional genre, most certainly is a brutal honesty of messaging. Tupak Shakur was about to convert to Catholicism in 1997; look what happened?

Yes, it IS all a coincidence. Now go take that tinfoil out of your underpants. You crinkle when you walk.

9 years ago

C – F – G forever

9 years ago

we had a former president who, during the exercise of his functions, had declared that if you do not have a Rolex at 50, then your life is a fail.

I’ll be 50 in a couple of years. My grandfather had a Rolex, which my dad inherited when he died. He never wears it. It doesn’t work. I might inherit it when he dies, and I don’t want it. I’m guessing it could be sold for melting down, though.

I’m sorry, what’s that about failure, again?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Exactly. Women and poor people get subjected to intense scrutiny and judgment over how they spend their money, because they’re perceived as inherently childish and irresponsible. It’s presumed that without adult supervision, they’ll go off the rails and throw all their income away on selfish pleasures. After all, they don’t do Real Work, so how can they understand the value of money?

And fuck help you if you’re both a woman and poor. My “Favourite” example happened when I spent a few months on the streets several years ago – every-fucking-body asked me why I was “Wasting” my pocket change on the local Internet cafe. The answer is “Because of my web design company” – that “Waste” helped me save up for an apartment. =P

9 years ago


9 years ago

um, Is it really worth putting someone’s job in jeopardy over “Dr Von Poofie”?

Yes, it is. Because LGBT+ people have a right to a non-toxic work environment. And homophobes DON’T have a right to jobs where they can be homophobic (and sexist, and racist, and so on) with impunity.

Wild Man
Wild Man
9 years ago

Ladies (not all of you but most of you), I get the sense that you are filtering your responses through you v-jays, for some “feels” before looping back to your brains, for final output. To be expected and so I won’t take your comments too personally. It would be more positive for all concerned though if you would use you “feels” power to project some kindness into the environment. It is obvious to all that your powers can alternatively be used to create a positive influence. Like I said earlier healthy men very much appreciate the power of the feminine. I prefer the feminine-positivity and am puzzled when this doesn’t occur (however the negative outcome is the norm isn’t it?). Could it be a matter of emphasis? Could it be that your “feels” power is used too much in the service of the primacy of importance of your own personal feelings in most any circumstance?

Instead of going deeper into feeling like I am disrespecting you (I am not), I would appreciate it if you would just try to self-reflect a bit, and consider if anything I am saying here has any merit with respect to yourself personally.

Everybody can benefit from more self-awareness (men generally and myself included). I am not without fault. Perhaps I am a bit less narcissistic but more egotistical? I could agree to that. Normatively (geez I like that word!) I think men are more outwardly aggressive than women – and a healthy dose of ego supports that. It is double edged swords all around – best if we appreciate the differences, and use our strengths collectively, in support of the greater good.

9 years ago

If David’s chords are supposed to spell something or play a specific tune, I don’t get it. I don’t do chords, I’m a trombone player. We play one note at a time.

(I recently got my trombone out for my kids and they love it. They don’t quite get how to play, so when they try it they end up just hooting down the tube, but occasionally one of them will make a glorious fart sound out the bell and really, that’s what it’s all about.)

@Bina: Re: the Foreigner cover. Oh my glob, she’s wiping her phone number off the stall, isn’t she? Gahh.

Oh great, a troll. Is it just me, or is it creepy when a stranger over the internet bids us sleep well? I mean, if one of the regulars were to announce they were going to bed, sure, I’d probably say good night if I were around, but just out of the blue?

9 years ago

My private parts most definitely have a rational filter. I have installed WordsMeanThings v 7.11, and it works beautifully with mi Vaginux OS.

So intead of wasting time reading trolls I can jump to the PoinAndLaugh protocol directly.

*points and laughs*

9 years ago

This is the inevitability of women in male spaces

You know, “male spaces,” such as all of art and media and culture.

I like how the troll in this thread came in like “no, no, see, you don’t understand; you’re all mad because the quoted comment in the OP says that women ruin everything, but the important bit is that women ruin everything because women are awful. Anyway hope that clears it up.”

9 years ago

> um, Is it really worth putting someone’s job in jeopardy over “Dr Von Poofie”?

A person who goes around saying things like “Dr Von Poofie” is putting his own job in jeopardy. Sooner or later he’s going to say it in front of the wrong client, and either lose the company a big contract or trigger a boycott. Once that’s happened, his employer will probably have no way to salvage the situation without firing him.

So it’s best if management finds out about that behavior before it’s too late. That way, management can tell him, “That’s really inappropriate.The company can afford to overlook it this one time, but it’s going to be a big problem if you keep saying it.”

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

“Unfortunately, the betas would rather shoot up schools because they’re not getting pussy.”

Except every time you go out you see perfectly average and “below average” couples walking around. I empathize with incel. I was an incel girl and woman for years once too and I’ve approached guys and gotten rejected while all around me were couples. Eventually I figured it out without blaming men, mens’ right to say “not interested” to me and other shit..

9 years ago

I hope Wild Man won’t take my comments too personally when I tell him that I don’t have a “v-jay” and I think he should take his “can’t we all just get along, you monsters” attitude for a long walk off a short pier.

Arthur Meyer
9 years ago

Look, it’s not my fault that the chord progression of I-V-vi-IV is what almost everyone uses. I mean, we could use something like I-iv-vi-N6-V7-I or go minimal with I-iii-V, but that’s a thing that instrumental music does, which I forgot, instrumental music isn’t “real” music like that stuff that’s essentially some guy masturbating on an electric guitar and leaving the drummer and bass to just be his sideshow act.

I’m also sorry that I find My Little Pony to be much more interesting than Game of Thrones. I mean, a cartoon about magical horses, dragons, and gryphons is just better fantasy to watch than the generic white-washed Nordic/Western European fantasy setting we’ve all seen before.

Really, entertainment is what it is. It’s actually the men who’ve done a sloppy job with it because they think we all want mindless violence, mindless sex, and tasteless humor.

And books are quite awesome… I don’t understand what makes them “not manly” at all.

9 years ago

Based on the last answer, it looks like the troll is tone-policing because ton is all there is for him in a conversation.

That’s why he fancies himself so smart: All you need to do is talk like you’re smart! Use big words and assfacts will become truths! Refuse to engage and your nonsense will totally tear their arguments apart!

Too bad he gets so emotional, it sort of undermines his deeply reasoned arguments

9 years ago

What is a V-Jay? I assume he means vagina, but VJ was the old term for the MTV announcers back when they played videos, so all I’m thinking of is 80s and 90s MTV.

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