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“Women don’t need good chord progressions,” and other ways the ladies are destroying culture by being ladies

Chord choices have consequences!
Chord choices have consequences!

This just in! According to some random dude on the Red Pill subreddit, our culture is going to hell in a little pink handbasket and it’s all the fault of you women.


Television is all crappy reality shows and Kardashian type gossip magazine rubbish.

Every single movie has a romantic subplot forced into it, even movies “Made for men”.

ESPN spends more time on human interest pieces, Breast Cancer Awareness, and if Lamar Odom is staying with Khloe than actual sports.

Music gets more shallow, filthy(seriously, eat the booty like groceries?), and repetitive every day.

The problem? The entertainment biz is

simply giving women exactly what they want. This is the invasion of women into male spaces these liberal minded progressives clamored for.

Don’t try to deny it, ladies! You know it’s true. Because women want our entertainment to be crap. Also, entertainment consists entirely of TV, movies, sports, and music. Books do not count! They are only for women and manginas! And don’t even think about, you know, paintings and all that shit.

Women don’t care about the actual athletics behind sports. They could care less about the hardwork and dedication that goes into progress, they like the excitement and the player’s lives.

Women don’t need a “good movie”, they need a movie that makes them feel good. They need some romantic subplot that makes them feel special and hopeful and not alone.

And it gets worse:

Women don’t need good chord progression, lyrics that exalt a virtue or dig deep into the cultural zeitgiest, they just want a fun beat that makes them feel good.

Screw you ladies, and your terrible chord progressions! I mean, I’ve seen it a million times. Some dude comes up and he’s all

E – B – C#m – A

And the lady is all, nuh-uh!

C – B – F

And you’re like, what the hell is this bullshit!


Guess what? I know an Asian that’s tall and has a big dick, are we gonna just assume that’s the average? Grow up.

YEAH! You tell ’em wait what?

I don’t remember learning about that argument in debate club.

This is the inevitability of women in male spaces, and more importantly the economy catering to women: Women waste more disposable income on entertainment and luxury than men. Women work to buy things that make them feel good.

Of course these industries are going to cater to women because there’s just so much fucking money in it.

But what can we men do?

we’re not going to stop listening to music or watching movies. We’re not going to turn sports off. These industries know this and thus can pocket from both sides.


The truth is things will never change until men are more united, until we are unified in one voice that says “We’re not paying for this shit anymore.”

YOU TELL ‘EM! No more movies with romantic subplots! We only want to see people blowing shit up! NO KISSING.

And no more music with fun beats! WE DEMAND HIGH QUALITY CHORD PROGRESSIONS ONLY! And would it kill you to throw in a Dsus4 chord every once in a while? NO. No it wouldn’t.

Unfortunately, the betas would rather shoot up schools because they’re not getting pussy.

Yeah, fuck those fucking betas, with their inability to score pussy and their tolerance of weak-ass chord progressions.

And that shooting up schools thing, that sucks too.

H/T — r/TheBluePill



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9 years ago

Gah. Sorry again. I thought it went to moderation, but apparently it didn’t. :/ Well, now I can apologize for the undoubtable double posting.

9 years ago

Hi ladies – thank-you for the comments. I like it when the ladies give credence to the importance of their feelings. For me it brightens my mood. I think the man’s role is to try to see beyond any one perspective though, to see the many perspectives, so as to form a idea about the bigger picture. Your expressions are good input (but I am a mature man so I’m not not going to stall there, and you wouldn’t want me to anyway).

The Wild Man! Mature. Erudite. Refuses to stall. Knows that ladies don’t want him to stall.

Hobby: Annoying women.

Blind spot: Fails to see the labor in women’s emotional labor.

9 years ago

um, Is it really worth putting someone’s job in jeopardy over “Dr Von Poofie”?

9 years ago


I don’t know – is it really worth putting your own job in jeopardy like that?

9 years ago

@misseb47 – I agree with what the other commenters have said, and only have this to add: I *definitely* would not bring it up to either of the men across the way whom your coworker is making fun of. Even if it *would* shame your coworker into easing off the racist jokes (and I suspect it wouldn’t), it would do so at the expense of someone who probably didn’t need or want to be reminded that there are racist poopheads in the world, and that those racist poopheads say racist-poopheady things about him just for existing.

Start documenting the incidents, if you haven’t already–including what your coworker is saying, how long it’s been going on, and if/when/how you have asked him to knock it off–and bring it up to the appropriate supervisor.

9 years ago

What I meant is that, although utterly inane, it’s still fairly mild as far a homophobic comments go. Might be better to make clear that she doesn’t appreciate his, er, sense of humour first before considering taking the matter to a supervisor.

9 years ago


Why should other people lie to protect a bigot at work?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


Are you the Bryce who used to derail threads with WATM hand-wringing? Avatar’s different, but with WP, that doesn’t mean much.

9 years ago

I will rephrase my premise in less volatile terms.

No one said you were being volatile. People are saying that you are wrong.

In my experience, normatively, women tend to behave as if their own personal feelings are of primary importance in any circumstance.

I have known way, wayyyy too many selfless, humble, level-headed, and/or deferential women to believe this for a moment. I have also known way, wayyyy too many men who are prone to explosive anger, bruised egos, and impulsive decisions to believe this for a moment.

It’s almost like people are extremely complex and cannot be generalized as being similar to a whole half of humanity at once.

This is a normative issue (i.e.- there are wide individual differences) and as such, men are also subject to this, but normatively, they are less so subjected to this way of relating. There will be a greater tendency, normatively, for men to seek the many perspectives so as to formulate the bigger picture (once again with a wide variation of individual differences among men, and among women for this propensity). I don’t know why this dynamic exists, but it isn’t hard to see that it does. Agreed?

No, I do not agree. I see no pattern of women being more driven by or irrational about their feelings than men are. See: every mass shooting in the past year. See also: Gamergate. See also: the entirety of the Red Pill online presence.

There are probably all kinds of theories about it (especially within the field of evolutionary psychology) that may or may not accurately describe how this came to be but it really doesn’t matter as long as we agree that this dynamic does indeed exist (who knows maybe it is just socially conditioning as one of you has suggested).

Except it does matter, because if it is social conditioning, then we have a prime opportunity to improve our culture so that men and women alike can feel like they are allowed to respectfully, authentically express their emotions, and so that neither men nor women feel like their emotions outweigh the rights of other human beings to exist and to have representation in media.

So given the above, the next point is that some people think that media content-providers seem to be increasingly catering to the woman’s more feeling based mindset. I think there is some evidence for this.

If by “increasingly”, you mean going from “almost never passing the Bechdel Test” to “Oh wow, more than one movie this year actually passed the Bechdel Test”, then I guess so. Except for the “feeling-based mindset” thing; that part is still silly.

However, third point given the above, it is completely natural that some men will call out the content-providers on this. Human nature after all. Once again I’m not making a judgement on this good or bad (only – human nature to say – hey – what about me?).

Except it’s pretty petulant to be saying, “Hey, what about me” when the media has gone from being 99% catered to you to only 90% catered to you. It is even more petulant when it springs from an assumption that every uninspired, cheesy, soulless piece of pop culture must be because women have ruined it, when the truth is that just as many women dislike uninspired, cheesy, soulless stuff as men do.

I don’t think I implied anything more than the above in my original post.

No, this is pretty much exactly what you said in your original post, and repeating it with an added dose of condescension doesn’t magically make people stop disagreeing with it.

9 years ago

Whyyyyyy, Blockquote Mammoth. We’ve been doing so well lately.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Can anyone who knows about commerce answer this for me?

Is there a shift towards catering more for women in entertainment and media?

And, if so, is that an additional market or a shift in the existing market?

By which I mean, let’s say there were 100 films or video games that catered for men last year but this year there are 10 films/games aimed at women. Is the market 110 films or do the women’s share eat into the bloke’s share so the guys have to make do with 90 films/games.

In other words are we divvying up a finite pie differently or just making more pie?

9 years ago

I don’t think there is a generic answer to that question. As far as I know, lego did touch people who were not otherwise into their market share with the friend theme and other similar efforts, so it can happen that the pie become bigger with inclusive addition.

However, that don’t mean it’s a general trend, since lego mostly target a segment who is particulary badly gender-segregated. For videogames, my hunch and the number in my old work would be consistent with a slight increase of the total market, but most of it being a shift.

occasional reader
occasional reader
9 years ago


Hope you are going fine.
Well, this it terrible, indeed. And i do not understand why this kind of people who are fearing “foreigner terrorist attacks” are also the ones who are the more prone (proner ?) to commit attack in their own country. Is it part paranoïa, part indoctrination ? Can not tell.

Have a nice day.

9 years ago


Hey, guy. That word doesn’t mean what you think it means. Tacking a bunch of endings onto “normally” doesn’t just turn it into a smarter-sounding version of the word. Normalinglyeritivested, you should just look up the word in the dictionary.

9 years ago

Wahhhh! There are things in the media which don’t cater exclusively to my interests!!! I’m being oppressed!!!!

9 years ago

LOL, MRAs now shamelessly re-treading old Third Reich culture-war themes; guess who ELSE was terrifically worried about “feminization of culture” and “degenerate art”?

9 years ago

“Women waste more disposable income…”

How, by definition, can what is *disposable* income be wasted? If there are societal or prejudicial expectations on how it should be spent, then it can’t be disposable.

9 years ago

Oddly enough, the Futurist movenent in 20s Italy grumbled about the feminization of culture in their first manifesto. Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (writer of said manifesto) was pro-Mussolini too and ended up persuading Il Duce to refuse a traveling “degenerate art” exhibition by the Nazis since it slammed Futurism too.

And damn it, I *like* some of what Futurism inspired, particularly in graphic design and typography. 😛

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
9 years ago

Wow, so all those throwaway female characters who appear in action films just to stroke the hero’s ego (and dick) are actually women intruding on male spaces, and meant to make women feel special? I guess I’ve been interpreting this all wrong for so many years. I need to feel special every time Bond puts another notch on his bedpost!

9 years ago

I will rephrase my premise in less volatile terms.

No one said you were being volatile. People are saying that you are wrong.

Also, I wonder what type of volatility he was talking about.

I mean, maybe he didn’t have to drop it entirely! What about stochastic volatility? That way he would at least get some random probablility of being right…

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I will rephrase my premise in less volatile terms

Mmmm….nope. Still a bad premise. Nicer wrapping paper doesn’t make it any more true.

So if, as you’re arguing, men are able to see the “bigger picture” from their lofty summit of superior logicality, while women are hopelessly stuck in the narrow valley of their own personal feelings, then why are so many men up in arms about increased diversity in movies? Surely, with their omniscient ability to relate to many different perspectives, it shouldn’t bother them to watch characters who are female, black, gay, Asian, Hispanic, disabled, etc.

And yet, evidence from the real world totally fails to support that. Look at all the wailing and garment-rending by Redpill, 4chan and similar heavily male-skewed spaces over the way women are “invading” and “ruining” movies (the article at the top of this page being a prime example of same). Look at the numerous marketing studies that show girls will read books and watch movies with male lead characters, but boys tend to shun books and movies with female lead characters suggest otherwise. If anything, it’s women that are socialized to understand and cater to other people’s experiences. It’s women that are expected to defer to the other person’s perspective, if that person is a white male. It’s women that are expected to go along with their guy friends to the latest Michael Bay explosion-and-boobfest because, hey, it’s not going to damage their gender identity the way “Bridget Jones’ Baby” would if the roles were reversed.

Maybe it’s possible that “touchy feely” movies are aimed at mature adults rather than specifically women? The age divide is much stronger than the gender divide when it comes to action-adventure and horror films vs. dramas and romance, but I don’t see anyone arguing that old people are ruining the movies.

9 years ago

‘Wild Man’, this site advises against my insulting you crudely (however deservedly). Suffice to say you do not and never will speak for men like me, and if I ever met you it’d be an aeon too soon.

9 years ago

What I’ve found myself wondering, is why the hell what *I* do with *my* money, which I earn by *working* a *job* – or any other woman and her money for that matter – the business of anyone but myself as the one making said money. If I want to buy property or decide I want to invest in expensive shoes, using my money to do so, that’s my choice – there are plenty of things that guys run out and buy that I think are ridiculous and unnecessary but if it’s their cash I’m not going to tell them “hey don’t buy those ‘collectible’ action figures that you say you plan to sell after they’ve increased in value” or “Do you really need another band t-shirt?”. Last I checked, the only guys who freak out over that kind of thing are what past generations would call “overly sensitive and controlling jerks”. Same thing we call them today.

AnAndrejaPejicBlog (@A_Pejic_Blog)

women are more prone to behaving like their personal feelings are of primary importance in any circumstance.


*wipes tears of laughter from eyes*

This seems extra funny to me because the past few weeks, I’ve been watching a male co-worker destroy his own reputation with his naked, irrational antagonism toward women. Yep, he’s seeing the big picture! He’s got his emotions totally under control!

9 years ago

lol he’s a race realist who doesn’t read books. this rabbit hole though.

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