a woman is always to blame antifeminism entitled babies girl germs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men red pill reddit

“Women don’t need good chord progressions,” and other ways the ladies are destroying culture by being ladies

Chord choices have consequences!
Chord choices have consequences!

This just in! According to some random dude on the Red Pill subreddit, our culture is going to hell in a little pink handbasket and it’s all the fault of you women.


Television is all crappy reality shows and Kardashian type gossip magazine rubbish.

Every single movie has a romantic subplot forced into it, even movies “Made for men”.

ESPN spends more time on human interest pieces, Breast Cancer Awareness, and if Lamar Odom is staying with Khloe than actual sports.

Music gets more shallow, filthy(seriously, eat the booty like groceries?), and repetitive every day.

The problem? The entertainment biz is

simply giving women exactly what they want. This is the invasion of women into male spaces these liberal minded progressives clamored for.

Don’t try to deny it, ladies! You know it’s true. Because women want our entertainment to be crap. Also, entertainment consists entirely of TV, movies, sports, and music. Books do not count! They are only for women and manginas! And don’t even think about, you know, paintings and all that shit.

Women don’t care about the actual athletics behind sports. They could care less about the hardwork and dedication that goes into progress, they like the excitement and the player’s lives.

Women don’t need a “good movie”, they need a movie that makes them feel good. They need some romantic subplot that makes them feel special and hopeful and not alone.

And it gets worse:

Women don’t need good chord progression, lyrics that exalt a virtue or dig deep into the cultural zeitgiest, they just want a fun beat that makes them feel good.

Screw you ladies, and your terrible chord progressions! I mean, I’ve seen it a million times. Some dude comes up and he’s all

E – B – C#m – A

And the lady is all, nuh-uh!

C – B – F

And you’re like, what the hell is this bullshit!


Guess what? I know an Asian that’s tall and has a big dick, are we gonna just assume that’s the average? Grow up.

YEAH! You tell ’em wait what?

I don’t remember learning about that argument in debate club.

This is the inevitability of women in male spaces, and more importantly the economy catering to women: Women waste more disposable income on entertainment and luxury than men. Women work to buy things that make them feel good.

Of course these industries are going to cater to women because there’s just so much fucking money in it.

But what can we men do?

we’re not going to stop listening to music or watching movies. We’re not going to turn sports off. These industries know this and thus can pocket from both sides.


The truth is things will never change until men are more united, until we are unified in one voice that says “We’re not paying for this shit anymore.”

YOU TELL ‘EM! No more movies with romantic subplots! We only want to see people blowing shit up! NO KISSING.

And no more music with fun beats! WE DEMAND HIGH QUALITY CHORD PROGRESSIONS ONLY! And would it kill you to throw in a Dsus4 chord every once in a while? NO. No it wouldn’t.

Unfortunately, the betas would rather shoot up schools because they’re not getting pussy.

Yeah, fuck those fucking betas, with their inability to score pussy and their tolerance of weak-ass chord progressions.

And that shooting up schools thing, that sucks too.

H/T — r/TheBluePill



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9 years ago

Wow. I think Wild Man is the literal embodiment of the converse of the phrase “brevity is the soul of wit.”

“Thank you so much for your input, ladies, as a man I always work to form my beliefs based on a wide variety of opinions. Now allow me to say the exact same thing as before with no regard to your input. I’ll just change the wording a bit so my obviously correct words can get past your silly lady-brain filters.”

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


Nah, that was Obsidian. Even Twilight and 50 Shades combined didn’t use so many words to say so little.

9 years ago


Skylar and Marie written as actual human beings, not generic pretty wives

Yeesh, really? Skylar and Marie were about the most stereotypical pretty wife characters outside of sitcoms. Greedy? Check. Selfish? All of the checks. Disinterested in sex/their husbands? See above. At least they developed Marie past that eventually, but she was initially nothing BUT a “pretty wife”. Any critique I’ve ever read on the series comes down pretty hard on how they wrote the women, at least in the first couple seasons.

@Wild Man

I think the man’s role is

No one cares.

Wild Man
Wild Man
9 years ago

Sweet dreams.

9 years ago

Sorry, my phone stuffed up before I could finish. Well, he also gives them racist AND homophobic nick names. For example m, there is this Asian guy who works at the shop opposite us, who occasionally goes outside for a smoke. My colleague made up this ridiculous story that he is a psychiatrist in the clinic upstairs (it is lighting shop and the closest thing to a clinic is the physiotherapist across the street) and he will psychoanalyze us given half the chance. He has also gave him a homophobic nick name- Dr Von Poofie. I am not kidding. He has also done the same thing to another guy. My racist colleague has got it into his head that this man is a terrorist called Achkmed (sp. Sorry, I don’t know how to spell it) and that recruits for ISIS. All because he looks Arab to him. I said to him “I am sure that he would just live it if I walked over to him and told him off all that you have being saying about him. I am sure that he would have a word with you about it.” I had half the mind to actually do that, but the man went back inside.

He is also always on my case at work, nit picking over things like what box I use for packing orders. I just do my own thing, anyway. I catch him looking at me sometimes. So creepy. How do I handle this arsehole and his racism and his general creepy arsehole-ness? I spoke to another (more pleasant) colleague about him being on my case all the time and he says to tell my boss and “be in his ear”. He brought up another woman who had a similar problem (with a manager who doesn’t work there anymore) and how she stood up for herself by not being afraid to talk to the boss about her issues. I decided I will talk to him, but I don’t know what to do about his racism/ homophobia. Any advice would be appreciated.

9 years ago

Sorry for the stray ‘m’.

Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes
9 years ago

Wildman, I heretofore command you to rid thyself of this pathetic argument. No doubt that pop culture is a pit of degeneracy, but men and women are both about equally blameworthy. Please investigate the conspiracy of Planned Parenthood, banking cartels and other opponents of traditional Catholicism. Is it not a coincidence that Marilyn Monroe, Sylvia Plath and JFK all died during Vatican II and the process of Griswold V Connecticut?
And thanks to someone for posting DC Talk; which, despite its ridiculously ineffective compositional genre, most certainly is a brutal honesty of messaging. Tupak Shakur was about to convert to Catholicism in 1997; look what happened?

9 years ago

Hi ladies – thank-you for the comments. I like it when the ladies give credence to the importance of their feelings. For me it brightens my mood.

Ha! Are you the kid who wrote that shit about girls being too stupid to appreciate deep and meaningful guitar solos? Thanks so much for stopping by!

We weren’t talking about our feelings, thanks. We were sharing thoughts and facts. That’s probably hard for you to grasp, because normative men normatively aren’t capable of rational thought like women are. Mostly you just like things that make you feel good. And look, we made you feel good! That’s so cute and so nice for you!

I will rephrase my premise in less volatile terms.

Again, I think the conversation is going over your emotional male head. The disagreement here is with your underlying premise, viz. girls are dumb and get cooties on everything. Rephrasing the premise with slightly fewer insults is not convincing.

I’m sure your approach might work if you were talking to men, because normatively men are focused on their personal feelings and can easily be won over by big words and flattery. You’re almost childlike, and that’s part of your normative charm! Embrace it! But in my experience, women are the logical sex; we care about facts, not emotions. Normatively.

In my experience, normatively, women tend to behave as if their own personal feelings are of primary importance in any circumstance. This is a normative issue (i.e.- there are wide individual differences) and as such, men are also subject to this, but normatively, they are less so subjected to this way of relating. There will be a greater tendency, normatively, for men to seek the many perspectives so as to formulate the bigger picture (once again with a wide variation of individual differences among men, and among women for this propensity). I don’t know why this dynamic exists, but it isn’t hard to see that it does. Agreed?

Do I agree that women are self-centered ninnies while men see “many perspectives” and “the bigger picture”? No. Of course not. I mean, right now I’m trying to have a normative conversation with a man who bases all his arguments on his personal feelings and seems to know of no perspectives except his own. No offense–as a man, you’re biologically programmed to be a selfish, irrational little critter, and I’m sure you’re doing your best–but you’re not presenting yourself as an exemplar of male thought here.

Just speaking normatively, of course.

There are probably all kinds of theories about it (especially within the field of evolutionary psychology) that may or may not accurately describe how this came to be but it really doesn’t matter as long as we agree that this dynamic does indeed exist (who knows maybe it is just socially conditioning as one of you has suggested).

Yes, evolutionary psychology will save you! Let me try: in ancient prehistoric cave times, men hunted the normative mammoth to feed us while women sat around doing their nails and watching reality television. Because mammoths are big, men evolved to see the big picture, while women evolved to focus on their feelings because they’re bitches who don’t appreciate a sweet bass solo. Normatively.

Is that the kind of thing you had in mind?

However, third point given the above, it is completely natural that some men will call out the content-providers on this. Human nature after all. Once again I’m not making a judgement on this good or bad (only – human nature to say – hey – what about me?).

Yes, it’s very sad there is no media aimed at straight men ages 18-35. You are oppressed.

Two homework assignments for you!

1) Here is a list of the top movies of 2015 so far:,2015&title_type=feature&sort=moviemeter,asc

From this list, please select three Emotional Lady Movies and three Non-Emotional Man Movies so we can figure out what the hell you’re talking about. (Fun bonus activity: see how far you have to scroll down the list before you find even one movie aimed primarily at women, Mr. Boo Hoo Only 90% of All Media Panders To Me.)

2) Look up the definition of the following words and use each correctly (I said CORRECTLY) in a sentence:


Thank you! You have a normative evening.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

misseb47 — definitely talk to your boss, and his if they aren’t the same person. If there’s an HR dept to go to you might want to start a record of his shit, even if you don’t want to make a formal complaint — idk how it’d work if a bunch of people told them that he says shitty things, but more records might help? Idk, do what you’re comfortable with. At minimum it sounds like you can make an active NOPE! out of it — he says something, you go “nope, not cool, I’m out!” and shun him, he might at least learn to stfu if your coworkers engage in shunning him.

Sometimes you say “what the FUCK is your problem?”, other times you go to the people in charge, other times you go for a smoke/coffee/whatever makes having to tolerate it easier — good luck in figuring out your best bet and in following it though!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Nice typo there >.<

That should be through, not though. One missed letter and I sound snarky instead of encouraging!

9 years ago

Wild man ” I think the man’s role is to try to see beyond any one perspective though, to see the many perspectives, so as to form a idea about the bigger picture”

HAHAHA You have got to be a troll. In any case, translation:
“Lol how cute, you silly ladies cant think right because of all those feelings, but allow me, a man, to use my man logic and reach the facts OBJECTIVELY since you can’t”

How about, the dicothomy between reason and emotion is a false one? Ever consider that?

9 years ago

Oh wow… You can just tell that Wild Man thinks of himself as some top hat-wearing proper gentleman, here to give us emotional “ladies” an education and an “objective” perspective. Us ladies are just far too likely to submit to our emotions to have any objectivity.

In my humble experience, the people who have tried to convince me hardest that they were objective just ended up being people who justified their biases with big words after the fact.

9 years ago

Well, it’s easy. If someone say that men and women have different role, either s/he talk of socially constructed roles, or s/he is ignorant.

occasional reader
occasional reader
9 years ago


I do not know about the laws in your country, but this may be reported to N+1 or above (if there are to many risks that N+1 agree with this person). Maybe also look at the other persons you are working with, to see if some are also disgusted by such a behavior. If there are, then go alltogether to report, it may have more weight (because multiple witnesses). And if you feel threatened, do not forget to say so at the police station.

From the article

Women waste more disposable income on entertainment and luxury than men.

And who makes the ads that incite women to buy this kind of stuff ? Men. And they do also that on men. Just remember that, here, we had a former president who, during the exercise of his functions, had declared that if you do not have a Rolex at 50, then your life is a fail.

Women work to buy things that make them feel good.

Do you mean that you work to buy things that make you feel bad ? Well, it is your choice, no need to blam others for it.

This is the inevitability of women in male spaces

Well, it is not like there are no men in women environments… Straw, beam, you know the song.
Complain about the scarcity of women, then complain about how they are pervasives to man environments. It is like double thinking in 1984…

Speaking of song, it seems that they are going from Aqua’s “Barbie girl” to Redpill’s “Ken boy”. All in all, it is still a plastic world.


I hope you stood up and opened the window before, dear redactor…

Have a nice day.

9 years ago

While we’re on the subject of words actually meaning things, Thomas Hobbes, you’ve completely misused ‘heretofore’. But good job on, y’know, sounding smart and stuff.

Zeb Berryman
Zeb Berryman
9 years ago

SCH: To be fair some Women’s shirts are design to have a much softer and silkier feel that all of the men’s clothes I’ve worn do not. Of course the argument is still bullshit since EVERYONE buys things that make them feel good if they can afford it regardless of gender.

9 years ago


Seconding the other advice, but also check out the Captain Awkward archives. There’s a lot of wise advice about dealing with unpleasant situations amd difficult people as an individual in a not wonderful society. It has made my life a lot easier. Plus, its really funny, and the language in the comments sections suggest a wide overlap in readers..

9 years ago

Last night, to get away from the creeping feminisation of all entertainment, I sat down to watch an action movie. It was a rollicking good story, provided you didn’t think too deeply about it: the sort of thing us dudes enjoy. Tom Hardy being all macho hero, violence and gore, shit blowing up, lots of stunt driving, half-dressed underwear models, and an electric guitar which shoots fire! Fuck yeah! I know I’m rather late in getting around to Mad Max: Fury Road, but I give it a belated thumbs up.

To be fair, I don’t know whether the OP agreed with the manosphere’s shrieking meltdown over Fury Road. Maybe he liked it, apart from the Doof Warrior’s chord progressions. But I couldn’t read his shit without thinking of how this movie was supposedly ruined by Charlize Theron being awesome, and by the extremist SJW message that women are not property.

Masculinity: so fragile.

9 years ago

That’s a sticky situation.

Other commenters here have excellent ideas.

Here are my suggestions. Try saying something like “I don’t want to hear that” in a nice, pleasantly neutral tone. If you have to say it again and again, you can vary it just a bit. “Nope, I don’t want to hear that”; “Still don’t want to hear that”; “You’re talking to the wrong person. I don’t want to hear that” are a few suggestions. He’ll get really bored.

Or you can be slightly jokey and say something like “Stop, you’re killing me”; “No, stop. You’re killing me”; and “You’re still killing me.”

If this doesn’t work, report his actions to his supervisor.

Or you might want to just go to his supervisor and skip the preliminaries.

I reported someone recently. I never used to do that. I would just suffer in silence. I have to tell you, I am very, very proud of myself. Yay, me!

Good luck with this. Please let us know how it turns out–if you feel okay talking about it.

I’m sending positive energy your way.

9 years ago

I’m posting a quick update here on the Sweden/Trollhättan events, since I don’t know if the other comment thread is active anymore. I guess general TW since the topic is violent.

– Confirmed 3 people dead, including the perpetrator (henceforth referred to as ALP).

– ALP was wearing a mask and attacked students and teachers with a sword. His was in possession of several other melee weapons.

– Some students have reported initially believing ALP had dressed up for Halloween. He reportedly posed for selfies with several students. One such photo has been published by mainstream news outlets. ALP is wearing a mask in the picture.

– The ‘teacher’ who died in the attack was a 20 year old ‘student assistant’ with I believe Kurdish background (based on his name). He had graduated from high school the year before.

– A teenage boy was killed. He came to Sweden from Somalia 3 years ago. His age is disputed. When his family came to Sweden, the boy was determined to have been born in 1998. His mother claims he was born in 2000.

– It was previously reported that an 11 year old boy was killed. This turned out to be false.

– A 41 year old teacher was critically injured. His condition is now is now described as stabilized. I don’t know if his identity has been made public.

– A 15 year old boy was critically injured but is now recovering. He is a refugee from Syria who came to Sweden only 9 months ago.

– ALP was a 21 year old white man with a Swedish name.

– The police fired two shots, one of which fatally wounded ALP. He died later in the hospital.

– It was immediately reported that ALP had expressed right wing extremist / Nazi views online.

– This morning (Friday), the police have confirmed that it was likely a hate crime. This is based on what was found when searching through ALP’s apartment, and looking into his internet activity, as well as his actions during the attack.

– The police confirmed it appears ALP carefully selected his victims. He had been walking around the school building for a long time, covering a large area, and could injured significantly more people than he did.

– ALP left a ‘note’ in his apartment, the contents of which have not been made public.

– Today, a school in Örebro has been closed due to receiving an anonymous threat through Facebook.

– Another school, in Visby, has been closed due to a threat posted to 4chan. A local newspaper reported that some students are locked inside the school and nobody will be allowed to exit or enter the building at the moment.

– In Östersund, police got reports of two individuals armed with swords in the vicinity of a school. In this case it turned out to be part of actual Halloween outfits, and the persons were not carrying real weapons.

– After the police statement this morning, the attack is being reported as a hate crime by mainstream media.

– Aftonbladet’s Oisín Cantwell calls it the worst terrorist attack in Sweden since 1940, when 5 people were killed in a politically motivated attack against a communist magazine. Cantwell: (link in Swedish)

..and that’s that.

9 years ago

Off topic: Here is an update on the latest terrorist attack by a right-wing white male.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

(Also, why do all MRAs talk like a college student failing an essay? Emphasis on “Failing.”)

Just skimming the quotes in OP, I noticed failure to spell “zeitgeist” and failure to include negative in “could not care less”. Gives a nice touch to high intellectual pretension.

9 years ago

Apoligies in advance for possibly double posting. My original comment contained a link, and went into moderation. I’m reposting it without the link, and there’s no need to approve the previous comments if this one goes through.

I’m posting a quick update here on the Sweden/Trollhättan events, since I don’t know if the other comment thread is active anymore. I guess general TW since the topic is violent.

– Confirmed 3 people dead, including the perpetrator (henceforth referred to as ALP).

– ALP was wearing a mask and attacked students and teachers with a sword. His was in possession of several other melee weapons.

– Some students have reported initially believing ALP had dressed up for Halloween. He reportedly posed for selfies with several students. One such photo has been published by mainstream news outlets. ALP is wearing a mask in the picture.

– The ‘teacher’ who died in the attack was a 20 year old ‘student assistant’ with I believe Kurdish background (based on his name). He had graduated from high school the year before.

– A teenage boy was killed. He came to Sweden from Somalia 3 years ago. His age is disputed. When his family came to Sweden, the boy was determined to have been born in 1998. His mother claims he was born in 2000.

– It was previously reported that an 11 year old boy was killed. This turned out to be false.

– A 41 year old teacher was critically injured. His condition is now is now described as stabilized. I don’t know if his identity has been made public.

– A 15 year old boy was critically injured but is now recovering. He is a refugee from Syria who came to Sweden only 9 months ago.

– ALP was a 21 year old white man with a Swedish name.

– The police fired two shots, one of which fatally wounded ALP. He died later in the hospital.

– It was immediately reported that ALP had expressed right wing extremist / Nazi views online.

– This morning (Friday), the police have confirmed that it was likely a hate crime. This is based on what was found when searching through ALP’s apartment, and looking into his internet activity, as well as his actions during the attack.

– The police confirmed it appears ALP carefully selected his victims. He had been walking around the school building for a long time, covering a large area, and could injured significantly more people than he did.

– ALP left a ‘note’ in his apartment, the contents of which have not been made public.

– Today, a school in Örebro has been closed due to receiving an anonymous threat through Facebook.

– Another school, in Visby, has been closed due to a threat posted to 4chan. A local newspaper reported that some students are locked inside the school and nobody will be allowed to exit or enter the building at the moment.

– In Östersund, police got reports of two individuals armed with swords in the vicinity of a school. In this case it turned out to be part of actual Halloween outfits, and the persons were not carrying real weapons.

– After the police statement this morning, the attack is being reported as a hate crime by mainstream media.

– Aftonbladet’s Oisín Cantwell calls it the worst terrorist attack in Sweden since 1940, when 5 people were killed in a politically motivated attack against a communist magazine.

..and that’s that.

9 years ago

So who is destroying culture for real? Who is committing most of the violence? Day in, day out, another school attack by a white, right-wing male.