a woman is always to blame antifeminism entitled babies girl germs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men red pill reddit

“Women don’t need good chord progressions,” and other ways the ladies are destroying culture by being ladies

Chord choices have consequences!
Chord choices have consequences!

This just in! According to some random dude on the Red Pill subreddit, our culture is going to hell in a little pink handbasket and it’s all the fault of you women.


Television is all crappy reality shows and Kardashian type gossip magazine rubbish.

Every single movie has a romantic subplot forced into it, even movies “Made for men”.

ESPN spends more time on human interest pieces, Breast Cancer Awareness, and if Lamar Odom is staying with Khloe than actual sports.

Music gets more shallow, filthy(seriously, eat the booty like groceries?), and repetitive every day.

The problem? The entertainment biz is

simply giving women exactly what they want. This is the invasion of women into male spaces these liberal minded progressives clamored for.

Don’t try to deny it, ladies! You know it’s true. Because women want our entertainment to be crap. Also, entertainment consists entirely of TV, movies, sports, and music. Books do not count! They are only for women and manginas! And don’t even think about, you know, paintings and all that shit.

Women don’t care about the actual athletics behind sports. They could care less about the hardwork and dedication that goes into progress, they like the excitement and the player’s lives.

Women don’t need a “good movie”, they need a movie that makes them feel good. They need some romantic subplot that makes them feel special and hopeful and not alone.

And it gets worse:

Women don’t need good chord progression, lyrics that exalt a virtue or dig deep into the cultural zeitgiest, they just want a fun beat that makes them feel good.

Screw you ladies, and your terrible chord progressions! I mean, I’ve seen it a million times. Some dude comes up and he’s all

E – B – C#m – A

And the lady is all, nuh-uh!

C – B – F

And you’re like, what the hell is this bullshit!


Guess what? I know an Asian that’s tall and has a big dick, are we gonna just assume that’s the average? Grow up.

YEAH! You tell ’em wait what?

I don’t remember learning about that argument in debate club.

This is the inevitability of women in male spaces, and more importantly the economy catering to women: Women waste more disposable income on entertainment and luxury than men. Women work to buy things that make them feel good.

Of course these industries are going to cater to women because there’s just so much fucking money in it.

But what can we men do?

we’re not going to stop listening to music or watching movies. We’re not going to turn sports off. These industries know this and thus can pocket from both sides.


The truth is things will never change until men are more united, until we are unified in one voice that says “We’re not paying for this shit anymore.”

YOU TELL ‘EM! No more movies with romantic subplots! We only want to see people blowing shit up! NO KISSING.

And no more music with fun beats! WE DEMAND HIGH QUALITY CHORD PROGRESSIONS ONLY! And would it kill you to throw in a Dsus4 chord every once in a while? NO. No it wouldn’t.

Unfortunately, the betas would rather shoot up schools because they’re not getting pussy.

Yeah, fuck those fucking betas, with their inability to score pussy and their tolerance of weak-ass chord progressions.

And that shooting up schools thing, that sucks too.

H/T — r/TheBluePill



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9 years ago

“Women work to buy things that make them feel good.”

So… then why is men’s underwear not made out of sandpaper? Surely cotton feels too good and is therefore girly.

And he can stick the movie comment up his butt. It’s men like him who last year put my Turtles in a film that focused less on them and more on Megan Fox and her ass; so men like him in fact ruin films.

9 years ago

Women don’t need a “good movie”, they need a movie that makes them feel good.

Oh, I dunno. I loved Thelma and Louise, but the heroines both die in the end, holding hands as their beautiful vintage convertible goes flying into the Grand Canyon.

But maybe the dude is onto something. All the man-murderin’ misandry that preceded their death leap made me feel mighty good, yuh-huh.

9 years ago

Bottled Rage at Women + lack of impulse control + Internet = obscure delusional rant based on literally no facts whatsoever

This is the sort of thing that, pre-Internet, someone might think of briefly then discard, or tell their friends who would, like as not, laugh at them, even if they shared the same values. But now anyone can post rubbish and find an audience to validate it. Making it much harder for them to see a silly idea for what it is.

And now he’s made a fool of himself online, it will follow him indefinitely with mockery, ironically making it even harder to see this is a load of rubbish.

Wow. Thanks for the laugh.

9 years ago


Parachuting beavers *could* be on topic. Do they have disposable incomes? What chord progressions do they favour? What are their thoughts on romantic subplots in action movies?

9 years ago


That movie broke me so hard. 10/10

9 years ago

Wild Man,
You think women are the ones who act like their feelings are of primary importance? Who went into frothing meltdowns over female Ghostbusters? Over criticisms of sexism in video games? Over a middle aged Bond girl? It wasn’t me. Or any other women I can think of. What exactly is your evidence that the media is catering to entitled female emotions? Come on now.

9 years ago

Pssh everyone knows the board members of the nfl and record labels are all women, duhhh, no men at all nope nope

9 years ago

Women are being exploited more today on popular culture than ever before and he thinks women want this?

9 years ago

What have feeeeemales been blamed for so far?

Mass murders committed by entitled men? Check.
All divorces? Check.
Abuse, even when the woman is the victim? Check.
Earthquakes? Check.
Media and entertainment changing, apparently for the worst? Check.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

@Wild Man

If you want to play the “I’m not an MRA but…” game, don’t say “Mainstream media.” Bit of a dog whistle, that.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

magnesium | October 22, 2015 at 5:51 pm
Oh I love 14 year olds ranting about being in le wrong generation.

Guess what? I know an Asian that’s tall and has a big dick, are we gonna just assume that’s the average? Grow up.

Dude, stop staring at, and publicly discussing, your friends’ junk. Rude.

Did he at least say “no homo” beforehand?

Wild Man | October 22, 2015 at 7:43 pm
Though the basic premise of the above quoted Red Pill subreddit post was poorly stated, I think there is something to his basic idea. The basic idea is that normatively, women are more prone to behaving like their personal feelings are of primary importance in any circumstance. If main stream media is now increasingly pandering to that mindset, it is completely natural that some men will take issue and call MSM out on this.

I just love when men try to mansplain my feelings and actions to me.
comment image

Look dood, “women” are not “more prone to behaving like our personal feelings are of primary importance”, we’re just socialized to believe that we should express our feelings, whereas men are socialized to bottle them all up because feelings are “girly” or some stupid toxic bullshit like that that destroys mens’ psyches on a fundamental level on a daily basis.

In other words, women are allowed to feel, men are not, and that’s bullshit because feelings are healthy and should not be assigned to one specific gender. However, It. Is. Not. The. Fault. Of. Women. You. Absolute. Cockbite.

“Mainstream media” isn’t “pandering” to women and our precious lil’ fee-fees because of whatever bullshit OP pulled from his poop chute this morning, “mainstream media” is finally pulling their collective heads out of their collective butts a bit and realizing that people besides Cishet Middle-Class 18-32-year-old White Dudes exist, and realize that those other groups of people are willing to pay more money for their product if “mainstream media” stops and throws them a fucking bone.

But of course, most media still caters to the CMC1832WD demographic. Baby steps.

9 years ago

The truth is things will never change until men are more united, until we are unified in one voice that says ‘We’re not paying for this shit anymore.’

Yeah, brother, pump that fist!! ‘Cuz when us ladeez are paying for all the sh8t, that’s definitely when the sh8t-purveryors are going to wake up and realize that they should work really hard to try and please men.

True word.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

The basic idea is that normatively, women are more prone to behaving like their personal feelings are of primary importance in any circumstance.

An idea which has no evidence to back it up, but sure, let’s apply vague math terms to give AWALT a veneer of sciencey respectability.

The entire article is a redpill dude arguing that his feelings are of primary importance: His subjective feeling that TV and movies and music are getting worse. His subjective feeling that women are to blame for this. His subjective feeling that having to look at women and blacks on a screen and hear about breast cancer is boring and annoying. His subjective feelng that women aren’t interested in anything profound.

If personal feelings are a poor basis for making judgments, then his argument undermines its own merit, and feelings are actually a good thing. But then his argument has merit after all, but if he’s right, it follows that feelings are bad, so his argument is now false, because he’s using feelings to make his point. And so on.

Solution to the paradox: pull head out of ass, take deep breath, realize the world is not going to end if a few more films pass the Bechdel test. 14 is too young to be yelling at other kids to stop that frivolous partying and get off the damn lawn.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

(Also, bro, pretty sure you meant “Normally” there. You’d still be wrong, but at least you’d be grammatically correct. Unless you were referring to social norms, of course – specifically, the social norm of toxic masculinity, in which case, thanks for proving all our points for us.)

9 years ago

I knew it wouldn’t take more than a few hours to get a reason to use my new favorite gif. It sums up my opinion of Wild Man’s post perfectly.–88BezYje–/1485598659284007341.gif

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
9 years ago


“The entire article is a redpill dude arguing that his feelings are of primary importance: His subjective feeling that TV and movies and music are getting worse. His subjective feeling that women are to blame for this. His subjective feeling that having to look at women and blacks on a screen and hear about breast cancer is boring and annoying. His subjective feelng that women aren’t interested in anything profound.”

No-no-no! When women like a movie, that’s because of feelie-feelies, but when he likes a movie, that means it’s OBJECTIVELY SUPERIOR.

Wild Man
Wild Man
9 years ago

Hi ladies – thank-you for the comments. I like it when the ladies give credence to the importance of their feelings. For me it brightens my mood. I think the man’s role is to try to see beyond any one perspective though, to see the many perspectives, so as to form a idea about the bigger picture. Your expressions are good input (but I am a mature man so I’m not not going to stall there, and you wouldn’t want me to anyway).

I will rephrase my premise in less volatile terms. In my experience, normatively, women tend to behave as if their own personal feelings are of primary importance in any circumstance. This is a normative issue (i.e.- there are wide individual differences) and as such, men are also subject to this, but normatively, they are less so subjected to this way of relating. There will be a greater tendency, normatively, for men to seek the many perspectives so as to formulate the bigger picture (once again with a wide variation of individual differences among men, and among women for this propensity). I don’t know why this dynamic exists, but it isn’t hard to see that it does. Agreed? There are probably all kinds of theories about it (especially within the field of evolutionary psychology) that may or may not accurately describe how this came to be but it really doesn’t matter as long as we agree that this dynamic does indeed exist (who knows maybe it is just socially conditioning as one of you has suggested).

So given the above, the next point is that some people think that media content-providers seem to be increasingly catering to the woman’s more feeling based mindset. I think there is some evidence for this. I don’t think it is particularly necessary to make any judgement about this, good or bad, It probably is the case that a slight change in target demographic is undertaken for business reasons (because it is seen as something that will bring more profits). Nothing wrong with that.

However, third point given the above, it is completely natural that some men will call out the content-providers on this. Human nature after all. Once again I’m not making a judgement on this good or bad (only – human nature to say – hey – what about me?).

I don’t think I implied anything more than the above in my original post.

Good evening ladies. Good to hear from you. Have a pleasant evening and sleep well.

9 years ago

In my experience, normatively, women tend to behave as if their own personal feelings are of primary importance in any circumstance.

In your experience? That’s pretty much just code for your subjective and feelings based opinion. Anecdotes aren’t data. One of the many reasons anecdotes aren’t data is that our personal observations are colored by bias. Judging from the condescension towards “ladies” you display in your post, I have a sneaking suspicion that you might be ignoring emotional and/or entitled behavior in men and looking for it in women.

This is a normative issue (i.e.- there are wide individual differences) and as such, men are also subject to this, but normatively, they are less so subjected to this way of relating.

You should stop using the word “normative.” You don’t seem to quite know what it means.

There will be a greater tendency, normatively, for men to seek the many perspectives so as to formulate the bigger picture (once again with a wide variation of individual differences among men, and among women for this propensity).

Citation needed

I don’t know why this dynamic exists, but it isn’t hard to see that it does. Agreed?

No. Your entire argument hypothesis rests on no more than your say so. Where is your evidence.

There are probably all kinds of theories about it (especially within the field of evolutionary psychology) that may or may not accurately describe how this came to be but it really doesn’t matter as long as we agree that this dynamic does indeed exist (who knows maybe it is just socially conditioning as one of you has suggested).

Probably? So, in other words, you don’t know. You’re just pulling things out of your ass and assuming they’re factual. I have a degree in psychology and at no point during my studies did I learn about women thinking their feelings are of primary importance in any circumstance. You should also know that evo psych is purely speculative because it can’t be tested. It is in no way scientific.

I love it when trolls come here and Dunning Krueger all over everything. It’s so cute when they think a penis gives them magical logicking powers.

9 years ago
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

I will rephrase my premise in less volatile terms. In my experience, normatively, women tend to behave as if their own personal feelings are of primary importance in any circumstance. This is a normative issue (i.e.- there are wide individual differences) and as such, men are also subject to this, but normatively, they are less so subjected to this way of relating. There will be a greater tendency, normatively, for men to seek the many perspectives so as to formulate the bigger picture (once again with a wide variation of individual differences among men, and among women for this propensity).

So, you don’t mean “Normatively” or “Normally,” you mean… “On average.”


(Also, why do all MRAs talk like a college student failing an essay? Emphasis on “Failing.”)

9 years ago

I too miss the days when rock music was all about temperance, diligence, and chastity.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

(And yes, Wild Moron, I know it’s a bit petty to pick on that particular kernel of idiocy in a drain-clogger of a turd so full of them, but I tore a tendon in my hand and typing is a pain in the… Well, hand.

Video games: More physical than they look!)

9 years ago

The basic idea is that normatively, women are more prone to behaving like their personal feelings are of primary importance in any circumstance.

Which is why we try to boycott movies that have anyone in a leading role who doesn’t look like us.

9 years ago

Wild Man:

I will rephrase my premise in less volatile terms. In my experience, normatively, women tend to behave as if their own personal feelings are of primary importance in any circumstance.

Can you please explain what this means exactly? Maybe provide examples of a woman “behaving as if her own personal feelings are of primary importance in a situation” and then please explain what am man would “normatively” do instead?

Oh, and evidence of this would be nice a well.

9 years ago

Hello everyone. This is unrelated, but I need some advice. I am having trouble with a guy at work. He is a racist and a creep. He keeps making ridiculous stories about the people who work opposite our warehouse. He aldo