a woman is always to blame antifeminism entitled babies girl germs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men red pill reddit

“Women don’t need good chord progressions,” and other ways the ladies are destroying culture by being ladies

Chord choices have consequences!
Chord choices have consequences!

This just in! According to some random dude on the Red Pill subreddit, our culture is going to hell in a little pink handbasket and it’s all the fault of you women.


Television is all crappy reality shows and Kardashian type gossip magazine rubbish.

Every single movie has a romantic subplot forced into it, even movies “Made for men”.

ESPN spends more time on human interest pieces, Breast Cancer Awareness, and if Lamar Odom is staying with Khloe than actual sports.

Music gets more shallow, filthy(seriously, eat the booty like groceries?), and repetitive every day.

The problem? The entertainment biz is

simply giving women exactly what they want. This is the invasion of women into male spaces these liberal minded progressives clamored for.

Don’t try to deny it, ladies! You know it’s true. Because women want our entertainment to be crap. Also, entertainment consists entirely of TV, movies, sports, and music. Books do not count! They are only for women and manginas! And don’t even think about, you know, paintings and all that shit.

Women don’t care about the actual athletics behind sports. They could care less about the hardwork and dedication that goes into progress, they like the excitement and the player’s lives.

Women don’t need a “good movie”, they need a movie that makes them feel good. They need some romantic subplot that makes them feel special and hopeful and not alone.

And it gets worse:

Women don’t need good chord progression, lyrics that exalt a virtue or dig deep into the cultural zeitgiest, they just want a fun beat that makes them feel good.

Screw you ladies, and your terrible chord progressions! I mean, I’ve seen it a million times. Some dude comes up and he’s all

E – B – C#m – A

And the lady is all, nuh-uh!

C – B – F

And you’re like, what the hell is this bullshit!


Guess what? I know an Asian that’s tall and has a big dick, are we gonna just assume that’s the average? Grow up.

YEAH! You tell ’em wait what?

I don’t remember learning about that argument in debate club.

This is the inevitability of women in male spaces, and more importantly the economy catering to women: Women waste more disposable income on entertainment and luxury than men. Women work to buy things that make them feel good.

Of course these industries are going to cater to women because there’s just so much fucking money in it.

But what can we men do?

we’re not going to stop listening to music or watching movies. We’re not going to turn sports off. These industries know this and thus can pocket from both sides.


The truth is things will never change until men are more united, until we are unified in one voice that says “We’re not paying for this shit anymore.”

YOU TELL ‘EM! No more movies with romantic subplots! We only want to see people blowing shit up! NO KISSING.

And no more music with fun beats! WE DEMAND HIGH QUALITY CHORD PROGRESSIONS ONLY! And would it kill you to throw in a Dsus4 chord every once in a while? NO. No it wouldn’t.

Unfortunately, the betas would rather shoot up schools because they’re not getting pussy.

Yeah, fuck those fucking betas, with their inability to score pussy and their tolerance of weak-ass chord progressions.

And that shooting up schools thing, that sucks too.

H/T — r/TheBluePill



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9 years ago

Thank you for the advice, Argenti Aertheri and Occasional Reader. :-). Luckily for me I work in a very small company, just 10 employees. So his boss is also the CEO of the company. So the comoany doesn’t have an HR department, or anything like that. The good thing is that I am able talk to the CEO directly. He is a very approachable person and I have been able to talk to him and the warehouse manager about other concerns I have had. So I am sure they would listen about this one. I don’t think he would be pleased with the way his employee had been behaving. Racism is not tolerated here and it does reflect badly on the company. I hope that would at least get him to cut it out. I will write down everything offensive he says. I will speak to my other colleagues, as well. 4 of them are Asian, so I am wondering if they have been victims of his racism or have overheard something offensive. If he gets creepy and stalky, I will go to the police. Thanks again for your help! ????

Argenti Aertheri- don’t worry, I make LOTS if typos, too. In my last post, I even managed to send it half way through! XD

9 years ago

And yep, there’s another one! Company instead of whatever it was I typed.

9 years ago

When I was learning about jazz, the concept of ‘chord progressions’ (or changes) took me quite a bit of time to grasp. Not being able to recognize them when they were happening made it harder.

But I was trying to understand, and that helped. Hint, hint, Mr. Man.

John Pavlich (@johnpavlich)

People spend their money the way they want. People are going to have different ideas of what equates to spending money frivolously, and what counts as a worthwhile expenditure.

I think it’s interesting how everybody seems to have super-power level vision because they always see every person in the checkout line paying with food stamps for their cart full of steaks, lobster, sodas, candy, cigarettes and booze. And if there’s a news article someplace about the disability program, food stamps, social security, or how much life sucks for the poor – for every one commenter who shows a hint of compassion they get trampled by a hundred replies where each one of them has neighbors lying to get disability, living the high life on food stamps while they suffer and do without because they don’t want a handout, and all the other ridiculous fabricated tales they trot out for such occasions. Yes yes Sparky, you see those too-many-children-having welfare queens and baby-daddies with lobster and booze, yes yes, and the neighbor isn’t disabled but a lawyer helped him get SSD and nobody took your reporting him for fraud seriously, whatever. And not a one of them stops and sees what an asshat they sound like just reading their own shit-on-people trifle.

Too much free time – if they’ve gotten that nosy and up in peoples business.

I have a Half-Brother. He’s a Lawyer, lives in California and has a Daughter. We’ve never met, never spoken on the phone but he constantly responds to things I post on Facebook. Last month, I posted an art piece I’d made in support of Equality Now. It included Joss Whedon’s “We need equality, kinda now” speech. He asked me what this was for, so I explained to him that Equality Now deals in equal rights for women. His response: “You mean equal rights, as in the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? They already have that.” Then, “Wait, is this for other countries?” Again, this guy has a Daughter (who is actually bright, friendly, a delight to talk to and has a good head on her shoulders. Go figure).

Today, I quoted someone from this thread, about how “Women and poor people get subjected to intense scrutiny and judgment over how they spend their money, because they’re perceived as inherently childish and irresponsible. It’s presumed that without adult supervision, they’ll go off the rails and throw all their income away on selfish pleasures. After all, they don’t do Real Work, so how can they understand the value of money? The thinking goes something like this:
Man buys a bottle of Scotch = He works hard all day and needs to relax and unwind, so quit nagging.
Woman goes to spa = Bubble-headed, self-centered, frivolous waste of money.
Rich person buys steak = Job creator, deserves to eat well and be surrounded by comforts.
Poor person buys steak = Welfare cheat, poor people are not allowed to have treats or be comfortable, now get back to work.”

He accused me of being dishonest in these examples because it doesn’t take into account the people who don’t actually work, who I guess he feels he has a right to say something about how they spend money because it’s not “their money” but rather, money provided to them from people like him, through what he calls “forced charity.” I’d reached my breaking point. I went over to his page, preparing to flat-out block him, when I saw his latest post, in which he claimed he was opting out of the Affordable Care Act next year because “it doesn’t work the way you morons think it does” and that he was no longer going to “support the entitled”.

So, I blocked him. I know he’s technically “family”. I just couldn’t deal with his brand of BS, anymore. He had legitimately insulted me and looked down his nose at me. To quote from Firefly (as I often do), “I cannot abide useless people”. As someone who is disabled (legally blind), I am currently unable to hold down a job (or even go to and from one, if I actually had one). As such, I receive a severely limited, monthly income from the government (around $750). Just two days ago, my next door neighbor was kind enough to buy for my pets a $7 bag of dog food, as it’s the end of the month and I have only $5 to my name, at the moment.

What people like my Brother and this Red-Piller don’t understand is that any “luxuries” I do have (39-inch HDTV, 15-years-old gaming console, futon, mini-tower PC, etc.) were obtained from either literally years of savings (which is nearly impossible to do on a budget such as mine) or from second-hand gifts. Also not considered, is how my income goes right back into the economy with every purchase I make, be it groceries, the occasional movie ticket or blu-ray or even paying rent. Because I am a quiet, law-abiding citizen, my residence in any given apartment complex reflects well for them, so they have an incentive (from that County and State) to keep me living there.

I once saw a guy on Fox News try to claim that people who had air conditioning, refrigerators and microwave ovens didn’t actually qualify as “poor”. Never mind that most of these things come standard and pre-installed when you move into a new apartment. I’m sure there are people that think my possession of an iPhone and this very internet means I’m somehow dishonestly hurting the “system” or using “my” money irresponsibly. Well, because of my disability, the internet is not a luxury but a life-saving necessity (as it probably is for most people, hence why it’s even in our phones, now) and many phone service providers have great, inexpensive payment plans and customer-appreciation-contract-incentives, that often result in a FREE smartphone.

Sorry, everyone. I’m just venting at this point. I’m tired, hungry and mad at the world. Or at least, mad at a small, heartless and ignorant subsection of it. In any case, thank you for giving me a place where I can voice such frustrations. 🙂

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

Is this good chord progression?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Argenti Aertheri | October 23, 2015 at 8:19 pm
Fucking brilliant, just what my wallet needed — one end of bulb has disconnected from the metal end plates, in a decade old fixture. Looks like I’m replacing the whole thing >.< At least it's Nivi's tank, she doesn't care if she's got a light or not.

Aw, I was imagining you in a military tank. Now I’m sad.

Kat | October 23, 2015 at 10:11 pm
No doubt the Wild Man (Hey there, Mr. Man! I know you’re reading this) and others of his ilk are rattled by articles such as this, which are becoming more common these days:

I personally don’t want Hillary to win the presidency, but she’s damn good at what she does, and she’s far above any of the “candidates” the GOP has shat out.

Though, I did watch that video clip where the Republican senator of Tennessee was grilling the CEO of Planned Parenthood, and not only did he continue to talk over her constantly, but then at the end he was like “Well my time’s coming to an end, so let me just imply that you’re a criminal and you’re doing Bad Things, despite you saying you’re not and proving you’re not and I’m judging you right now because you don’t seem repentant enough for these crimes you didn’t actually commit but I think you did”.

A very loud “fuck you!” came out of my mouth.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

I think this is the chord progression he’s looking for

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Come on PI! Me, tanks, and you didn’t think fish? I’m a little hurt! I kid, but seriously, if we pretend Nivi is a fish I’ve got five tanks, and now three lighting fixtures >.< (the tiny tank is mostly snails and a catfish, so fuck it, I'm not dealing with a corroded integarated light)

John Pavlich — first, I'm sorry if I just misspelt your name, iOS will panic if I go back to check it. But "So, I blocked him. I know he’s technically “family”."? So what? My, uh, we'll go with cousin, cuz Italian families are weird, got blocked by his own fucking father for awhile — genetics shouldn't be a pass for being a right wing douche!

Seriously though, as someone gainfully unemployed as a crazy person, yes, I have a mac laptop — it's fucking seven years old, yes, I have an iPad, it was a Christmas present from my parents, and my iPhone? Secondhand, provider costs like $25 a month, and it's damned nice not having to use my parents phone and a paper calendar and my rubbish memory to deal with my psychs office!

As for the fish… well, I'm a master at getting equipment secondhand, most of it is from goodwill, granted, the goodwill outlet is a clusterfuck where yeah, Nivi's tank was like $5, but I all too often find myself trying to pile the books in some order so the covers aren't lost, since they've already been torn out of carelessness.

I'm rambling. It's late, I'm tired, meds are probably kicking in, so I'm off. G'night guys!

9 years ago

Speaking of chord progressions…

I’ve listened to “Beyond the Sea” something like 50 times in the last few hours, because I’m wrestling with arranging it for acappella, and it’s so repetitive but at the same time there’s all these sneaky little things I want to fit in but I only have so many voice parts and…

The walking bass line is my baby.

The basses better be able to pull it off, because it is my brain-baby.

If not, they can be banished to the horrors of the baritone line.

I think I can finish cracking it out in a couple hours, and then I’ll work some more on “For the Dancing and the Dreaming”.

Arranging is hard. I’m not particularly brilliant at it, either, because I do a little too much “writing down what I hear” and pay too much attention to “this is the chord that fits the progression” and not enough “writing down what makes it feel right and preserves the feeling of the piece”, which is why I’m not Deke Sharon or whateves.

Yeah, Music Bros, you heard me: what makes the best arrangements is the feels, not the technical knowledge. If it was the technical knowledge, I’d be pro.

So all these dudes whining about there being too many feels?

They got good music completely backwards.

(sorry, late night ramble, been working on this song way too long, the basses are going to hate me sooo much, especially after I pulled Don’t Worry on them…)

9 years ago

Argenti, sleep well, and may you find a super awesome light for Nivi for a really good bargain secondhand somewhere in the next bit.

Stupid part with the stupid brass taking melody and then the strings taking over is kicking my butt. I’m tempted to just cut it, but its the coolest part of the whole thingymajigger so I don’t want too.

I should probably stop posting.

John Pavlich (@johnpavlich)

@Argenti You got it right. All is well. I’ve tried to have fish as pets before but they always seem to die during transport from one bowl/tank to the next, even if I followed the necessary steps (temperature control), correctly. Looks like it’s dogs and/or cats from here on out. 🙂

9 years ago


I’m sorry I just had to delurk to say, ” wtf did I just read?”

(I’ve read my share of college papers, and this whole normative thing reads a bit closer to the hs essays I used to edit.)

9 years ago

I know Wild Troll has flounced, but I hope it’s okay to respond to a few more points—

yes, I am using personal experience to make my case. But it is just so obvious. Like how can you miss it? You do talk to a variety of people right? Discourse from women is generally different than that of men. You seriously cannot disagree with this? If you don’t think there are any differences then I guess there is no point in discussing it any further. To further the discussion I am expecting you to draw from your own personal experience as well.

I seriously can disagree with this, yes. I’ll bring my personal experience into it, if you like.

I talk to both men and women on the regular, both in my family, at my workplace, and as a teacher who has both male and female students. Communication styles and logical skills vary wildly between *individual* men and women, but there are not broad patterns that encompass the entire genders. I can easily point out people I know who are prone to emotional outbursts, or are quiet and reserved, or who are freethinking intuitive types, or who are organized logical types, or who talk a lot, or who almost never talk, or who are highly social, or who are near-hermits, or who are good at seeing the big picture, or who get hung up on personal bias, and I can find roughly equal numbers of men and women in all of those categories.

I mean, for goodness’ sake, you addressed everyone who replied to you as “ladies”, despite a number of them being men, because you couldn’t tell the difference just from how we talk about a serious subject.

I’m skipping the bulk of this post, because it all depends on accepting the “obvious” premise that there is a big difference in how men and women rationalize things. And by the way, this is why people aren’t engaging with you on *why* men and women are so different in this regard, because we think your starting assumption is wrong.

This site is rather new for me so I might be a bit dense about what you ladies and gentlemen want to discuss here.

I mean, it does say “The new misogyny, tracked and mocked” right in the header, but okay.

Look I have been trying out my thoughts on the fascinating subject of the man/woman dynamic all over the place the last 2 – 3 months, because I want to understand this.

You clearly *don’t* want to understand this, because you are unwilling to entertain any idea that challenges your baseline assumption. I may as well declare that dihydrogen monoxide is clearly, obviously a different substance than water, and then go around the internet trying to get people to explain the divergent chemical properties to me.

Pretty much everybody else: Your responses are very acidic and not very conducive to instilling a willingness to further communicate on my part.

I’m pretty sure that the harshest thing I said in my first reply to you is that people think you are wrong. Several other commenters have had quite a level tone in replying to you, even when expressing contrary ideas. Could it be that your emotions are clouding the way you are reading our responses?

Also: That divide and conquer tactic doesn’t really work here.

I can see there are some smart people here so I know you can understand what I said in my earlier posts. But you pretend you can’t.

Aside from joking about some incorrect word usage, I haven’t seen anyone acting like they don’t understand you. We are acting like we *disagree* with you, which we do, and which is not at all the same thing.

But if I had to venture a guess it would be that you don’t want to talk about anything new.

“Men are rational” and “women are [over-]emotional”, along with healthy doses of “exceptions only prove the rule”, is anything BUT a new idea. It may be a new idea to you, but in actual fact, this is one of the oldest anti-feminist talking points there is.

My past personal experiences about the man/woman dynamic has been reinforced by this communication attempt of mine (and I am surprised by the comments from the men – not sure what is going on there, and I guess that will have to remain a mystery for now, but you do have me wondering…

I am truly baffled by how getting a totally unexpected response confirms your existing bias, but okay.

9 years ago


I cut out the instrumental bridge, though. I’m kind of bummed about that, but it just wasn’t going anywhere good any time soon.

It’s also well past one in the morning… so yeah.

But the walking bass line is legit!

Sorry, I’m excited. It’s been a long afternoon-evening-morning-thing.

9 years ago

You’ve implied my CSS skills are high level expertise!

Well, I’ve no reason to do otherwise. Just as I’m pretty sure that Wild Man’s are non-existent, given his throwaway suggestion to “create a ‘reply to’ for individual comments”. Only those with zero web design experience assume that every feature can be added just by clicking a button.

Actual answer to your snark

Just as long as you are aware that the snark was directed at Wild Man. I do try to be careful where I direct my snark. After all, that stuff is LIQUID GOLD!

That PHP function is built into WordPress

And is filterable. If you move to .org (which, I understand, WHTM is about to do), it’s relatively easy to build some customised comment handling via the theme without having to rebuild the whole function.

but on .com your CSS the editing abilities are highly curtailed and while themes should include the ability to use threaded commenting, they may not do it in ways that make anyone want to use it.

Hence my point that it’s not a simple thing to implement right now. At least the free themes on .org have a mandatory requirement to handle threaded comments in an acceptable manner. Longer term, .com themes should do the same.

/ theme dev out

9 years ago

I like “comoany.” It’s like when one troll comes in here and starts moaning and another one comes in and starts being comoany. 😀

On the topic of CSS/HTML skills (sorry, I forgot who was excited that their skills were actually considered skills, and I’m on my phone), I used to feel like my CSS/HTML skills were nothing ‘useful’ because they weren’t ‘real’ skills like compiled languages and I didn’t know a lot of js. But now that I know Java, C#, js, and a number of other ‘real’ languages, I know that I was flat out wrong before. It’s a skill, and a difficult to master one. It’s also a completely different beast than programming, and it’s incredibly useful to have someone who is good at it around. Don’t sell yourself short. 🙂

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I know C, and frankly I find CSS harder.

A.A. Wils
9 years ago

Aw man! Grad school has me missing out on all the most entertaining trolls. They always flounce before I get a moment to bat them around a bit. I swear, when I graduate, I’m going to engage in some of fun myself.

As to the OP, the teal deer, if you don’t mind my subjecting another, is: “Waah!!! I’m whining and crying because sometimes a very small percentage of entertainment doesn’t totally cater to me 100% of the time, because the world revolves around me and the people that agree with me!”

As to the troll: “I like to use big words that I don’t know the meaning of in order to sound intelligent and make my invalid and stupid beliefs sound more valid and true. And if you don’t agree with me, then all you care about is your fee-fees coz women can’t logic. So there (sticks out tongue, stomps off in a huff).”

This argument is about as funny as the “if what I say makes you angry, it’s because you know it’s true. And if it doesn’t make you angry, then that’s because you know it’s true.”

Sigh…oh well, back to my textbooks and paper writing.

AnAndrejaPejicBlog (@A_Pejic_Blog)

It occurs to me that a lot of people who complain about women talking about their feelings too much are probably the same people who think that women are mysterious aliens who cannot possibly be understood by men.

9 years ago

And baaack to the OP I go, too:

Of course these industries are going to cater to women because there’s just so much fucking money in it.

At 70 cents to a man’s dollar, worked much harder for than any man ever would? Don’t fucking bet on it.

And if she wants to spend that 70-cent ladydollar on something that makes her feel good, let her. She’s entitled to it, after all the bullshit she has to put up with in the world. And part of that bullshit is whiny, kvetchy little boys like this one, thinking it all has to revolve around their penises.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Web design high fives all around!

Cuz yeah, I’ve been doing HTML and CSS for over a decade, and always got programmers insisting I wasn’t coding like them, it was just art stuff. Then jQuery became a thing, JS finally made fucking sense, I did some WP PHP, and started dating a programmer. And yeah, CSS is as real a language as PHP. Honestly, I think part of it is that most “proper programmers” are men, who want to insist that their languages are Real Programming, while CSS and HTML are inferior things girls care about, like: CSS => art => girly => inferior. Which is so many degrees of wrong it makes me want to toss a magenta border around it so I can see just where it’s edges are!

I’m gonna go geek out about how CSS3, HTML5, and jQuery are the trifecta of awesome, cuz shit that took piles of code and browser compatiblity nightmares and oh so much coffee are now doable before the coffee finishes brewing!

9 years ago

Ooh, well done, Kootiepatra. Your logic is impeccable. And you’ve got a lot of patience.

9 years ago

Web design 5! Woo!

HTML5 is pretty great. I’ve been playing around with bootstrap some but I don’t really like how inflexible it can be if what you’re building doesn’t conform to their 12-column layout. But it’s pretty good for a lot of things. JQUERY is also great and so is AngularJS.

Well shoot, now I want to work on my side project. 🙂

9 years ago

@John Pavlich (@johnpavlich)

I think you should be able to spend your money, however small an amount it may be and even if it comes from government benefits, on the items you want to spend it on. I’m not going to tell you what I think it should be spent on because it’s *not* my money. I may have contributed to the funds it originates from via taxes, but it’s not my money once it goes into the collective pot. People are easy to work up into a froth during election cycles (which never end these days…sigh) and the subject of frauds taking government handouts is one of the most frequent subjects to be used for this purpose – and the people agitating the loudest always seem to be the ones who claim to be religious and believe churches are the best means of helping those who are in need. If churches really were that much of a help then we’d see more of that going on, and why weren’t they helping those poor old people eating cat food in their retirement years? I can go back and forth with the angry crowd but after realizing they mostly think that it’s only not entitlement when it’s going into their pockets, I just don’t bother with it anymore. You shouldn’t feel like you need to explain yourself to someone, family or not, in regards to where your money comes from. I mean, you’re not acting criminally so they’re the one with the problems if they continue to act like a jerk about it!

9 years ago

So, assuming his point is valid (it’s not) but assuming it is…If they refuse to consume entertainment and women and “manginas” are throwing money at entertainment, how is this gonna get them the quality entertainment? Studios, labels, etc are gonna go where the money is and it isn’t Mr. GrumpyChordProgression here.