This just in! According to some random dude on the Red Pill subreddit, our culture is going to hell in a little pink handbasket and it’s all the fault of you women.
Television is all crappy reality shows and Kardashian type gossip magazine rubbish.
Every single movie has a romantic subplot forced into it, even movies “Made for men”.
ESPN spends more time on human interest pieces, Breast Cancer Awareness, and if Lamar Odom is staying with Khloe than actual sports.
Music gets more shallow, filthy(seriously, eat the booty like groceries?), and repetitive every day.
The problem? The entertainment biz is
simply giving women exactly what they want. This is the invasion of women into male spaces these liberal minded progressives clamored for.
Don’t try to deny it, ladies! You know it’s true. Because women want our entertainment to be crap. Also, entertainment consists entirely of TV, movies, sports, and music. Books do not count! They are only for women and manginas! And don’t even think about, you know, paintings and all that shit.
Women don’t care about the actual athletics behind sports. They could care less about the hardwork and dedication that goes into progress, they like the excitement and the player’s lives.
Women don’t need a “good movie”, they need a movie that makes them feel good. They need some romantic subplot that makes them feel special and hopeful and not alone.
And it gets worse:
Women don’t need good chord progression, lyrics that exalt a virtue or dig deep into the cultural zeitgiest, they just want a fun beat that makes them feel good.
Screw you ladies, and your terrible chord progressions! I mean, I’ve seen it a million times. Some dude comes up and he’s all
E – B – C#m – A
And the lady is all, nuh-uh!
C – B – F
And you’re like, what the hell is this bullshit!
Guess what? I know an Asian that’s tall and has a big dick, are we gonna just assume that’s the average? Grow up.
YEAH! You tell ’em wait what?
I don’t remember learning about that argument in debate club.
This is the inevitability of women in male spaces, and more importantly the economy catering to women: Women waste more disposable income on entertainment and luxury than men. Women work to buy things that make them feel good.
Of course these industries are going to cater to women because there’s just so much fucking money in it.
But what can we men do?
we’re not going to stop listening to music or watching movies. We’re not going to turn sports off. These industries know this and thus can pocket from both sides.
The truth is things will never change until men are more united, until we are unified in one voice that says “We’re not paying for this shit anymore.”
YOU TELL ‘EM! No more movies with romantic subplots! We only want to see people blowing shit up! NO KISSING.
And no more music with fun beats! WE DEMAND HIGH QUALITY CHORD PROGRESSIONS ONLY! And would it kill you to throw in a Dsus4 chord every once in a while? NO. No it wouldn’t.
Unfortunately, the betas would rather shoot up schools because they’re not getting pussy.
Yeah, fuck those fucking betas, with their inability to score pussy and their tolerance of weak-ass chord progressions.
And that shooting up schools thing, that sucks too.
H/T — r/TheBluePill
Here is a pretty ok article on arguments regarding evopsych:
Again, I’ve never encountered it in academia. I don’t even know where you’d study that shit. It just radiates 19th century pseudoscience.
How did you guess?
I mean, no, of course not. Only the logicy-logicness of the true STEM carries any true meaning in this increasingly degenerate world. Like Wild Man, I am an arbiter of all logic and wisdom, and only care for true STEM and reject any dabbling in ‘soft’ sciences like economics, social studies, and physics. It is my burden as such to make such use of normative, normative.
Normative is only malapropism if you haven’t used it enough to make your normative normative.
I am science. I am logic. I AM SMAUG!
Just for you, Wild Man:
Dear, learn what “normative” means.
“Why do all MRAs talk like a college student failing an essay?”
That’s what people tryharding to sound smart sound like. It’s normative. 😀
I appreciate it, scribbles
I did encounter evo psych in my hominin evolution and anthro theory classes, in a really cursory way: something like “hey everyone, some people DO try to explain modern human behaviors in terms of what distant human ancestors might have been like…but, this is a science class, let’s get back to work”
“I haven’t heard anything constructive (except for Buttercup Q. Skullpants who alluded to a willingness to commence discussion but mentioned that would not be wise because of suspicion around my motivations). Buttercup Q. Skullpants – thank-you for being honest and open-minded.”
Translation: I discounted everything I was reading as vagina logic, to the point where I can convince myself I am consciously unaware of having read anything constructive.
“..I know you can understand what I said in my earlier posts. But you pretend you can’t.”
Translation: I’m going to go right ahead and assume everyone is using my own personal style of discourse, that being to allow anything contradictory to slide straight over my mind like water on a duck’s back.. The only reason anyone could possibly disagree with me is incomprehension: all posts that counter my argument which reveal a clear understanding of the issue are not acceptable to my worldview.
“My past personal experiences about the man/woman dynamic has been reinforced by this communication attempt of mine (and I am surprised by the comments from the men – not sure what is going on there, and I guess that will have to remain a mystery for now, but you do have me wondering…, maybe this is more about an ideology…. which would give credence to Buttercup Q. Skullpants’ comment). But I will look elsewhere for more on that idea as well.”
A good place to look on that idea would be various definitions of “confirmation bias”.
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants
I did! I did see what you did there!
However, I suspect the C-B-F chord progression is meant more as a vehicle to include those letters in that order, not as a reference to dissonances or, bestill my heart!, Tristan. *swoon*
No, I read it more as a “ceebs” comment.
Too long. Didn’t read. Don’t flatter yourself that you had anything intelligent to say. And please, stick the flounce!
ContraPangloss: omg same. I believe only in science, except I have no credentials at all, have never studied science, and never really paid any attention to anything scientific ever. The science I’m all about is the hard stuff! You know, the stuff that you can slap onto a picture of Neil DeGrasse Tyson and post to reddit or the stuff you can see some angry white nerd talking about on youtube in reference to video games or New Atheism. Science clearly states that if you aren’t a straight white man you aren’t normative. I’m not going to adhere to any real definitions used in the academy and I’m not going to define my terms as I’m using them, so you can just figure out what the fuck I’m trying to say on your own. Well bye!
W: lol, that’s pretty telling. There’s a definite trend where the far right latches onto pseudoscience, discounted science, and the kind of scientism found on reddit (science maymays with no actual science being discussed).
Carayak: Pretty sure that guy is an example of fractal wrongness. No matter how closely you inspect his worldview it’s some kind of fucked up and irrational. Stupidity all the way down.
I am so not caught up on the normative differences in how one’s genitals influence their communication styles, but I’m waiting for a tank light to cool to I can figure out wtf is wrong with it.
Moocow — “More on the actual topic, I play violin so count me as part of the list of “what are these chord thingies?””
*careful right handed high five!* or pin it in place with our chins and go left handed? Cuz ME TOO! To me, chords = why learning guitar failed. I’m spoiled by the ability to position multiple notes at once but only play one at a time, and reading music — makes guitar tab about as sensible as Ancient Greek!
… heheh.
“Not a real science” would be a pretty good forward step for most of it. I would be happy to land somewhere safely inside the wonderful land of pseudo-science.
Fucking brilliant, just what my wallet needed — one end of bulb has disconnected from the metal end plates, in a decade old fixture. Looks like I’m replacing the whole thing >.< At least it's Nivi's tank, she doesn't care if she's got a light or not.
You know, I bet Wild Man believes that because he said all that stuff about “wide individual differences” and “variation” here:
That he can just ignore or hand wave away any specific instance or experience that doesn’t conform to his preconceived notions of gender-based differences in “discourse.”
I’m not sure he understands the data required to back up such a claim a especially if the variation within populations is very wide, however, which is why he thinks we don’t get what he’s saying (or are pretending not to).
Somehow, I doubt it’s occurred to him that maybe the people who disagree with him understand every aspect of this argument – even the ones his two-dimensional worldview prevents him from seeing.
…or he’s a poe. And given that he seems to have stuck the flounce, I’d say he probably is. True believers can’t usually keep themselves away from this kind of argument.
I get the feeling he doesn’t even understand what gender *is*
My late fiancé was unemployed for a few years, and when he finally got a job I asked him to contribute half of his paycheck to household expenses. He told me that wasn’t fair because I got to spend my money on whatever I wanted (his words). I spent my money on mortgage, bills, and groceries and often spent some of it helping him upkeep his guitars because he wasn’t making money and I wanted him to have his passion. I was in debt pretty deep because he would repeatedly promise he would pay $x towards bills so I would go ahead and get that car repair or whatever expense needed to happen eventually but not immediately, and he had the nerve to say I got to spend all my money on whatever I want.
So when I see that kind of argument from a misogynist, I just assume they think that women paying for basic household needs is frivolous.
“That would be highly dependant upon the chosen theme’s ability to correctly display threaded comments – unless you have access to a high level expertise in CSS customisation. Even then, there is every possibility that a custom PHP function might need to be added to… Oh, I’m sorry. Do you even STEM?”
Aww, thank you! You’ve implied my CSS skills are high level expertise! Actual answer to your snark? That PHP function is built into WordPress, but on .com your CSS the editing abilities are highly curtailed and while themes should include the ability to use threaded commenting, they may not do it in ways that make anyone want to use it.
/ web design geek out
Sorry, I’m used to my CSS and HTML fu being discounted as not real programming, just some artsy nonsense, I got a bit overexcited!
On topic — Wild Man reminds me of someone I am unfortunate enough to know in the flesh, and if they’real at all alike, he’s sticking the flounce because obviously we’re too driven by emotions to even begin to see the logic of his argument. It’s a wonderfully self perpetuating cycle — say a stupid thing about how women are all emotion, when you get told that’s dumb, claim they only say that cuz they’re emotional, when they insist that no you’re begging the question, insist that if only they were so blinded by emotion they’d see the logic of your argument, when everyone goes “you’re amazingly dense” take it as proof of how right you are. Usually seen among blowhards, teenagers, the stoned, and normatively pseudo intellectual wankers who believe that differing medians prove normative differences and that adults use the term v-jay to refer to anything besides MTV video jockeys.
PS: the first episode of QI’s M series is up, I suspect the second might be too.
Mammoth commenters, you are all so brilliant! I appreciate what you have to say.
Wild Man is practicing his “amused mastery.”
This is supposed to make women want to kiss him — and maybe more!
I’m bored.
Oh gawd, I must be womaning all wrong again. Sorry — v-jay thinking all wrong! Because all I want to do is kick him. Probably in the shins, but preferably the cojones.
WHTM people – well, David’s original post this morning almost caused me to spit coffee out through my nose – compared to some of the vitriol I have seen spewed from various manosphere sites in the last month, this one was just hilarious. I didn’t even feel like I needed a shower after reading it! But following your comments throughout the day has made my month. I’ve only recently discovered the mra/red pill…uh…subculture, and have felt by turns mortified, saddened, amused and nauseated by its existence. So just wanted to say hi and thank to David and the rest of you people you for collectively being one of the smartest, funniest, snarkiest groups I’ve found online, and bringing some much-needed levity to what really seems to be the shitholiest of Internet shitholes. Cheers!
No doubt the Wild Man (Hey there, Mr. Man! I know you’re reading this) and others of his ilk are rattled by articles such as this, which are becoming more common these days:
The videos (Cecile Richards from Planned Parenthood and Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democratic front runner for president) are funny.
The men attack. The women calmly state their piece, no matter the hijinks from the men.
It’s enough to make an MRA twitchy.
@Paradoxical Intention
If “jot and tittle” makes you giggle, check out my hilarious word above: “hijinks”!
Just keep reminding yourselves that this garbage is a stark minority. Most people roll their eyes in disgust when they open their mouths. They represent the absolute bottom tier of humanity. We’ve all known at least one person so stupid and reprehensible that they were cast out by our group. The Internet’s just given them a place to congregate.
Even the South Park libertarians, tedious as they are, aren’t that bad.
The videos (Cecile Richards from Planned Parenthood and Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democratic front runner for president) are funny.
The men attack. The women calmly state their piece, no matter the hijinks from the men.
Many analysts believe the first President Clinton won 1992 election because of the Clarence Thomas hearings. Voters were so disgusted by the sight of Republican congressmen haranguing Anita Hill and making gross sexual comments while she sat there looking composed, mature, and intelligent that they stampeded to the polls to vote Democrat.
I recommend the recent Anita Hill documentary, if only for the footage from the hearings. It’s astonishing that grown men thought this was the way to present themselves on national television, but here they are, still doing it.
Shaenon, I had never heard that theory. But it sounds good!