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“Women don’t need good chord progressions,” and other ways the ladies are destroying culture by being ladies

Chord choices have consequences!
Chord choices have consequences!

This just in! According to some random dude on the Red Pill subreddit, our culture is going to hell in a little pink handbasket and it’s all the fault of you women.


Television is all crappy reality shows and Kardashian type gossip magazine rubbish.

Every single movie has a romantic subplot forced into it, even movies “Made for men”.

ESPN spends more time on human interest pieces, Breast Cancer Awareness, and if Lamar Odom is staying with Khloe than actual sports.

Music gets more shallow, filthy(seriously, eat the booty like groceries?), and repetitive every day.

The problem? The entertainment biz is

simply giving women exactly what they want. This is the invasion of women into male spaces these liberal minded progressives clamored for.

Don’t try to deny it, ladies! You know it’s true. Because women want our entertainment to be crap. Also, entertainment consists entirely of TV, movies, sports, and music. Books do not count! They are only for women and manginas! And don’t even think about, you know, paintings and all that shit.

Women don’t care about the actual athletics behind sports. They could care less about the hardwork and dedication that goes into progress, they like the excitement and the player’s lives.

Women don’t need a “good movie”, they need a movie that makes them feel good. They need some romantic subplot that makes them feel special and hopeful and not alone.

And it gets worse:

Women don’t need good chord progression, lyrics that exalt a virtue or dig deep into the cultural zeitgiest, they just want a fun beat that makes them feel good.

Screw you ladies, and your terrible chord progressions! I mean, I’ve seen it a million times. Some dude comes up and he’s all

E – B – C#m – A

And the lady is all, nuh-uh!

C – B – F

And you’re like, what the hell is this bullshit!


Guess what? I know an Asian that’s tall and has a big dick, are we gonna just assume that’s the average? Grow up.

YEAH! You tell ’em wait what?

I don’t remember learning about that argument in debate club.

This is the inevitability of women in male spaces, and more importantly the economy catering to women: Women waste more disposable income on entertainment and luxury than men. Women work to buy things that make them feel good.

Of course these industries are going to cater to women because there’s just so much fucking money in it.

But what can we men do?

we’re not going to stop listening to music or watching movies. We’re not going to turn sports off. These industries know this and thus can pocket from both sides.


The truth is things will never change until men are more united, until we are unified in one voice that says “We’re not paying for this shit anymore.”

YOU TELL ‘EM! No more movies with romantic subplots! We only want to see people blowing shit up! NO KISSING.

And no more music with fun beats! WE DEMAND HIGH QUALITY CHORD PROGRESSIONS ONLY! And would it kill you to throw in a Dsus4 chord every once in a while? NO. No it wouldn’t.

Unfortunately, the betas would rather shoot up schools because they’re not getting pussy.

Yeah, fuck those fucking betas, with their inability to score pussy and their tolerance of weak-ass chord progressions.

And that shooting up schools thing, that sucks too.

H/T — r/TheBluePill



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Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

The lad has issues. That is all.

9 years ago

Sounds like he has jealously-guarded subscriptions, unfortunately.

9 years ago

So crass and smutty lyrics in pop music is marketing aimed at women. I’ve got to give random dude credit, that’s an original theory. Wonder what he thinks about all those skimpily clad ladies in computer games – more pandering to the female dollar?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago


Guess what? I know an Asian that’s tall and has a big dick, are we gonna just assume that’s the average? Grow up.

Actually, I was going to one, say that yeah, I like good movies and sports and music (because all that shit’s subjective, you narcissist), and your head is up your ass sir, but I was also going to ask if you actually know any women at all.

Because you literally just blamed everything you don’t like in media on roughly half the world’s population, or at least you’re blaming half of America’s population for all of the problems in America’s media (as I’m sure that’s the case), and completely ignoring everything else about this problem you have, including but not limited to: The people producing it, the companies that run focus testing on it, or the fact that the world doesn’t revolve around you and your preferences.

In other words:

But, let’s face it, you have access to the fucking internet, the wealth of human knowledge, where you can find all the shows and movies and media you actually do like, and yet, Mr. TRPer, you use it to whine about kissing in movies, ESPN caring about breast cancer, music that doesn’t have deeper meaning to you personally, and other people (including other men) talking and/or caring about things you don’t want to talk and/or care about.

Truly, you are a great champion for humanity, and the true voice of reason here. [/sarcasm]

9 years ago

How many manosphere fantasies revolve entirely around the idea of “I’ll leave and then you’ll all be sorry!”? They’ll stop watching sports and then we’ll all be sorry! It’s expected behavior in children threatening to run away from home, not from what should be adults.

Simon Russell (@Panthalassa_101)

[slow clap]

9 years ago

Wait. Weren’t we extolling how alpha it was to shoot up a school a few weeks ago? Now it’s a beta-mangina thing to do?
My poor little lady brain! I’m so confused!!! I must to the fainting couch whilst clutching my pearls and listening to beats that make me feel good!

9 years ago

This is the invasion of women into male spaces these liberal minded progressives clamored for.

Actually, it’s more like men getting all up in our business. I don’t care a crap about the fucking Kardashians, I don’t like most of what’s on the music charts, and I’m not into most “chick flicks”. But I know a lot of guys who are, and shockingly, NOT ALL OF THEM ARE GAY!

Just because YOU don’t like certain things, dude, doesn’t mean that women do…or that all of them do even if some of them do. There are no inherently male or female cultural or athletic things, you fucking dolt.

9 years ago

Women don’t need good chord progression, lyrics that exalt a virtue or dig deep into the cultural zeitgiest, they just want a fun beat that makes them feel good.

Next thing you know, Mr. Wizard here will be telling us that “Blurred Lines” is a quintessential chick song, even though it sounds like something only a drunken bro would love. Lyrics, chord progression and all.

9 years ago

So I stupidly looked at the comments on the original post, and before the start whingeing about diversity in Star Wars and using the mums as proof of women’s poor purchasing choices (apparently their mums sometimes spend money on what their mums want, not what their sons want) they proudly brag about how they never pay for music or movies. I’m not massively outraged, but then they go on about the shallowness of companies kowtowing to people (teenage girls according to them) who are stupid enough to pay. So I don’t think they’ve thought their boycott through.

9 years ago

Funny how “male spaces” seem to be universal aspects of society, which have had fans of both genders since they’ve existed. Woman are just supposed to hang out at home all day, taking care of the housework in total silence, or only listening to music prescribed by men, right?

And then some other dude will be so much more justified when he comes up complaining that women have “no interests”.

9 years ago

Women don’t care about the actual athletics behind sports. They could care less about the hardwork and dedication that goes into progress, they like the excitement and the player’s lives.

Women totally aren’t athletic!

Simone Biles just wanted an excuse to wear a pink leo on TV. Absolutely no hard work and dedication were involved in this. Any red piller could do it. Because alpha male!comment image

I only watched my hometown team the Lynx take the WNBA championships because their team is named after kitties. Not because of the bad ass skills of Maya Moore and Simone Augustus and Lindsay Whalen and the rest of the team.comment image

We don’t talk about sports too often around here. I just thought I’d take the opportunity to share my favorites.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

What exactly is this guy’s definition of a “good” chord progression? Because chord changes aren’t divided into good/bad or male/female. There are valid and less valid progressions that follow certain rules, according to the style and key and what sounds pleasing to the (Western) ear. I can’t tell if he’s upset that pop music has gotten away from its macho, I-IV-V rock ‘n’ roll roots, or if he’s upset that today’s music isn’t complex enough for his demanding, rarefied ear. I guess it’s the latter, since he seems to be saying pop music has gotten all fluffy and meaningless and it’s all the fault of women (ignoring the fact that bubblegum pop has been around for half a century, and that plenty of teenage girls are into emo and heavy metal).

Even “fun beats” follow the rules of harmonic progression, and wouldn’t sound half as good without strong, recognizable changes. If music weren’t predictable, it would be impossible for musicians ever to jam together.

9 years ago

I’m just gonna admit, here, as a dood, that I have no real comprehension of what a ‘chord progression’ is, or what impact different chord progressions have on the music they are in.

9 years ago

New fallacy: argumentum ad my friend’s massive dick.

9 years ago

Oh I love 14 year olds ranting about being in le wrong generation.

Guess what? I know an Asian that’s tall and has a big dick, are we gonna just assume that’s the average? Grow up.

Dude, stop staring at, and publicly discussing, your friends’ junk. Rude.

9 years ago

FFS…Maybe someone should go there and complain about all those rock stars whose motivation for becoming rock stars involves “banging lots of chicks”.

Dude…NO ONE CARES, except for maybe your fellow morons I mean RPers, so if you want to quit music, quit movies, quit sports, and all that – FEEL FREE.

9 years ago

I would bet he actually like half the garbage he talk of, but want to put up an act of being strong, hardcore, and not mainstream. At least, the vast majority of the red piller and co appeared to like mainstream stuff, because as mainstream stuff they appeal to most people.

Also, looking at least common music / movies / show to find something perfectly tailored to him is likely way too much effort. Note how he don’t even start to talk about anything remotely alternative ; and red pillers tend to very easily ridicule people with unorthodox tastes. Heck, reading his rant leave me to the conclusion he have stopped listening to all that good music with “good chord progression” from the past.

9 years ago

It’s good to know I waste all my disposable income in entertainment and luxury instead of my savings account and that dental work that’s left me cashless for the last month. At least now I can go watch a movie without worrying I’ll have no food money for the rest of the week. Thanks random Redpill Dudes!

psu su
psu su
9 years ago

Holy shit. This is mind-boggling to read, does this make sense to MRAs? because it all sounds like R’lyehian to me.

9 years ago

It’s funny that he’s complaining about how terrible TV is these when this decade has actually been referred to by many critics – a lot of them men – as a golden age of television.

Of course, a lot of these shows feature women, POC and LGBTQ characters that are three dimensional and that’s likely offensive to him. Even the most dude friendly show Breaking Bad had Skylar and Marie written as actual human beings, not generic pretty wives.

James Haynes
9 years ago

Romantic subplots are pretty much just beards in action movies so wall to wall burly men with polished gleaming weapons don’t bring out the homophobic wrath of the audience

9 years ago

Hilarious post, David. Thanks for the laughs.

Yes, women ruin everything, like, totally.

Vivien Eressac
Vivien Eressac
9 years ago

First thought? Annie Clark aka St.Vincent. She slays you all, douchebags.

9 years ago

Bad chords. Bad bad chords!

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