antifeminism armageddon gender policing homophobia hypocrisy imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles playing the victim post contains sarcasm PUA reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh transphobia

Roosh V: Gay marriage is part of “a degenerate march to persecute heterosexuals” and destroy society

First gay marriage. Then ... this?
First gay marriage. Then … this?

Bigots of a feather flock together, so it shouldn’t come as a great surprise to any of you that the woman-hating, rape-legalization-promoting pickup artist Roosh V is also a raving homophobe. He’s long banned gay folks from posting in his comments, and in a recent video expressed a weird bemusement at the idea of gay men using his, ahem, teachings to have “buttsex.”

Now he’s decided to take up arms against gay marriage. He’s a teensy bit late on this one — it’s already legal in all 50 states, dude! But that doesn’t stop him from spewing forth one of the most over-the-top, conspiratorial takes on the issue that I’ve ever seen. In a post last week on his blog, Roosh argued that

the legalization of gay marriage [is] a full frontal attack on heterosexual men …one phase of a degenerate march to persecute heterosexuals, both legally and socially, while acclimating young children to the homosexual lifestyle. 

How so, Roosh?

The … societal reorganization that is necessary to allow gay marriage automatically elevates homosexuals to a special class of citizenry. To hoist one class you must demote another, meaning that heterosexual men are by default the enemies and oppressors of homosexuals.

Well, some of them are, dude. Like, for example, the ones who go around saying that the legalizing gay marriage is a degenerate attack on heterosexuals.

It is a foregone conclusion that these oppressors, which includes both straight men and women, must be ordered to give tribute, benefits, and submission to the “victim” class. You will eventually kneel whether you like it or not.

Interesting choice of words there. Roosh is such a thickheaded clod that I’m not sure if he did that on purpose or not.

In addition to “aggressively modifying” hetero dude behavior “through social shaming and re-education in schools,” Roosh argues, the Gay Gestapo will force

straight men … to pay taxes for the AIDS drugs of gays, their impulsive sex changes, their mental and medical treatments resulting from sleeping with hundreds of partners, and also the salaries of politicians that continue to vote against traditional family values and basic morality standards.

Oh, and the eeevil gays and their allies will also crack down on the free speech of brave realtalking hetero men. Indeed, he complains, straight men are already muzzled by the Gay Thought Police.

You can make a comment about “toxic masculinity” at work and not get written up by human resources. You can make fun of “lame pick up artists” in your co-ed social circle and get pats on the back. But what happens if you say that homosexuals are degenerates who are spreading HIV to the general population? What happens if you say gay marriage is state-sponsored anal sex?

People laugh at you for being an idiot as well as a raving homophobe?

It won’t be long until you will be forced to declare your allegiance to the homosexual lifestyle to retain your job, to pretend that you’re a believer in social justice just to keep bread on the table.

Not only that, but your co-workers will be deprived of your fascinating disquisitions on how gay marriage is state-sponsored butt sex.

Even more sinister than modifying our speech and behavior is that the homosexual agenda aims to convert children by sexualizing them at a young age. The media normalizes homosexuals as loving and lively characters by showing their lifestyles as exciting, adventurous, and fun instead of the disease-ridden cesspool of drugs and medical horrors that it really is.

[citation needed]

Millions of boys who grow up to experiment with “cool” anal sex thanks to the propaganda will grow up to lead sterile and disturbed lives because of it—if they’re lucky enough not to avoid getting abused through adoptions by homosexual men.


Child abuse and pedophilic sex rings will skyrocket, but I hope you’re not expecting this abuse to be covered by the media. Instead, they will push fantastical new rape hoaxes that try to portray straight men as evil. Crimes by homosexuals will be not be pursued or publicized while false crimes done by heterosexuals will be manufactured. 

I think Roosh may be turning into Mr. Burns.

And all this will, of course, lead to THE END OF THE WORLD.

Once heterosexuals such as yourself are persecuted and shamed for preferring vanilla sex, and children are converted to bisexuality or homosexuality with the aid of a gay and transsexual obsessed media, marriage will decline from its already pathetic rate, birth rates will plummet, and society itself will collapse… 

Yipes. And he hasn’t even gotten to the … TRANS MENACE.

The dust from gay marriage hasn’t even settled before the establishment has begun forcing transsexual acceptance down our throats with ABC, ESPN, and Starbucks leading the charge. 


The media has also started attempts to promote pedophilia as a reasonable alternative lifestyle. 

Dude, I think you’ve mixed up “the media” with “all those Red Pill dudes who want the age of consent lowered to 12.”

[I]f this degenerate march is not halted, we will see a complete inversion of American society where most masculine behaviors are made illegal and the traditional family becomes a relic of the past. Homosexual marriage will only embolden the degenerate forces that have power in America today. Unless they are stopped, I fear great catastrophe, not only for us men, but the country itself.

In other words:

Hysteria? More like man-steria.


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Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

the legalization of gay marriage [is] a full frontal attack on heterosexual men …one phase of a degenerate march to persecute heterosexuals, both legally and socially, while acclimating young children to the homosexual lifestyle.

Being queer myself, I don’t recall that being part of my agenda. I mean, I’m only working from the Pansexual Agenda Template (that you can add your own stuff to! It’s handy!), but I don’t recall “persecute heterosexuals” being on any bit of that.

Maybe I need to double check? Can someone tell me if this is an error on my part or not? Do I need to call Katie’s LGBTQA+ office extension to see?

The … societal reorganization that is necessary to allow gay marriage automatically elevates homosexuals to a special class of citizenry.

The special class of “Everyone That Roosh Considers People”, or in Notbigotese: “cishet misogynist white dudes”.

To hoist one class you must demote another, meaning that heterosexual men are by default the enemies and oppressors of homosexuals.

I wasn’t aware rights were a finite resource.

It is a foregone conclusion that these oppressors, which includes both straight men and women, must be ordered to give tribute, benefits, and submission to the “victim” class. You will eventually kneel whether you like it or not.

While I do like getting presents, I would like to point out I’m not into making people kneel before me (unless they’re NPCs, because fuck NPCs). I’m not a dominatrix. Quite the opposite, in fact.

straight men … to pay taxes for the AIDS drugs of gays,

Roosh doesn’t know how health insurance works.

their mental and medical treatments resulting from sleeping with hundreds of partners,

Where are my hundreds of partners?

and also the salaries of politicians that continue to vote against traditional family values and basic morality standards.

Notbigotese: “The salaries of people who don’t think that anyone who isn’t a cishet white dude is a person worthy of basic human rights, respect, or consideration.”

Even more sinister than modifying our speech and behavior is that the homosexual agenda aims to convert children by sexualizing them at a young age.

Trust me, “The Gays” weren’t the ones who made these:
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And those are just for boys.

Nah, we’re not the ones pushing sexuality and gender roles on literal fucking babies.


Gaebolga | October 21, 2015 at 9:48 am

Rooshbag wrote:

What happens if you say gay marriage is state-sponsored anal sex?

Then you’re revealing waaaaaaaaaaay more about your own deep-seated fears and issues than you think you are.

And you’re once again removing women (in this case, lesbians) from the discourse. Which shouldn’t be a surprise at this point, I guess.

C’mon, everyone knows that “lesbians” don’t exist outside of porn directed by men, for men (and their sick fucking fetishization)! [/sarcasm]

9 years ago

It finally dawned on me what these types mean when they say women have “more rights” than men – they mean a woman has “more rights” TO HER OWN BODY than they do.

And that’s a Terrible, Terrible Thing. Because it really does mean that you can’t just drop Chivalry Coins in there and have sex fall out!

9 years ago


I almost want to register at his forum and ask him about that just to see how he justifies the hypocrisy.

That’s easy. Roosh doesn’t consider women to be partners, he considers them objects.

9 years ago

The media normalizes homosexuals as loving and lively characters by showing their lifestyles as exciting, adventurous, and fun instead of the disease-ridden cesspool of drugs and medical horrors that it really is.

Exaggerations aside, the whole “disease and drugs cesspit” thing used to be sort of true, but is a good example of how people assume cause and effect based on their own prejudices. Drug use and STDs are more prevalent among the communities of highly oppressed minorities. Because when nearly the whole of society is against you, some people engage in risky or dangerously unhealthy behaviors in order to feel alive and make the hurting stop. This is *not* specific to LGBT people. And as laws and cultural shifts in most Western countries have greatly reduced that oppression, the “cesspit” that some conservative types rail about is disappearing.

9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

The ‘rule of thumb’ hoax is another thing altogether, I was thinking more about Islam and though not backed by law because the US considers it DV, a segment of the fundamentalist Christian Patriarchy believes in physically punishing one’s wife.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

Roosh is just regurgitating stuff from conservative talking points. He’s desperately trying to get more of an audience by appealing more broadly to different right wingers.

He’s been completely rejected by PUA’s now at least since they realized he’s teaching people to be serial date rapists (many of the mainstream PUA tactics are still problematic and manipulative, but they’re at least supposed to help someone have consensual sex with women). The “legalize rape on private property” stuff pretty much totally killed his chances of marketing himself outside particular far right circles.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ msexception

Ah gotcha. Sharia law on wife beating is (morbidly) fascinating. It’s so detailed.

If your wife disobeys you then first you have to admonish her. If that doesn’t work then you have to banish her from bed.

It’s only after that that if she doesn’t mend her ways you’re allowed to beat her.

You’re allowed to use a green branch but you can’t beat your wife any harder than you would a domestic animal.

Charming isn’t it? But at least it’s clear.

9 years ago

Even more sinister than modifying our speech and behavior is that the homosexual agenda aims to convert children by sexualizing them at a young age.

This *IS* the same guy who published the screed comparing women to bread, girls out of puberty as the best, fresh-baked bread, and then suggested people “live next to the bakery”, right?

Just checking.

9 years ago

StarStorm- it is pretty clear from what he has written that this POS has some sexual inclination towards children.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

@StarStorm He’s grasping at straws to try to get more page views.

9 years ago

Roosh, baby, you yourself are a walking repudiation of marriage and the traditional family. Now only that, how many men have you convinced to adopt a hedonistic lifestyle of sex with strangers, lots and lots of strangers? You’ve got a lot to answer for.

But I guess that hedonism doesn’t look as good on a middle-aged man, so you’re casting about for a different rant.

I would urge you to make an honest man of yourself, but you just might turn out to be the Worst Husband Ever (or at least one of the runners-up). So no. Don’t get married.

Light bulb: How about getting a real job? (You know, like Mom and Dad have been urging you for probably more than a decade now.)

9 years ago

Where the bloody hell does he get this shit from?!?! Seriously, why all this dooms day shit? All from gay marriage? How? All that will happen is that gay couple will continue doing all the every day things that EVERYONE does, except that they are now able to get married. It is not the end of the world, rather it is a step towards are more free and equal one. I just love how afraid of the tables being turned (not going to happen, he is simply going to lose his unearned privilege), it really proves how he knows he is in a place of privilege. It also shows that he knows gat people have been given the shit end of the stick for so long.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

Roosh has been making most of his money from stuff like book sales and ad revenue. His extremist views and admissions to being a serial date rapist are too well known for him to get an ordinary job at this point.

Not that I feel sorry for him. He really belongs in prison.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

“Can someone tell me if this is an error on my part or not? Do I need to call Katie’s LGBTQA+ office extension to see?”

*checks agenda* Criminal Minds at 9, nothing interesting until aerials on Sunday, nope, not seeing anything about oppressing straight people in here.


Wtf is this shit? Not the Roosh is an asshole part, that I get, it’s really quite simple — he’s a bigoted asshole. No, I don’t get how so many fucking bigots seem to think gay men and trans people (presumably women, trans men rarely come up on their radar, and non-binary people… I’m apparently a bisexual asshole) — seriously, is their only concept of gender based on who they want to fuck? I don’t get it.

Crip Dyke
9 years ago

A degenerate march to persecute heterosexuals?

I think I remember that one. My father took me to it when I was a kid, and boy did he have a savior-complex about me. Thought I was actually gonna lead the march or something. Anyway, I think there’s still some video clips of it on the internet somewhere. Oh, yeah, here:

9 years ago

This month I went to the wedding of two longtime friends. They’ve been together for 16 years and are still total lovebirds. They’re successful in careers they love (one in tech, the other in the arts) and have tons of friends who adore them because they’re so generous and kind. They especially love to travel, and they spend their time abroad hiking, experiencing other cultures, and having adventures, not hanging out in dive bars hoping to get laid.

Their wedding invitation was a self-published comic book in which they helped Wonder Woman pacify a giant squid with the power of love. They walked down the aisle to a heavy metal cover of the “Wonder Woman” theme. Their parents and siblings gave loving speeches. Everyone in attendance felt richer for knowing them.

These men have everything people like Roosh don’t have. Honestly, that makes me pretty happy.

9 years ago

Oh, and they’re good at being degenerate too.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

“Roosh V is quickly becoming a hardline conservative Christian.”

You mean Muslim. In a recent video he shared how his Shia Muslim father from Iran influenced a lot of his “traditional, conservative” views. Which is a new turn considering he spent the past decades traveling the world in search of promiscuous sex. Roosh rejected marriage and family for the last decade and now he wants to be a poster boy for trad-con hetero marriage?

9 years ago

Sharia law on wife beating is (morbidly) fascinating. It’s so detailed.

If your wife disobeys you then first you have to admonish her. If that doesn’t work then you have to banish her from bed.

It’s only after that that if she doesn’t mend her ways you’re allowed to beat her.

OMG, Sharia holds that depriving a wife of sex is punishment? That means that they acknowledge that women DO have sex for pleasure. Which means that they’re way ahead of a lot of menzers of all stripes, who insist that women use sex only to “get affection” (and/or expensive shit) out of men.

Sorry, I just find it hilarious that they’re a lot more reasonable, when you get down to it, than all those “spare the rod, spoil the child” Christians. Who, of course, are also the ones to hold up Muslims as the abusive bad guys.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


Why are you so hooked on that one lie Roosh barely managed to fart out without laughing and immediately abandoned for his usual “KILL THE MUSLIMS” rhetoric?

9 years ago


9 years ago

Islam has, in a lot of ways, more in common with Judaism than Christianity. A lot of important imams and rabbis were writing in the same places at the same times. And Judaism has always taken the female libido quite seriously. Often treated it as a threat, but taken it seriously. Islam may suggest depriving your wife of sex as a punishment, but Judaism held that depriving your wife of sex was grounds for her to divorce you.

9 years ago
Reply to  Bina

According to some Imams & Ayatollahs “banishing from bed” means no comfortable place to rest, eg you have to sleep with the servants and are not allowed comfort and luxuries. Either way its a bit bonkers and as most of these “punishments” don’t work, doesn’t actually solving a problem.

9 years ago

I made the mistake of reading some “articles” (thinly veiled pseudo-intellectual bigoted horseshit are what I might call them) from this Roosh person’s site today and…man, just wtf?

If he can get even a handful of sales of books or blog subscribers, it is really making me consider taking up some writing of my own. The sheer volume of horseshit (of this and similar varieties) on the internet in general is really troubling to me

9 years ago

According to some Imams & Ayatollahs “banishing from bed” means no comfortable place to rest, eg you have to sleep with the servants and are not allowed comfort and luxuries. Either way its a bit bonkers and as most of these “punishments” don’t work, doesn’t actually solving a problem.

Well, now, that WOULD be a real punishment, all right. And you’re right, it wouldn’t be effective. Or smart, because she’d always resent him just that wee little bit more thereafter.