antifeminism armageddon gender policing homophobia hypocrisy imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles playing the victim post contains sarcasm PUA reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh transphobia

Roosh V: Gay marriage is part of “a degenerate march to persecute heterosexuals” and destroy society

First gay marriage. Then ... this?
First gay marriage. Then … this?

Bigots of a feather flock together, so it shouldn’t come as a great surprise to any of you that the woman-hating, rape-legalization-promoting pickup artist Roosh V is also a raving homophobe. He’s long banned gay folks from posting in his comments, and in a recent video expressed a weird bemusement at the idea of gay men using his, ahem, teachings to have “buttsex.”

Now he’s decided to take up arms against gay marriage. He’s a teensy bit late on this one — it’s already legal in all 50 states, dude! But that doesn’t stop him from spewing forth one of the most over-the-top, conspiratorial takes on the issue that I’ve ever seen. In a post last week on his blog, Roosh argued that

the legalization of gay marriage [is] a full frontal attack on heterosexual men …one phase of a degenerate march to persecute heterosexuals, both legally and socially, while acclimating young children to the homosexual lifestyle. 

How so, Roosh?

The … societal reorganization that is necessary to allow gay marriage automatically elevates homosexuals to a special class of citizenry. To hoist one class you must demote another, meaning that heterosexual men are by default the enemies and oppressors of homosexuals.

Well, some of them are, dude. Like, for example, the ones who go around saying that the legalizing gay marriage is a degenerate attack on heterosexuals.

It is a foregone conclusion that these oppressors, which includes both straight men and women, must be ordered to give tribute, benefits, and submission to the “victim” class. You will eventually kneel whether you like it or not.

Interesting choice of words there. Roosh is such a thickheaded clod that I’m not sure if he did that on purpose or not.

In addition to “aggressively modifying” hetero dude behavior “through social shaming and re-education in schools,” Roosh argues, the Gay Gestapo will force

straight men … to pay taxes for the AIDS drugs of gays, their impulsive sex changes, their mental and medical treatments resulting from sleeping with hundreds of partners, and also the salaries of politicians that continue to vote against traditional family values and basic morality standards.

Oh, and the eeevil gays and their allies will also crack down on the free speech of brave realtalking hetero men. Indeed, he complains, straight men are already muzzled by the Gay Thought Police.

You can make a comment about “toxic masculinity” at work and not get written up by human resources. You can make fun of “lame pick up artists” in your co-ed social circle and get pats on the back. But what happens if you say that homosexuals are degenerates who are spreading HIV to the general population? What happens if you say gay marriage is state-sponsored anal sex?

People laugh at you for being an idiot as well as a raving homophobe?

It won’t be long until you will be forced to declare your allegiance to the homosexual lifestyle to retain your job, to pretend that you’re a believer in social justice just to keep bread on the table.

Not only that, but your co-workers will be deprived of your fascinating disquisitions on how gay marriage is state-sponsored butt sex.

Even more sinister than modifying our speech and behavior is that the homosexual agenda aims to convert children by sexualizing them at a young age. The media normalizes homosexuals as loving and lively characters by showing their lifestyles as exciting, adventurous, and fun instead of the disease-ridden cesspool of drugs and medical horrors that it really is.

[citation needed]

Millions of boys who grow up to experiment with “cool” anal sex thanks to the propaganda will grow up to lead sterile and disturbed lives because of it—if they’re lucky enough not to avoid getting abused through adoptions by homosexual men.


Child abuse and pedophilic sex rings will skyrocket, but I hope you’re not expecting this abuse to be covered by the media. Instead, they will push fantastical new rape hoaxes that try to portray straight men as evil. Crimes by homosexuals will be not be pursued or publicized while false crimes done by heterosexuals will be manufactured. 

I think Roosh may be turning into Mr. Burns.

And all this will, of course, lead to THE END OF THE WORLD.

Once heterosexuals such as yourself are persecuted and shamed for preferring vanilla sex, and children are converted to bisexuality or homosexuality with the aid of a gay and transsexual obsessed media, marriage will decline from its already pathetic rate, birth rates will plummet, and society itself will collapse… 

Yipes. And he hasn’t even gotten to the … TRANS MENACE.

The dust from gay marriage hasn’t even settled before the establishment has begun forcing transsexual acceptance down our throats with ABC, ESPN, and Starbucks leading the charge. 


The media has also started attempts to promote pedophilia as a reasonable alternative lifestyle. 

Dude, I think you’ve mixed up “the media” with “all those Red Pill dudes who want the age of consent lowered to 12.”

[I]f this degenerate march is not halted, we will see a complete inversion of American society where most masculine behaviors are made illegal and the traditional family becomes a relic of the past. Homosexual marriage will only embolden the degenerate forces that have power in America today. Unless they are stopped, I fear great catastrophe, not only for us men, but the country itself.

In other words:

Hysteria? More like man-steria.


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A Cranky Spider
9 years ago

Ew. This guy is worse than Orson Scott Card. And he’s pretty bad when it comes to this gays will destroy society nonsense.

Karki Meade
9 years ago

So, if someone gets rights, someone else has to lose them? Really?

He sure got dumb while others managed to learn stuff, so maybe that is true with him.

Bee (@welllahdeedah)
9 years ago

Basic understanding of how human rights work is just not something Roosh will ever master, it seems. It’s not a zero-sum game – you don’t Lose rights when someone else finally Gains them. But look at me, trying to make sense of Master Roosh’s brilliance. I’m a silly goose.

9 years ago

The best part is when he accuses gay people of being medicine leeches due to diseases “resulting from sleeping with hundreds of partners”.

I mean, I know it’s just obvious and unsurprising that Roosh is a complete hypocrite, but COME ON.

Some sort of username
Some sort of username
9 years ago

I’m too amused to be disgusted. What planet does this man live on, because it does NOT sound like the same planet I do.

9 years ago

sleeping with hundreds of partners

Oh dear god, is he serious? I almost want to register at his forum and ask him about that just to see how he justifies the hypocrisy.

9 years ago

Shorter Rooshbag: “I mean, *I’d* love to enslave humanity and put to the sword all who resist, so clearly EVERYONE is working from the same script.”

Hobbesian Academic
Hobbesian Academic
9 years ago

Let me point out that a significant minority of gay men do not have anal sex…like nearly half. So no you can’t assume a gay marriage license is a license for anal sex.

In fact given the numbers involved more straight have butt sex than gay people do.

James Haynes
9 years ago

A pick up artist bemoaning about someone having too much sex?

9 years ago

Roosh is flailing around in his long, long freefall into obscurity. His visitor count is falling, the Red Pill community has largely rejected him and even the mainstream knows now what a messed-up serial rapist he is, so this is him trying to branch out to other sections of the alt-right community to preserve what’s supposedly left of his dignity. Pathetic.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

I mean, I know it’s just obvious and unsurprising that Roosh is a complete hypocrite, but COME ON.

Well, he’s talking about loving, enjoyable, consensual sex, whereas he’s only ever raped people. So it’s not really hypocrisy!

(… It’s a thousand times worse.)

9 years ago

It’s the end of the world AS WE KNOW IT!

(and I feel fine)

9 years ago

Roosh seem to be trying very hard to look like a reason to restrict free speech sometime.

I understand why instinctively a lot of people want to say he is mentally disabled : it’s hard to think his brain work correctly when he anally eject such horrors.

9 years ago

Rooshbag wrote:

What happens if you say gay marriage is state-sponsored anal sex?

Then you’re revealing waaaaaaaaaaay more about your own deep-seated fears and issues than you think you are.

And you’re once again removing women (in this case, lesbians) from the discourse. Which shouldn’t be a surprise at this point, I guess.

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
9 years ago

Hysteria? More like man-steria.

More like his-steria!

9 years ago

To hoist one class you must demote another, meaning that heterosexual men are by default the enemies and oppressors of homosexuals.

Well, for once, Roosh actually got something, er, STRAIGHT.

Now, if he would only learn to stop sodomizing reality. And women.

9 years ago

David Futrelle,

Someone should point out to this moron that given the nature of homosexuality, gays / Lesbians will always be a small minority everywhere on the planet. Its not exactly in the interest of the gay community to make heterosexuals hate them.

AnAndrejaPejicBlog (@A_Pejic_Blog)

Oh, Roosh, Roosh, Roosh. Even you don’t believe this drivel. You are basically the kid in pre-school who starts smearing his poop on the wall when the teacher doesn’t give him enough attention.

9 years ago

9 years ago

If you click through to the article, he shrieks:

I’m also certain that gays will be exempt from dystopian divorce laws. Men’s rights activists genuinely think that allowing gays to marry will somehow put the spotlight on straight men getting raped in courts by women, but nothing of the sort will happen. Instead, courts will use two separate books. Gay marriages will be dissolved in an equal manner right down the middle while straight men will continued to be screwed by the system.

Or, er, you know, it could work as it does now – absent a pre-marital agreement, support is based on custody (which is usually based upon 1. Who asks for it 2. Who has historically given care 3. The incomes / potential incomes of the parents) and, if the situation fits the now more extraordinary circumstances requiring alimony, on the incomes of each partner wit consideration given to loss of potential income / employment opportunities borne by one partner in order to support the career of the other.

…at least that’s how it’s worked with one of my acquaintances who’s now paying child support to her ex-husband (she’s a corporate accountant, he’s a musician, and they share custody) and another who is paying child support AND spousal support to her ex-husband (oddly enough, another corporate accountant whose husband followed her and her job to India – he provided a legally substantial amount of childcare to their two children while being unable to secure legal enployment).
Note: Each marriage was severed after each husband’s affair.


9 years ago

It’s been obvious for a long time that reactionaries cannot even conceive of equality, so they cling extra hard to privilege in fear of becoming the oppressed. What’s not obvious is why. Why is the assumption that equality can’t exist?

9 years ago

WWTH – Because to them, being told, “Hey, stop being an asshole towards these groups of people,” = oppression of their rights.

In their eyes, it IS a zero-sum game because equality for others necessitates suppression of their ability to do whatever the hell tto whoeber the hell they’d like.

9 years ago



9 years ago

Hysteria? More like man-steria.

More like his-steria!

I recently saw an account from a woman at a protest, some decades ago, that dismissed the policemen involved as “testerical”.

Sofia van der Linde
Sofia van der Linde
9 years ago

I think Roosh V needs hate in order to keep going. A while back, he realised how sad and empty his existence is. He spiralled down into obvious depression until he could no longer bring himself to do basic things like brushing his teeth and washing his balls.

Furthermore, I think Roosh envies gay men, because he is attracted to women whom he despises while they can be with the only people Roosh is capable of respecting: other men.

Moreover, I think Roosh is sexually frustrated like most other people who assume being gay means non-stop orgies. This is after all the man who needs to travel to far away places to find women willing to Dutch him with anything other than a ten foot pole or a glass of beer.

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