Mia Matsumiya, an L.A. musician, is also a human female on the internet, and in the latter capacity has been getting — and saving — creepy messages from creepy dudes for a decade, more than a thousand in total.
Now she’s posting them on Instagram, supplemented by some of the especially creepy ones her friends have gotten as well. Along with a wide assortment of extremely weird sexual come-ons, she’s gotten racist abuse, death threats, and, she told DAZED magazine, “pages and pages of fantasy stories about coming to my concerts and then raping me in the bathroom” from a lovely fellow who “ended up getting arrested for stalking another Asian woman.”
Here are a few of the more charming ones I found on her Instagram, though for the full effect you should probably just go there. (CONTENT WARNING: Graphic and horrifying language, rape threats, you name it.)
As Matsumiya notes, she’s “never seen a well-intentioned question that contains the phrase ‘virgin flesh.'”
But hey, it gets worse!
Some people spend Sunday morning eating a late breakfast and doing the New York Times crossword. Pradeep here sends bitter, hostile messages to women he doesn’t know.
Brace yourself for this next one.
Are there really a lot of child RAPPERS in Japan?
You may feel the need to take a shower after this next one.
PRO TIP to all the men of the world: Never refer to yourself as “Papsy.” Ever.
This next one is perhaps the weirdest backhanded compliment ever conceived.
And speaking of weird, here’s one that some creeper sent a redheaded friend of hers.
Uh, dude, has this, er, approach ever worked in the history of ever?
I’m curious to know how you inherit being 18 years old.
Ah cheers. Only ever seen it here and didn’t want to lose cred with you cool kids by displaying my ignorance 🙂
The Papsy one just reminds me of that unsolicited gushing friendship that you used to get at the airport from Hare Krishna types and God botherers generally.
Ha, I’m reminded of one of my more mithanthropic mates who once responded to a cheery “Have a nice day” with “Don’t you fucking tell me what to do!”(He’s Scottish)
“Pradeep, a brown guy, thinks white guys are superior.”
What he believes is that asian women hates asian men (like him) and sees White men as superior, seen several comments on ROK.
Of course, he could be projecting his own beliefs on asian women but that is not 100% guaranteed.
I’m 18 years old, I have dark hair, I’m a little over six feet tall, and I have green eyes a car, and a country club membership. These are all desirable traits that fertile adults seek to propagate.
This sounds like a list a PUA would come up with for all the criteria needed to attract the ladies. Then of course get mad that it didn’t work, not realizing it’s SUPER CREEPY to list all your “desireable” traits like this and expect a positive response.
Alan, trust me, the papsy one is super creepy.
Like, he literally uses some of the same lines a creepster used on me, in person, before trying to move in for a mega inappropriate kiss.
Middle Aged to Old dudes trying too enthusiastically to sound ‘friendly’ to kids between 14-22 is creepy as hell.
By getting born and living 18 years, would be my educated guess.
Lol. “This are all desirable traits that fertile adults seek to propagate” does have a certain “Free Pumpkins for all Humans!” feel to it.
I think he was actually assuming that she must think white guys are superior, the logic being that: since she turned him down, it must have something to do with race rather than anything about him personally.
My good friend is an Asian-American woman in her late twenties who does online dating stuff, and the messages that M. Matsumiya has been getting remind me a lot of the sorts of messages my friend gets: lots of guys acting entitled to a date and then acting really aggrieved (and hateful) when they’re turned down. There was even a married guy in his late 60s who messaged in ALL CAPS and sent unsolicited porn photos – he seemed really hurt that my friend wouldn’t accept his kind offer of dinner and oral sex.
Who has two thumbs and a whole bunch of desirable traits that fertile adults seek to propagate?
And surely his nasty personality and internalized racist assumptions had NOTHING to do with that.
Well, Pradeep has no reason to worry. She’s made it quite clear that she also turns down white guys with the same assumptions. She’s an equal-opportunity turner-downer, how about that!
OMG, her Instagram. This guy:
“Agreeable bone structure” is bad enough, but asking her which race she wants to “genocide”, as a verb? Sheer tragicomedy GOLD!
The Papsy one is quite hostile. Papsy makes a number of aggressive assumptions, as well as commands.
Not asking. Not to mention that even asking politely that a young woman you don’t know keep you in her thoughts every day, as you do her, is intimidating af.
I am assuming, since she posted the image, that Ms. Matsumiya did not message Papsy, telling him that she appreciated what he wrote about X, that she really cares deeply about him, and is it okay with him that a young woman like her cares for an old man like him? No. Papsy is saying, “People find it strange that an old man would have such an deep infatuation with a young woman who doesn’t know who he is, but I reject that reality and substitute it with my own!” There is an implied assumption that she should agree with this.
Translation: I am special. Please appreciate how special I am. Please tell me that no one else loves you, so that I can save you from no one else loving you. I really, really hope that no one else loves you.
A Papsy might come to nothing. But Papsy also expresses a desperation, a fixation, and the kind of extreme hope of self-importance that any young woman is quite right to find very intimidating.
@ Bina
Hang on, didn’t we have an article on how neo-nazi ideology was the best source of chat up lines? Now you’re saying you *don’t* go for that? Man, this dating thing is so confusing.
@ contrapanglos
Yeah, I’m a big one for always assuming the best about people, but I can see how that could be creepy. Especially if there is an ulterior motive.
“I’m 18 years old, I have dark hair, I’m a little over six feet tall, and I have green eyes a car, and a country club membership. These are all desirable traits that fertile adults seek to propagate.”
“I’m curious to know how you inherit being 18 years old.”
Or the part of you being born with a car and a country club membership.
Ah, the 18-year-old phenotype is a common but extremely recessive trait that is only expressed by organisms that have survived for 216 months after their birth/hatching. It appears to only persist for approximately 365 days before becoming dormant once more.
I’ve gotten enough unsolicited dick pics for a coffee table book. The guys who send their dick pics in groups to show their penis from multiple angles and different lighting are especially NOT APPRECIATED. But they would make for an entertaining section in my “Dick pic Anthology” coffee table book.
Dick pics from 18 year olds, dick pics from men older than my own damn father (he’s 70!), dick pics from guys with sex toys in their ass and many many dick pics on disembodied torsos. And not one of them seems to ever have read the plethora of posts in which women discuss just how rude and unwanted it is to receive those dick pics all these guys send tucked into some junk mail/mass-email spam.
Heh. Seeing as I’m German, and I know what the OLD Nazis were like, I have to say that these new ones are even more repugnant. The haircuts on some of them…oy, oy, oy.
But yeah. The first thing “Eric” the Necrophile there reminded me of was those PUAs who were flummoxed to find that talk of propagating the white race to a woman with whom they were not even on the first date yet did nothing but repulse her, instead of giving her the vagina-tingles like they thought it would!
Greetings, fellow human! Let us meet to ingest life-sustaining chemicals via our human mouths!
Mia Matsumiya is tiny, like 1.45m. Does that make this shit extra creepy, or am I over-reacting?
What are the odds that if some woman did publish all the dick pics she received as a coffee table book, the guys who sent them would be whining about “invasion of privacy”? Like when those “creepers of OKCupid” tumblrs were set up, there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth about “creep-shaming”.
These individuals are truly like cockroaches in human form– the last thing they want is light shone on them.
BTW, is “are you a virgin flesh” the new “how is babby formed”? I sure hope not.
In the cases involving dicks on disembodied torsos – which straight up nearly all of the dick pics have been, because dudes will send dick pics to women they don’t/barely know all day every day including pics showing dick and the fact that they’ve got a dildo in their butt in the same photo, but hardly ANY send dick pics where one can see their face. So they’d have to admit “Yeah that’s my dick and yes there’s a dildo in my ass”, etc for there to be any legal recourse available to them….and FFS – maybe they shouldn’t send all these dick pics if they’re concerned about their privacy.
Is a country club membership recessive or dominant?
OMG, the Papsy one reminds me of one particular message I got on a dating site from a guy older than my father. What was hilarious about it was that after the super creepy BAU guff Papsy guys usually spew forth, he proceeded to outline – in excruciating detail – his proposed itinerary for travelling from his place to my locale using public transport. His travel plans took up about two thirds of his entire message.
I had a good laugh, deleted the message, and promptly changed my location setting to something less specific than my actual suburb. Because it was still creepy as fuck.
Flowers in the Attic-style, recessive.
Pony-play ranch and bdsm club = dominant (and submissive).
I don’t know if it’s just her height but the amount of creepy shit that women of East Asian appearance have to put up with is just gross. The creepers have it in their heads that East Asian women are somehow more “submissive” than Western women.
I have a friend who lives in Edinburgh and one of his friends is from Malaysia originally; but she was adopted when very young and has lived her entire life in Scotland. She gets a lot of unwelcome attention from guys who have this “East Asian girls are submissive” fantasy and think they can get away with things they wouldn’t dare try with a white woman– so it usually comes as a shock to them when she tells them to fuck off in no uncertain terms…