Mia Matsumiya, an L.A. musician, is also a human female on the internet, and in the latter capacity has been getting — and saving — creepy messages from creepy dudes for a decade, more than a thousand in total.
Now she’s posting them on Instagram, supplemented by some of the especially creepy ones her friends have gotten as well. Along with a wide assortment of extremely weird sexual come-ons, she’s gotten racist abuse, death threats, and, she told DAZED magazine, “pages and pages of fantasy stories about coming to my concerts and then raping me in the bathroom” from a lovely fellow who “ended up getting arrested for stalking another Asian woman.”
Here are a few of the more charming ones I found on her Instagram, though for the full effect you should probably just go there. (CONTENT WARNING: Graphic and horrifying language, rape threats, you name it.)
As Matsumiya notes, she’s “never seen a well-intentioned question that contains the phrase ‘virgin flesh.'”
But hey, it gets worse!
Some people spend Sunday morning eating a late breakfast and doing the New York Times crossword. Pradeep here sends bitter, hostile messages to women he doesn’t know.
Brace yourself for this next one.
Are there really a lot of child RAPPERS in Japan?
You may feel the need to take a shower after this next one.
PRO TIP to all the men of the world: Never refer to yourself as “Papsy.” Ever.
This next one is perhaps the weirdest backhanded compliment ever conceived.
And speaking of weird, here’s one that some creeper sent a redheaded friend of hers.
Uh, dude, has this, er, approach ever worked in the history of ever?
How many bad decisions do you have to make to get to the point in your life where you sit down at a computer and type out one of the above messages? Seriously. ‘Visual feast’? Blech.
She didn’t even mention the thousand, thousand dicks that get thrown into your face. I’ve seen so many dicks, the dick doesn’t even phase me anymore. I freak out more over bees than I do unwanted dick pics.
Really don’t think I’d want someone that’s old enough to be my father (and who writes walls of text like that) to be my ~*friend*~ … >.<
Apparently it is permissible to praise Yukio Mishima in white supremacist circles.
Are these guys so desperate that the need to leech onto any human female they find?
She’s a musician from LA; that alone for me is a whole series of topics and means of conversation (is also a musician and artist). Music is much better than sex anyways…
Did someone say Japanese child rappers? 🙂
Hopefully the adorable hip-hop idol group Rhymeberry helps bleach your brain a little after reading this…
There was an absolutely astonishing one from Deviantart a while ago, for those who haven’t seen it:
“Desirable traits that fertile adults seek to propagate”! Perhaps the next Men’s Rights conference should include a panel on how not to sound like you’re from space.
Also, I had no idea that unsolicited penis pictures were so much of a problem. I just can’t imagine trying to attract someone by just waving it in front of their face, unless I were a cockatoo or something.
This makes me want to use my lunch break to take a shower.
This is legit horrifying. Out of all the sick shit you post, this is easily among the worst. Holy fucking shit, dude.
I’ve been papsied before. Multiple times. I’m guessing the papsies of the world don’t think of themselves as creepers, but meeting one in real life is pretty chilling, even if they don’t mean any harm. Serious rape vibes come off every papsy I’ve known. Also this is the best new term for creepy old man who claims he wants to be your “big brother” or your “best friend” while mixing a roofie into your drink.
Fucking papsies.
The Papsy one is a bit gushing, but is it necessarily hostile? It doesn’t seem any worse than some of those “inspirational” hippy drippy memes that do the rounds on Facebook.
You wanna get with that person who could be your adult son or daughter? Don’t be a papsy! Treat them with respect, know when it is and isn’t appropriate to flirt, don’t try to insinuate yourself into their lives in weird ways, and drop it if they aren’t interested.
This message brought to you by the council of relatively younger people who are skeeved out by papsies.
Where do these people learn to behave like this? I just don’t even.
I’m going to lay down the law here. All those people who posted those things need to get the fuck out of my gender. Like right now. Go and form your own gender somewhere else; this one is mine. In this one we don’t write shit like that.
Alan, papsies are gross. Take it from someone who’s run into several. Imagine if some older dude wouldn’t shut up about how you’re his younger brother while obviously wanting to chug your dick or whatever.
Papsies aren’t as bad as the others on here at first glance, but if you take a drink from a papsy, they can actually be worse.
And now I’m glad that my online presence is pretty limited (and mostly not connected to my real name)… and a bit sad over not saving the weirdest one I ever got (on my desktop screenshot at deviantart) long time ago. It wasn’t sexual just concern trolly over my escapist habits*, which got handily compared to drug use. Because I had a mangaesque wallpaper so I OBVIOUSLY must be out of touch with reality. O.o
Pradeep, a brown guy, thinks white guys are superior.
Thanks for that, Pradeep!
Clicked the source link, thought “do I actually want to read more of that?” Then my browser crashed. “Good call phone.”
Is “Papsy” an actual term then?
I’m a bit behind on this whole net speak think.
Oh, and what’s “TIL” whilst we’re at it?
“Uh, dude, has this, er, approach ever worked in the history of ever?”
It is how these socially stunted [breaching comment policy] actually believe a good approche looks like…
But if it doesn´t work, then it is not the approche that is to blame, it is the woman. She is a bitch, a post-wall slut ruined by feminism and thus condemned forever to the horrors of the incel life and of course, owning cats.
It’s a term now as far as I’m concerned.
“TIL” is “today I learned,” mostly used on the MRA/fascist recruitment site reddit.
Yes, I think I’ll take a cutting of you, stick it in a glass of filtered water, and then, when roots start to appear, I’ll plant it out in my garden. Thanks for that kind offer!
Clicked the source link, wondered, “do I actually want to read more of that?” Then immediately my browser crashed. “Good call, Phone.”