creep-shaming creepy harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism sexual harassment

“Are you a virgin flesh?” And a thousand other creepy messages from creepy creepers

Hello girls indeed.
Hello girls indeed.

Mia Matsumiya, an L.A. musician, is also a human female on the internet, and in the latter capacity has been getting — and saving — creepy messages from creepy dudes for a decade, more than a thousand in total.

Now she’s posting them on Instagram, supplemented by some of the especially creepy ones her friends have gotten as well. Along with a wide assortment of extremely weird sexual come-ons, she’s gotten racist abuse, death threats, and, she told DAZED magazine, “pages and pages of fantasy stories about coming to my concerts and then raping me in the bathroom” from a lovely fellow who “ended up getting arrested for stalking another Asian woman.”

Here are a few of the more charming ones I found on her Instagram, though for the full effect you should probably just go there. (CONTENT WARNING: Graphic and horrifying language, rape threats, you name it.)


As Matsumiya notes, she’s “never seen a well-intentioned question that contains the phrase ‘virgin flesh.'”

But hey, it gets worse!




Some people spend Sunday morning eating a late breakfast and doing the New York Times crossword. Pradeep here sends bitter, hostile messages to women he doesn’t know.

Brace yourself for this next one.


Are there really a lot of child RAPPERS in Japan?

You may feel the need to take a shower after this next one.


PRO TIP to all the men of the world: Never refer to yourself as “Papsy.” Ever.

This next one is perhaps the weirdest backhanded compliment ever conceived.


And speaking of weird, here’s one that some creeper sent a redheaded friend of hers.


Uh, dude, has this, er, approach ever worked in the history of ever?

H/T — DAZED, via The Cut


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9 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri

Ugh! But hey, it’s on topic, so could someone PLEASE make “I need red knees” make sense? This was a message that included asking it a bow like a good whore, so yes, it was definitely sexual.

I’m pretty sure that’s a reference to blowjobs. References to a woman having bruised knees or having and/or needing knee pads usually refers to her having been on her knees for an extended time blowing someone.


9 years ago


I guess I’ve been lucky, and that the majority of those I’ve met from other cultures than my own were at least polite enough to not touch someone they don’t know outside of in passing moments. I get that being pale stands out – even in Los Angeles being pale stands out, but there it’s mostly because looking ‘tan’ is still something people want to achieve. Now that the whole skin cancer thing has truly sunk in it’s spray tanning and self-tanners rather than sitting out in the sun for 8 hours while basting oneself with baby oil. But I’ve embraced the pale as the way I’m supposed to be.

9 years ago

Erm, speaking of blowjobs, I’m surprised no one has mentioned the off-putting message where the guy attempts to flatter a women by wishing he could blow her dad. If there was a Worst Pick Up Line Ever contest, I’m pretty confident this would win.

9 years ago


Well…yes, that would definitely be a contender for “worst pick up line ever”, can’t say I’ve ever had anything like it in any of the emails and im’s with dick pics.

But then, I’ve had guys send me messages inquiring about what my interest level would be on some pretty unusual things, so…

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Brooked — no need to apologize, thanks for clearing that up since even my then 26 year old construction working brother went idfk at it.

Re: Sweden — *kicks the planet, goes home* [insert swear filled rant here] I don’t fucking even… [more swearing]

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

This is known, in my circles, as the Law of Names. My favourite example is that “Jerusalem” derives from “City of Peace.”

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

“Ugh! But hey, it’s on topic, so could someone PLEASE make “I need red knees” make sense? This was a message that included asking it a bow like a good whore, so yes, it was definitely sexual.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s a reference to blowjobs. References to a woman having bruised knees or having and/or needing knee pads usually refers to her having been on her knees for an extended time blowing someone.”

– Yep, one of the reasons I don’t do bj’s. Even in longterm relationships. The personal is still political, folks. Besides the fact I find it horrible tasting, and gross and wouldn’t even do them on that basis alone.

9 years ago


People saying her reaction was to harsh are stupid. At that age I had comments from other students that while not of sexual harassment or catcalling were incredibly patronizing and I would match most of those with a fuck off. The kid new he was being a prick, the girl knew it, and the kid freaked out. From the looks of his reaction afterward he probably feels guilty. Heres hoping he learns a good lesson from this.

9 years ago

Wow. I just read* the one who “worship[s] yellow cunt” but would still die for “white power”. Um, consistency fail.

And he capitalizes the N-word, too. How lovely and Totally Not Racist of him.

*I only skimmed it before, because tiny print and buggy eyes, ugh.

9 years ago

Also: “People respect respectable people.” Face, meet palm.

And though I’m as white as a bleached linen sheet, I wouldn’t want this guy’s respect if it were the last remaining respect on Earth. Because ugh, dude, go ‘way. NOBODY FUCKING WANTS YOU, GET OVER YOURSELF.

9 years ago

I have posted an update on the Trollhättan attack in the chord progression thread.

9 years ago

I’m so very sorry to hear about this attack in Sweden. Take good care.

9 years ago

I fucking hate nazis. When are liberals going to wake up to the reality of the situation? Tolerating them isn’t acceptable if you value human life.

9 years ago

Scented: I wouldn’t confuse all communism with totalitarianism. Many so-called communists were totalitarians who little better than fascists, but communism itself is the opposite of that. The bolsheviks made sure to stamp out communism.

It’s a pity the fasc died there. It would have been better for him to rot in jail for the rest of his life after a trial where he was muzzled and his ideology mocked.

9 years ago

When are liberals going to wake up to the reality of the situation?

9 years ago

What do you mean by that?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


Scribbles had a gross-ass violent meltdown the other day and barely stopped short of advocating actual genocide against right-wingers (???). They’re probably hinting at that.

Because the best way to stop violence is with even worse violence, two wrongs always make a right, and I can’t even say this sarcastically without feeling like I need a shower. Seriously, the only violence I want to see here is a good banhammering.

9 years ago

Oops, meant to post this in this thread.

9 years ago

I saw that meltdown, but since it seemed people were willing to let Scribbles take a mulligan on that, I was poking to see if it was gonna happen again.

9 years ago

I know it’s ridiculous, but I’m most struck by backhanded compliment’s correct usage of the apostrophe in ‘rat’s ass’. I have to believe it is a fluke, given the deplorable state of the punctuation and spacing in the rest of that dross.

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