alpha males antifeminism Dean Esmay men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA red pill reddit

Red Piller to MRAs: Stop eating cheese puffs out of your fedoras and LIFT!

Do you even lift, MRAs?
Do you even lift, MRAs?

Is the real problem with Men’s Rights Activists that they’re a bunch of sloppy fatties who don’t know how to dress?

That, at least, is the theory of one of the leading alpha dogs inΒ the Red Pill subreddit — the legendary commenter known as GayLubeOil — and in a recent post he has some tough love for his wayward MRA brethren.

Oh, he agrees that MRAs are pretty much right about everything, issues-wise.

Anybody with any semblance of compassion or empathy would realize that men’s issues are serious, and women’s issues are cries for attention.

He even singles out oneΒ particular MRA as being especially wise.

King of Men’s Rights, Dean Esmay, makes excellent points that would convince any reasonable man.

Ah, but there’s just one problem, as GayLubeOil sees it. Or maybe two. Women don’t logic. They tingle. AndΒ MRA don’t make the ladies tingle.

[W]hat his royal highness needs to understand while he’s eating fudge popsicles and loafing around in cargo shorts is that a conversation with women is not about logic.

Also, women apparently have a thing against cargo shorts?

With the exception of Bruce Jenner, women are not men and therefore they don’t think like men. Women don’t care about logic they care about credibility, social standing, and tingles. To a woman it doesn’t matter what is being said, only who is saying it.

So says the mighty GayLubeOil.

Women are social creatures not logical creatures and that means they value social standing over reason. That’s the MRM’s big issue, they have no social standing.

That’s a nice way of saying that they’re all a bunch of luh-huh-looooooosers.

Women would rather reuse a tampon than have sex with a MRA.

He might have a point here, actually.

Until that changes and men’s rights stops eating cheese puffs out of their fedoras, they will never gain traction among women and will continue going nowhere, just like Dean Esmay in his crocs.

GayLubeOil has a bit of a fixation on poor Mr. Esmay, it seems.

So to all of the men’s rights activists that got trolled into reading this article, do us all a favor and stop being a chubster, speak with confidence and for the love of pregnant MRA Jesus go lift.


Your body is the message. The sooner you start taking your appearance seriously the sooner you will be taken seriously.

Maybe trade in the fedoras for a proper pickup artist hat?

Who knows maybe you guys can help make marriage a viable institution again or bring back free speech to university campuses. We the Red Pill are standing right behind you, getting our dicks sucked by insecure sorority girls and calling you fat.

Truly a manifesto for our times.

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Ok,I’ll be the one more person.

I’m in favour of all,except the gun control. My most important is the hash issue.

Answers may reflect my English location. We have an NHS and we have gun control.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Thanks Alan! Coffee, food, chart, not necessarily in that order πŸ™‚

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Ok so first up, the bar graph itself is a nice simple “X people said they support [thing]”, the grid on the right has both the logical percentage, where 10 out of 10 people = 100%, and the nonsense that must be how they got 68% — “out of 67 total things supported, 10 of them were [thing]”. Which is gibberish. Pure, unadulterated gibberish. How in the fuck does it ever make sense to say that since there were 67 things checked, by ten people, that the ones checked by all ten people are supported by 15% of people?!? It would seem that that makes sense in MRA-land!

This one is what it says it is —

Done as a bar graph it would be roughly (I’m totally winging this, my coffee is finally cooling) —
Pot——— |xxxx
Abortion— |xxx
Soc. Med. |xxx

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

That looks much tinier than it is, clicky to make bigger.

9 years ago

“Women don’t care about logic they care about credibility, social standing, and tingles. […] Women are social creatures not logical creatures and that means they value social standing over reason.”

Says the men fixated on categorizing alpha vs. beta vs. cukservative etc. male status. Irony much?

9 years ago

Late but I support
— homosexual marriage
– trans peoples’ rights
– abortion remaining legal
– socialized medicine
– minimum wage increase
– increased gun control
Im against any drug legalization but that’s due to my own experiences seeing how drugs have affected my friends and family. I’d actually be pro makeing nicotine illegal.

9 years ago

In America, I’d prefer broader gay rights over just same sex marriage. Both would be nice.

9 years ago

Welcome to WHTM!

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago


I think that’s a spam bot.

9 years ago


I was trying to be funny. :/

Something about incredibly obvious spam just makes me laugh every time.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago


Goddamnit I knew I should have left my question on whether you’re trying to be funny or not in.

comment image

9 years ago

That part about “> %blog_title% <" sort of gave it away. :p

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

I always enjoy it when > %blog_title% < talks about > %topic_of_interest% <.

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