alpha males antifeminism Dean Esmay men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA red pill reddit

Red Piller to MRAs: Stop eating cheese puffs out of your fedoras and LIFT!

Do you even lift, MRAs?
Do you even lift, MRAs?

Is the real problem with Men’s Rights Activists that they’re a bunch of sloppy fatties who don’t know how to dress?

That, at least, is the theory of one of the leading alpha dogs in the Red Pill subreddit — the legendary commenter known as GayLubeOil — and in a recent post he has some tough love for his wayward MRA brethren.

Oh, he agrees that MRAs are pretty much right about everything, issues-wise.

Anybody with any semblance of compassion or empathy would realize that men’s issues are serious, and women’s issues are cries for attention.

He even singles out one particular MRA as being especially wise.

King of Men’s Rights, Dean Esmay, makes excellent points that would convince any reasonable man.

Ah, but there’s just one problem, as GayLubeOil sees it. Or maybe two. Women don’t logic. They tingle. And MRA don’t make the ladies tingle.

[W]hat his royal highness needs to understand while he’s eating fudge popsicles and loafing around in cargo shorts is that a conversation with women is not about logic.

Also, women apparently have a thing against cargo shorts?

With the exception of Bruce Jenner, women are not men and therefore they don’t think like men. Women don’t care about logic they care about credibility, social standing, and tingles. To a woman it doesn’t matter what is being said, only who is saying it.

So says the mighty GayLubeOil.

Women are social creatures not logical creatures and that means they value social standing over reason. That’s the MRM’s big issue, they have no social standing.

That’s a nice way of saying that they’re all a bunch of luh-huh-looooooosers.

Women would rather reuse a tampon than have sex with a MRA.

He might have a point here, actually.

Until that changes and men’s rights stops eating cheese puffs out of their fedoras, they will never gain traction among women and will continue going nowhere, just like Dean Esmay in his crocs.

GayLubeOil has a bit of a fixation on poor Mr. Esmay, it seems.

So to all of the men’s rights activists that got trolled into reading this article, do us all a favor and stop being a chubster, speak with confidence and for the love of pregnant MRA Jesus go lift.


Your body is the message. The sooner you start taking your appearance seriously the sooner you will be taken seriously.

Maybe trade in the fedoras for a proper pickup artist hat?

Who knows maybe you guys can help make marriage a viable institution again or bring back free speech to university campuses. We the Red Pill are standing right behind you, getting our dicks sucked by insecure sorority girls and calling you fat.

Truly a manifesto for our times.

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9 years ago

For douchebags who only care about getting their dick or vag wet and don’t care about having relationships

I think they are called “aromantics” now …..

lacerta viridis
lacerta viridis
9 years ago

men’s issues are serious, and women’s issues are cries for attention.

Not getting laid enough is SERIOUS, you guys! So much more serious and meaningful than those trifling lady issues like rape and violence and poverty.

With the exception of Bruce Jenner, women are not men

Oh, fuck off.

9 years ago

“Bruh, I’ve just come from proving my superiority to other men by tricking some insecure young women into doing sexual stuff to me.” “Wow, that’s, uh… well honestly that’s pretty reprehensible, but okay. Generally when I have sex with women it’s because we’re mutually attracted to one another and we both expect to enjoy ourselves.” “Haha, bro, very funny; like women enjoy sex.” “Uh well they do… with me… Maybe not with you so much?” “Okay well whatever trans women are men.”

9 years ago

Anybody with any semblance of compassion or empathy would realize that men’s issues are serious, and women’s issues are cries for attention.

BwahahahahaWHAT? No, bro, you got it all bass-ackwards. Blatant inequality means that you guys get all the curds, and we feeeeeemales are left with the crappy whey. Also, compassion and empathy? Don’t look for them in menzers. Or redpillers. They expect OTHERS to have them, while utterly lacking those same themselves. And then they boo-hoo over every smallest slight, most of them imaginary. To wit:

With the exception of Bruce Jenner, women are not men and therefore they don’t think like men. Women don’t care about logic they care about credibility, social standing, and tingles. To a woman it doesn’t matter what is being said, only who is saying it.

“Oh noes, women ignore us because we’re nobodies! And we don’t understand who Caitlyn Jenner really is, and the fact that even though she’s feeeemale now, she could still outlift us! The BITCHES!!!

“Well, we’ll show those bitches…we’ll LIFT! Then we’ll intimidate them into submission with our impressive new bodies! Then we’ll get our dicks sucked by sorority chicks who are too dumb to know that we’re still nobodies…but at least we’ll make ’em tingle!

“Hey…ladies…where you goin’? Stop! Bitches! Sluts! You’re supposed to suck our teeny peenies! STOP!!!”

Also, the reason we laugh at Dean Fucking Esmay isn’t because he’s a pudgy guy in short pants (although those pants ARE fucking ridiculous, and would be even on a Mr. Universe body). It’s because he’s an asshole full of the same loathsome shit as Homophobic Lube Oil himself. Shockingly, we don’t care so much what a guy looks like if he’s actually a decent chap. And it’s being a decent chap, not lifting, that makes a nobody into a somebody. Something this faceless troll (seriously, dude, I wanna see pix so I know who I’m laughing at!) could never be bothered to do, so he’s actually only ever getting his dick sucked by Fleshlights.

But shhhhh, no one else is supposed to know that.

9 years ago

(sigh) reading the kind of shit GLO the TeRP-lord felt the need to share with the other cretins of the world makes me wish that those ‘insecure sorority ladies (won’t call them girls because they’re past the age of being children)’ would, for once, not pooh-pooh advice from those who have gone before them and instead always have to learn things the hard way. Willfully dismissing both what their guts are telling them deep down about these dudes, and accepting as truth that we’re all just old and bitter…might as well be “Don’t trust anyone over 30” with a poisonous chaser.

GLO needs to eat a lego sandwich. In a room without any chairs or other furnishings to sit/lay upon with the floor conveniently paved with legos. Barefoot.

And every time one of these guys makes declarations about all the sex and sexual activities he engages in, something about that sends up a flare and raises a flag emblazoned with the word “LIAR”.

9 years ago


Women are social creatures not logical creatures and that means they value social standing over reason. That’s the MRM’s big issue, they have no social standing.

…he who says shit like this is not a logical creature either, because this shit is neither logical nor even true. He is — drumroll please — A SOCIAL CREATURE WHO VALUES SOCIAL STANDING OVER REASON.

Also, this:

King of Men’s Rights, Dean Esmay, makes excellent points that would convince any reasonable man.

…is bullshit too. Deano’s not the king of anything. Even dimwitted drunken Paulie lords it over him, so no wonder he got out from under. And as for “excellent points”, I’m trying hard to find them…and finding only turds. Which tells you a thing or two about where these guys pull their “points” from.

[W]hat his royal highness needs to understand while he’s eating fudge popsicles and loafing around in cargo shorts is that a conversation with women is not about logic.

Neither is a conversation with Mr. Homophobic Possible Closet Case. But shhhh, don’t tell HIM that. You’ll huwt his widdle manwy feewings.

Women would rather reuse a tampon than have sex with a MRA.

This might be the only true thing he said. But we don’t want it with PUAs or Red Pillocks, either. Same shit, different outhouses.

(Also, O Logickal One, how the hell does one re-use a tampon? UGH.)

Your body is the message. The sooner you start taking your appearance seriously the sooner you will be taken seriously.

O RLY? Then why am I laughing at you, sight unseen? Could it be that your message is, all of it, just plain old bovine feces? And that free speech, which does exist on university campuses, will only be used to deride all of you dimwits no matter how often or in what physical shape you spout it?

A Land Whale
A Land Whale
9 years ago

Well dropping the trilby ( which is the actual hat they wear, not a Fedora) and the cheese poofs isn’t a bad idea….

The thing is, if anybody cares about social status it’s men. Men are the ones who want to date women or take jobs or do have hobbies or speak opinions really want because they are worried that their friends and peers (mostly other men) won’t approve.

And, yes, unless you are actually camping, most of us hate cargo shorts! I realize there will be objectors here but they are exceptions to the rule.

9 years ago

caitlyn jenner — the only trans person to ever exist, it seems

also, now that fedoras are getting dissed from all sides, will they finally be left alone to return to their rightful place? (that being the heads of melancholy private investigators of course)

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

“Your body is the message. ”

He’s got that right!

9 years ago

All you have to do is look at the crime stat to see which gender acts more irrationally. If men don’t care about social standing than why are they going through all this crap.

9 years ago

I can’t speak for everyone, but I know I sure as heck would rather reuse a tampon than have sex with an MRA. Or a PUA. Or a MGTOW. Or a gator. Or pretty much anyone from the manosphere.

Of course, I use a DivaCup, and I reuse that all the time. That’s kind of the point of it, after all. Waaay better than tampons.

9 years ago


The look of betrayal on their face (or their text if it’s over the internet) when they realize that I’m not a sexist misogynist like them is easily worth a whole liter of male tears.

In all seriousness, there are friends I hang out with where I feel like I’m living life among the gorillas.

@Arthur Meyer

Hah, true that. The red pillers doing the ‘lifting’ probably know as much about fitness as they do about relationships.

9 years ago

These people are like parodies of themselves. How could anyone, with a straight face, say all of that shit? They sound like some kind of Ren and Stimpy take on misogyny during the first wave.

The only way anyone would look at that hot mess and go, “Wow, that sounds good to me” is if they were too fucking ignorant to actually learn for themselves. Even if I hadn’t studied anything academic, that shit trips all KINDS of brainwashing-cult red flags.

I know they’re essentially like a lamer, less relevant Klan, but I can’t stop laughing at them. They’re worthless to troll because they’re so stupid though. Just trying to get one of them to parse basic-ass shit is nearly impossible. I don’t know how to prune the language to a point where I can communicate ideas more complex than whatever memes they’ve been spoon-fed by youtube demagogues. I wish that were hyperbole. It isn’t. I can’t get off by watching dumb people struggling to read, even if they’re the equivalent of nazis.

That shit just makes me really sad.

9 years ago

Honestly, GayLubeOil has to be a long-term troll. I can’t believe anyone would seriously write this stuff.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

Ah, the core of the men’s “rights” issues – women are too stupid to sleep with them. Welp, I hope someone holds a conference over this burning issue. Oh wait, they did. And no one gave a shite.

9 years ago

It cracks me up that think women are social and men aren’t. Have they never seen buddy cop movies? Never heard the term bromance? Never heard military vets romanticize how close knit their unit was? He mentions fraternities. What are those if not an example of men being social? Humans in general, are social.

Simon Russell (@Panthalassa_101)

It would be interesting to know the age and background of these Red Pill guys. I’m guessing most of them are in their late teens thru mid twenties, and that their numbers (hopefully) dwindle as they get older and develop more genuine self-confidence (as opposed to showboating/overcompensating) and an understanding of the complexity of, and mutual respect required for, mature romantic relationships. I have no data or anything to back that up, I’m just going off what others here have correctly identified as the massive insecurity and status-seeking behavior that their writings exhibit. I think that type of behavior tends to be more acute in younger folks.

Not that I’m excusing any of the vile stuff they espouse just because they might be young. Plenty of guys — myself included — were insecure and confused about relationships when we were younger (and even overcompensated by trying to play up our “masculinity”) without tipping over into full-blown Red Pill douchebaggery.

MRAs, on the other hand, seem like older, bitter burnouts who failed to learn much from whatever bad experiences they went through. Like Red Pillers who never matured. Maybe GayLube-whateverhisnamewas is upset by Esmay because he sees his future self in him, and is secretly terrified….

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

“They’re old men in a young girls’ world” – which movie was that line from?

9 years ago


Well, if we assume that GLO-and-co have as much familiarity with feminine hygiene products as walking past these items on store shelves can provide, and despite all the manly posturing, have an utter lack of first-hand experience with vaginas in real life but plenty of porn – tampons and pads might seem possible to reuse after a good wringing-out? Or having heard a comment in passing about washable and reusable pads and newer ‘period technologies’ somehow gets warped in their mind into “all that female hygiene period stuff must be reusable nowadays!”

That’s all I got. Maybe others can get more creative? 😉

9 years ago

I’d rather reuse SOMEONE ELSE’S tampon, than have sex with an MRA.

9 years ago

Unrelated, but relevant to the blog: My boyfriend just showed me an article (and tweets reacting to it) where Justin Trudeau speaks against Gamergate. Give it a few more hours and it might give lots of juicy quotes.

9 years ago


Thanks to feminism, NO ONE will ever be forced to make that choice! Feminism = an array of sole user options in feminine hygiene products that don’t ever get passed along and used by multiple individuals over time *and* protects the right to live free from high pressure demands for sex by MRAs. And a bunch of other stuff.

Halo Jones
9 years ago

“Women would rather re-use a tampon than have sex with an MRA”

Hmm, would I rather have the possibility of Toxic Shock Syndrome or the certainty of Toxic Cretin Syndrome?

Life choices are HARD you guys…

9 years ago

@msexceptiontotherule: All very true:)

Kinda off-topic a bit, but…my spouse used to work for a chain drugstore, stocking shelves, among other things. He complained about having to stock feminine hygiene products…he said they leached all the moisture from his hands.

9 years ago

men’s issues are serious, and women’s issues are cries for attention.

To a woman it doesn’t matter what is being said, only who is saying it.

Self-Awareness Level: Still a big fat egg.