Good news for Star Wars fans: when you finally get your chance to go see Star Wars: The Force Awakens in theaters, you won’t find yourself stuck sitting next to a white supremacist. Or Chuck C. Johnson.
Yes, it’s true, #BoycottStarWarsVII is a real thing, brought to you by more or less the same motley crew of racist trolls and “alternative right”-wingers who catapulted the term “cuckservative” into mainstream Republican discourse not that long ago.
Their complaint? That the upcoming episode in the Star Wars saga, directed by JJ Abrams, supports “race mixing” and therefore “white genocide.” Because one of the main characters is, you know, B-L-A-C-K. And some of the others are B-R-O-W-N. Oh, and JJ Abrams is a J-J-JEW.
I’ll let this Twitter dude explain.
He’s also apparently worried about property values in the far-away galaxy where Star Wars takes place.
Naturally, the boycotters took this as an excuse to make and post an assortment of new, Star-Wars-centric racist memes.
Others used the boycott as an excuse to post some old favorites:
Do any of these putative Star Wars boycotters actually give two shits about Star Wars? Do they know how many suns rise and set on Tatooine? Could they tell a sarlacc from a hole in the ground?
Nah. Most of these guys are fake geeks trying to use the phony “boycott” as a way to spread some of their favorite white supremacist catchphrases into mainstream discourse — notably their daffy contention that “diversity = white genocide.”
Apparently they don’t know, or care, that most of those who’ve even noticed the “boycott” are laughing at them — noting how fragile their “whiteness” must be if the very thought of a black guy playing a stormtrooper causes them to screech about “white genocide?’
As one of the mockers put it:
But the boycotters aren’t the only opportunists here.
Everyone’s favorite internet garbage “journalist” Chuck C. Johnson has also jumped onto the Star Wars boycott in an attempt, presumably, to capture some of its notoriety (and traffic-driving potential) for himself. In a post on his garbage site, Johnson offers a tortuous explanation for his alleged outrage over the muticultural cast of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
“[T]here’s a disturbance in the force,” he writes, because he’s the kind of hack who thinks a reference to “a disturbance in the force” in a post about Star Wars is clever.
[A] group of white nerds are rightly upset that Star Wars is painting white people as the enemy.
Is the very white Star Wars being culturally appropriated by the Jewish J. J. Abrams? …
Star Trek is a productive of a white America whether or not we want to accept it. The action figures that made George Lucas a billionaire were purchased by suburban white families.
By “productive” he apparently means “a product of.”
It was white and Jewish-American nerds that put us into space and yet it’s Guatemalan-born (Oscar Isaac), Mexico-born Kenyan (Lupita Nyong’o), and the British-born white girl (Daisy Ridley) and the British-born Nigerian (John Boyega) who get to fight for the Rebel Alliance.
None of these countries even have a space program.
Wait, what?
I’m pretty sure muppets don’t have a space program either, but they’ve played a rather important role in the Star Wars saga.
Space belongs to the people smart enough to invent rockets and indoor plumbing. It belongs to a frontier people, thank you very much. And now the frontier is flooded with the Third World, drowning out the ambitions of those white nerds. … young white boys (yes, they’re boys) … won’t be much interested in a version of the future where they are cast as the villain.
On a small planet named “Earth” in the Milky Way galaxy, James Earl Jones looks upon Twitter and laughs.
It sounds like this:
I know, as a WoC, I’m supposed to be mad about this, but I just can’t stop laughing. Outside of their usual toxic, racist spew on Twitter, this is, hands down, some of the funniest shit I’ve ever heard.
@ mistressoflarry
Surely it’s bearded religious fundamentallist hiding out in desert radicasises naive young farm boy into suicidal mission to fly into and destroy huge office building before lying to him and encouraging him to assassination of legitimate head of state and patricide.
And for what, to hand over power to a racist *Princess*!!!
”Space belongs to the people smart enough to invent rockets and indoor plumbing.” Actually no, space belongs to no one as ruled by the outer space treaty.
I want to throw up. Thoses people are garbages, unable to love anything because they are too infused with pure, deep hatred.
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These sorry fuckers have done the same thing for me with the new Star Wars as some other racist shit-nozzles did for me with The Hunger Games. I will take my well-fed white ass to see this movie, and I will enjoy the fuck out of it, just to spite these choads.
Karki I can’t believe i forgot about the Pigs In Space Program.
All of those countries have space agencies and space programmes, and as others have pointed out, the UK is in a particularly vibrant phase space-wise. @alanrobertshaw, I hope you’ve been to Woomera and seen the Blue Streak /Europa launch sites. They are amazing!
Fake Geek Boys indeed. The racist idea that only white people will ever make it to space in the real world aside (already proven untrue by, you know, actual astronauts of color in space right now, as we speak), does Chuck think that Star Wars is meant to take place in our future, and that the humans depicted in it are descendants of Earthlings? The fist goddamn thing on the screen in any Star Wars movie is the classic “a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.” None of these people are from or have ever been to Earth! Earth ideas of race shouldn’t even apply to them! There’s always been a theme of prejudice of humans against aliens in Star Wars, it’s very likely the humans in Star Wars don’t even have a concept of race the same way we do. Why would they? Humans in Star Wars come from a myriad of different planets, each, one assumes, with their own range of skin colors and physical traits.
And the idea that white boys (because children of color and girls have never been into Star Wars, right?) won’t like or will even NOTICE that the heroes of the movie aren’t the same color as them… well, someone has no idea what the actual fandom is like, do they? Lando and Mace have ALWAYS been fan favorites. And why not? They’re badass heroes. Unless a child has been getting pumped by racist nonsense from racist parents, I predict plenty of boys AND girls will be asking for action figures of John Boyega’s character this Christmas.
I’d like to point out one of those tweets came from “Katie from Ludlow”, which is a tiny town on old Route 66/Interstate 40 with a population of like fifteen people.
If it seems like there’s more racists and morons on the internet than there used to be; it’s because broadband internet is finally available to the disembrained.
Yeah, and Mexico, Britain, and Guatemala never invented any lightsabers, either! Would you believe that there is not a single REAL lightsaber in any of those countries? Only lily white, male, GENUINE Americans should be in Star Wars, because they’re the only ones that have made lightsabers!
…hold on, I’m receiving news that lightsabers and star wars in general are, in fact, fictional, and do not require real world qualifications. And that white people are not in fact native to America.
Well fuck.
One of them even complained about a British-born white actor. Because there have never been white Brits in a Star Wars film before.
Touché. I do so love the short reinterpretations of popular movies. It always makes me reexamine my own assumptions about the universe.
I’ll just leave this here….
I’m sure The Force Awakens will be the biggest flop in history thanks to this brave and very edgy boycott.
@Alan Robertshaw: well played, sir.
@ drspacejunk
I’ve never been but I’d love to go; just the name is so cool (and so appropriate)
My fave Brit space fact is that 25% of all working satellites currently in orbit were made in Stevenage.
Also, where the fuck did the “jews are orchestrating the plan for black men to steal our
propertywhite women!” even come from? Assuming that Jewish people indeed do want to destroy the white race, (which they don’t), why would they get a middleman like black people involved? Wouldn’t it be easier, and make more sense, to steal the white women themselves, and produce more Jewish folks (let’s ignore the matrilineal view taken by some branches of Judaism, I’m sure the neonazis do), than it would be to swap out the members of one outsider race for members of another (because there are never black or white Jewish people, obviously)?These chaparral seem somewhat blissfully unaware that the original Star Wars films were made in a British studio, using a British crew and employing primarily British actors.
Is it weird that my first thought at this was “ZOIKS, SCOOB!”
It seems such a fitting comparison to right wing racists.
See, teh Jooz are enacting the scriptures of the Frankfurt school, trying to annihilate western civilization (or something), so when we talk about how interracial marriage is okay, or how diversity makes us stronger, what we’re actually saying is “DESTROY WHITE PEOPLE”, because we’ve been duped by, again, teh Jooz.
I always think it’s hilarious that these shmucks think that when a white person and a black person have a baby, somehow there’s no whiteness left. Like, dudes, you’re not paint. Learn to fucking biology.
As with ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’, another movie ticket I’ll gladly buy if for no other reason than to piss off the far right.
Binjabreel: And their fears, much like MRAs and masculinity, paint such a fragile, delicate view of ‘whiteness’ that one must wonder if it isn’t time to let Darwinism take its course, after all. Clearly, if a single mating with someone who is not white forever destroys their purity and that of their line, then whiteness is unfit and will be selected out no matter what schemes they come up with.
Yes, that is the idea. The plane ticket is for white people to get out South Africa now that Apartheid is over, so you can see that the “defenses” are things for white people to use against the “threats.”
Wookies, fish-headed creatures, cantina aliens, and Jar-Jar Binks are all fine, but black people are just TOO WEIRD. They don’t belong in outer space.
If there is extraterrestrial life out there with the technology to roam the stars, I’m sure they’d be laughing their (excretory organ equivalents) off at the idea that all of the cosmos is the exclusive province of pale-hued members of a species that’s managed to get barely a dozen representatives onto its own moon.
“It was white and Jewish-American nerds that put us into space”
Ah, yes, white and Jewish-American nerds like geologist Farouk El-Baz (who was literally responsible for the selecting the Apollo landing sites).
Sigh. These guys *never* know what they’re talking about.