a voice for men announcements awesome men who should not ever be with women ever MRA schadenfreude

Guess who’s getting more traffic than the #1 Men’s Rights website again?

A Voice for Men’s not-so-bright future?

Here’s an interesting little chart from Alexa. We Hunted the Mammoth is the green line; A Voice for Men is the yellow line:


For more details on Alexa’s estimates, see its pages for WHTM and for AVFM.

Now, Alexa bases its rankings for most sites — including mine and AVFM — on estimated, not actual, traffic, and I have reason to believe that Alexa is underestimating when it comes to my site. I’m pretty sure that WHTM has actually been doing better than AVFM for some time. (I can get into that in the comments if you want to know why; I also have some suspicions about AVFM’s traffic.)

In any case, here are my actual traffic stats for the period in question; I’m averaging more than a million pageviews a month. The current month (in orange) is obviously not over yet, but if my traffic continues on in a fairly typical way for the rest of the month I should easily clear a million again. (The red bit is my estimate for this month’s traffic.)

We Hunted the Mammoth traffic, last six months
We Hunted the Mammoth traffic, last six months

Paul, if you want to post your own traffic logs, we can compare the two sites more accurately. (Somehow I don’t think he will.)

Oh, and one more thing:

AVFM has 18 people on its masthead, including a Publisher, a “Managing Editor,” an “Assistant Managing Editor,” a “Senior Editor,” an “Editor for the Falsely Accused,” a just plain “Editor,” an ‘”Australian News Director,” an “Indian News Director,” a “European News Director,” a “Chief Public Relations Officer,” and even a “Chief Marketing Officer.”

Here at the We Hunted the Mammoth Editorial Offices, which also double as my apartment, it’s just me and the cats.

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Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

“she’s sexist as fuck.

Though, recently, she seems to have come rather close to a few revelations, but as usual she veers right back into Manosphere Lojik™ at the last second.”

OK I just read her blog about some boys who threatened her daughter at school and she called the police on them. Manospherians were torn between agreeing with her decision and defending the boys, because… boys. But I think the boys were black so the racist ones (most) backed her up. In Manosphereland race trumps sex?

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

“In Manosphereland race trumps sex?”

Yes, unless they’re claiming they’re not racist cuz see, look over there, it’s their two non-white guys! One of whom is being bored to death by the other — Obsidian.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

Who’s their non-white guy?

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

OTHER. the other non-white guy?

9 years ago

In Manosphereland race trumps sex?

It’s the land of the WHITE male, so I guess, yes.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


Here, but Thought Catalog is either down or has blocked people with adblockers from even seeing their site, so… Does anybody have a mirror?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Wait, nevermind, DoNotLink strips out their bullshit blocker. Here.

9 years ago

Does anyone by any chance have a link handy to something that sources the statistic that leaving an abusive relationship is the most dangerous time for the victim? I looked myself but although I can find tons of DV fact sheets saying this, none of them source it.

There’s some victim blaming going on in another post on another site and it may be helpful to have a good citation. I’m not asking anyone to do a ton of research for me of course! Just wondering if anyone has something good at their fingertips.

9 years ago

@Scribbles: yeah, iz joke.

9 years ago

@contrapangloss — OMG, epicness continues. 😀

9 years ago

Is the potoo related to the tawny frogmouth?

9 years ago

“it’s just me and the cats.” Well, there you go. Those cats give you an unfair advantage.

9 years ago

@katz — yeah, related to the nightjars and frogmouths. Potoos are AWESOME in their inherent silliness. 😀

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

I’ve been under the impression for the past decade or so that the “alt-right” ideologies (other than traditional Randroid stuff) are popular among the more amoral variety of Internet atheists.

9 years ago

Because, lazy, earlier this is RE: comment about prior mention about the Spearhead disappearance – that mention was made by me.

I think I may have sussed out at least part of the reason why – the guy who ran Spearhead got married and with the new wife, had a son. Due to time constraints at home and the demands from work that earned a reliable income, the Spearhead might have been deemed as having run its course and therefore closed down. He got a fair amount of hassling for getting married a 2nd time, and new babies tend to take up a lot of time. Regardless of all other faults the guy has/had he did seem to be a dedicated father. Still, Spearhead being shuttered gives a sense of the ending of an era, and from the evidence thus far what will replace it…..isn’t going to be good for anyone. Toxic would be an understatement.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Virtually Out of Touch — idk, but Obsidian always claims he isn’t the only one, and I figure that one is kinda believable. I mean, it can’t actually just be him right?

9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention

Of course WHTM is doing better than AVFM. David has kittyz sleeping for him. Paul Elam? He does not strike me as a cat person.

Then why does he keep screeching about “pussy”?

Screeching about pussy doesn’t make you a cat person.

Just like screeching about women doesn’t make you a feminist.

The defense rests.

9 years ago

And in non-Paul Elam news (yay!), Trudeau won in Canada!

I am so jazzed.

Congratulations, Canada! Your long nightmare is over.

9 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri & Virtually Out of Touch

I’m guessing their other “non-white” guy is Amartya Talukdar, the holocaust denier.

happy cat
happy cat
9 years ago

congratulation to you and your cats! 🙂

9 years ago

Guys, can you please try to credit the artist when you post art in the comments? It kills a little bit of my soul every time x.x
Somebody put a lot of work into those pictures, they aren memes, art is already super undervalued and taken for granted.
I think you of all people would understand.

occasional reader
occasional reader
9 years ago


Well, good job. It is far not easy to maintain a site, even with an army of furry assistants.

And for the anonymous’ behaviors, i guess the original one may do a facepalm if he was able to do it… Such a beaufitude in the contents tends to make them ludicrous.

Have a nice day.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

zoon echon logon:

I’m happy to see them go (gamergate also seems to have run its course except for a few diehard reality-dissociates), but I’m not sure I’m less worried about the redpill/alt-right cuckolding-obsessives that seem to have infected 4chan and reddit. /pol/ is worse than Stormfront, and probably more influential. This might be more a change of venue and form for the “New Misogyny” rather than a diminution.

In some ways, the recent stuff is worse. At least classical MRAs had a thin veneer about caring about equality; the newer alt-right people openly just want to kill/enslave everyone different from themselves.

I’ve been thinking about this too. Looks like the heyday of men’s rights movement was in the early 2010s, coinciding with the heyday of AVFM and, largely thanks to AVFM, resulting in some mainstream recognition for new misogyny, generally under the label MRM.

You could say Elam’s grand achievement in life was advancing the MRM from “first they ignore you” to “then they laugh at you”. He never seemed to aspire for more than that, what with his rhetoric about “raising awareness”.

Since the growth of MRM was fueled by misogynist scumbags, many of whom couldn’t even care about men’s issues, the movement was utterly unable to grow into a worthwhile movement addressing men’s issues. Now, the misogynist scumbags are growing bored with men’s rights identity and new misogyny is taking newer forms. The only people left identifying as MRAs are a few diehards who do care about men’s issues but also are misogynist scumbags.

Ironically, mainstream media now knows the new misogynists under the generic name “MRA”, all the while online misogyny is effectively boiling down to neonazis and/or douchebaggery as an all-consuming lifestyle. This must be a real pain in the ass for the few people who still actually identify as MRAs and think of themselves as social justice advocates.

It remains to be seen whether mainstream media will continue paying attention to new misogyny, under whatever label. Anyway, the reputation of “men’s rights” as a concept has been thoroughly soiled for a long time. As a man, I don’t feel I’m essentially losing anything that couldn’t be gained as a byproduct of feminism.